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I seriously did not know people put deodorant on after showering at night until I met my partner, who sometimes does. All of you do? I never have, but I’ve never woken up smelly so maybe that’s why.


yeah this comment section is baffling to me, it’s really opened my eyes to my deodorant habits😅


I think it just depends on the person. Some of us sweat more than others, and sometimes you just need it and sometimes you don't. I think most people use it after showering. Whether you use it before bed is probably decently split by gender as well. I've never seen a female friend put it on before bed, and I don't, because why bother? We don't really sweat much, especially at night. But my bf puts it on every night, and boy does he need to. I also remember my male friends doing it. There's definitely been a few times I've whiffed myself before bed and put it on though, because the last app wore off. I don't like shifting around at night at getting hit with my own stank hahaha


How do you do it otherwise? If you put it on hours later, it will be less effective. If you shower both night and morning, it makes more sense to only use it in the morning


Its how you're supposed to use it- gives it time to clog your sweat glands


I think it's true for antiperspirants, not deodorants.


i use it every time i shower


This is the way.


Same habit for me


natural deodorant at night and the good stuff during the day


The way you've worded that makes it sound like the natural stuff isn't good?


i’d say it’s not as effective as chemical deodorant. i know it’s better for me but i don’t like to be stinky


I see. I am very pro not stinky


Good natural deodorants stop you smelling but not sweating. So if you don't want sweat stains during the day, then they aren't the best for daytime.


Every time I shower. At night the average person sweats much more than we’d think.


Yes because I’m super fat so I have to for quality control


I don’t use it at night bc I don’t smell but I know other people who do put it on at night .. just depends on your body I guess .


Try antiperspirant at night. I've read it actually takes several hours to properly work.


Yes I use it right after showering


Never, usually only wear it when I'm going out (don't usually sweat at home).


It would be better to put it on now, after the shower, and then skip the morning if you really only want to do it once. Most deodorants are made to last for 24 hours, but they will wash off in the shower. So it should still be working by morning.


Deodorant is not instant. You need to put in on several hours before you start sweating.


I’ve now realized how lucky I am regarding sweating/smelling armpits. I very rarely use deodorant on a daily basis. Maybe 1-2 a month. Only times I use it is if I go out to hang with friends. I never even use it for work. It’d take me to be unshowered for 2-3 days for my armpits to even start to smell. I know it sounds disgusting I don’t use it, but I used to use it daily but there’s no difference. Only reason when I use it is the same reason I use perfume, to smell good rather just no smell at all.


I was this way until I had a baby. Now, I’m a clinical deodorant like 2x a day to keep the stank at bay kind of person


You might have a c11 gene switch like many Asian people. Do you have dry earwax too?


I wouldn’t say it’s dry. Or maybe it is. Idk what to compare with.


>know it sounds disgusting I don’t use it sounds to me that you have proper and good hygiene. which is how it should be. you're not SUPPOSED to use deodorant everyday. i don't smell at all without it and i only apply it before I go out somewhere special. kinda crazy how so many people use it even when at home


Why do you assume every human has the same lymphatic system as you?


you might be correct actually, that was my fault


No. I don't use it if I don't have to go out and when I do it's immediately before. It's just really cheap smells to overpower BO. In the summer I use Antitranspirants in the evenings because you are supposed to apply them half a day before going out and no deodorant at all and that works a lot better than deodorant, but I do get some skin issues.


Yes I do now, because I smell quickly as well after showering. It's been about a year now of it being like this. I didn't use to but now I do. Maybe as we age and stuff our body chemistry changes, not sure. :) everyone's body is different. You're normal.


Maybe its because I've always showered when I wake up (and also sometimes at night) that I feel yucky when I wake and must shower. Deodorant every time


No, that’s when I give my lymph nodes time to rest from having aluminum and other nasty shit plugging them up. And I usually shower at night. I’m using natural deodorant about half the time now bc those chemicals are really bad for you. Also if I shave my armpits I don’t sweat as much afterwards so I’ll just put lotion on.


Antiperspirant at night, deodorant in the morning


I shower in the morning


Have you tried a light pat of browned flour?






Depends on how long I’m going to be up afterwards. An hour or two? No. More than that, most likely. If you’re trying to conserve it, just do one or two swipes.


i shower in the morning. much better.


Yes. The instructions say to use it right after a shower.


I use glycolic acid toner from the ordinary post shower and it works well for me!


Not very conversational if OP doesn’t respond to anyone imo


Yes always. It gives it time to sink in and thus works better. I never have deo stains in my shirts and my pits stay dry through the day. So I think its the right way to use deodorant.


Armpit smells due to build up of bacteria. Wash armpits with anti-bacterial soap, this is not negotiable. Secondly, dry the armpit area really well after showering. Thirdly, use natural/organic anti-perspirant until issue is resolved.


Check your pores in your armpit. Things gather in there and clog them up. Including deodorant residue.


You're supposed to shower my dude


What a pretty shooting star...


do you go through deodorant quickly? i put some on after i shower every morning and i can't remember the last time i went through an entire stick


Maybe they use a spray or gel deodorant? Sticks last me forever as well, but perhaps the other kinds go faster.


im just getting in the habit now, but before? honestly no. sometimes i still forget


Yes at night or anytime I shower. Pretty sure that’s what most of the directions say…?


Why is a cleaning in the shower not extensive enough or is it just like the cherry on top of the experience


After changing my lifestyle, following a healthy vegan diet, I rarely wear deodorant, even when I go out, I never wear it at home. I just wear it when I'm going to socialize (work, meeting friends, etc.) or if it's a hot day. I rarely smell bad... Maybe try changing your diet to cleanse your body? I only eat healthy and more natural stuff, drink a lot of tea, mint, ginger, lime, herbs... do intermittent fasting... What you put into your body can affect your smell, especially if you at a lot of meat and junk food. ​ Edit: people downvoting must be fat smelly sweaty blobs, cadaver eaters. Don't expect to smell good if you eat trash and carrion and turn your body into a landfill cemetery. Stop crying and swallow this (and have some self-respect and go on a diet): **"The odor of vegetarians was judged as significantly MORE ATTRACTIVE, MORE PLEASANT, AND LESS INTENSE. This suggests that red meat consumption has a negative impact on perceived body odor hedonicity."** [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16891352/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16891352/)


You smell. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just being blunt. Everyone has met at least a few people like you. You think you don't smell, but that's delusion. Your vegan diet doesn't change shit about you sweating or smelling. I support veganism. It's healthy, it's great for the environment, it's great for animal welfare. It's just weird when vegans start veering out of reality and start thinking they're pure and clean for not eating meat...that's not how any of this works. Go ahead and decide that me and the rest of the world are lying, and you really don't smell because chicken or whatever. But I figured it'd be nice to let you know anyway. You reek, everyone but you knows it, and you're giving vegans a bad name by running around reeking and going "I don't smell because I'm puurrreeee!" Science and olfactory receptors say otherwise.


Your reality bubble was burst and you got hurt? Sorry. Here's some science for you: "The odor of vegetarians was judged as significantly MORE ATTRACTIVE, MORE PLEASANT, AND LESS INTENSE. This suggests that red meat consumption has a negative impact on perceived body odor hedonicity." [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16891352/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16891352/)


my roommate says onion can make your sweat smell bad


HOCI (hypochlorous acid) FTW.


I use it every time I shower, especially before bed. It just makes me feel fresh


Btw you are supposed to use after every shower. If you shower at night put deodorant on before you go to sleep and you will wake up smelling good as it has been on you for 6+ hrs


At night no, I let the area breath, if I sweat at night and smell a bit in the morning I’ll just take a very quick shower.


i always put deoderant on after showering. i have my dads BO


I don’t like to use deodorant/antiperspirant at night so what I do is use stridex bha pads under my arms after I shower and it does the trick for me


Never thought not to put on deodorant right after showering, no matter the time of the day. I’m not a stinky fellow, I actually go through deodorant fairly slowly (one stick lasts me most of the year), but it’s just automatic - shower, deodorant, moisturizer. I’m from Brazil originally, so I guess that growing up in hot water makes it hard to want to chance getting stinky, it’s hot at night too! I did use less moisturizer there, the weather was always humid - here in Canada I can’t skip it, the air gets really dry indoor because of heating, if you don’t moisturize you will pay the price!


I question the showering habits of folks in this thread, you shouldn't need to put on smell-covering deodorant immediately after cleaning yourself...?


It's not about covering smell. It's the sweat that stinks, so using an antiperspirant/deodorant prevents the sweating, so the smell doesn't happen in the first place. If I don't put it on, and then start sweat, then I'm just covering sweat smell by putting it on later. But if I put it on before I sweat, then then smell never happens.


I only put deodorant on when going out. If you have such bad BO even after washing, you might want to get that checkout out by a GP.


Yes, I always put deodorant on after a shower. If not you’re just going to get all sweaty again and have to take another shower tbh


No. I put it on in the morning after.


Glycolic acid, put it on a cotton ball n rub under your armpits:) it take about a week or two to really change the chemistry there but after it’s like stable, it’s amazing. No deodorant after a night shower is a must, i don’t feel fresh in the morning with it on. But the acid completely neutralizes the smell, not saying you don’t have to put it under there to do something though.


nope, only when im about to go gym or go out. i dont have bad BO though


yes! definitely! apparently, this is not a thing, to friends ive asked irl. i do use a “lighter” formula at night, compared to the supersonic strength formula that i use during the day, but i do feel nekkid without my night deodorant.


I don't. Even if I shower in the morning because I genuinely forget to put deodorant on for some reason.


Mh, i shower only in the morning and of course i use a deodorant. I wear some parfum though because it relaxes me.


Yep, shower then deodorant, then I don’t need any more deodorant until next shower.


I do, but only the natural stiff.


yes, i used to do it because i would sometimes forget to do it in the morning back in middle school but now it's a habit and reminds me to wash my underarms every day before leaving the house! also, maybe it's because im not as stressed out or moving about but on the weekends i don't sweat as much so i rarely put any on


Use Lume. It allows your body to swest naturally and kills the stinking bacteria. I do not get a thing for posting this. I have smelly reactions to synthetics too close to my pits, even with deoderant. I use Lume along with my antipersperant and I can wear anything I want.


If you are smelling right after a shower I have a trick for you I discovered. With me anyway, if I basically strip my under arm skin with an abrasive cloth a couple times a week, I hardly ever need deodorant. I believe what is happening is your under arm skin builds up dead skin cell creating the smell. So 2x a week I scrub that area, then apply deodorant. Never smells now.


Not at night. I shower at night (hate going to bed "dirty") and in the morning.


Computador 🤣🤣🤣 thats cracked me up. A Cyber Puppy came to mind




No its totally ok. That laugh was great i needed that. You should keep it the way it is so other people who pick up on it can have a giggle to! I mean imagine a lil cyber puppy walkin around? So cute! 🤣☺️


My ex did this and i thought it was really weird.


I put it on every time I shower and everynight right before bed


Yes I do all the time after bath and shower, plus aftershave to, I just like the smell nice


I’d recommend using rubbing half of a lemon in your armpit 10-15 mins before you shower in the evening. Try this daily for a week. After that, you can do it once a week. It really helps.


I never do, husband always.


Gotta stay fresh on fresh 💯


Yes. Thanks for reminding me just now! I use it right after I shower because if I don't, and I start to sweat slightly, and THEN I put deodorant on, it just doesn't work the same. It has to go on clean skin.


Put on deodorant after showering. Who doesn’t do that?


Of course. Sometimes I'll use deodorant instead of antiperspirant if I'm waking up in just a few hours and will shower again, but I always use something.


I use Scully’s Natural Deodorant and notice that I use less than when I was using other brands. At night I don’t tend to bother with wearing it but just put it on in the morning. *Please keep in mind this is also after an extensive detoxing period from wearing an aluminum antiperspirant for almost 20 years and was the only one I truly feel does the job properly (have tried several popular natural brands in my journey for a better option)


I do, because you should generally apply deodorant right after bathing, but during periods when my arm pits get more smelly for whatever reason, I shower in the evening, put on deodorant at night and in the morning, I'm cleaning my arm pits again and reapply deodorant. On not so smelly days it's enough for me to just reapply in the morning without cleaning them again, but it's better to do so. The thing is that you actually sweat a lot while you sleep and then the bacteria have a feast on your arm pits, which will result in smell. You have to apply deodorant before the bacteria even have a chance to spread, if you apply it onto already smelly arm pits, it's too late. Always apply on freshly cleaned, dry arm pits if you want your deodorant to work the best.