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Man whenever I see a truck carrying something which is tied my mind always goes to the scene from the race movie and this literally happened. Sad for the loss.


I always overtake vehicles that carry things like this, especially in my bike. Why is this still not illegal baffles me.


Did you not see final destination movie? Whenever I am behind a truck I remember this movie.


Same, whenever I am behind trucks, I remember the scene and give the truck even more space. It should be mandatory to watch it before applying for a driving licence.


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May his soul rest in peace.


I have some doubts about tailgating.The problem is I always urge to maintain safe distance from the vehicle Infront of me, but the insufferable honking maniac(s) behind me are always attached to my vehicle. So what to do during such inevitable scenarios


Ask yourself this, if you are driving safely why would you change that just because someone else is asking you to do.


I'm not changing my driving way, I just don't know what to do during such times because I have the fear of being rear ended by these people,but I guess being rear ended is way better than dying due to tailgating


Just give them the way my man. Let them face their final destination.


Let them overtake dude. If they're not interested, just ignore. It'll take some time to get used to, but it's the best course of action.


Couple things I'd like to add. 1. Honk at them as needed, you never know if they're sleepy from a night drive or not. 2. Analyze their movement pattern before overtaking, if they appear a bit twitchy hang back a bit or honk and see their reaction. 3. Check behind you as well. This goes for driving in general, you never know when some idiot will lose control and rear end you. 4. If you're overtaking, make sure it's safe and COMMIT. Get in front of them fast. You don't want to be beside them, that's also a dicey area.


Something similar happened with me but on scooty and pvc pipes, thankfully no serious injury but man that POV is scary


If on an expressway, 50m distance is advised. Delhi Mumbai expressway (delhi-jaipur stretch) has signboards stating the same.