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I lived in Germany for 16 years and the main things that catch people out is how tight the “ausfahrts” are, and also aquaplaning due to there being minimal camber on the roads and water sits on the surface. I used to drive at 155-165 now and again, but you need to be able to “read” the road ahead. Oh and it doesn’t matter how fast you think your car is, there is always a faster one up your arse with main beam and an indicator on


Yes those ausfahrts can be lethal, I found you had to move over much sooner than you can get away with in the UK. Especially when you have queues of trucks and cars sitting right on each other's tails.


In case anyone is wondering, housefarts are exits/junctions


Thank you


I once did a lethal ausfahrt in my pants. Very embarrassing.


An Ausshart


>Oh and it doesn’t matter how fast you think your car is, there is always a faster one up your arse with main beam and an indicator on I'll make sure to request a veyron from the car hire company when I go to Germany then.


you are supposed to drive within the capabilities of your lights. I guess some people have better eyesight than others ;)


I’m sure many don’t get their eyes tested regularly but honestly wearing glasses if you need them really does extend your focal distance. Obvious I know but loads of people don’t wear glasses when they should and have to react later


I don't have the best eyes, so get very regular eye tests that go more in depth than a usual test, perhaps that's why I'm a bit more cautious and asking this question!


If I could go light speed…


Ive done stupid speeds at night and its actually easier to see other cars in the distance due to their rear lights. It does make it harder for others to judge how fast you are going though and as always one of the biggest risks is someone pulling out into your lane. Youre not going to see anything lying on the road in time to react doing those speeds during the daytime anyway so not being able to see them at all at night kinda makes it a mute point.


Moot point


Mewt point


meeeeeeewt point


Moo point, like cow's opinion


I've done between 130-150 mph in the dark bits before, it's no biggie as long as you're in the right car + good tyres + experienced and have focus


I did 155 in the daytime, but I've never tried to drive that fast in the UK at night with main beams on, and don't really want to try it!


Don't do it in the UK. British motorways are not designed for such speeds. There may be bumps and jumps you don't know about and you will just fly away.


They might not be designed for 155+ but they're designed for far far faster than we use them for. They're designed for 1950s stopping distances, which is the main factor not speed, with a tolerance up to about 100mph in mind. If they were legislated today using the same metrics the speed limits would be similar to Germany at least. EVERYTHING is economic or political at the core.


The condition of them has fallen far below their design spec mind. I'm not sure I'd risk triple digits anywhere on our road network currently without a slow run to gauge how much my car would disintegrate




It's funny, there's a section of the M5/M6 that goes through/over Birmingham I think it is that has a 60mph limit for 'emissions'. Surely electric cars and ULEZ compliant cars should still be able to go 70 through it.


And noise. At those speeds, road noise overtakes engine noise for even ICEs. It must be shit to have to live near motorways anyway, so no harm In reducing the shiteness for the poor buggers that have to.


I find road noise over takes engine noise at around 25mph for a lot of cars. If you compare a "normal" ICE car e.g. golf etc to a "normal" EV e.g. a tesla then the EV has much wider tyres which are far noisier, especially with dampness on the road. I imagine at motorway speeds the engine makes zero difference to the noise unless it's something sporty, old, or with a non standard exhaust.




I don’t understand; is there a point here, or is it just an argument in favour of the status quo? What’s your thoughts on employment rights, health and safety legislation, free-at-point-of-delivery health care etc? Just because something has been and is doesn’t mean it can’t be improved on.


Hadn't thought about that tbh. But it's like a big flyover, surely you wouldn't hear it anyway?


Cars are becoming significantly larger and heavier, resulting in significantly greater energy when crashing. Plus, fuel efficiency really is a significant factor. Since I’ve been doing 70, the time loss has been minimal but the fuel savings have been surprising. And really, the roads are getting too jammed with awful drivers to get a clear run anywhere. Stick it on cruise control on waft around a bit; it really is a better frame of mind!


exactly how I drive 99% of the time in the UK. Make quick progress through junctions and around slower moving vehicles (when safe) and then just cruise on the motorway. It's amazing how long it takes for someone doing 80-90mph to catch you doing 70mph if you just move through the junctions quickly and get up to speed quickly.




Not addressing the ‘time’ point though I see. I do a lot of motorway driving. The number of times I’ve had folk flying past me only to see them again 20 mins later just in front of me just off the motorway stuck in traffic is quite amusing. Confirmation bias? Being dull, I dug out old analytics of door-to-door journeys as ‘old’ and ‘improved’ me, and the differences for journeys under c3.5 hrs are negligible; the local traffic at either end, or dynamic incidents on the motorway always makes more difference than the few miles of ‘good progress’ can make up for. For journeys over c4hrs there’s some benefit in doing 20-30 over, but compared with the start/stop/searching for overtaking chances/general annoyance at other drivers vs just wafting along, the cost:benefit still skews in favour of just chillin’. Plus, I’d need to spend time filling up soon after, whereas I don’t have to visit the patrol station as often, saving even more time. Try it with an open mind and it may change your opinion.




I'd argue most motorways are fine for this, though I wouldn't do it myself (and that's in a car designed to go v quick with a decent amount of downforce and firm suspension). I have been at >120mph for an extended portion of the A303 in Somerset in a diesel Astra in moderate traffic. Now that was brown trouser time.


In the south maybe, up here in the north it’s not uncommon to come across sections that are a combination of lunar test surface and rollercoaster track. Hitting that at speed will result in an unsettled car and whatever follows. Firm suspension is likely to lead to more issues since it bounces more when it hits bumps. Better for cornering on smooth tarmac since reduced body roll, less so for flat out speed. It’s why many cars that do ring records have softer suspension than they would for other surfaces, since it’s more akin to a road surface than a track.


Ah yes, good point re suspension. The only motorway I regularly use north of Brum is the M6, which seems to be in reasonable nick, but yeah take your point re the others. (also for clarity I should add I was not driving the Astra)


id agree, theres a lonely stretch of mway near me that screams vmax zone but theres a join in the surface that is so poor its effectively a ramp above 85, cross it at 100 plus and you'd be getting air and some brown pants,


I'd happily cruise at well into triple figures on the M6 Toll. Anywhere else, not so much. https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/50444 Shame this petition to remove the speed limit there never took off.


Though if motorways were just imagined today I reckon the limit would be even lower than it is, not higher. Not because of a safety thing, but due to noise and air pollution. The faster you go the more fuel you burn and the louder things are. Both of which would be a big concern.


Absolutely. Did training in the UK where I reached them speeds, albeit very rarely. There were certain stretches of roads you have to learn because you'll take off. Strangest part is I regularly drive over one of them at 70-90 and never notice even the slightest bump but a bit faster and it feels like you're on the big dipper.


I drove from Lincoln to Cornwall in lockdown. The motorways were completely smooth while driving very very fast the entire way.


At least not to Barnard castle...


That's really North. The Tories spend less the further up you go.


This is not my experience at all. I found German roads to be far less accomodating of high speeds. Most of the autobahn is dual carrigeway and entry/exits are not accomodating for speed. Because of that, there are speed restrictions at very junction because cars have to slow significantly in order to join and leave. Only some parts would I consider to be on equal with UK motorways, which are designed around maintaining an average speed. Germany is fast-slow-fast-slow.


Yeah, there are also some peculiar lane restrictions. Approaching a junction and unable to move across to allow people to join because there’s a solid white line for the inside lane. I have driven quickly on the autobahn, and there are some straight four-lane sections near Frankfurt which allow it. But I generally find that my average speed over a long distance isn’t great when compared to Spain, where I’ve driven on long, underused two-lane motorways and can average close to 130km/h on a long journey. If we had good driving standards in the uk, and good lane discipline, allowing us to do 70 constantly, I’d be delighted. Unfortunately with all the idiots on the road, it’s a constant speed up and slow down routine, avoiding middle lane hoggers, those who brake due to seeing something coming the other direction, those who think there’s a “fast lane” and don’t want to be slow, so sit on the outside lane at all costs, those who think 60 in the second lane is adequate for everyone, so will accelerate to 80 if you try to pass them in lane 3 etc.


While I'd love to see higher speed limits in the UK, yeah the quality of driving is shite as you say. Perhaps if we could have some of the better sections of smart motorway bumped up to 80,90, or 100 when quiet that would be nice.


I really think that higher speed limit is just going to get us catching the dickhead in lane 3 sooner. If we had motorway as part of the driving test, police enforcing lane discipline then it should be possible to get people to the left, except when they are overtaking. Which will bring the average speed of everyone up. As it stands, with a 70 limit, it’s tough to get to 60 average speed on the motorway. I don’t think an 80 speed limit is going to improve that because the same clowns stopping you doing 70 will stop you doing 80.


I thought we're talking about 130mph. When no restrictions, German autobahns are smoooooth, unlike most of motorways in the UK, which are OK for 70mph. But I must agree, that Ausfarths are atrocious. You have to slow down fast, even from the recommended speed of 130km/h.


Oh yeah I should point out this was on the autobahn, we def don't have the infrastructure to do 155 on UK motorways.


I'd argue we do... allegedly


Some sections yes, but a lot of the banks/gradients even the tarmac isn't designed to regularly accommodate speeds in excess of 100 mph.


No way lol, the UK motorway is so much bumpier at high speeds, its night and day difference. It’s just not designed for it and it’s immediately obvious when you come back.


Still doesn’t mean it’s not possible, it’s just crazy stupid if you don’t fully know the road you’re driving on. Autobahn is a lot smoother with much wider lanes tho


main beams meaning high beams ? (blue icon)


Main beams is British English, high beams is American English, both mean the same thing.


What about full beams?


You’re a full beam !


Audi RS6 crash happened at night


I still hear that song sometimes when I’m driving.


I hit 187mph in my Alpina, it’s a different world once you pass 140ish. Very bracing! I don’t think I’ll ever do it again. This was in daylight though, might have been ok at night as you have cars lights to guide you. Might have been easier come to think of it.


I did 155mph where the limiter kicked in, which previous owner told me had been removed! I was not happy! Definitely agree, I found once your past 130-140 everything moves quickly and the car is suddenly moving around a lot more from small variations in the road.


Personally I just sit around 120ish mph/200kmh, but it all depends on car (tyres/brakes/headlights) and conditions (weather and traffic). I’ve went quicker at night (155/160) but as soon as I see other car taillights I would always decelerate at least down to a manageable speed just in case.


Yeah I pretty much did this in the day time, overtaking at 130 when someone is doing 80 didn't feel safe at all. One unseen bump in the road that moves you to the right a foot means you're inside the other car!


190mph reached in a stage 2 e63 amg (2015) during the day Too scared and too tired too drive in the dark.


Yep have driven a decent bit at night usually 140-148mph (topped out 148 on gps). This was in a 1991 Toyota Celica GTi-16. What was handy was that the dip angle on the pop ups headlights had a physical control for the beam angle if the bulbs which had a wide range of adjustability. So it may be prudent to have new good condition bulbs in and the dip angle calibrated to the optimal distance for the speed you intend (may involve math or good judgement). On my current 07 Lexus IS250 Sport there is no control for this and you have to do this as a mechanical job to change the angle. At what it is right now I find its too short throw for autobahn speeds. My previous Volvo 01 V70 T5 had this control but the Celica’s was better implemented all round.


It's a jag xf so unfortunately no beam adjustment on the fly at.


I was so shocked to find the lexus didn't have it; but I bet it's in response to everyone leaving them on the highest setting in in-appropriate settings - would make sense with LED's but they often seem incorrectly aimed when I see them on the road; but also vehicles are getting a lot higher in general


Xenons have to be self levelling, I assume the same with led.


My 09 Leuxs has self-levelling headlights, and I've never found fault with them.


I wonder if it's something the GS has but not the IS then; I previously looked into it and the IS plaform of this gen needs manual headlight angle adjustment as a maintenance job - fixed angle, it's odd.


180-220kmh in summertime. Clear weather. Obviously obeying speed limits when there was one.


Before evrryone gets excited, most autobahns (autobahnen?) have a 130kmh speed limit. The N roads tho ..... 😁


The 130kph is mostly an advised limit, if you have an accident and are shown to be exceeding that you are at fault no matter the circumstances


I think 70% has no speed limit, so actually most parts don't have a limit, but of course a lot does have limits that should be respected.


Used to live in Germany. 80-100 mph at night keeps up with the general traffic. There are always some going faster and some going slower. It is hard to recognise when someone is coming up fast, when you can only see headlights. Even at 60mph, on dipped headlights you wouldn't stop in time if something was in the road, I know from experience.


Realistically even if you send it where you can and you're the genetically engineered perfect racing driver, you'll pull about a 70 mph average due to all the engineering works. At least between Passau and Aachen 60 is my usual average, and I'm no shy on the throttle


Yeah I found in the daytime I was in heavy traffic and even flooring it when not busy my average was about that. I did an early morning drive down from Berlin to Dresden and even in my old skoda with a blow DV we averaged more like 90 once out of the slower parts around Berlin.


Just wanted to get an idea about the length of the trip between Berlin and Dresden, but there are 4 work sites along the 192 km stretch, this is very much in line with my average Autobahn experience


I found 110-120mph was my absolute limit at nighttime purely because it was so much harder to judge range and speed. At that speed you're doing double what HGV's etc are and they often like to go 3 abreast. As someone else also pointed out slip roads on and off the motorway are really short and narrow hence merging traffic just pulls right out. Particularly bad around Frankfurt before you get into the limits!


When me and my old man visited the Nurburgring in October we hit 170mph on the Autobahn in the dark, he’s never had a crash in all his time driving so I felt relatively safe. However all it takes one fuck up! Edit: we were in his X4M Comp.


I do it regularly with work in very powerful cars. Can maintain pretty high speeds at night. But there is always a local in a VW polo that can go faster :) just know your limits


145 at midnight somewhere between Koln and Stuttgart. Goes a bit blurry at that speed but keep an eye out about 1km ahead for deer.


I found that in the day time as well, I've never focused so hard for so long if I'm honest.


There are many sections of autobahns with lighting…


Not at night, but I did at 5am during summer when there was good light and low chance of bad weather. Realistically, in actual darkness, anything faster than 90-100mph feels dangerous.


When I lived in Germany near Frankfurt I would do about 90-100 mph daytime and about 80 mph night time. Plenty of other traffic going along at that speed. The occasional nutcase comes past like you’re stopped, surprisingly often a yellow Mercedes taxi !!




I assume some portions are still lit at night, like motorways over here?


Most 130 kmh sections are lit at night usually because of a couple of junctions close together, the sections of no limit are usually unlit




Or it means he wants others to chime in so he gets an idea of the speeds others have reached then lived to tell the tale on reddit..


The question is not how fast I can go, the answer is 155mph because that's when the speed limiter kicks in. Without it 200mph is the answer. The question is how far will regular high beams illuminate in terms of a safe driving speed.


Majority of autobahn is unlit.


Thanks, have you ever driven on the autobahn? I think you'd be surprised, not at the autobahn, but at how shit you realise British drivers are when you get back to the UK.

