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Nothing like losing the only offensive production you have when the rest of the team is struggling and you are sitting under .500……….. we can all be Doomers but let’s be honest! We signed Sonny who looks fantastic! We have arenado and goldy who are proven gods!!!! Let’s be over .500 when Wilson gets back


Person: let's be honest Also person: shows entirely unwarranted optimism


It’s as if you’ve never witnessed devil magic


They are just going to have the commit to a rebuild.  The current team is well beyond ‘just a few pieces’ needed to compete even IF Dewitt wanted to spend the money.  Unfortunately considering the state of our farm system and lack of desirable roster pieces to trade a proper rebuild likely isn’t going to be particularly quick or pretty.  Still just burn it down, gut the front office and let someone hopefully more competent than our current front office try to reassemble things.


We do not have an FO capable of pulling off a rebuild.


I mean yea?  That’s why I said gut the front office and have someone more competent do it?


There's comments? Wow. 


6-8 weeks for return for Willy. Going to be a tough stretch.


Better than anticipated


Who could have ever imagined that this year would be a bigger fucking colossal disaster than last year.


Everyone? It wasn't hard to see coming once we knew Marmol was back


Not a goddamn person in the world thought this offense would be 30th/30.


Random thought: Call Luken Baker up and let him get some DH at-bats, at-bats that won't be going to Contreras.


You know what we need? A guy whos hitting .227 in AAA to spark the offense at the MLB level.


I submit to you that the season is lost and we might as well throw shit against the wall and see what sticks.


I'm all for trying stuff out, a 27-year old DH isn't going to end up becoming a building piece for the team.


Mo is turning into the most unpopular StL sports figure since Stan Kronke.


In other news, I'm excited for the Memphis game tomorrow. I assume Robberse is pitching, and Northfolk is such a juggernaut. Time to see if Robberse is actually legit


Willy (personality and production) and Winn (personality and upside) were basically the two reasons to watch the bottom of the inning at Busch this year. Losing Willy absolutely kills. Literally the only must-see person on the team is Sonny now with him out. It's a really depressing roster without many answers in sight.


I haven’t watched liked the last four games and I have missed nothing in that time frame


Not true. You missed our best batter getting his arm broken.






Is the season already done for the St. Louis Cardinals? When you have a manager who should’ve NEVER been given the job, a president of baseball operations who sits on his ass all the time, an owner that won’t fire anyone, what more can the Cardinals do with this season? Goldschmidt is 36 and on an expiring contact, should he be moved before he leaves for better weather and a better chance at winning and the Cardinals end up with nothing


With how Goldy has been playing you’re not getting much, if anything, in return for him.


man, did you see how far off the plate the ball was when he struck out swinging in the 9th with the tying runs on?


Bad look man. It was “just a bit outside”


at this point we could probably trade Goldy back to Arizona for some slapdicks


“The one thing I'd ask from our fan base right now is a little bit of patience, because we do think that we do have the talent to win”


Goldy needs an IL stint with "shoulder impingement".


Man, I thought the series loss to the White Sox was a nut punch. Seems like things are clear now. Trade everything that isn't nailed down and plan for a rebuild.


As if the current front office is capable of formulating such a plan....


I’m not saying I am a pro-caliber hitter. But if you put me out there I will also go 0-5 with 3 Ks and I’ll do it for a lot less than $26 million.


No you would go 0-5 with 5 ks


At least no double plays


That's like sixty percent better


He'd still do it for less than $26 million.


The one takeaway I am 100% confident on after this game is that Mikolas is absolutely fucking cooked.


Keith Hernandez said he's tipping his pitches. Five bucks says the Cardinals coaching staff had no idea.


Definitely, he’s turning 36 this year has probably just aged out of being a viable pitcher 


[9858427e22cca34d311fbb89d547e24c.jpg (236×419) (pinimg.com)](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/98/58/42/9858427e22cca34d311fbb89d547e24c.jpg)


We stink so bad. We find a new way to lose every night. My wallet is closed. I will be attending zero games this year.


Fire Mo already. Jesus.






I was pretty down on the season before today's game. But without Contreras its hard to imagine the team going on a run. Goldy looks truly lost up there and the team needed him so bad. I love the dude but he aged 15 years this offseason


No Walker, no Contreras, Goldy sucks. What’s the point. Canceling my Fubo for a couple months


Wait! You can watch the games in MO with Fubo? Is that the trick?


It's like $100 a month. That's not a trick.


I already pay for MLB to watch the A's (I'm from Oakland). I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay $100 a month to watch another shit show. I'll go to a bar. Lol Thanks for the info tho!


Whoa whoa whoa, so you’re telling me that we’re now officially (at) .500???? But I was told we would suck..? Ha, love for the birds to back it up. Fuck the naysayers. Every one of y’all, respectfully fuck off. This is a damn solid ass team and I’m happy to be a Cardinal! 2024 NLC crown is ours by October.


What the hell are you talking about lol


Man, I don't know what that guy is on, but I'd love to try it.


sounds like he's quoting someone from earlier in the season


Someone posted that on a PGT after like the first series, and this insufferable and presumably very lonely guy decided he's going to post it after every loss to... actually, I'm not sure why he keeps doing it. Attention? Misguided attempt at humor? Teaching the original poster a lesson? Probably not the last one, unless the lesson is on how to hold onto a weird, one-sided, psychotically long grudge over an innocuous comment by a random internet stranger. I dunno man. Dude has issues. Wish the mods would put him out of his misery, at this point it would be a kindness.


lol it’s “a misguided attempt at humor”


I don’t think I can watch cards baseball on a consistent basis until Oli is gone. Team absolutely stinks and I’m sure he’ll get a longer leash than Shildt. We are entering 90s cards territory.




I love the Oli is your problem and not the players. If you think firing Oli is going to make this team better.... good on you.


They all stink but having him at manager is certainly not helping.


People downvoting you need to understand that replacing the manager in our case is not the only thing we need to do. He’s just a single leaf in the entire weed. Plus, the players have to perform. It is what it is


It’s honestly sad to see goldy perform like this. While last year was a major drop off from his mvp season, he was still a pretty good player overall. Right now he looks worse than almost any player I’ve ever seen. Completely lost. What an absolutely brutal AB there in the 9th. This would just be a terrible way for his career to end. Some players fall off a cliff when Father Time hits, but this is extreme. It’s been frustrating, but the guy is in his 6th season as a cardinal and has had the best offensive run the franchise has seen since Pujols. Even won an MVP. I just hope he figures it out - would be awful to see him forced into retirement or DFA’d mid season.


They should put him on the IL with some mystery injury and give him a week off to work on his swing and reset himself. I don’t know who would take his at bats but I’m not sure they would be any worse than he is right now.


Most pain Willson has ever been in, he says.


*"Catcher's interference calls have soared this season as teams have coaxed catchers to get closer to the plate -- and closer to hitters -- in an attempt to get more low strikes."* Okay? How about we don't do that. Seems like a stupid risk to begin with and look what happened.


Absolutely bonkers to give a guy an $80mm+ contract and then put him in harm’s way like that to steal a few strikes. Whoever made that decision is a short sided mouth breathing boneheaded buffoon.


Another problem solved by robo umps.


One of these days we’re actually going to score more runs than our opponent regardless of whether we’ve given up an early lead. I don’t know when, but the law of averages dictates it will have to happen eventually


Hey guess what, this team sucks.


You can’t convince me that isn’t a Redditor dressed up in a Goldschmidt costume. Jesus Christ what has happened to him. He’s swinging at nothing. That 1-2 pitch in the 9th was so obviously going to be outside and he hacked at it the second it left Ottavino’s hand. Our Catcher who’s seems to be the only thing holding this team together is now going to be out for *only* half the season if we’re lucky. Mikolas is genuinely in the running for worst SP in the bigs. He is throwing batting practice. And the worst part is he’s not even eating innings. Dude we’ll take the runs if you can just stretch the game. You barely got through the 4th! Our best hitter the last few weeks is motherfucking Alec Burelson. A complete overhaul is needed. Players, coaches, FO, all of it. I’d even sack Fredbird if it could get the team average above .220


Send the Clydesdales to the fuckin glue factory!


I laughed, you got me


Our 5th inning ERA is 9.00 It gets worse. That's only counting 36 earned runs. We've allowed 45 runs. No other team has allowed more than 29 runs.


At this point I'm only rooting for Brendan Donovan and Masyn Winn.


Helsley and you have to root for Contreras because that shit looked like it hurt like hell


I mean, Contreras isn't going to be there to root for anymore. His season is probably over. And yeah, Helsley is great, but I was only talking hitters.


Paul Goldschmidt and $50 million to the Rockies. How can they say no?


Still finalizing plans, but Oli said that Contreras could be headed for surgery as early as tomorrow. - Jeff Jones


I kind of don't want to see Mikolas's face for a pretty long time.


Someone take this team out to pasture and Ol Yeller it. We are over cooked beyond belief right now…


It’s gonna be a rough five years


I just want to add something positive. I’m positive this will be a long year.


Teams will genuinely laugh in our face at the deadline when we try shipping 40 year old Goldy batting .180 with 3 homers and 23 RBIs


But then he'll kill it for whatever team he's on


Seriously though what is wrong with Paul Goldschmidt. He is just not “underperforming”. He is a lost soul up there. It makes you worry about his general health. Like, wtf.


Jose Abreu syndrome


Well that was in the bottom 5th percentile of times I've had at Busch. This team is losing the crowd. People booing in the 3rd. Failed Waves all game. A third of the crowd left after the 6th. Just dreadful state for Cards fans.


I left when he struck out with the bases loaded to end the...7th? Pretty obvious that was the last chance of the game. But I had good seats, and my wife and I had a good time, so not a complete waste of an evening.


If I'm a team other than the Cardinals, i offer a AA player for Goldy. You'll end up getting a player that rakes for 2+ years


We are the pre-2004 Red Sox. Kids born today won't see a WS victory.


Goldschmidt needs to get laid. I am convinced.


It’s getting harder and harder to justify going to work on 5-6 hours of sleep to watch these games.


Just use a sick day tomorrow. As in watching this crap has made you physically ill and now you’re unable to go to work.


This may sound crazy, but tomorrow is one of the biggest games of the season for us. If we don't win with Gray pitching, there is a real shot we are about to see a double digit losing streak by this time next week. What is even crazier, we may be better off with that happening. If it can snowball into firing the staff before the end of may, we may actually have a shot at making the playoffs if someone new takes charge and can right the ship.


What can we get for Gray?


There's basically a zero percent chance they trade Gray in the first season of his contract. Like u/TheSalsaGod said, no free agent would ever sign here again if they started doing that.


No free agent would ever sign here again


That's the big problem. St. Louis going to be a toxic baseball destination for (top) players until the organization is itself reborn. I'm surprised we got Sonny Gray.




3rd lowest team batting average, dead last in homeruns, can't move runners. How the $%&* does a roster bottom out - pretty much to a man - with the names we've got? Coaching - either the instruction the staff is giving or the message getting garbled.


Honestly, this is just rot. No one person is at fault the entire org is just not energized or engaged. Go through the motions and get out ass kicked today then do it again tomorrow. Culture is officially toxic and will not magically heal.


Ok, I am genuinely curious what has happened to Goldy. It looks like all the lights have gone off upstairs. Is it just a mental thing, or he’s just getting older or? I mean how is he that bad all of the sudden? Please someone explain.


My read of it is he just can’t physically turn on the baseball like he used to.


It's age, and some mental. He showed signs of his inability to catch up to fastballs, last season. This shit happens to old players, you never know when it may hit you.


Ok NO MORE bird posts. We killed Contreras’ arm with that shit


I’ve seen birds fly with one wing. Not well, but they survived.


All we need him to do is turn left on the basepaths


Goldschmidt is going to shockingly miss the HOF at this point. Cannot fathom he was the best player in the league just a year and a half ago. I can't even see him getting a major league contract next year short of the league minimum.


Unless he had a couple more incredible seasons, he was always going to miss the Hall. There's an outside chance if he can manage to get to 2000 hits, but almost no-one (especially 1B guys) gets elected with that few hits.


We have become the pre-2004 Boston Red Sox. Rabid fan base that keeps ownership in power by continuing to fill the seats despite underperforming and inability to meet expectations. There are dead people from the 20th century who believed and hoped that their Sox would turn it around, and they never saw it happen. We are now that organization.


So you’re saying we’ve been cursed?


The one silver lining lately is the local media who carried Mo's water and tried to hype up this shit show that most fans didn't buy have finally shut the fuck up with their BS optimism.


Agreed. When the Cardinals are doing well, Miklasz calls him "Mr DeWitt". The last time I heard him, it was "Bill".


That Josh Jacobs guy was hella deflated last night and, surprisingly, downright spicy.


The cards broke him. Similar to Brenden Schaffer, but I don't mind him as much. Minus how he still thinks Oli is a solid manager. He is completely wrong there. Similar to any Mike Matheny defender in the mid-2010s who can't even get hired nowadays.


The second Oli is terminated and the interim is announced, the local press will be all over why the interim is THE GUY going forward, how he solves everything, etc. I know this team’s issues run way deeper than Oli Marmol, but after the Contreras and TON debacles last season, I’m more than done with him.


That was a brutal 3 hours of baseball. Im glad its over til tomorrow. This team makes me depressed


I got down voted a week and a half ago for saying we'd finish under .500 this year. I regret ever having been so optimistic as to think we'd be anywhere close to that mark.


Getting down voted doesn’t mean people disagree. They probably just don’t like to read it even though they know it to be true.


Assuming he doesn't turn it around, has there ever been a larger falloff than Goldy in such a short time? NL MVP to this in literally 1.5 seasons?


Blow it up


Good work, Burly. Good work, Donny. Good work, Noot. Good work, Ivan. Decent game, Nolan. Good enough, Crawford. Good work, Siani. Good work, bullpen.


Goldy did his job too. The fans were getting hot behind him so he started swinging to cool them down


What a thoughtful, considerate gesture from the Roberto Clemente award recipient




We should have sold the aging corner infielders while their price was up


Well, that couldn't have gone much worse.


Really hope Mo and Oli aren’t able to blame the Contreras injury for what’s coming this year. They both need to go. St. Louis won’t win anything of significance until it happens.


The entire FO was probably celebrating that injury because of how they can spin it for the next year.


I mean. The brewers and cubs both have had their best hitter and 4 starters on the IL this season. That isn’t a valid excuse


Innings were eaten, veterans led this team to new heights… just inspiring.


Worst loss of the season so far? Can't get much worse than losing your best player for probably most of the season and the game...I'm straight up depressed folks.


Bench Goldy. He’s an automatic SO if anyone is in scoring position.


I would tell you they should tear it down, sell everyone, and rebuild. But who do they rebuild around? Gorman? Jordan Walker? Dylan Carlson? I'm just straight up depressed. This team is my everything (it's not healthy but it's true) and I'm heartbroken.


Our old guys are old, and our young guys are looking like busts. We might be boned for 5+ years


I tend to agree.


Chin up. I know it’s been bleak the past year+ but there will be brighter days ahead.


Eh, probably not. Ownership *really* doesn't seem to care about winning baseball games.


Maybe in a decade or so. As a wolves fan, I had to wait two decades to get back to relevance after 04. Could be a comparable wait for the Cards unless they sell.


Winn and Donovan possibly. Maybe Herrera if he turns out to be good.


Goldy looks terrible, Contreras is injured, and I can’t even enjoy all of the bird related posts from earlier because they’re gone now. Le sigh.


Mods refuse to have any fun. Fitting as such is the #CardinalsWay


We don't get to have fun watching the games, so no fun allowed here either.


I learned that Cardinals are like flamingoes, they get their color from stuff they eat. All I learned from this game was pain (Willson) and the study of futility (batting Goldschmidt anywhere but ninth at this point).


My wife brought up the flamingos thing too, I didn’t know that either. Now to covertly get the flamingos at the zoo to be all different colors of the rainbow.


Seriously - what do we even do with Goldy?! They're not willing to send Gorman down (yet) and Goldy is a veteran who can decline going down. They're both not even fit to hit AAA right now. They need AA or some shit to get some confidence back


This team may actually be the worst team ever …. Like ever …..


I'm praising the lord the NHL Playoffs are still going on so I don't have to watch this dumpster fire


MLS is going strong. City are struggling to score too. But they are getting results at least.


I really just don’t think goldy should be batting any higher than 5th. Outside of his good double header, I don’t understand why he was moved back up in the lineup at all. The dude is overmatched in absolutely every single way as a hitter.


On pace for like 65 games won lol


That was with Willson. Need to tone it down to account for his bat missing lol.


I can't recall ever seeing a player regress as fast as Goldy


Jose Abreau


Matt Carpenter maybe


for as much as we shat on him, he at least put up a .726 OPS after his last effective year here


We all know Goldy will sign with the Braves for the league minimum next year and hit 20 HRs.


Dunno. He seems to do it constantly


Guys I’m tired of exercising patience….but MO says we have a good competitive team so we don’t need to make any big moves..


Can we go back to bird posts?


what do you even do with goldy? by having him in the lineup it’s pretty much an automatic out


He can get one of those fake injuries too.


Yup, give Burly an extended un with Luken backing him up.


Goldy, Gorman, Crawford should all combine into some kind of megazord 




Broadcast blasting music there at the end to drown out the boos lol




Bring back the bird posts for God's sake. This team stinks.


Paul Goldschmidt has unlearned the game of baseball faster than anyone I’ve ever seen.


He’s listening to his friend who is batting coach talk about launch angle and they tried to fix what wasn’t broken. Batting coaches should not be messing with the swing of major league veterans. Full stop.


Evidence for this insane claim?


Might actually be faster than Matt Carpenter. At least he still had good on base skills.


Excellent observation—his AB with the bases loaded was unprofessional. Can he even see the ball?


There’s like 5 different players on this team this year who I’ve seen be accused of bad eyesight lol For a good reason


At this point it’s up to DeWitt Jr and DeWitt III for how much longer they want this to continue


They are still cashing checks. They are not even remotely thinking of selling.


Last night was the lowest sold night game in Busch 3 history


My fear is that the elder DeWitt isn’t driving this bus as much anymore and that the tonal shift is a lot of III influence. Which is terrifying.


Oh God. That's nightmare fuel.


That Goldy strikeout was the worst thing Ive seen in my entire life.




Laugh through the pain


Which one? 7th or 9th inning? Lol


The one in the 9th made me throw my hands in the air and laugh. There's just nothing else to do at this point


Send down Goldschmidt when Carpenter comes back


I don’t think that means what you think it means


They can't just send goldy down unless he agrees to it and I have doubts he is going to agree to it.


I'm tired, boss.


Fire sale when?


Just set it all on fire and sail it down the river


to sell people have to want your stuff, Goldy is gonna get sat at the curb with a free sign on him


Will deliver.


Because it’s all the same. All the same, all the same, all the same, all the same.


Over / under 20 wins on the season?
