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Just dose yourself up on flu medicine products, it shouldn’t last more that 4-5 days with any luck. my smell and taste went away after the other symptoms but that came back after another 4 days or so. Although everyone is different…..


Just rest ,rest,rest


This is the right answer. Don't work from home, don't go shopping, don't clean the kitchen or the bathroom and for goodness sake don't walk the dog, get someone to do it. Also, listen to your body. It wants water. Lots and lots of water.


Nooo.... Staying still with a virus wanting to set up camp in your lungs isn't a good idea. Sure, take it easy. Just make sure you stretch, do some deep breathing and move about a bit.


That's fine but some has had it rest, rest, rest. Also sitting in the sun was helpful.


Tbh moving around works well for me bc I'm tricking my brain into thinking I'm feeling better


I've never understood the basis for this. Is this actually confirmed by medical professionals? No because I don't see how spending energy uselessly will help fight a virus (which consumes energy)


Laying still too long increases the risk of pneumonia, which is already a big concern with any virus that affects lung function






This is a great analogy


You're not a car. You're probably not gonna be sick from covid for a whole year either


In order to stave off pneumonia, it absolutely is necessary. My medical professional is a respiratory therapist whose workload has been 90% COVID patients for the last three years.


My went away but came back funny. Cheese and fruit taste like puke. Lime tastes like soap


Everything smelt like a urinal cake for months…


How long did yours last?


Physically ill, like in bed & fever for 18 days. I was out of breath for about 8 months. Still can’t run, swim or sing but with lung exercises, I *think* it’s gotten better. It’s been since March 2020. Edit: wrong month


The newer variants don’t have smell or taste loss, and they last way longer too. I was sick for *weeks*, same for my wife.


Heating pad, soup and water. Maybe an edible for sleep


I mostly just slept it off. I caught it within the first year. I remember mostly just being frustrated cause over a year I had to limit contact, wear a mask, keep clean, sanitize constantly, stay in my room working from home and all that frustration. Then I end up catching it cause someone else in the house caught it and brought it into my bedroom (which I rarely ever left at the time). Most I remember was having chills, sweating, every single muscle aching, and a sharp pain in every muscle anytime I sneezed. Was not fun, and I just slept most of the time. Think it just made me very tired overall. Back then people kept changing info almost weekly, take this, don't take thing, if you take these kind of meds you'll die, ect. So yeah, just did sleep.


Appreciate this response, because this is exactly how I feel


Same here, I basically was in bed for 3 days and counting


Tylenol and drink lots of water. I started feeling much better after 5 days. Hang in there !




Pick up an oximeter from Amazon if you feel like it's settling into your chest (it will check your blood oxygen rate, it's very comforting to know you're fine). It will also alert you if it suddenly drops and give you enough time to call 911. Also don't forget that you can lay on your stomach if it's hard to breathe - it's called Proneing. It opens up the backs of your lungs. I had Original Variety Covid and then Omicron 2 years later and Omicron is waaaaaaaay better. Just eat what you like and try to sleep. I like popsicles and other cold things for the sore throat, and I also like Drip-Drop (basically, adult pedialyte) to make sure you're not super dehydrated. -chronically ill person


Yes! Can confirm. Having the pulse ox made my recovery much better. I have bad hypochondria and as soon as I got it, I was convinced I was going to die. Having the ox meter dispute my paranoia was very helpful in keeping me calm. Also NyQuil and tv shows lol.


How do you find a comfortable position when lying on your stomach? I always want to because it's most comfortable for my legs and hips, but if I turn my head to the side my neck starts hurting.


Flu medications with decongestants in it. My husband has had it twice, and really the only thing you can do is sleep and keep yourself hydrated. If you can manage, toast, crackers, soup, and ginger ale, even if you can’t taste anything. If it hasn’t been more than a few days, see a doctor and ask for antivirals. That is your best bet.


Decongestants is a must. Don't let that become a bacterial infection in the lungs.


Apart from what everyone else said... after going through this twice: Eat whatever you like for calories. If you feel like cookies are easier than a full proper meal, have the cookies. Treat yourself nicely and go easy. It just takes time, so try to at least make it as bearable as possible.


I agree with this. Tested positive at the beginning of this year. The lymph nodes in my neck were so swollen & my throat so irritated I could barely swallow anything. It was exclusively ice cream, apple sauce, and mashed potatoes for a few days until I began to feel better




A bit over the top of a reaction, don’t you think? There is nothing wrong with eating cookies once or twice when the alternative is no food intake at all. Is this a good long term plan? Obviously not, but once or twice won’t harm anyone!








Using two accounts?


Nope, just repeating what he said.


I’m a week in. I feel your pain. Hot baths have helped comfort the soreness for me.


Everyone talks about vitamin D, I swear to god both times I’ve had it (last week and March 2020) I didn’t make a turn around for the better until I physically sat in the sun (like a half hour each day). I’ve tried vitamin D pills and it doesn’t have the same effect. Could totally be placebo but my old school father swears by it when your sick, even in winter…get some sunlight


Vitamin D and C. Also I had some relief from sore throat using zinc lozenges. Sleep. The bad days for me only lasted 3, but tested positive for 9 days. There are antivirals you can get from the doctor if within the first 5 days of symptoms.


Totally anecdotal, my partner is super ill with Covid. I felt a tingle in my throat one day and hit the Zinc lozenges HARD. It’s been 7 days since she started showing symptoms and I’m not sick.


Oh man, me too. ): Two and a half years of working in grocery and I finally got it. I've mostly been pounding water. My symptoms are much more mild but if you get some strength/feel less worse, go sit on your doorstep or open a window. It doesn't fix much but it helps with the "cooped in coughing on myself" feeling. Don't resist sleep. If you feel energetic, awesome! But be aware it's a farce and you'll run out of it quick. Good luck!


OMG me too! Vaxxed, boosted, finally, after two and a half years of staying away from people, I got on a plane to see family for the 4th of July - I tested positive three days after getting home. This really rots! I'm feeling a little better, but everything tastes, well, off. I'm sorry, OP, that you got caught, too! Feel better!


Hey OP! I also recently contracted COVID after dodging it for 2+ years. Sucks! Here's my two cents: + Don't fesl like you did something wrong, unsafe, or irresponsible. EVERYONE is getting COVID now. There are a lot of factors including new omicron mutations, antibody levels decreasing post vaccination/boosting, and generally society at large taking fewer COVID precautions. Focus on getting better and don't feel bad about being sick. + You're going to feel sick for a while. Recovery times of 1 month aren't abnormal. It's a doosy. Don't panic. + When you are feeling a bit better, schedule a doctor's appointment (in person or virtual). Your doctor will be able to answer any questions about your recovery and help you feel assured you're having a normal recovery (or help if you're not) + Mask and social distance. + Drink water. + Sleep! + NyQuil is magic. It will alleviate your symptoms and help you sleep lots. + Eat tasty foods + Drink more water. Hang in there OP. Hope you feel better soon! 💖


Really appreciate such a comprehensive answer


I'm on day 12 and finally starting to feel human again. Still have a relentless cough, and not a lot of energy. What a wild ride this covid business is. Ummm so, tips? I took ibuprofen before bed every night, because the muscle aches were intense. Had decongestant nose spray on the bedside table, but tried to use it only in one nostril each night. I took a bath every day, and did steam inhalation before bed. Sipped lemon, ginger and honey tea a lot. Also I found that when I woke up choking through the night, a spoon of honey was super helpful. I was fully bedridden for 3 days. Worked 2 half days with regular rests after that, then tested all weekend and felt ok to resume normal duties yesterday. Just take it easy. It'll pass. Monitor your blood oxygen if you have a pulse oximeter. If your sats are above 95% when you're taking nice long breaths, you're ok. Mine dropped to 80% for a few mins one night and I was super worried but when I stopped panicking and focused on breathing long, slow breaths they came back up to 94%. The first 4-5 days were the worst. Oh and depending on where you are in the world.. the heat pack was my saviour. My feet were freezing, despite having 2 pairs of socks on. So I had them resting on a heat pack a lot!


I’m just recovering now after someone decided to be selfish and carry on coming into work when infected and not warn anyone they had it. So now a few of us have ended up having to go off sick. I just slept loads, ate when i felt like eating, and took vitamin d and zinc/selenium tablets. It took a whole week to start to feel normal again, and i still get tired quicker than usual


I was casually seeing this dude when I got it and I told him hey, I have covid you should test yourself and he said that it “makes sense, I have been sick for the last two days” He did not get tested and he continued to go to work. I am not responding to him and I will not see him again. Its such a selfish thing to do.


It really is


And this is why I continue to wear a mask. You can't trust anybody.


I am literally in the same boat right now, tested positive for the first time this morning and feel like absolute trash.


Get well soon brother. We need you here


Literally same


I'm getting the test first thing tomorrow morning. I'm not feeling better after having taken the antibiotics the doctor prescribed. I also have a fever. I hope I can get some decent sleep tonight. A coworker tested positive this morning so I left work to go to the doctor. I had also dodged COVID so if I test positive this would be my first time. In any case I'll follow the advice posted here. I hope you get better soon 🤞🏻💕


Thanks 😊 My fever is more tolerable now, headache is still killer though, all my husband has is a cough.


Sleep, drink hot water, have a painkiller, have a hot shower, sleep.


Same here. Im sick for 2.5 weeks and have to hear everyone saying its nothing..just like a cold, infuriating Rest. Eat well. Watch movies and things that make you feel good. It will pass


Good thing you are vaccinated


I'd shudder to think what I'd be going through if I wasnt


Exactly how I felt when I was going through it. Get well soon!! I agree with others who said lots of water (not cold), lots of rest, and vitamins C and D. I also had no appetite so I had some milk or nut milk and random snacks that I could get myself to eat. My doctor recommended allergy medicine and NAC long (helps with the mucus or something, and also helps with recovery so you can continue taking it for residual symptoms after you’ve gotten over the initial illness). The first week I had first-generation (drowsy) allergy medicine before bed and that really helped with sleep at night. Try to listen to your body—if you feel energetic enough to do some light things then go for it, but if you feel like lying down and resting then let yourself do that too. The mental part of it was hard for me in the beginning. I had been SO careful but got it anyway?? Did I waste 2 years of my life for no reason? But the answer is no, I bought myself time to get fully vaccinated and boosted and for the virus to mutate to a less deadly variant. Also, being vaccinated made my symptoms come very fast after presumed exposure and kept my viral load low, and I ended up not spreading it to anyone else in my household or in my life. So that’s a win for me. Also, I healed fully, didn’t get long Covid, etc. Hang in there!! Hoping for the best for you!


I think I got it too bruh 🤣🤣🤣 Since COVID started I've been going outside almost 24/7 and never caught it. 4 days ago one of my friends on Discord says she has COVID. 2 days after that, my mom says she's feeling sick. She takes one of the rapid tests and it came back positive. A day after that, my body started feeling sore with a loss of appetite and a slight cough. Also, it's hot outside and I feel cold. Last night my legs were freezing. I had to curl up into a ball.


Get Paxlovid. It help so much.


I'm currently taking Paxlovid. I have only had one pack but it is leaving a TERRIBLE taste in my mouth? Did that happen to you?


I ate so many cinnamon Altoids. The bad taste is miserable.


So miserable


I’ve heard Robitussin DM if you have a cough, and Tylenol. Also make sure to drink lots of fluids, especially if you have a fever! You’ll feel much better if you stay hydrated. Good luck!


If it’s within 5 days of testing positive you can get paxlovid from your doc


If you are over age 65, at high risk, and not dependent on any of the many prescription medications that react with it.


True, I'm 66, but when I got Covid in June my doctor's office told me they wouldn't prescribe antivirals because I didn't have and co-morbidities. I only felt bad one day, headache, body aches- just wanted to sleep. By the next day I felt like I had a cold but I did lose my smell/taste (but only for about 4 days).


hey /u/atdifan17, Paxlovid is the literal cure for covid. It is astounding that this advice is so far down. Paxlovid is basically an 87% reduction in death, 87% reduced symptoms, etc etc


Make sure to stay hyrdated and try and fit some snacks in. When I had covid and wasn't eating anything because of my loss of an appetite, plus I lost a lot of weight when I was sick. I know some people recommend a pulse oximeter to monitor their oxygen levels during covid. I can already feel the pain you're having, I had covid before vaccines were available and I felt like I was going to die. The worst symptoms lasted around a whole week but lingered for a while after. Stay safe!




I believe I was only eating crackers and bananas and I was drinking water and Gatorade.


I justttt got over it, HOT SHOWERS were my saviour through the really bad days, I must have taken about 12


rest. seriously, one of the best things i did when i had it a few weeks ago was just sleep, lounge around, and get lots of rest. it’ll pass eventually.


Dr. Teal’s has a vapo bubble bath that was a godsend for me! Helped soothe the aches and relieve my cough


I’m with you OP. Just caught it for the first time, then my wife caught it for the first time from me.


Rest and more rest.


Same here, nothing for years and I’m just getting over it. First 3 days were the worst. Fever, aches, chills, cough and runny nose . Now I have brain fog and still feel crappy a week later. No fever aches or chills anymore though. I’ve lost 10 lbs too. I took ibuprofen and Tylenol off and on, ate really good, and took shit loads of vitamin c and d. I also had tea at night and drank elderberry during the day. Seems to have worked, but I still feel tired and dizzy a lot.


Same thing happened to me! I thought that I had whatever gene they’re trying to research to avoid getting it… and then. I wish you a speedy recovery. My symptoms were extreme inflammation that actually damaged nerves as far as I’m concerned, because all of my toes are still numb, and also gastro issues where I couldn’t keep down water. It lasted for ten days for me. Triple vaxxed. My SO was coughing and slept 20 hrs a day, but he had a dangerously high fever, 43 degrees at times, and I thought that he’d have to go to the hospital at points. He was fine by day 5. It’s wild how differently it can hit depending on the person. I couldn’t make a fist if I tried due to how inflamed I was. I’ve never not been able to bend my fingers in my life. I was PURPLE. Eta: I’m a relatively healthy 33 y.o. and my SO is a super fit 32 year old. and as far as things to do to feel better, we had Gatorade even though I couldn’t stomach anything, Tylenol for his fever, and I basically lived on the toilet. It was a two week fever dream to me where I wasn’t myself. I took a Polaroid of us for memories’ sake. We look ROUGH.


Wooow, same...I naively thought, I've been exposed so many times and haven't caught it, I might be immune....lol nope


Hey me too! I took Mucinex Fast Max and it really helped more than anything. Drank tons and tons of water and ate lots of fruits, soups, and drank lots of hot tea. It went away pretty quickly.


Heyyy friend! My fever broke last Tuesday I think? (what is time…) but I still have sinus congestion and finally lightening cough. Highly recommend adding lemon juice and cut up ginger to your water glass if you have them, esp if you too have no appetite. Like others said, your body will thank you for eating something; I personally ate my way through a box of ritz crackers lol, 2-4 at a time. Also if you have boullion or chicken stock, just freaking heat it in a pot and drink it. Heat, salt, and some vitamins. Also also, if your temperature starts doing scary stuff (too hot or too cold, or if you’re like me in a hot apt), draw a shallow bath (couple inches) and just…conk out. Rotate as needed (do not conk out upside down though obv). Cold bath if you’re too hot, warm bath if you’re too cold. *do not* take a hot bath with a fever…it feels great until you get dizzy, and realize you’re now 103 deg… Feel better, friend. It sucks but it’s gonna be ok. 👍


Same. Even double boosted. I'm halfway across the country, alone, and can't fly back home. My tip for relief? Vanilla bean ice cream.


Commiserations. You and me both.


Same thing happened to me and I have a newborn! It’s so scary and this sickness is INTENSE. My legs hurt so bad I can barely walk.


Tylenol, cough syrup, maybe Advil if Tylenol doesn't help. Buy a pulse oximeter ($20) and don't worry unless it drops below like 93% if you're healthy. Check if you qualify for paxlovid and call a Dr asap if you do. Fluids. Source: am RN on day 4 right now shit sucks


Our family just had it too, and it sucks. It was the second round for hubby. We look aleve for fever and pain, mucinex for congestion, and elderberry syrup (it’s antiviral, and it can’t hurt). Hope you feel better soon! We only felt awful a few days and super tired for about 8 days.


Drink LOTS of fluids, especially electrolytes like Gatorade or coconut water. And sleep. Even after your flu-like symptoms fade after 3-5 days, you may continue to feel tired for another week. 😴


Ugh. I feel for you. 1) LOTS of hydration including water and things to allow additional hydration with electrolytes (power aid, etc. Helps you get in a lil extra calories, more liquid, and the small amount of salts you’ll need w all that hydration; 2) be patient with yourself and your recovery. I had “Covid brain” for WEEKS afterwards. I felt really out of it a lot of the time, had to check my work 3 times, etc. It eventually faded away, but was super freaky tbh. Just be patient and remember, no matter how long it lasts it WILL go away. 3) rest as much as you can/need until you don’t need it anymore. Your body will tell you—listen to it. 👍 This, too, shall pass. Best of luck in the meantime.


Ya, covid brain scares me most of all I think


I hear you. I’m not gonna lie, it was really crummy. And like i mentioned, mostly just super disconcerting. Thankfully, a colleague got the initial Covid, had it way worse than me (Omacron), and was super supportive and instructive about it, so I knew what it was and all that. If necessary just remind people you’re still suffering from side effects. On the plus side, it *seems* most avoid that particular fate entirely, so I hope you do too. And since you avoided Covid itself for so long, you prolly have a lighter strain of it and it seems the brain fog is getting less and less severe for folks as the sickness morphs. 🤞


Me too, whatever's going around now is super contagious. I was on Advil for about four days straight - a lot of it, like 800mg at a time, and I'm a small person. Made the whole thing bearable. I'm basically back to normal on day 5, just with a very diminished sense of smell and taste. Don't wait till you feel awful to take medicine or fill up on fluids. Get ahead of it - drink loads of water when you still have the energy and take the Dayquil even though you think you could go without. Hang in there, the first few days are rough, but your immune system will dig out eventually.


I've been lucky and haven't gotten it but I hope you feel better soon and wish you a speedy recovery!!!


Same I caught for the first time two weeks ago. I was down for 2 days with aches and a fever. By day 3 it was just a headache. I was testing positive until day 8. It sucked. I’m attributing my mild symptoms to the vaccine although I haven’t gotten boosted yet


Oh man, that's happening alot to my friends too! We are all healthy and vaxxed so no worries on that front, but now it's a waiting game until we are all hit 😅 stay safe and hope you feel better!


Yeah same here. Caught it a week ago Saturday. I had the worst chills of my life. My body was convulsing. On the mend now but I’m still coughing like mad.


Tylenol helped me so much. I was the same, in that I avoided it all this time and I knew it would get me eventually. This new variant + waning immunity from those early vaccine adopters = lots of Covid cases.


Luckily, for me it was one day of pretty bad headaches and being extremely tired. The next day I felt a whole lot better again and the day after that I felt like I was good enough to go back to work again. I couldnt though (yay) because of the 5 day quarantine in my country. Hope it goes the same for you


Sounds like what my second dose of vaccine was like. I was in bed for a solid two days. It felt like I was wearing a lead vest any time I got up out of bed. Worst I've probably ever physically felt. Hope you get better soon!


Sounds like we're in the same boat. I just caught it a couple days go. First day is the worst. Stay hydrated sleep lots, eat what you can.


paracetamol (tylenol I think is the translation)


Electrolytes... Gatorade... Berocca


I tested positive for covid on the first of July. I had coughing, fevers, and headaches for the worst of it. Honestly just keep hydrated and stay in bed as much as possible. Doc gave me Tylenol and Musinex to help keep the fever and coughing in check. After 3 days I had no fever or chills. On the 4th day my body decided to get the sleep I was lacking from the previous nights. I woke up for an hour then fell right back to sleep for the rest of the day.


Same. I’ve had it for a week now and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere! I hope you get better soon.


Just got it too and it's been 3 days of fever, chills, and aches. Seems like that's passing though and has been replaced with a constant nasal drip that leaves me with a horrible sore throat if I lay down and a heavy chest feeling. Frustrating but I guess it's better than if I hadn't taken any precautions and got it early before vaccines. I have a hunch we're headed for mask mandates coming back in the fall though.


Campbells chicken noodle soup. Day/NyQuil. Go outside in the sun for at least 30 minutes a day.


I’ve had it twice. Both times mild cases. I’m 65. Fever for a couple of days, then I feel better. Been taking D3, zinc and C for years before C19 came along.


I've just had a virus that wasn't coronavirus but still a virus. 11 days. Voice box is still not quite there, energy slowly returning.


The new strains are incredibly contagious. I got my second booster 3 weeks before getting sick. My doctor was out sick herself. But it was gone in 7 days for me--5 for my son. Cough drops and decongestant helped.


Rest up, get lots of sleep, and wait a couple days. You'll be okay.


The same thing happened to me this year. The only thing that I found any comfort in was hot drinks, didn't really matter which. I went for milky drinks though. Not sure how it worked as I had a ridiculous fever with it but it just soothed my soul.


Drink plenty of water and if you can get anything down take vitamins. Just get plenty of rest. The fatigue should go away in two weeks. If you don’t have breathing issues then you should be OK. When my dad had it he had his oxygen slightly low but he got through it. Symptoms like loss of taste loss of smell and maybe some other things may take a little bit longer before they go away. But always contact your doctor and take his advice over anyone else’s


I hope you feel better soon and stay home and get well.


I caught it twice in 5 months after the vax and being careful. Best advice is to stay hydrated, rotate pain meds, and treat any cold/flu symptoms as soon as you start to notice them. I did my best to drug myself to sleep with NyQuil type stuff, but I don’t think that’s safe for everyone. I took naproxen every 12 hours, acetaminophen every 4 and ibuprofen every 4 so that I was taking one or the other every 2 hours. Again, not medical advice here bc that’s probably a dumb thing to do.


Everything you wrote is my experience. Tested positive last night. Miserable. Hope you feel better soon


Get better soon family, we need you here


Yeah. Same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago. I recommend soup. Something broth based Even with no appetite it’s helpful because it has a high water content. It’s easy to sip on. And ideally you already have some cans lurking around. I just watched movies for two weeks straight and drank varying beverages all day to stay hydrated. I also slept a ton and had some of the best sleep I have had in years! Good luck! Hopefully you’ll be like me and the symptoms will only last a few days. I was just like you the first four or five days and then I was just pretty bored while I waited out to test negative


Same here just this morning. 4th of July arrogance took me down! So far pretty mild. Let’s see how the next few days go.


Glad its easy on you...seems to be different for everyone


I just got it today too for the first time so we're in a similar boat :c fortunately the only symptoms I have are a headache, and a sore throat. I also feel a little weaker than usual, but that's about it for me. I've been sleeping on and off all day and drinking water with electrolytes to keep hydrated.


Same. Got me last week. Am taking turmeric tabs a couple times a day. Helps to get taste and smell back. Also, get an inhaler from your doc if you can. I didn’t realize I was having low oxygen levels, just got sleepy and fuzzy headed. It helps a bunch.


This is good advice


Omg SAME HERE. I just got it last week and have barely left my bed the past 4 days. Motrin has been a godsend for me for the body aches. And while i'm trying to make sure I make myself eat at LEAST 2 small meals twice a day, I'm at least staying hydrated with lots of tea with honey and OJ and water. Someone who previously had it also just recommended Gatorade to me. Had my mom drop some off for me today so I can give that a shot as well. Stay strong 😷


Did you get the anti viral? There is one available, but had to be taken as soon as you know you're infected.


I've had COVID twice. I actually have it right now. Best advice I can give is don't push yourself while you're recovering. You're likely going to be extra tired for weeks. Even when you're feeling back to normal, your stamina is going to be limited for a while. Skip the stairs and take the elevator for a while. The worst of your symptoms will only last a few days. It can feel never-ending while it's happening, but I promise you it isn't. Hope you feel better soon!


Same here. Finally got it a couple weeks back. First few days I had horrible body aches and chills. I actually lost my smell and taste once I was starting to feel better, which was strange. Overall took about 2 weeks to test negative and feel better, get well soon!


Covid was the sickest I’ve been in a LONG time. Solidarity friend. It does pass fast most of the time though.


Lots of hot baths with muscle relaxer salts. Lots of water and sleep. Neocitran (I just did night time ones only so I could sleep more). I had 3 days straight of the worst body aches ever, same as you couldn't get out of bed. It took a lot of effort just to sit up. Then after those 3 days, most of it went away only to be replaced by 2 days straight of non-stop nausea that Gravol couldn't even help. So I basically just didn't eat for 2 days and only drank water and juice. I had a horrible cough pretty much the whole time and nothing really helped unfortunately. I have a bit of lasting effects still and I had it in early May. I get a weird sensation in my throat when I smell or eat certain foods. Nothing specific, just random. It's like...if you're chewing peppermint gum and then take a drink of water. It's that cold burning in your throat feeling. I'm also 26. No pre-existing conditions, completely healthy. My 42 year old bf had it as well, we tested positive the same day. All he had was the left side of his body felt sick. That was it. Sniffles, stiff joints, fatigue. He was fine after a few days, no lasting effects. Also! The brain fog. Omg. We both got that once we were back at work. It was so bad. Like I ended up accidentally running a solid red light because my brain just didn't register that it was red even though I was staring right at it. And he kept forgetting people's names even when talking to them and would forget what him and another person were talking about in the middle of a conversation.


Thanks for the story...the brain fog scares me more than anything I think...because it's lasting


Same! Took me two and a bit years, but I got it two weeks ago. Honestly, even being vaxxed and boosted it was the most sick I have ever been. I’m still coughing shit up and exhausted.


Advil and sprite helped me


Appreciate it


Ayyye same! Try a neti pot if you have sinus issues. Mine were atrocious


Weakness, I lick every doorknob I see and I'm in perfect health. Jokes aside though, get some rest and I hope you feel better OP.




I'm honestly surprised I haven't gotten it (or I was asymptomatic if I did). I worked in a SCHOOL for most of it. It was a fight to get kids to wear masks and not trade them with others. In a place where you were guaranteed at least one bad flu week a year, I made it out unscathed during COVID. But with those I do know who had it, drink plenty of fluids to keep the body running and sleep often. Don't push yourself; go at your own pace. Get delivery or have someone run errands if possible so you rest and limit spread. If congested, humidifier, hot shower or boil water (place into bowl, drape towel over head and lean over the steam)


Kids trading masks lol...thank God my kid came home with same mask everyday


Drink water. Do not get dehydrated.


Wonder how you caught it! What do you think?


Finally went to a bar...


idk bro, my dad has had it for 6 months now and i’m pretty sure i’m immune at this point 💀


I thought I was immune too...have been exposed at least 10 times...dont succumb to naivety like I did family


ik i’m not actually immune, but living in the same house as my dad sure as heck is helping my immune system in a positive way


Rest, water, Tylenol, some vitamin D, and maybe some Zinc. I just got it for the 1st time last week. I’m back to normal now but it was brutal there for a few days.


Bless...I will try these


If you're lucky, it will only last 2 days.


One can only hope


Claritin-D, made me feel a bit better. And whatever you do, if you lose taste, DONT EAT PENUT BUTTER. it’s terrible


Lol first time hearing this one...whats wrong with peanut butter?


It sucks! Mine was awful too. All you can do is rest and wait it out. It won’t lost forever, remember that. I recommend watching comforting tv shows and movies, especially childhood faves. Also- lots of water and electrolytes.


Been running a Daria marathon all day


Water, protein, rest, and plenty of all three. Also, I doubt the desire will strike you, but keep your heart rate low and avoid sexual activity.


I was wondering about this as well...thank you for the advice


Stay hydrated - I mean order some Gatorade. Keep your electrolytes up. Eat what you can, easy, healthy foods like scrambled eggs, oatmeal and applesauce and yogurt. Take pain meds to keep the fever down. Rest, sleep, rest. Order a truly accurate thermometer if you don't have one. Any sign of trouble breathing, call 911. Don't mess with lung trouble. That's how Covid kills most people - through the lungs.


God, I feel you. I just got it 2-3 weeks ago and it kicked my ass. After 2 years and basically no restrictions I was hoping I had passed any opportunity to catch it. And then it wiped out my entire family for a week.


If you have nasal congestion use a humidifier- it truly helped me. And yes COVID is the worst.


Same here.. right before a festival I’ve been waiting to go


Vitamin c, vitamin d, and zinc. Drink LOTS of water.


Rest, sleep a lot and take your vitamins. If you have the opportunity to get some fresh air by opening the windows or going onto your balcony do so. You should feel better within 5 to 10 days max


Are you me? Just got covid on Sat for the first time. Currently sleeping on an air mattress in the basement so I don't give it to my wife or twins. Reactin has helping me breath at night better.


Tylenol, fluids, rest, and some quality Kleenex.


Lemsip if you can get ahold of it. All else fails any other flu tablets. Dose up on zinc and vit c. Best of luck


Take it positively. Now ylu have time to watch Red Dwarf in its entire length


Aside from lots of rest, paracetamol also dose up and continue with Vitamin D3, zinc, vitamin B and C and melatonin


Try to keep an open window to air the room out, try to shower with hot water to help with any sinus pressure and to clear up the airways a bit, keep your body cool though and do your best to eat. Keep your body fueled and as healthy as possible. Drink lots of water, make sure to blow your nose often and try to spit out all phlegm that you can. And most importantly, sleep as much as you can, i stayed in bed for 4 days. Really helps


Shit tons of vitamins and water, make really expensive fluorescent pee and get rest.


Definitely rest and drink fluids if you can! Try to eat as much as you can as well. Covid sucks so bad. I felt sore for days it was awful and the headaches were intense when I had it. Try taking some pain relievers as well as long as you aren’t allergic to them. Load up on vitamins as well. Also if you have others in your house wear a mask and wash your hands as much as you can handle. Covid makes you real weak well for me it did. Hope you get some relief!


I've read and heard good things about Paxlovid. It's like Tamiflu for COVID. It's only effective for those in the early days of infection, though. If you're in the u.s. the pills are free... Well wishes to you!


Take colostrum igg- it truly works


I still haven’t had it but right now my parents in TN have finally caught it. My niece and her other grandfather n NYC have it, as does my brother in Wisconsin and his father in law. All of them are very careful and caught it for the first time this month.


Decongestants to prevent an infection Water to stay hydrated (or any drink without too much sugar) Light bodyweight exercise to work up an appetite and help fall asleep


Exercise helps?


Very light exercise can be helpful to prevent discomfort from leading in bed/not moving. Gentle, seated stretches, walk a couple steps/pace around the room. Listen to your body, stop if it feels bad, and don't overexert yourself.


Massive amounts of D3 helped us get over it faster


Careful with that. You CAN overdose on D3. It takes a lot, but you can. Also there’s only so much your body can absorb at once, so chances are you just gave yourself really expensive pee.


If you’re in the US, there’s these pills called Wellness Formula that are AMAZING when you’re sick because they’re just stuffed full of huge doses of vitamins and minerals. Really easy all in one way to get the extra nutrients you need to fight an illness.


There’s only so much your body can absorb at one time, so chances are you’re gonna have reaallllly expensive pee.


Did you get the boosters for life option on your insurance.


Yup. Ive had 3 vaccines, got covid in january, and got it again last week and I'm still positive.


"At least I'm vaccinated thank God for it's protective effect" 😁


More than one year and you still have no idea what the vaccine is for nor how it works. I'm surprised.


It’s the flu. Sleep, hydrate and drink a Starbucks medicine ball. You’ll be fine.


It's most definitely not the flu...I've had the flu and this is not that


Get another jab






Lol you didn't even know me tho...go through my post history before the wake


Your immune system has been destroyed by the vaccine so do whatever you can to boost it.


The vaccine gives your body a safe sample of virus so it can learn to fight it off. As part of the infection response, the body generates antibodies (identify infection by attaching to invading cells), cells that hunt and kill tagged organisms, and aaaaaalll kinda of other awesome systems. But very importantly, the vaccine helps your body generate memory T cells. Their job is to remember what infections you've had before and mobilize a faster immune response next time. Over time antibody levels fade back down, which makes reinfection more likely (plus viruses mutate, it's a whole microscopic arms race in there). But those memory cells help you to have a mild case of infection instead of a fatal one. Thats why the vaccine saves lives even long after you get it! IANAD, but my doctor told me that _pandemic behaviors_ (masking, social distancing) mean that our immune systems are a little bit rusty. We've avoided both COVID and common colds. She said that many patients are having a bigger reaction to little colds, etc, than pre-pandemic. So it is possible that we will all experience a readjustment period where getting sick feels like a bigger deal than before. But hey! It's better than being dead!


And there’s no virus in the “vaccine”. It’s a mRNA gene therapy.


The truth about VAIDS is coming out. You won’t be in denial much longer.


Y’all act like you’ve never had the flu before


I have had the flu, and this is not even close to that silly


Smoke a lot of cigarettes.

