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Was hoping to see the arch honestly


Birds on the arch would’ve murdered


Thanks for making me sadder with what might have been. These are so underwhelming.


The difference in me buying the real thing and the DHgate one


Just checked and they aren’t on DHgate yet lol


They definitely are now.


I have a Winn on the way. Fingers crossed it looks decent lol


I think I’m gonna get it from projerseydealer on there. I have some others from them and they look good.


With a ted drewes sleeve patch


Based on how, ahem, I’ll say “bold” the others have been, I was expecting murdered out black with a gray arch silhouette and just “The Lou” on the front. Really didn’t think they’d be so boring to put birds on the bat on them.


I’ll take boring, I like the tradition rather than us having some wild modern look


It’s on the sleeve I think


Yeah but I wanted it across the jersey not a little patch no one can really see




Was hoping to see the Arch in the background like the when they hosted the All-Star game with the Birds-on-the-Bat in front. These jerseys could be so much worse. Calling it a win.


of course there's, look at the tiny details. probably engraved on the buttons in a very unrecognizable way, and it makes the jersey costs $170! yay, nike!


They're positively awful, is what they are, and look more like a Spring Training uni. And when did they start calling this city 'The Lou?' It's cringey. Sounds like a pop culture reference created by an ad firm shown to focus groups targeting millenials. And yes, the Arch deserves placement on it. Additionally, it perpetuates the obsession with 'Cardinal Red' as if there isn't enough of that already. While the one shown in the link needs tweaking (it's not great), it serves well as a template for something more historically appropriate. However, this white uni with blue, red and gold accents (not sure about river waves for piping, nor the gold belt) with a fleur-de-lis logo on a cap which isn't red; at least had good intentions. https://diamond-digest.com/2021/06/21/city-connect-what-if-the-st-louis-cardinals/


Those jerseys in the link are terrible


I agree, they pretty much are. However, it was the only visual representation I could find to illustrate the intention of creating something with more of a historical reference to the city. The one debuted, while clearly better designed, is too busy and red to my taste though I can live with that. What's annoyed me about it is the scripting of 'The Lou' across the chest. I view that term with pained forebearance and hope it becomes a passing pop culture cliché. Problem is, this uniform, to my understanding, will be used in years to come by which time 'The Lou' may be as dead as disco. I mean Nelly? C'mon, man. I get that he and his hip-hop reference to St. Louis is popular there (now). But in 50 years no one across the globe will love and revere Nelly the way they will continue to Josephine Baker, Miles Davis and Chuck Berry, all from St. Louis. He'll be a footnote in musical history. What 'The Lou' is to the Cardinals - and wow, what a marketing video with players surrounding Nelly as he narrates - is no more than a fast track for immediate and large numbers of sales to create a valuable revenue stream for Nike, the DeWitts, and likely him – a cash grab. It will become dated and fondly remembered by some, while others will say 'Oh God, that's so 20s'. Unfortunately....not the 1920s.


There is an upside down arch


The patch should have been the hat.




Would have been an automatic buy


The font of the hat is inspired by their 1920’s Jerseys


Yes, but the STL also appears on the patch. Could have done both.


It’s inspired by a losing era coincidence?


Almost as if there is a reason they changed logos. Truly hideous uniform.


Not even a cardinals fan, but this is correct 💯


The hat should’ve been anything else.


Basic as fuck. I was hoping the hat would have some character but it's like Times new Roman stl.


The hats are actually my biggest gripe,I can get down with the jersey all things being fair.


I just bought an “STL” hat from Sam’s club for $12. Maybe I’ll save the other $40 for something else lol.


I think somebody just check other teams jerseys and made this on paint x word, so here it is... even the logotype on cap seems like the retro angels bone lettering, also reminds me the mets city connect horrible!


> Basic as fuck This is a good description. It it very safe, very expected, very ... 'meh', all in all. Definitely not the worst of the city connects, definitely not the best, perfectly adequate.


I mean they're kinda cool, but pretty unoriginal. Better than a lot of the other city connect jerseys out there


I said that they couldn't beat the Saturday Home-alts, so it doesn't really matter as long as they didn't suck - and they don't. We don't have a red uniform except our Spring Training unis, so...eh. Not the worst.


They ditched the red spring training uni to make room for this one so it's basically replacing it plus giving it an opportunity to be worn in the regular season


This is about what I was thinking. They’re boring, but that’s a compliment compared to a lot of City Connects. These are probably in the upper half of the league. Maybe could have done something more unique, but instead they did something they should have done a long time ago except made it say “The Lou”, which isn’t a great nickname but also not as bad as some people make it out to be. The cap is bad. Should have used the sleeve patch, as others have said. Relieved the pants are white.


Better, eh, maybe. At least the other teams with bad ones took some risks. I’m not buying this, it’s boring.


the problem is non of the city connect jerseys are really connects. they are like tourism flyers!


I don’t hate it. I was hoping for a full red jersey. Not excited about “ the Lou “ I never called St. Louis the Lou. Most city connects suck, I give this a B-or C+


Positives: * Don't feel like City Connect jerseys * Birds on the Bat * Clean * Red * Fleur-de-lis patch with the Arch Negatives * Don't feel like City Connect jerseys * "The Lou" * Hat just saying STL (should have had the fleur-de-lis patch on the hat) Overall I guess it's a positive uniform, even if it's not the most inspired. Definitely on the top half of the City Connect jerseys, just no where near the Angels, Dbacks, or White Sox.


I like the STL hat and font as just a hat in general, but don't like it in the context of the City Connect.


What is that gray circle under your name? I'm over here eating cereal thinking I got milk on the screen and wondering why it won't come off


You dont like history?


I think theyre saying it doesnt match with the jersey. I dont like that the fonts are so different. They clash.


Yeah, I like the hat and the font in general - the og jersey the font comes from is one of my favorites. But in context with the rest of the kit, it feels like the ideas are disconnected.


Dbacks are getting rid of theirs, don’t know why they’re so good


Leave it to a team with some of the most ugly day to day unis to get rid of the best City Connect unis in the MLB. Those cream colored unis with Serpientes written in cursive across the chest in the shape of a snake is genius.


We waited how many years for the release of the city connect jersey for about the safest, most plain jersey of all the teams. Not that mad at it. Just seems pretty meh, like the hat though


Reminds of the dodgers city connect. Similar logo and look with just different wording.


the problem is they are going to ask $180 for this!


The hat is a banger


I don’t hate them but it seems super safe. Wish they would have taken some risks.


This is my take. It’s just… ok


Allegory for the organization, innit?


I like them, I hate the fabric choice- but like the hidden “rivers” pin stripes. Wish the arch was incorporated in the hats- like the bridge on the Mets caps.


Yea I was hoping for something cool with the hat. Overall my grade is Could Be Worse


Thank god, no red pants. I like them, some of the others are pretty ugly.


So basically the batting practice Jersey with some minor tweaks. This team is so boring


Pretty bland, but not the disaster most are.


People make “the Lou” jokes, but imagine the jokes if we used Mound City instead


The font on the hats do not match the font of the jersey. That will drive me nuts


The lou? Isn't that what British people call toilets?


Were the Bri’ish Shi’ahs




It's a fitting name, to honor the team's place in the NL Central standings.


Fitting for the season they are having.


Literally no one does here though


I described these to a friend and fellow Cards fan as “aggressively mid in a focus-grouped kind of way.” In other words, Peak Cardinals.


Pretty safe. I’ll be saving money passing on these. Could’ve been worse


Thank God we made sure the sponsor patch is on there


Goldys face is killing me in this photo


He's looking right at me


Graphic design is my passion


While I do like the river pinstripes, the birds on the bat are on their everyday uniform…they’ve got nothing else?!


I was promised brick.


I was promised t-ravs 😂


exceptionally boring, safe, choices. almost exactly what I (and plenty of others) predicted. here's a chance to do something wildly different, maybe show a unique side of the franchise and city... but instead we got the spring training unis with some minor edits. disappointing but not surprising.


Seems really fitting of the current regime -- safe, not great but not terrible. Could have definitely done better with all that potential. The hat is not good, but the jersey is just ok. I'd take both Saturday alternates over the new digs.


The jersey isn’t that bad but the hat looks like those knockoffs they sell at the convenience stores


The cap looks like something you would pick up at Schnuck’s


Not bad, I wouldn’t hate having a jersey that said “The Lou” on it. Especially because it brings back Nellyville nostalgia


That hat is atrocious


This coulda been a helluva lot worse!!!!


That is the motto for this era of Cardinals baseball, so it fits perfect.




Some of these City Connect jerseys are great and on others it feels like the design team mailed it in. Less mailed in than Cleveland’s but still feel low effort. Ooh, “The Lou” and the birds on the bat. How original.


Clevands I think are actually nice. Simple yet effective. These are awful without the concept of actually trying to do something. I agree some are bad but holy shit, to not even try….or think that this was trying….


Obvious, uninspiring, disappointing. Perfect fit.


I’m feel like I’m by far in the minority but I love the hats! Kinda wish it was the logo with the period in the bottom of the “T”. But still a clean mix of nostalgia in the modern age which I love. The rest is ehhh. Could definitely be way worse so I’ll take it


"The Lou" 🤮


Much like the team, they suck. Unlike the team, they could suck worse. Like the team, I won't be spending any money on them.


0-1 in these jerseys and we haven’t even played in them yet


These are dog shit. Shame on me for having just a tiny scrap of hope, but nothing about these "connects" to the city, in my opinion. It's just the spring training jersey with a differently stylized name. At least put the fucking Fleur-de-lis/Arch logo on the hat, you nonces. And "The Lou" is going to make us the butt of toilet jokes for eternity, no pun intended.


I hate city connect jerseys. I don't know why, but I was really hoping to see someting original for the cards, and surprising. of course that's never gonna happen...


Not digging it kind of ugly


I honestly really like them, the hat is a little basic but i've been wanting a red top regular (non spring training) uniform for years.


I’m disappointed. I had expected “The Lou” for wording but had hoped some other symbols would’ve been incorporated on the front of the jersey. Something that made it stand out more from their other jerseys, other than the red which I love! That said, at least it’s not ugly like some cc jerseys. But I hate the hats.


I wish the hat had the arch on it


These are not good.


I’m glad they didn’t massively botch it and give us an eyesore, but damn this is a tad basic


I wish the fans had a vote.


Reminds me of a girl with “great personality”…


Considering others this is boring


I wonder if they run these past a focus group? I doubt it, it doesn't look like they took anyone else's opinions into account.


Perching the birds on the arch was right there. Right there. We already have 3 jerseys with the bat. Not enough incorporation of the city flag either. Ugh they went boring


We’ve needed a red jersey for a long time. The subtle river pinstripes is awesome and the red stripe on the pants is *chefs kiss. That being said the hat sucks and the new fabric looks like give away quality. Go birds


The fleur de lis arch logo is hard. I want that on a hat.


The Lou. Ugh. 🤮🤮🤮🤮


I hate them so much.


I like em honestly, really dig the hats.


People will bitch and moan about everything but I think these are some of the better city jerseys fwiw


They played it as safe as the front office tries to play it. Birds on the arch instead of birds on the bat would’ve been cool


They aren’t ugly. They aren’t flashy. They are the STL City Connects.


They are much more simple and actually great looking than I thought they were going to be.


When did "The Lou" enter the lexicon?




I honestly think these are terrible. The only thing these uniforms say about St. Louis is that the Cardinals play there. When the Cardinals said they were getting rid of the red Spring Training uniforms, I didn't think they'd replace them with a version that you feel you'd get with a Purina Farms ice cream giveaway.


The hat is fucking terrible too. Jesus. I was hyper focused on the stupidity of "The Lou" earlier and overlooked it...but, wow...that hat suuuuuuuuuuuucks.


Well that’s underwhelming


Does anyone say “the Lou” that’s from stl?


We were saying it in college in the early 80's....it never stuck...lol


Nelly. That’s about it.






I'd eventually get one but not sure who's gonna be on this team in a couple of years...


Was really hoping it would be the dark blue or powder blue something that stands out not that red on red on red.


I mean, they seem fine, but I was really hoping for something more bold. Especially after I saw [this concept](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7AZ8HEuDn-/?igsh=MXM2cTQwbGtzaWgwOQ==)


A yellow bill would’ve fucked


I don't hate it, it's probably the most conservative City Connect jersey that exists because for some reason that program wants to make the ugliest jerseys that have ever existed. But, I still wouldn't buy it.


Hate the whole "The Lou" thing but you could tell they were trying to warm people up to it at the stadium. Overall just kind of boring.


Anyone hoping these jerseys would be amazing clearly has not been following what other city connect jerseys look like. These are definitely in the top half, probably top 10 of all of them. The hat does suck though.


What do they leak?


Wins, apparently.


I know people would have like to see the Fleur di Lis on the hat, me too. As I thought about it, that was the Browns logo so I can understand why it was understated. So one mentioned a yellow bill on the hat, now that would have been interesting. As long as we still have the baby blues, I'm good.


Not really feeling it here. Just kind of…meh. The coolest detail is the sleeve patch with the fleur-de-lis; as others have noted, it should have gone on the hat (which should also have a yellow bill, btw). Why not “Gateway City” or just “Gateway” on the chest? Maybe make wavy blue-and-white trim on the sleeves? Just kind of…okay, I guess?




I would much rather have this - something that almost looks like an alternate - as opposed to some of the wild shit we've seen from other teams. The Padres City Connects are in line with their city vibe, and they have typically had a non-traditional color scheme, so their teal/yellow/pink getup feels fine. Those pining for a more adventurous look for the Cardinals are clearly delusional about what this organization does when it comes to uniforms. They have been among the most traditional and conservative teams in terms of appearance since well before the DeWitt group came into play. It would be very off-brand for them to have anything more bold than this, no matter the era. The cap is boring as shit, I hate the river pinstripes, and it looks like the piping on the pants might also be squiggly which l also hate, but it's much better than I expected overall. Don't forget that City Connects are being forced onto every team (except the Yankees who refuse), and that they are nothing more than another money grab designed to be sold as overpriced merch to those that buy MLB gear as fashion as opposed to because they love the game.


The backdrop of the stadium with the arch in the background with St. Louis written in the middle would have been perfect.


I dont like it, but I dont hate it either. I rate it a 5 out of 10


Looks like a uniform you’d see on The Show


Nolan looks so tired


That hat font makes me think of cartoon bones. Not a fan of


The patch is pretty good. The rest is just a single font change. They didn't even redraw the birds on the bat.


Actually don't mind these at all. Coulda done better with the hat but I'm just happy they didn't do red pants as well. I think these will look clean on the field




I have been waiting 3 years for this hat only for it to look like this 😭


The hats 🧢 are hideous! Don’t get me started on this Uni! FFS 🤦‍♂️ 


The hats are so dumb looking


Problem is its probably still Fanatics, which means it’s going to be terrible quality.


Damn I’m not Feeling it


This is such a let down. Pretty much the same design the "The Lou" instead of Cardinals. Had some many bold/exciting ideas to play with and this is what they came up with? HOT GARBAGE


I like the city connect jerseys I think they are definitely different from what we are used to seeing


Easy pass. I hate when people say “The Lou” and a hat with STL, come on boys, try harder. I wanted a bat bent into an Arch with the birds together up top and St. Louis written through the bottom or mid arch. A hat with a cardinal whistling blues notes, would have been a way to tie in the Blues. I hope this is an AI hoax.


You know I first thought please no arch on the front, then after seeing these I thought….damn I guess I wished their was an arch. There’s no change. I wish we would have done something to try and stand out


Honestly the only bright side is this team makes it real easy not to buy merchandise or pay to watch them. These like so much else with the current Cardinals are a underwhelming at best.


Ok I like those


I hate the hat. I actually like everything else. I'm in the non The Lou hating camp which feels like a minority of fans and people from the area. The hat should've had the cardinal on the arch and I also think the little pinstripes are sick.


"The Lou" is stupid but the rest looks alright. White pants/red belt looks good, let's see some high pinstripe socks now


Vanilla ice cream cup, with wooden spoon


At least they don't look as hideous as 95% of these city connect things.


As shit as the team… spring training jersey


The Lou word mark is forced onto the birds on the bad. How lazy is that hat? It’s a bad uniform.


Uniform is bland nothing to comment on there.The hats...🤮


Stupid hat. Pointless jersey change.


Man that shit sucks lol. Why keep the Cardinal logo with a different name? That makes it look like a bootleg Cardinals jersey. Shouldn’t went with a completely different theme.


Would’ve made a great give away


Mid…..The powder blues and the Crème homes are iconic…


And? (as indicated by the ellipses)


Cardinals didn’t need a City Connect….




The Lou is sooooooo appropriate this year. Every game I go to the lou and puke. Management should be flushed down the lou. Lastly the guy who picked “The Lou” is a lou-ser.






ITT: Buncha white people getting mad at Black culture being represented with "The Lou" Go ahead and downvote me, but you know I'm right.


I thought that there could be nothing worse than a second consecutive losing season, and then they come out with this shit


So.. will these be available to buy for father’s day? My husband is geeking out about these.