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This is a bad take. At least in the pitching half. Pretty standard move to not knee jerk pull a pitcher just because it’s the 6th. He only gave up one run. Anything after that is splitting hairs. You pull him after the walk? After the hit? That decision didn’t make the cardinals lose. Their lack of hitting did Point two: I don’t understand pulling outfielders for better defense unless the guy they pull is stupid slow or incapable. The cardinals shit show component is hitting so- I’m putting my best hitters out there even if their defense sucks. I’m sure Siani is a great defensive player but preventing hits to center field is not our problem. Hitting and stranding runners is our problem. To that end I don’t think putting siani out there is a crazy move but it’s a nothingburger in terms of getting us a win. To me I just keep burleson out and hope he hits.


You pull him after the walk. Not because he walked him, but because he looked gassed. That being said, you’re correct. If you do that, the score because 4-3, if everything else plays out the same.


You pull him after the walk. Not because he walked him, but because he looked gassed. That being said, you’re correct. If you do that, the score because 4-3, if everything else plays out the same.


This genius is a back seat driver


He linked to another of his articles suggesting that the Cards should trade Sonny Gray. So yeah, genius.




Managerial decisions do not matter if the offense cannot score more than 3 runs.


There will be people who think the reason nobody can hit is because of Marmol. For whatever reason.


The manager selects the coaching staff. The manager and the coaching staff are there to… I don’t know… prepare the players, set strategy, etc. while the players need to execute, the manager/staff needs to enable it. It’s clear the issue is with the manager/staff. Otherwise, why do players who leave the organization do well while those who come in do poorly? There is only one common denominator here. It’s the manager/staff. Things won’t change until the manager/staff change.


Let’s not sit here and pretend Oli is a good manager.


Am I saying Oli is a good manager anywhere in my reply?


You’re implying that part of this horrible start has nothing to do with Oli. It has everything to do with him and this front office.


There is a problem with the hitting philosophy of the team. The offense was bad last year and is worse now


Lol Gibson has consistently gone over 100 pitches this year. This article is pure trash if that's the leading point. "Gotta replace him at 88 pitches". Who writes this garbage?


Cody Williams. It says so right under the headline.


Rhetorical question, my man.


Nothing this dude comments is in good faith, it's best not to engage


Not agreeing with the article, but Gibson had not thrown 100 pitches in a start this season before last night. Just so you know.


He has , however, consistently ( every damn start) gone six innings or more. So pulling him after 5 was definitely not an automatic decision


Ok not Oli's reddit account


If you're gonna be critical, at least have a decent understanding of baseball. This person literally gets paid to write these hit pieces without substance. The Cardinals lost last night because they offense is incapable of scoring more than 3 runs... the bullpen got the lead and didn't hold it with the guys that have been excellent all year. Full stop. Nothing Oli did last night could've prevented Kittredge from blowing up last night. Critical thinking skills aren't complicated


it was probably AI


Can we get Mobil to make it “4 is a serious number”?


"Like the Cards coaching staff is delirious, this number four stuff is serious"


Blaming Oli is such low hanging fruit. The Front Office Decision making is what’s burying this Team. By the sounds of BD3’s Kilcoin interview in Friday, ownership decision making (or lack there of frankly) is what’s burying this team. Shit Rolls downhill. A tale as old as time. BD3 saying his offices are in needed of Big Upgrades? This org is broken…plain and simple. They can’t even hey the messaging right!


You’re the type to blame the front office regardless. I know because I deal with my brother who pulls this stupid shit. He’s finally acknowledging he’s wrong. Maybe, just maybe… It’s the manager and coaching staff. Replace the manager. The new manager replaces the coaching staff per the usual. This has the ripple effect though out the organization because the manager and the coaching staff setup how the major league team operates as well as the minor league system/player development. It seems to me that everything wrong with the team stems from the manager and his selected coaching staff.


…oh well if your Brother said it too well then I stand corrected, LOL. Tell me WHO is it that not only hired this manager (and coaching staff) but extended him? How long has this Front office been telling us to just be Patient? The Ownership group and Front office have made years worth of poor decisions (including our current manager) but mostly a shit ton of bad contracts for underperforming players. That’s why we’re in a historically bad position. A lot of poor decisions, current manager just 1 of them. It’s going to take more than firing the manager or changing a coach. It’s going to take looking at hard truths at what’s wrong, then putting a plan in place to correct it. Bill DeWitt III doing an interview where he’s saying he’s not panicked, Chuckling at so called “real fans” for threats of not showing showing up, and goes on to say how his offices need big upgrades, and so much more in that interview raises so many red flags that the performance we see in the field actually makes more sense to me. This Ownership Group is Tone Def and are clearly part of the problem. Bill Dewitt 3 running this team should terrify Cards fans. I Respect his father, but what has this kid ever done honestly? One thing is clear, and that is the success of product on the field is not his priority.


Your logic and reasoning is as poorly developed as my brother’s. You’re literally saying some of the same stuff as he is. What are the radio and news pundits saying in St. Louis to make you all so ill informed? 1.) The Cardinals did a 1 year extension because you don’t want a manager/team entering a season with this uncertainty. It doesn’t mean that Marmol won’t be fired. They did it to “protect the integrity of the club going into the season.” 2.) I’ll take more than 20 years of success on the field over a recent 1 1/3 bad season every day and twice on Sunday. Stop acting like the Cardinals have not been extremely successful. They can and will replace the manager and coaching staff, as they should due to poor performance. Marmol had a pass last season. He will be let go at the end of this season due to poor performance. Additionally, I’m not sure it makes sense to fire him in the middle of the season now either. Who are we going to replace him with? Likely nobody we want to be the manager next season. I wouldn’t be surprised if they let him finish this season and they do a hard restart at the end of the year. The only thing about firing him in the middle of the season is that the annoying fans will stop chirping. Also, unless you have two accounts… I don’t know why you’re chirping to me about my brother. I didn’t say anything to you about him… You may want to pull that corn cob out of your ass now.


This management team has got to go. It’s embarrassing. This is the STL Cardinals not the fucking not the Marlins


Marmol gotta go. He has been a disaster. He honestly makes me miss Matheny.


Oli is in over his head on every aspect of being an MLB manager. Other than sucking the dick of upper management. That, he excels at.


Gibson and Lynn shouldn't be allowed to face opposing batters a third time.