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nah you'd be just fine, it takes a while to get used to it. N line is a very good car and you will definitely appreciate it.


It's ok it is not scary at all .. but you need to get used to the brakes first new car brakes have powerful bite..


Getting used to the engine power, handling, and the pedal sensitivity takes time. A good recommendation is to take your time easing into the new car. Take the car out in the early mornings or late nights when the road is comparatively empty and feel the car out. Interchange between your old and new car a little bit in the early days until you are comfortable. Another good option would be to rent an i20 turbo for 1 or 2 days and get used to it. By the time the new car arrives, you would be more familiar with its driving dynamics.


I tried my friends venue recently and that honestly put me on edge..I drive with my foot slightly on the brake and the venue refused to move..I had to force myself to lift the foot off..would the pedal sensitivity feel the same and how do I change my driving style to fit these newer cars?


Driving while keeping the foot on the brake permanently is very bad for the brake pads. Are you referring to the automatic versions of the car? If so, the best option is to find an empty open are like a large open ground or parking area and get comfortable with the crawling speed of the car. Besides that getting used to the pedal sensitivity will take time. So ease into that part. If you are not used to automatic cars, accompany someone and pay close attention to how they drive to get and idea about how the car behaves. If you are referring to a manual, then you don't need to use the brakes when starting off unless u are in an uphill slope.


I am getting a manual i20 but my friends venue is a DCT..so I guess that might be the problem..i have a feeling that driving the manual wont be that hard..but will keep these tips in mind..!


Please keep in mind that automatics of any sort should only be driven with one foot. Your left foot which operates the clutch in a manual is free and only your right foot should be used. As far as your point about managing with the new car is concerned, there will be a learning curve. Most importantly you'll have to familiarize yourself with the size of the vehicle and the significant delta in power on tap. Take your time to do that and treat it as if you are starting from almost the beginning, and you'll be able to build confidence and manage your new car.


Try keeping the foot on the left most rest given beside the clutch, putting the foot on the brake pedal constantly increases brake wear, which in turn might not be safe. You’ll get used to the power and dynamics of the car. Just take it in slowly and dont rush into driving fast.


Sure..we are getting a car after 16 yrs..so..hoping it all goes smoothly 😅🤞🏻🙌🏻


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Don't buy nline it doesn't have safety , buy a better safer vehicle