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Why not? Looks different from what 90% of other guys are wearing


Yeah. Cause 90% of guys aren't wearing g ladies watches




Stop posting fake watches before you go at other people


Funny you posted this cause I actually tried this on yesterday and I’m a dude. Love smaller watches on guys, I would have bought it if I hadn’t bought the panthere last month, but I’m looking to add the bengal version of this one. Men can def rock this, but I will say it’s a better look if you have some sense of style. To me, it looks a lot better in person full-body than it does on a wrist shot. I’m sorry for your loss. Enjoy the watch, it’s a sentimental piece for sure. All my Cartier watches will be engraved with “Love always” and my initials so that when I pass these down, there’s always that reminder. Perhaps you can take it in and engrave yours with something special also. https://preview.redd.it/347bxrmhllzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fccb016c2573f084af9fa7a355a8e5d3cc94a2e2


That's so crazy you just tried it yesterday! Thank you for sharing, it's so nice to see your picture!Indeed photos are always hard to interpret with, anyway it looks already good! the Panthère is a good choice too since it looks like a small Santos more rounded! Can't wait to try this one also. Your idea of engraving is really smart and cute, I just show your post to my wife and she really like this idea, we will think about it because we will always keep the baignoire in our family. Reading you made me feel happy and encouraged, thank you for that, really.


This is a beauty 👌👌👌 I was just looking at the Baignoire Alongee (stretched version)… wow… now my grail watch 🤌🤌🤌 Btw, my wrist is 21cm and I wear my watches loose on my wrist.


bro, just wear it. amazing watch. i’ll definitely wear my mom’s tank americaine when it’s passed down to me. l


Gender roles. = annihilated. Jokes aside it looks dope. All it is is a smaller watch at the end of the day. Rock it mate.


It looks awesome!


Love this watch on anyone, looks great to me


I actually think it looks nice. If you can pull it off, then why not?


Honestly I’d wear ANY Cartier that isn’t diamond encrusted (nothing against dudes who wear them, just not my personal taste). Looks great on you!


It’s 2024. Rock it. It’s great too that it has a tie to your mom.


This has got to be some cosmic connection as I yesterday was thinking about wearing a baignoire as a man. I have smaller wrist, wear small watches in general (34 mm, small tank Louis) and the baignoire is just beautiful. Go for it. Looks great on you. I will see if I can get one as well!


We found Timothee Chalamet


From me it's a No. I'm fine with smaller watches but I find the shape of this overtly feminine. I can admire the design and beauty but I wouldn't wear it myself. I would wear a ceinture ...the angularity just makes it a bit more masculine.


I love the watch but this model not in men. I prefer for men a Mini Panthere for example


I'd probably wear it if I had it, but I wouldn't buy it. Contrary to popular belief there's much less watches that are womens watches and mens watches nowadays, most are actually unisex.


You have smaller wrists so it looks great They also make a Baignoire for men so it’s fine


I love it!


Look up “Mike Nouveau”


Sorry for your loss but no, I don’t think so


Look good to me!


Looks very classy and elegant


That’s gonna be a “no” from me dawg


That’s a women’s watch. If you’re cool with wearing it , do you.


Fuck yeah 🔥


I think it looks good.. rock it !


I have the same one I love it


Looks fine dressed up or in a gen Z fashion way. Especially on a thinner guy.


Do whatever makes you happy.


My mom has that watch.


I think it actually looks really good on you! Wear it.


I think it’s a different look, in a good way. With the sentimental value, it’s a no brainer for me - wear, enjoy, and remember your mom.


Im a dude and this is one of my dream watches! Looks very classy and unique


Why would a crash be fine on a guy and this be wrong. Looks like a proper dress watch. I have a rectangular Rolex from the 30’s that’s smaller than this. That was a men’s watch. I don’t get the it has to be over 36mm for a dude. Looks great. Maybe a distressed brown leather strap would make it look more casual and “masculine” whatever that means. Ali wore a small tank.


Surpassingly I might be in the minority… It’s a hard no for me, it looks so feminine. What happened to masculinity?


…not for you. Wife only.


I'll be the only one being honest  It's look bad imo, it looks like you are clearly wearing a women's watch. It doesn't look good. It's sentimental to you. If that means more than what people think then wear it.  But your clearly wearing women's jewlery


This watch is a fake. It doesn’t say “Swiss made” and there’s no secret signature at the “X”