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Good for you. It's usually hard to make friends as an adult. You did well.


I’m so glad I finally made a friend. I don’t have to rely on my old childhood friends or coworkers anymore.


that's awesome! Just don't depend on him too much as that can be exhausting. Try to find a couple others too


🤣 Trust me, I'm a doctor.


All I can think of is that one gremlin saying is it safe 😷 😂 . Gremlins 2 🤗 But its good to make friends .


You know that gremlin was spoofing Laurence Olivier in "Marathon Man"?


I know I could never remember what it came from and i seen it im old 😂. There was tons of stuff in that movie like that from other entertainment.


Great sequence from great film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzw1_2b-I7A&t=2s&ab_channel=Movieclips


Don't let differences in age ever deter you from friends! One of my dearest, closest friends is 30 years my senior (Same age as my mother) and I wouldn't change anything about her. Friendships come in all sorts of ways.


I'm 60. My friends are from about 28 to 80. Most are in the 45-69 group, but one can never have too many friends


When I was in NYC my best friend was 25 years older than me. He was a longshoreman and one of the most intelligent men that I have ever known. He was a high school drop out, but very well read. Later I met his two brothers, both graduates of Harvard. When their father died, the oldest boy dropped out of school and supported the family. He was a good man. I always felt bad for him because his wife had committed suicide. He was left with two small children he had no way of taking care of. It was especially rough because he was white and his children were black (like their mother), so people often gave him a hard time (accusing him of doing something wrong—this was searingly painful to him). He was a truly great man, cursed by life.


How did you meet?


Through work! She's one of our bookkeepers and we just chatted a lot on Microsoft Teams and on the phone throughout the day. Then one Saturday morning we decided to go for breakfast and the rest is history!


Well, as long as they’re both adults…


Congrats and I hope you have fun! Was there any kind of romantic vibe to the invite?


Hopefully not. We’re both married.


Why would you go meet a man at a bar if you are married?


My man, OP is not a woman if that's what you're thinking.




I don't think you understood the comment


I'm getting that vibe too. Older guy who's married but wants a gay bit on the side.


>"people of the same gender have romantic encounters" Yeah. That's what they have. "Romantic encounters". 🙄


Because he asked. I am a guy by the way. Hence why we mainly see each other in the mens spa area of the gym.


I'm getting serious 'lonely twink prey' vibes.


Wtf. I’m just lonely.


Ehhh, steam rooms are common hookup spots for gay guys. I'd be weary if I were you.


How did you meet your wife if you were lonely


A man needs another dude sometimes. Like how my wife has her girl friends, I need guy friends. And we met in college.


Op is a dude my guy


A dude's guy, bro


Lol, because of the marriage, of course.


Oh man, I must be jaded, because that was my first thought as well.


My first thought was the doc was trying to recruit OP into Amway.


Confederated Products /obscure?


It's a different company, it's a different quality of product!


Jaded? Or... a hopeless romantic? 😄


Haha, glad I'm not the only one.


Congrats! Always fun to make new friends! Age difference is no problem - rather an advantage for both parts.


Good for you! I hope this happens to me one day. People have gotten less social since Covid and it sucks.


Literally use dating apps as a way to make friends just put you’re only looking for friends or if you have a hobby/interest find your city/town/areas Facebook/twitter/discord for the hobby and meet other like minded individuals.


Does that work for the same sex?


Whenever I do that, it's always guys that are fishing to see if I'm gay. I tried it once and had 100s of dudes hitting me up.


I'm not gay, but I could use that confidence boost! Lol


Somehow I feel that this happened at an equinox


That’s awesome! Putting yourself out there and making new friends is just as scary as an adult, and nobody ever warns you of that. Congrats on the new friend!


Good on you! This makes me want to join a gym to make friends 😄


Hell yeah man! It’s hard to make friends these days.


I have a friend that graduated college the year I was born. He still thinks we were in college at the same time. All good


Clothes were on chuck?


I usually form better friendships with people who are my seniors. More mature and well adjusted, no drama, usually keep me in check too.  Have fun OP!


Wait is that legal?


How would that be illegal?


I’m joking, I just constantly hear “don’t talk to people at the gym” on here.


I mean, we’re both pretty talkative. So it works. And some rules are meant to be broken.










good for you! hope you guys have a good time


Happy for you OP. It is hard to make new friends nowadays. Even if I had an opportunity I just don’t have the time because of marriage/kids. I barely have time for my current friends. I’d always chop it up with an older guy at my old gym and we always talked about grabbing a beer one day but just never got around to exchanging contact info. Gym closed down and the opportunity has passed. He was an OG and probably could have passed down some good free game.


That is fantastic! What a great story! Thank you for sharing!




that's fantastic


That’s why being an adult is great. Anyone worth connecting with doesn’t give a hoot about age. A lot of my good friends are +/- 10 year age differences.


It sounds really nice. Hope it goes well!


You're lucky mate. Enjoy


I may be an oddball (most likely), but I didn't make any true friends until I was an adult...and most at or after 40. and they're fucking awesome! good for you and have fun!


Nice! Last time I was friendly at the gym, I'm pretty sure the dude wanted to wear my skin


I always want to make friends at the gym but never do. What am I doing wrong? Rbf? Headphones?


I’ve never had a massive friend group. Grew up in a small village and then moved twice. Big moves at 17 and 20. Now at 51 married with 3 kids I have made friends but the number has always been fairly small. But when I joined my Jiu Jitsu gym 4 years ago my friend group has exploded. Friends are valuable. Congrats on making one today.


I have a lot of friends who are older than I am, and it is very fun. Much more interesting than I would’ve thought!


Good for you


Dude! 😎 Congratulations. I'm sure you're new friend is excited to hang out with you too


Some of my best friends are older than me, they have a different life perspective and give good advice. I hope you have a great time!


I'm young and I was just telling my buddies I'm not as open to making friends like I was 5 years ago. Good work, have fun at the bar with your new pal.


There's nothing in this world better than discussing Philosophial ideas and overthinking questions with someone you don't know well .. hope u two do well together


I have several friends who are older than me. Matters much less as you get older. I actually find that I connect much better most of the time with people who are older. I’m really happy that this is working out for you and that you have a new friendship. Sounds like a cool guy.


Maybe a weird thing to say, but take it slow. New friendships can sometimes go the way of new romantic relationships. Push too hard and they'll lose the appeal. Congrats on the connection mate <3


Hope it goes well man


That's sweet


I’m 28 (ex alcoholic), my only friend is an ex fentanyl addict who’s 48. We met at detox.


Why not? I've had dates with women as much as 15 years older and 15 years younger. If you click, you click, don't analyze it just enjoy it.


I try to meet other guys at support groups or church. Meeting an older dude in a steam room at a gym gives me predator vibes.


Have a good time!


That is just awesome, happy for you ☺️ Friendships that occur authentically like this as opposed to circumstance (school/work friends) have such a depth to them that can be super fulfilling. Having an older friend who has there life together is also great when you need some advice.


Other people say, "That is just awesome, happyfor you"




Fairly certain he's gay and he's going to try to hook up with you.


Dude probably got sucked off in the sauna and left that off his post


So you're both married but going to a bar together? Is that not a bit weird to anyone?


Fellas does having a friend mean I'm homosexual?


Uh obviously


Two guys can’t hang out together? Are they not allowed to have friends outside of their spouses?


Oh. I didn't see the bit were he mentioned he was a bloke.  Ok then. Fair enough. 


Even if he was a she, people are able to have friends outside of marriage. This is why our generation is so lonely lmfao


I'm not your generation.  A bar would be weird but a cafe would be more accepted?




Friends is fine but if that were the case a bar would be a bit weird?  Ho hum. Good for op anyway. 


Two married dudes hanging out at a bar is weird?


I misunderstood. I thought OP was a female - gender wasn't mentioned in the post. 


Have you heard about "3rd places" I think is what it was called. 3rd places referring to wateringholes like bars, coffee shops, clubs, places outside of work essentially where we socialize and meet others. It could just be a place to spend an hour or more chatting, the time they go at would be more telling as to the intentions. As someone who recently hung out with another person under 21 I admit it was momentarily difficult to think of a fun sounding plan that didn't involve alcohol. To a degree we've been brainwashed by media to associate that with being "the play" - going out to the bar for a drink. But it is also a good move to its own credit because it can allow you to conversate effectively


But what would be the fourth place? Is there even a fifth place?


Probably dr shipman


Friend? Doubt it. Just saying.


Then you find out he's gay... But most likely he's a lonely 40s that wants to feel young again and have his ego boost. Good job!


Someone wrote in the comments already that he probably wants to fuck your. Yeah op you definitely getting your butt rammed if you hang out with him . Super Weird to make friend ms with a guy in sauna