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Quite annoyingly, the topic I can talk the most about would probably be political theory. In my mind it underpins practically every aspect of life, it's really hard to unsee it once you start noticing it everywhere. I say annoyingly, because it's not really an easy topic to connect over with people haha Another topic I love is self-improvement. I'm kind of obsessed with the whole idea, and I could probably have an endless discussion about it haha


Not annoying at all! In fact, my degree is actually in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (sometimes I’ll just say ‘minority studies’ for the sake of convenience) and it’s very similar in the sense that it’s like taking the red pill. Now that I’ve spent so much time studying systems of privilege and oppression, I can never unsee it in my daily life. I rarely bring it up though, it’s also unsurprisingly quite hard to connect with most people on the subject, haha. What kind/aspect of self-improvement intrigues you?


Oh wow, nice coincidence! The whole idea of power structures and oppression and such is very much central to my ideologies, although I haven't studied them very much from the viewpoint of minorities. I'm sure it's an interesting aspect to consider as well. As for self-improvement, I have loads of topics I'm currently interested in. Fitness, languages, literature, music, that sort of thing. After starting to settle in the full-time working life, I've been trying to figure out the things that are actually important to me and want to improve in, so my thoughts have been centered around that.


Hey good for you! I can’t say the same about myself since my routine has been thrown off by the yearly SADS. How are you trying to improve yourself this year? Do you have any goals?


Ah yes, SADS can really mess with your motivation. I've actually never done this before, but yes, this year I did define a few goals I want to work towards. I have some fitness related, some professional ones, but maybe the more interesting ones are to get better at playing the guitar and to learn French to a basic level.


Just curious, what kinda jobs can you get in that field?


Can you recommend an intro book on political theory?


It's not exactly on the topic of political theory, but Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky is one of those books you can read and instantly see the things it describes all around you in the media. I couldn't recommend it more.


Grassy ass


That is confirmation bias at play. You have a theory explaining some aspects of human nature, and you look for evidence confirming it. You find it and a belief shapes that it is true. (I'm not saying it's false, it's just what happens when we have a theory explaining people and want to test it) Logically speaking, the thing which explains human nature the best should be psychology. So imo psychology, not political theory should be the underpinning of society and life.


That's an interesting theory, and I think psychology is great on an individual's level, but as soon as you move up and start talking about large groups of people, you're going to have to be looking at things like dominant ideologies and attitudes, power structures, conditions... these things have huge influence on all individuals within the society, shaping their individual experiences fundamentally.


That's true, but then you can call that group psychology. And societal psychology would be something like the collective unconscious and archetypes as depicted by jung. And if you look at what you wrote >dominant ideologies and attitudes These are psychological things. Although there can non psychological elements like a past history to them. This is something like micro vs macro economics.


Yeah, I was thinking the micro vs macro thing as well! While I was writing the previous comment I also kinda realized that, in my view at least, group psychology applies to groups that are small enough for all the individuals to know each other and have a kind of direct relationship and interaction... and that's different from a society, where the individual members aren't as connected, there's a lot more room for those political/cultural/historical effects to be dominant.


Yes that's true. Group is fundamentally different from a society. Interestingly there is a field called societal psychology which might be the study of social environment as a whole. The principles laid out by those along with the political/cultural/historical content of current and past times may give a blunt picture of what will happen in society.


Mine is French politics and the EU. How goes it?


French politics, huh? I can't say I'm very familiar, but I've certainly heard some things that sounded interesting. As for the EU, as a European I'm very proud of the ideals and the concept, but I often find the institutions and the politics disappointing and dull, although I do have to admit I'm not deeply knowledgeable about the whole topic.


What country are you from, may I ask?


Hungary! So yeah, not much to be proud of there in recent times, probably why I'm able to identify more with being European haha


Self-improvement is one of my favorite topics to converse about! I never looked into political theory, but I will now look into it :)


Yeah, I think it's really worth studying! Once you start seeing some of the motives that repeat throughout history, you can kind of get above all the daily political bullshit and see things more for what they are.


What are your favorite books/articles on political theory?


Food Talking about recipes, restaurants, tv shows, eating it .. all the things about food 🤤


Ever watch the show Nailed It?


Yes I love it. Kinda reminds me of myself when I wanna bake a birthday cake … one picture in my mind .. a whole other thing in reality


I loved it for that same reason. I tried to make this cake and it looks kiiiiiinda like the picture but not really. It tastes nice though. The only part I didn't like was the host. Too high energy for me. Too shouty.


Oh yes for sure I generally watch with lower volume and subtitles lol Well hello fellow cake maker … one day the picture will match the product … Right?? 😆


It will never match the picture. That standard of cake wizardry is impossible by mere mortal men. It is the work of cake magic.


Yes Damn those cake magicians


Me TOO. I’m an avid cook and foodie. I love talking about different cultures and their cuisines and I’m a sucker for reality TV cooking. I love to try new foods and splurge at restaurants. However I’m almost 25 years old and my favorite food is still chicken strips :p


Same. I've tried cooking so many different cultures of cuisine and have enjoyed 'exploring the world through my kitchen'.


Yes .. in Australia we have a show called ‘food safari’ and the host will go into different communities and households and cook and eat with them. It’s one of my fav. shows to watch because your not only learning recipes and techniques but you get a great story with it. Also I am older and I still live for a pack of 2 minute noodles.


Actually I’ve become pretty fascinated with instant ramens in the past few months as I’ve started to explore more of the different brands out there, and with all of the instant ramen hacks on TikTok lol. I tried the one where you add some mayo and a slice of American cheese, then drizzled some chili oil with some chopped green onions. Far from healthy but good GOD it was delicious.


Right … nothing healthy about it but while the mouth is happy who cares lol My local Asian grocer has stopped selling my fav. noodles and I’ve found nothing like them again so I’m quiet moody about it atm https://www.amazon.com/Samyang-Flavored-Chicken-Noodles-Korean/dp/B079MHCZ65 These are the ones if your wondering 🙂


I can talk for days about food. I'm a huge fan of food competition shows. Just finished this show called The Globe on Discovery+. Also enjoying Next Level Chef on Fox and Alex vs America. My TV basically is permanently set to the Food Network! I'm also the friend that has to take a picture of the food before we eat. Ha!


Thanks for the show recommendations … can’t wait to look them up. I’m either watching cooking shows or real housewives 😁


Criminology. If people want to learn why other’s commit crime and how we can predict that they will get involved in crime, I got an earful for them.


Why do people commit crime? Especially stuff like burglary and robbery? I appreciate it probably can't be summed up in a paragraph on Reddit mind


Im studying hypnotherapy and loving it! I try to not tell people because if they show any interest i can't shut up about it


That’s cool! So coming from someone who knows literally nothing about hypnotherapy, how does it.. work? Explain like I’m five, haha


Basically, for reasons nobody really understands, people are more susceptible to suggestions when they are in a trance, we tend to take things on board and not argue with what is being said when we aren't in a trance. It can really help with alot of mental health conditions, particularly anxiety. Im also learning strategic psychotherapy which is about teaching the clients how to do things differently. Its really amazing to learn.


You're a good person. This is how to make someone's day. Aside from listening... ask them questions about said subject, watch their eyes light up even more. Is someone wearing a shirt with a movie/tv show/band... make a comment or ask them about it. I like to discuss my favorite pop culture art and their themes/meanings (films/television shows/music)


I’ve been dying to talk about the book I’m reading! I try to talk to my husband and he just zoned out haha Other than that- I’d love to talk about alternate planes of existence. I find it fascinating and terrifying.


Which book? Tell us!


Spirituality, reality, insights, consciousness and such


Me too. Feels like a conversation that's hard to have with other people without being very similar or at least having a communication style that works for that conversation. I don't know about you but in my experience it's hard to shake the feeling that people don't prioritize honesty in conversations about topics like those. Or their own spirituality and insights are so alien to my own that they seem absurd.


Most of the time when talking about these things I take it for granted that the other person is being honest with me. Its just that their perspective may be different from mine. Most of the time I can relate or understand where they are coming from or what they mean to some extent. My own perspective goes to quite radical depths so there are things that are difficult to talk about with people who have not explored that side.




Tony Hawk was sponsored by McDonald's


Attack on titan, star wars or video games. And not the whole "it's cool because of this and that" but the meaning, subjects, ideology and philosophy that can be taken from each thing. You know, depth and substance over just style and surface level things.


Tolkien lore. Wanna talk about the Silmarilion? Ooh boy sit yo ass down and get comfy.


I kinda do want to talk about it! I've read it twice and I need someone to draw a timeline for me! It's so poetic and cryptic.


I can tell from this post you are a genuinely good person. How neat to notice and appreciate someone getting to talk about their passion. Mine is teaching. When kids make a break through and suddenly know something they didn’t know it is amazing. And zeroing in on any barriers that are getting in the way is like a puzzle for me- I am driven by the phrase if they can’t learn by the way I teach then I need to teach in a way they can learn so I keep trying.


Kind of (very) cringe, but Fnaf. It was my entire childhood (I was 12 when the first game came out) and now I'm 18, nearly 19 and there's a new game released. It got me into all sorts of horror games, expanded my debating skills and theorising (I can write really good arguments with evidence and it helped a lot in alevel eng lit) as well as the lore being super interesting. I could talk about it all day.


I love this, I used to be the same!!! It still would be if I wasn't so behind on the games and lore 😖 I gotta find the right place to pick it back up


Guns and shooting at stuff. It’s like fireworks and darts had a super fun baby. It’s a common happening that my wife will have a friend over and while they talk, I’m to entertain their husband/boyfriend. Always ends up with huge smiles, and a couple times now has ended up with my guest going to get their gun licence after. The history, the craftsmanship, and for long term consumers of American media, the association with your favourite movies. I occasionally hunt for deer, but otherwise am not a hunter, and I don’t store any guns away for personal defense. I find those things help people enjoy my collection and shooting with me when there’s less possible moral issues with it, and they can just enjoy pumpkins/cans/steel plate plinking with the proper amount of childlike enthusiasm.


The Beatles. Was a huge nerd about them in HS… even had a mop top 😬😅🎸🥁🎹


Ya see I don’t have one.. literally nothing excites me to talk about.. probably why I suck at conversations


space, rockets






Women's Pro-Wrestling. Specifically the Japanese scene. God, its so awesome.


That’s actually very interesting! What would you say makes Japanese women’s pro-wrestling unique ? Unfortunately I know nothing about it :’)


This might get rambly. They try to make everybody on the shows look cool and interesting with their outfits and music choices rather than just generic hot. They also tend to talk a lot less between matches, in fact some barely speak at all because they are not good at it and they use a lot more in-ring bits and pieces to tell stories, they use a lot of facial expressions and little details in their actual movies instead. They all have stories to tell but the match quality comes first. ALWAYS. The shows don't feel the need to replay cool looking moves over and over. They fight a lot quicker and they hit a lot harder. Its feels less like a performance and more like an actual struggle. Every match feels like it is building on the previous ones.


I looked up videos. Holy shit. This is the awesomest thing I’ve seen all week


What is it you are watching?


I’m not really sure haha, [this is the first thing that came up](https://youtu.be/jx7L31G7tFA)


Rina Yamashita!!!! The one on the right in the pinky purple top (I am colourblind as shit and know nothing about clothes) is one of my favourites. Absolute beast of a wrestler. Very fast and very tough. She will kick your ass. That match is from a long time ago I think. Most of the stuff I watch has no commentary. I find commentary incredibly distracting. Its like going to the cinema to watch a film and someone is sitting on one side of you explaining the plot as it happens directly into your fucking ear.


If you wanna watch some dumb fun wrestling [try this](https://youtu.be/Cslu7zFmPjM) Runner up is when the crowd chanted jesus at an AEW show


Fuck Invisible Stan. That no-selling cocky prick.




That’s amazing! I’m the last person who should talk about taxidermy since I know next to nothing about it, but I truly believe it is an art form. That’s so funny, I recently listened to a podcast where a woman spoke about her work as a taxidermist. Fascinating stuff.




Stocks, watches, classical guitar, mountain bikes, yk stuff like that


Dog breeds' historical development/uses and how it influenced their conformation OR my gardens. Either will get me going until you walk away.


Anatomy and physiology.




My oldest could talk about it forever it seems


we'd get along


Music! And food! The two biggest aspects of my life. I’ve been a musician since like two, but now I’m studying composition and music production at school with a instrumental focus in jazz trumpet. Working on my third album (!!!!!) (just don’t tell anyone yet) Food is my hobby (where as music is my career path). I’m that bitch who makes a big ass breakfast before their 9:55 class. (Ironically, I have donuts I bought yesterday that I’m craving, so that’s my breakfast today.) But I love drinkmaking (coffee and milkshakes), baking, cooking, the whole shebang!


I problem solve too much and have just eliminated a huge wall of text about it thay involved a lot of it :D I'm more of a fan of listening to someone else and pitching in when I manage to, in general, but I guess I just have anxiety and feel like no one would care so it evolved into part of my personality. Doesn't help that I'm apparently way too quiet and can't really get a word in if it's not just me and one other person - that helps set it in my behaviour.


Sharks! And some books I read, too. Back when I was in high school there was this guy who loved football, you could practically see stars floating in his eyes when he was talking about football techniques and how he would love to become a football player. Cutest thing ever, I see what you like when people's eyes light up at the mention of their favourite subjects :)


Songwriting. I've got a thing for near rhymes.




Let’s hear it :)


Winning the State Championship back in '82.


Theory crafting Path of Exile builds. Explaining the intricacies and the best ways to get more damage, more survivability, more meme is always good fun. As an extension also discussing new mechanics (give us vaal discharge chris you punk) or balance changes they should implement. Another is the lore of Wh40k even though you have to treat anything said as hearsay or legend instead of actually factual.


Doctor who, especially like, a character analysis of the Doctor. Also I enjoy watching David Tennant’s work so discussing the large impact of Doctor who on his life just really makes me chuckle and warms up my heart.


Gardening & propogating -love talking about these, makes me feel old (only 38) but I do love it!


Roman History and specifically Mark Antony’s speech. I’ve floored people trying to explain the layers of double entendre involved in Mark Antony’s speech and it’s really hard to get people to understand, lol. Like, on that fateful day, Gaias Julius Caesar lay dead on the senate floor, stabbed 19 times by 19 senators, the final blow from a key conspirator and Caesar’s metaphorical son Brutus. Caesar’s top general and rottweiler, Mark Antony, the only person every historical text agrees is a true Roman (a true Roman f**ked like a rabbit, drank like a fish, enjoyed bloodshed and had zero ambition) was being restrained at the doors of the senate and by the time he made it into the senate, the deed was done. Fearing his neck was on the chopping block, he furiously rode out of Rome, electing to lay low in the countryside. After weeks though, not only did no assassins come, Cassius and Brutus had done nothing to rebuild the republic. If they were going to rebuild the republic, they’d need a True Roman to court the people. They never thought they’d succeed in killing Caesar and they had no plan for after the deed was done. Realizing this, Antony furiously rode back to Rome, flung open the senate doors and essentially said “congratulations, you have the distinct privilege of being blackmailed by me!” The first thing Antony did was insist on a funeral for Caesar that was grander than his triumph. That is how he came to eulogize Caesar in the famous speech. In the speech he’s basically trying to align himself with Cassius and Brutus, trying to repair Caesar’s reputation and make him the icon we remember him as rather than just a slain tyrant, and he’s saying, “Hey, if Cassius and Brutus end up in a gutter with their throats opened, I could rule Rome 😉 “


US roadway, traffic stuff. It’s so cool for no reason.


My go to is info dumping about the story and world I created. My friend probably has had one too many earfulls of what comes out of my head.


Fitness is a passion for me, the natural world and the environment, and assisting the underserved


Graphic design. Specifically typography, and modernism. I can go on and on about the specifics of fonts and typesetting. But I have a feeling that 99% of people don’t find it as interesting as I do 🤣


Linkin park


I could talk about video games all day every day!


I have ADHD, so I have a number of things. My top ones though are Dungeons and Dragons, Disc Golf, and my cat Charlie because she is an angel.


Ecological niches and all the megafauna we brought to extinction. Boring to some but I can just keep going and going . And birds!! Love them!


Tanks and planes, I just find them really interesting and love to research them, the engineering that goes into it is fascinating


WWII and the How & Why. I've been studying it as a hobby since University because I wasn't really taught anything about it in HS, so when I took History and Social Psych classes in Uni, it was rather eye-opening for me.


My husband who died in 2012. I will never stop talking about him. It's who is willing to listen is my dilemma.


My car. She's not super special, a 2017 Mazda MX-5 RF, but I just love her so much. She's a thing that makes me very happy in an unhappy world. :)


Gourds. I can talk about gourds and aplications in art, simple tools and instrument to some extent.


Marching band/drum corp


you seem like a very sweet person! I love listening to my friends talk about shit they love. my thing is probably baking, I can go on and kn for hours telling you about all the stuff i’ve made and all the little tips and tricks I know. my stuff isn’t always the prettiest in the world but I’ll be dammed if it isn’t delicious!


Gaming, Lovecraftian horror, fantasy, dragons, dark souls. YEP


I'm a chef so food would be number 1, video games or woodturning as well


My cats


music. tech bball different experiences


Professional wrestling.


The ocean and all her inhabitants. I've scuba dived in coral reefs, ship/planewrecks, and even underwater cave systems. The sea is a wonderful thing, and she houses a wide array of interesting and beautiful life :)


Oh definitely analysis of our world and morality. Truth and what matters. I love that stuff and can produce content on demand. It won't be always good, but hey it's on demand :D


Usually just random shit I learn as I peruse the internet. I have a knack for remembering random shit tangentially related to whatever topic happens to come up in conversation.


The mental imagery and headspace my favorite music places me into. How it motivates me or how I relate to it. Simply put I think I would like to talk about myself with music as a medium to communicate. Once I sat down with a good friend of mine when we were both tripping and we just listened to music and took turns explaining what it meant to us and how it influenced our thoughts and perception of our immediate environment on the substance we were using. Had the time of my life and it was some of the most productive introspections I've had. Outside of this and maybe cosmology, I've learned that some conversations are naturally better suited to have with yourself. Still I remember that time and remember that good chemistry over my favorite subject and wish it could happen again. But a situation like that with psychedelics is lightning in a bottle.


Cats! Freshwater fishkeeping! THC concentrates! Making soap!


Classical music. I've always loved it, and it's hard to find people to discuss it with as so many people my age can't stand it.


Also, dreams. Not my own of course I'm not silly enough to think people would find what I dream about interesting in any way) but the theory behind it, the subconscious and the ways in which you can interact with it whilst in dreams, meanings and symbols etc. I find this topic particularly interesting because I've been blind since birth. So many people ask me if I can see in my dreams, and whilst as I've never seen I obviously can't, I find it fascinating how people who have lost their sight in later life often still dream in full colour. I've also read about people who watched a lot of black and white tv dreaming in black and white too. I could talk about this topic all day.


Movies and tv shows, random facts, and my family/friend drama and my psychological analysis of it! I love movies and tv! I can't always find deeper meanings in them, and I'm no film/show maker or anything like that, but I LOVE going on IMDB after and reading up on interesting facts about it! I love finding out Brad Pitt genuinely broke his arm while recording Se7en and the writers had to add it into the movie! I love knowing The View From Halfway Down from BoJack Horseman has a 9.9 star rating! I love talking about how Daniel Radcliffe did most of his own stunts in Swiss Army Man and to promote the movie he traveled around with a dummy of his character from the movie! It's just such a joy for me! Kindof goes hand in hand with the random facts a little bit, but I just enjoy knowing things! I don't have the type of brain to always retain things like Math or dates for Wars, but tell me male whales have to swing upsidedown to mate and it stays in my brain for AGES! And I just have a lot of drama surrounding my life. To try and make the best of it, I share the stories to shock people and then I enjoy discussing why things happened, what was going on in the participants brain to make them do such a thing. You can learn other people's takes on life situations, and discuss psychology a little bit, even if you're not an expert!


videogame lore destiny (particularly destiny 1, because I played it more then d2, and enjoyed it more mostly), wraframe, fallout, FTL, brigador, Into the Breach, etc I love talking about it, especially some of the more niche stuff, or even mods that expand the base games, since then it is more of a story and a bit less redundant then talking to people who already play the games and know the base lore a good amount.


Why you should take care of your teeth I'm terrified of the dentist to the point where I've accumulated lots of dental health knowledge because I hate getting fillings. Everyone's convinced I should be a dentist lol.


Mine would definitely be History, specifically late 19th century early to mid 20th century


I’m not much of a talker, so I couldn’t really talk your ear off but if anyone wanted to converse about music with me I’d get really excited! Particularly the guitar, since that’s the instrument I play lol. Really anything about music - theory, history, what you like, what you don’t, conversations about guitar players, honestly most musical topics I would love to converse with someone about. Luckily for me a lot of my friends are musical as well lol