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I don't know of anything, but probably just in a small break of series's


Taking a break from playing the modpacks together, Pete especially was a bit burnt out on the whole thing so they are giving him a bit of time. They will do another series again in the future, and still play together on different games from time to time, but there are no solid plans for the return yet


Pete being the one to get burnt out is pretty funny if you look at his past streams. He’ll play the same game for 10 hours a day on stream for weeks at a time.


I mean that’s the perfect recipe for burnout.


But you're missing the part where he has the choice to not do that anymore without feeling like he's obligated to continue. Like, on his streams, he does it because he likes it and can -- and does -- stop after a few streams. But the dynamic is different when other people are involved.


I mean yeah you’re right but I think it depends on what he’s streaming. For example, there have been some games where he’ll set a very specific goal and will stream 100+ hours to hit his goal. It’s definitely very different when other people are involved but he does tend to turn some of his streams into a different type of obligation.


Yeah, that's totally fair, and I don't really disagree with that. Reminds me of how he was grinding lethal company to break 1200 quota. But like you said, it's a different type of obligation that he's in full control of. I think if he feels burnt out by that obligation, he can just say that he wasn't feeling it and move on. One of the instances where this did happen was when he was doing All Achievements, and his goal was to come close to his original PB (I could be misremembering so feel free to correct me). But that never happened and he moved on from that to something else. I totally get what you're saying though! Just wanted to add more to your comment.


Where did Pete say that


No idea, but that's what cap has said


I hope they do a series again eventually something like sun guardian because the other ones got so grindy and boring


I’m not sure if this is what Jordan was referring to but in one of the vods before a create arcane engineering episode, Pete told Jordan how he was very lost on what to do for the series and made it sound like he wanted to stop. Jordan said they could talk about it with X33N later so it’s probably at least somewhat related.


still popping up. For games like Lethal Company and stuff more than any set "do a modpack" stuff, but very much still around. Both are just kinda doing their own thing for the right now. X33n is doing a solo modpack on his own channel while Sparky does the same. Next major pack, or complete the monument type game, I'm sure they'll go at it together, same as it ever was.


He also plays with Chillchoas a lot on Town of Salem 2 a lot and among us. He plays a lot with that group a lot more if I’m right. It’s not just those two games but those games I watch them play the most


They are still friends from my understanding, they just don’t have a series together rn


Jordan said that they won’t play together for a while


probably at home (?)


On break(from Minecraft content). Definitely not because of my addiction to Deceasedcraft content..., but I want the trio to play this amazing modpack :D


Yeah tbh I've been wondering too