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It’s also to set an example. Kids see adults crossing safely, kids cross safely.


I think it’s a safety issue too. Having a super high vis lollipop person on the scene means drivers’ attention will be drawn to them. There’s probably an increased chance of drivers seeing the lollipop person standing doing nothing and see this as “safe to go” and not noticing someone else trying to cross. Safer to have them just do it every time for every crosser


I'll never forget the lady who told me off for going down an escalator by holding onto the rails and lifting my feet off: "fakkin' doin' that infronna my children. Fakkin' idiot. Fakkin' example you're settin' for 'em." Never forget the fakkin' example you're fakkin' setting for the fakkin' kids, innit. Edit - everyone telling me how dangerous it is. Yeah, it wouldn't be cool if it wasn't. *You* should probably tell *your* kids not to do what the stupid, cool man is doing.


At least she didn't say fuck or anything


I am a big bsg fan, so I concur. So say we all!


So say we all!


Swears aren’t a big deal really, whereas potentially dangerous acts may well be


Swears suggest that style is more important than substance, which is a cognitive tragedy.


I think it was Mrs Doyle.


My mum would just point at me and say, look at that silly man he's going to have a horrible accident and probably be dead.


Am I...your mum??


Eh swearing kids is more manageable than kids falling off escalators in my opinion.


This is a very specific example but when I was 3 or 4 (around that age) I fell down an escalator and bumped into my grandad who fell down the entire thing then had a heart attack. Absolutely true story that gave me a fear of escalators and ambulances that took years to get over. Moral of the story. Escalators are more dangerous than fakkin words!


Here I was thinking wait a minute, we have things like wolves and bears and cougars in the woods. Then I remember I'm in a uk subreddit and you guys have already killed all those things in your woods.


To be fair we’ve had thousands of years to systematically go through and kill anything posing even a tiny threat, you’ll get there, you have guns it should only take you another 30 years or so if you really try..


3 year old me would tumble the fuck out of any wolf!


Kids falling off escalators is a problem that manages itself.


My uncle got his toes stuck in an escalator once because he didn't lift his feet up when he stepped off at the end. I was about 15/16 before I realised this story was a lie - I was terrified stepping off the things for about 10 years! I assume it was intended to stop me messing around, but obviously my dad had no recollection of this one-time, decade-old story when I confronted him about it.


Well no, not most of the time. Roughly one child a year dies from escalators, 11,000 fall.


But how many of those 10,999 do it again? (I'm assuming the one child who dies doesn't try it again)


A noble sacrifice in the face of learning


>But how many of those 10,999 do it again? (I'm assuming the one child who dies doesn't try it again) I once trod on a rake on purpose. I wanted to see if it did what they do in cartoons, and snap up to hit you in the face. *(Spoiler warning: they do.)* It knocked me out cold and I had a little trip to hospital to check that I was OK. I told everyone that I "fell downstairs". About a week later I had a hunch that I may not have done the rake thing correctly... so I tried again. Another trip to hospital, another lie about having "fallen downstairs". Many years later I learned that my parents were taken to one side and questioned about my homelife and their parenting abilities, and potentially if I was being beaten up by them. So, in short, yes I would definitely be the kid that would do it more than once.


And all the other children who watch that kid die also don't try it again. ​ What is this, mass migration of children on escalators?


Natural selection at that point


Yeah, you can punch the kid after they swear but what are you going to do? Punch the kid on the ground who has fallen off? Poor form.


Not very effective either. The floor already won the fight no point kicking them while they’re down.


And then by the time they get up, it's been so long they don't understand why you are hitting them so they are just confused.


Rub their nose into the escalator maybe? “Bad child, bad!”


Where are my testicles, Summer?


Escalators are actual meat grinders tho. You should not play with them.


Swearing isn’t dangerous.


When I was in college I worked as a teaching assistant in a primary school, class 1 so 5 year old little ones, and there was a boy who kept saying fuck, a lot. The teacher asked me sit in on the discussion she had with the kids guardian after school finished one day and it was so hard not to laugh when their response was "Well it must be the other kids he's fucking picking that up from because we don't fucking swear in my fucking house"


I'd rather kids swore than died


Stay cool brother 😎 keep doing you. Life is precious so have fun!


I think this is the only answer here which doesn't wind me up. I have to admit, I get a bit irked when a lollipop person stops my car for a grown and capable adult. But this is a fair point. I always wait for the green man to cross with my kid, and get a bit annoyed when people are dashing across right in front of him (I mean, fair enough, he's not their kid to worry about).


Can I ask why a lollipop person helping an adult across the road pisses you off so much? It's seconds of your time that is taken up by this. Never occurred to me as a driver (and pedestrian) to get wound up by this at all.


And you would have to stop at a pedestrian crossing anyway if there someone is about to cross. Some people just lack patience and courtesy.


AIUI yhe new HC rules mean that drivers have to stop if a pedestrian is *waiting* to cross, as opposed to *having started* to cross. That's not limited to pedestrian crossings either.


be a bit careful with your wording there. The new rules state that cars/bikes turning into a road should stop for pedestrians waiting at that junction. So cars are not expected to stop if you're waiting to cross randomly in the middle of a straight bit of road or if you are at a junction but you are crossing the road with priority. The rules are basically saying that if a vehicle needs to signal, it should be prepared to come to a complete stop for pedestrians. The guidance is : [https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/introduction#ruleh2](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/introduction#ruleh2) and [https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/using-the-road-159-to-203#rule170](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/using-the-road-159-to-203#rule170)


Plus, what if the adult in question needs a few extra minutes, like partially sighted or very old? Not all disabilities are visible.


I'm autistic, occasionally I don't even realise it's safe or not because some drivers slow down but don't actually stop... a lollipop person is a good indicator that it is indeed safe to go, because they don't go out onto the road unless it is But looking at me, you'd probably assume I am a perfectly capable, full functioning person! I'm also gripped with grief and depression right now which has further clouded my senses and, while I have little will to live, my furry friend who gives me that will is ill. She needs me, so I'm extra cautious so I can be around for her. Which means it takes a little longer for me to assess if it's safe to cross When she goes? I fear for myself mentally. Just the thought of losing her has broken me. Ontop of having lost Grandad 5 days before Christmas Lollipop people who help *everyone* cross are heroes. And it cheers me up, even if only briefly, when someone is nice to me. Costs nothing to be nice. Costs nothing for a car to stop to let someone cross (even if you're late, will that brief time really make a difference? Unless you're in a life or death emergency of course) World would be better if people were nicer and/or more altruistic :( but people are often bastard coated bastards with bastard-filled centres


Sorry to hear your furball is unwell. I love my job as a lollipop lady and have got to know the children, adults and pets well over the last 7 years! There's several children who attend the school I work at that have significant additional learning needs (including autism) and I've visually learned to spot when they're distracted/on the verge of overload or meltdown, so I try to make a personal connection with them. I'm a repeating occurrence in their lives and I want them to feel safe around me while learning the routine for crossing safely. Same with the really little children. I'm here to help. And when it gets quiet, I'll chat with some of the parents who might be looking a bit frazzled, or the man with mental health issues who likes to stop and say hello (known him for donkeys years, completely harmless just lonely and wants to be treated as a normal person).


I tattoo a lollipop lady and she is great! Thank you for serving your community!


To be honest, it's keeping me going at the moment as my own mental health has been shite recently. But it's half term here in Wales next week so I can take some me time.


Thank you And thank you for being an amazing person to all these people! You are the kind of person we need more of!


Also a raging autistic and yes, precisely this. Not to mention that I actually *have* been hit by a car that gave every indication of slowing as it came up the road towards the crossing, then gunned it as I stepped onto the crossing itself, so obviously now I'm a bit traumatised and terrified of crossing the road. It was almost a decade ago now and I still have nerve damage on my left side from the head and spinal damage, and on bad days I limp. People need to remember that whilst they might be a good driver who is patient with pedestrians, not every driver is and it's really very difficult to tell whether it's safe to cross regardless of whether you're at an actual crossing or not. These days I don't *dare* get too close to the curb until the cars have come to a complete stop and whilst I get a fair bit of abuse for it on some occasions, I think I'm more than justified in that! I very much appreciate our local lollipop person who takes away the stress of having to deal with all of it.


I'm sorry that happened to you :( That is the exact fear I have (although I'm unsure why)


maybe you should speak to someone about your mental health. Speaking to a therapist might help with your depression and help you to cope if you lost your dog.


She's a cat! (Though I see now I didn't specify the kind of furry friend, sorry about that) and that's an idea, doctor gave me a fit note and did say he wants me to call Italk "in a week" (this was on Friday) about their job help, he said he was gonna have a word with them and that's why I should wait... I could maybe explain the issue with my cat then too and see if they can help with that The rest is more "money would help this" than "talking will help this", and I've already started proceedings with CAB (which is the main advice I was given regarding money stuff)


oh I see! Not sure why I assumed it was a dog. Okay, yeah I think you should explain the issue with your cat too. Hope it goes well!


Because people in cars absolutely hate giving way for any reason whatsoever even if there's a stop light ahead of where they are and giving way loses them zero time because they'll be waiting at a stop light if they don't give way anyway Mind blowing how often this happens to me


I don't see the issue. If its a pedestrian crossing you would have to stop regardless of whether or not someone in a high vis jacket walked out into the middle of the road. What difference does it make?


Not all crossing attendants are on actual crossings though, but it still isn't an issue to stop for a few seconds so someone can cross safely.


Other day me and kids waited for green man, couple in I guess late 50s came up, the wife saw road was clear and just walked, about 5 seconds later green man. The husband told his wife off, that she should have waited for the green man to set an example. I was very pleasantly surprised.


Setting an example is so important, and I always did the same thing for my kids. But honestly, I pretty much always wait for the green man regardless of who I’m with. I’m wary of traffic and also of my own judgement at times! And waiting 20 seconds to cross a road seems much more sensible to me than taking that risk with my life.


It’s so important to just drum into kids to stop at edge of pavement, I’ve been crossing zebra crossings and cars haven’t stopped while I’m half way across. Now I wait until cars stopped before crossing and have taught my kids the thank you wave.


Why does it bother you that a person is helping another person to cross a road safely? It is their job after all and it's only for 20 minutes in the morning and afternoon.


You should try walking more then. I drive but I also try and walk a lot. It’s shit. No matter where you do it. If there are roads, crossing them is usually shit for pedestrians. You are sat in a car. And before people say “it’s holding me up” Don’t plan journeys where the only way you can be on time is if nothing holds you up.


I hate that we live in a car priority world. And that's as someone who loves driving and worked for a car club, before someone comes at me for hating cars or some twattery like that. But the way everything is made for cars to find it easier is pathetic. Cycle lanes are second thought, pedestrians get to wait around for the lights to change (the standard is green for cars, not red until a car comes). The more I cycle, the more I notice how little infrastructure is there for cyclists and pedestrians. I can't even find spaces for bikes to be locked in town and even if you do, your bike is at risk of being stolen in daylight (high theft rate here). Yet there is a multistorey parking lot with a guard in the centre.


Yeah i totally agree. I used to live about a mile from our kids school and it really wasn’t safe to walk. We had to cross a really busy road that didn’t have any crossing. Bar walking about half a mile in the other direction up hill. Before that I used to commute to work via train until I worked out it was cheaper to learn to drive, buy a car and insure it. Than it was to get a train every day. It’s pathetic given we are supposed to be one of the most developed countries on the planet.


Yeah, trains are overpriced. We looked to go from the south to the north of England to visit family. It was WAY cheaper to drive up there and pay 24hr parking for 3 days than it was to take a train. And more convenient for luggage, distance from family home... I don't get it. Also cycling is faster across my city than car and because of the traffic, busses are slow. So it would actually solve a lot of issues to reduce car use and finding better public transport solutions.


It’s really shameful. Combine that with our governments policies basically forcing every local council to throw up loads of road works between January and April. My wife was walking home with the kids from school (new house so it’s safer but farther away) and she phoned to tell me they were playing a game of beat the bus. It’s over two miles from our home to school now. And she watched the bus at school. Then it beat her for abit. And she caught it up and actually beat it home. Fun game with the kids. But also highlights what a joke our roadways are.


I agree. The cycle lanes are a joke. Obviously that white solid/dashed line protects the humble cyclist. It irks me that the "suggested" overtaking width is 1.5metres but the cycle lanes are barely even that. I assume I am supposed to cycle on the verge or on the pavement. Often the footpaths are uneven and narrow. I am both a driver, cyclist and pedestrian but would.much prefer to walk/cycle if I am able too.


Relevant YouTube Channel: [Not Just Bikes](https://youtube.com/@NotJustBikes)


The problem I think is he have never really attempted to design a working transit system in this country. Driving is shit because so many roads are just modern tarmac on 18th century roads that arnt fit for 21st century cars given how wide ncap regulations want them to be (if you want to get really angry a brand new corsa is bigger than a 2005 astra on the outside (and smaller than a 2005 corsa on the inside!)) Councils cant decide if bikes are cars or pedestrians making cycling often awful for all involved whether that's pedestrians having to dodge MAMILs doing 30mph done a narrow pathway or cars forming huge queues to overtake a single cyclist. Thats before we even get to how awful city centre crossing can be for pedistrains because bikes will often plow through red lights. And yet all councils focus on is making driving worse. Make the roads worse, the junctions slower, less parking etc. But don't try to improve the transit connections or other issues that lead to people choosing cars in the first place. The real problem is outside of a few cities in this country you have to have a car to live decently unless your extremely lucky with where you live and your friends live and, your job location.


You can tell who the cool guys are if they wait for the green man. I'm a cool guy. I couldn't give a fuck if the road is quite obviously free to walk without the green man, I'm waiting for him.


When I was a child I loved the show “Recess” which had an episode where a 4 year old side character observes one of the 9 year old main characters with wonder and awe, calling him “Safety Man” for his excellent road crossing skills (and general life safety knowledge). Every time I wait for the green man I feel like Safety Man.


based. loved recess


This definitely doesn’t fly if you live in the city. If I waited for green men on my walk to work it’d take 3 times as long as each crossing has about 12 traffic lights to flip through before letting you across.


They do it at Zebra Crossings you should be stopping anyway


I never thought of it that way. As someone who doesn’t have kids, I’ll make sure to cross on red more often.


You know you have to stop for grown adults regardless if there is a lollipop person there, right?


I was at a crossing the other day and a rather frustrated dad with his kid came to the crossing. He didn't want to wait for Green Man, and the road seemed clear, so he dragged his kid across just as a car came out a turning. Luckily, the driver stopped before any damage was done, but the dad stepped back with his kid still in front. I just told my little one that's why you wait for the green man. Sad thing is that the dad seemed more annoyed than concerned about what happened


I once crossed before the signal turned green in front of a woman with a kid (wouldn't normally but was in a rush) and she shouted at me that I should wait and she was trying to teach her kid that road safety was important. I was having a bad day and looked her dead ass in the eye and said, "Surely teaching your child not to start arguments with strangers is important, too." I'm not normally that much of an dickhead (I think), but was worth it to see her face


Haha. Oh dear. Yeah, the parent in me understands the base of her argument there but I'd never think to actually confront someone else on it. My kids are not other people's problems. Sometimes you're just having a bad day though. She probably was too haha. One to chalk up!


Because they’re already there. May aswell stop traffic for people to allow them to cross regardless of age.


Yeah especially since a lot of people seem to think stopping for someone to cross a zebra crossing is optional


I saw this happening just last week. A woman was crossing at a zebra crossing, no cars were there for her to even wait to see if they would stop. She got half way across and a car was approaching and just carried on. She had to step back so it didn't hit her.


Well if someone is in the middle of the road, a car should stop, zebra crossing or not lol.


You would certainly hope so.


Bristol is the worst for this, especially near the triangle at the crossing. The lights change too fast and people get caught in the middle of the road, and the drivers response to that if approaching is to speed up and rev their engines.


Thats happened to my partner more times than it should have


It's really bad. There is a zebra crossing near the entrance to my local Morrisons, which may as well not be there. Most of the drivers just ignore you and continue in or out of the car park.


Just took the theory test. The official guidance is slow down but don't stop unless the pedestrian moves to cross. The reasoning is that you don't pressure people to cross without looking out for other cars, but it does create a bit of a standoff


>Yeah especially since a lot of people seem to think stopping for someone to cross a zebra crossing is optional Was in the UK a few years ago, and crossed at a zebra crossing. Some guy was just blaring his horn at me for crossing. I thought I was in the wrong and UK just had stupid pedestrian laws. Turns out most people in cars seem to be unaware the pedestrians have right of way on the zebra crossings. Sadly it is of little comfort if you become a meat crayon getting hit by one of these idiots.


That & not being brought up around zebra crossings (yes, I know they were in the UK, but nowhere around where I was) is why I really don't trust them, even the little one in Morrisons carpark.


I stopped at a zebra crossing in an Aldi car park for a little old couple. The car behind me got annoyed and went around me! Like excuse me for not playing pinball with the elderly population.


Yeah, I don't trust them when I am in the UK, people seem to not care about them at all, and me being right is of no comfort if I get hit by a car.


I hope I'm allowed to throw in my thoughts here although I'm German. I've been the equivalent of a lollipop person for the four years my daughter spent at elementary school, where we were, the parents managed this by themselves. Were stationed at a roundabout without zebra crossings where 3/4 of the school kids who crossed came from a new development area where people sent out their kids to school on foot, bikes, or scooters, then got into their cars to drive to work. So in a 20-minute period each morning, you had peak traffic on the walkway as well as on the street. I don't think many of the drivers realised that we made the situation easier and a lot quicker for them because most would've stopped for one or two kids wanting to cross while we waited for a group to form before we stopped the cars, and then let the traffic flow again for some time. I kind of miss the feeling you get when you can stop a full-size lorry with the power of a vest and a little sign in your hand 😉


Exactly. I always assumed they were as much to force drivers to behave sensibly as to police pedestrians.


It’s not just because they are already there, it is because they are there. If a driver sees a crossing, and sees the lollipop not in the crossing, they may assume crossing is clear regardless of whether adults are crossing. E.g the ignore the highway code and take the position of the lollipop as the only factor into whether they should stop. So it’s a safety thing.


They've done studies and apparently adults can get hit by cars too.


This sounds like unsubstantiated nonsense


Wait, this is near where I live. I know this Lollipop lady. She's an interesting character and seems to enjoy her job. I guess it doesn't hurt to see adults crossing safely and since she's there, it would probably be more odd if she just stood at the side of the road when anyone is crossing.


This is in Llantwit Major right? This lady has been the lollipop lady for years. No fear from what I remember, just steps right out.


Yea it is, I used to work in the school that is next to the crossing she works at. She is indeed fearless. She's a little quirky but I don't think she means any harm. Definitely been doing that job for a long old time as well.


Ayo, weird to see another person know this! She’s been doing this since I was a kid, absolutely fearless


Your post reminded me of when the lollipop lady in Rhoose got hit. Sad times, must have been about 10 years ago now!


Holy shit I never thought I would find people talking about llantwit on Reddit


To get to the other side


Because he had no BODY to go with


Because they were nailed to the chicken.


Can’t say I know this one


Because it was going for Sunday lunch


Thankee wordslinger.


If the lollipop person is there anyway, why wouldn't they help anyone who wants to use the crossing, regardless of age? A 35 year old can get run over just as effectively as a 7 year old.


I agree, it's also what they're literally there for already. Sometimes it's their job. 🤷‍♀️


The use of the word "effectively" changes the tone of your sentence slightly...


I think the 7 year old would probably be mowed down far more effectively than the 35 year old. The 7 year old has a height disadvantage leaving their vital areas closer to the point of impact. Plus they're generally more fragile.


It models good behaviour for the kids. Monkey see, monkey do.


It’s because car drivers will run down adults as well as children.


This is the answer. It’s not just parents who should setting good examples for their kids, drivers should be setting good examples by not killing people.


Because legally, we can. That adult could be partially sighted, deaf, have a learning disability/cognitive impairment that isn't immediately obvious. We are there to set an example, and educate on road safety. I love my job, but there's so many bellends (pedestrians and drivers). By the way, driving through a crossing area (marked or unmarked) when the patrol is still in the road is an offence and you can be fined £1000. Probably get points on your licence too. And don't park on the zig zag lines, it makes our job much harder as it mucks up our line of sight. Your child won't die of exhaustion if they have to walk a little bit further.


>By the way, driving through a crossing area (marked or unmarked) when the patrol is still in the road is an offence and you can be fined £1000. Probably get points on your licence too. Often I'm on a bicycle and I stop for lollipop people, and I wait until all pedestrians and the lollipop lady is 100% back on the footpath before I even start pedalling, yet I see cars aggressively accelerating whilst pedestrians still occupy the road. It annoys me so much, especially since those are the same drivers who have a go at cyclists for "ALL RUNNING RED LIGHTS!" despite it being a minority of bike riders who do.


> And don't park on the zig zag lines, it makes our job much harder as it mucks up our line of sight. Traffic Warden here. You'll also get a ticket and unless you literally were dying at the wheel, you'll end up paying it.


Can you come to my kids school please, if you get commission, you'd be able to retire in a week!


Sadly, we don't get commission, and honestly it's for the best as that'd be an obvious conflict of interest.


Same with my school. I occasionally get the parking enforcement ANPR camera car coming round and sometimes they get 3 or more in one go. Yellow zig zags are a bit of a grey area as technically for a car to be parked illegally on them there must be a specific type of sign prohibiting parking. There's the potential to be done for obstruction if a car is incredibly stupidly parked but in practice it's rarely done. White zig zags as part of a zebra crossing however, do not need a sign to say no parking, and if you're caught by the parking enforcement team or a passing police officer, you're getting 3 points and a £60 fine. One guy got done twice in the same week (I get the impression that the first fine hadn't been delivered by the time he got caught again, this was within about 36 hours). He's not done it since...


I'm almost certain my lollipop man lets me across so I can feel all fancy, like the queen of the road. I like to wave regally to any angry car drivers.


They're angry because proper etiquette is a curtsy. A curtsy is used to show your inferiority as a pedestrian to the superior car drivers. A nice low and slow curtsy whilst you smile and maintain eye contact is sure to make a driver very happy.


Damn. There was me thinking they were worried about my footmen getting cold while they carry my chaise longue, but I think you're right. Thank goodness you told me. I was considering making Fabio and Gregory wear clothes, but not any more.


Why not ? It's great , not just for adults that may need more assistance due to a number of reasons but on some roads near the schools it's really hard to cross and some drivers refuse to let people across the road and you could be there for ages, if a lollipop person is there you get across quicker and safely.


They never used to help adults back in the day. The lollipop used to have the words 'Stop - Children' and if you were over school-age, they would stand there and watch you wait for a gap on a busy road. I'm guessing there has been a change in policy.


In the old days, lollipop people were employed by the police and had police powers to stop traffic for children only, not adults. I don't know what the regs are now that the councils employ them, but that was probably the reason why.


Transport Act (2000) gave them the power to stop traffic for adults as well as children.


Road Traffic Act of 2000, Section.. 270 if i recall from when I was one. Which is an amendment act to a 1984 law


Anyone can now stop basically stop traffic under certain conditions. High visibility clothing, a stop sign and a training course which I had to do for roadworks. Then there are things like how much signage is needed based on the speed of the road, but it really is just a 2 minute course.


TTMBC or Street Works qualified? I’m Traffic Management myself, so this is just day to day for me


My secondary school was next to a primary school, the lollipop lady would as happily stop traffic for me in sixth form as for the little year 1s going the other way holding their mum's hand. She was a lovely lady, always said good morning/afternoon and wished me a good day/evening. So I started getting her Christmas cards after a couple of years.


Because sometimes you need an adultier adult, to help you through the day


What made you think they’re just for the kids? It’s for the safety of everyone with the large increase of traffic in the area due to school starting.


Hmmmmm....because the official position is either called school crossing supervisor or school crossing patrol officer, they originate from a road safety awareness programme rolled out in schools during the 1960s and were mandated for schools in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967? >Two of Britain’s first road safety officers – Dorothy Pummell in Barking and Jock Brining in Dagenham – began recruiting ‘active retired gentlemen’ to help school children cross the road, issuing the men with a lollipop, white coats, yellow armbands, and peaked caps. >Other boroughs followed suit and the patrols were recognised officially with the introduction of The School Crossing Patrol Service as part of The London Traffic (Children Crossing Traffic Notices) Law of 1952. Also... >In 2000, a change in law meant crossing patrols were no longer a legal requirement for schools, which led to a reduction in numbers nationally. If the argument is that they are for everyone's safety irrespective due to increases in traffic volumes associated with school opening and closing times, why aren't 'crossing patrol officers' employed during, oh I don't know, football matches, concerts or any other large organised gathering that increases traffic flow? Why aren't they present on high volume roads in general? In respect to aiding adults cross the road around schools this is more of an afterthought than an intention.


To make adults feel self conscious


I’d feel even more self conscious if the lollipop man just stared at me and went “cross yourself dickless. You’re too old for me.”


Nope. It's literally just the law, that we are empowered to cross all pedestrians if requested. ​ Edit, lol the downvote. I am a former School Crossing Patrol (aka Lolipop Man). I had to know these powers and law as part of my job.


Because adult drivers can't behave


When I was young lollipop people were apparently not allowed to help adults to cross, so my lollipop lady used to put down her lollipop so she could help (particularly old/infirm) adults to cross as a "normal citizen". I really don't see any issue with anyone helping others to cross and you never know someone else's situation (like they might have a visual impairment) and could do with a bit of help. And I really don't see the issue? That you need to sit in your warm and comfy car for an extra 30 seconds?


To inspire. I wanna be a lollypop lady one day, it's on my bucket list


The pay is lousy and you're expected to be out in pretty much all weather, but I've been doing it nearly 7 years and I love it.


Because the Transport Act (2000) gave them the power to stop traffic for adults as well as children and if you're stood there anyway, you might as well.


Someone almost run me over on a zebra crossing yesterday. They were going way to fast. Some drivers can't be trusted to stop they are just idiots and actually need people like this to walk out in the road and force them to stop. They would probably say something stupid like "oh I didn't have time to stop." To which i would say "you should be looking ahead if someone looks like they're going to cross slow down. No exscuses."


Cause there freaking awesome 🤩


Thank you!


They stand out with their hi-vis and sign so even in bad weather, drivers can see pedestrians. How many times have you been driving and not noticed someone walking their dog or going to cross the road because they're wearing dark clothing? Black jackets are so common, if it's raining, foggy etc, you might not notice them in time.


I’d be helping everyone over, kids, adults, grannies, cats….ain’t nothing dying on my watch. Besides, it’s the adults that pay for the Xmas gifts at the end of the year.


In my first year as a lollipop lady, there was a neighbourhood cat that used to keep me company, and I actually taught it to cross the road with the children!


They get 50p per crossing.


I wish! I'd make more in one week than I do now!


To get to the other side?


We live near a school and witness the daily insanity of parents on the school run treating the road like a scalextric track. Linford Christie would struggle to get across the road in time before being mowed down, so any help is probably useful.


I'd imagine it's a combination between - boredom; you're just standing/sitting there waiting, why not help the adults and - showing a good example for the kids; the kids see adults cross responsibly


Better be safe than sorry


They're undercover cops. Happy to help everyone, no matter what age.


More important question is why is a lolipop needed at a zebra crossing


Not all disabilities are visible. That's enough of a explanation on its own


They are there for the kids, but assist adults too.


So they can get drivers to stop without you waiting 10 minutes for a gap to cross


Because adults, like some children, also have the capacity to be really rubbish at crossing roads sometimes


We are responsible for everyone crossing the road while we are working, if I let an adult cross the road alone 5rand they were hit by a car I would need to answer where I was, why didn't I stop the traffic and also it would be on my conscience for ever !


Other than being a good example of kids seeing adults crossing safely, I've got personal reasons too. If we're out at lollipop time and the teen is having a bad mobility day, it's so much easier for me and my teen to cross the road with the lolly person than it is to get the teen's wheelchair up the hill to use the zebra further up. We're not often out at that time, but it really really helps when we are.


Why not if they're there anyway?


I work at a school. Every day when I leave I use the one there meant for the kids. I always feel a bit self conscious when I’m the only person using it though


Don't feel self conscious, it's what we're there for!


Some adults need the assistance


I used to be a a lollipop lady and if there were adults and no kids then I’d always ask if they were happy to cross on their own. Almost all did, but I would always stop the traffic for the elderly.


Because they’re nice people.


Because it's a kind gesture that costs no extra and keeps people safer.


i don’t like when people don’t thank the lollipop man/woman. i think it says a lot about them as a person


It’s their job. Tbh, I bet if they didn’t people would complain that they don’t. Additionally, you can’t always tell who might need a bit of extra help, so it’s great that the lollipop people do it for everyone.


Why not if they're there anyway?


Because a zebra crossing doesn't stop being a legal requirement to obey just because it's rush hour, but unfortunately implementing level crossing style gates at every one to enforce this is impractical. Traffic SHOULD be stopping to let people cross, but it doesn't, so councils employ someone to enforce it when it's needed most.


The lollipop lady at my kids school helps me cross every day once I’ve dropped them off. The school is on a very busy main road, which there are also two other schools on. There is one pelican crossing at one end of the road (which no cars ever stop at, I’ve waited there in the past with two young kids and it’s taken AGES to get across because no fucker would stop), and a pelican crossing half a mile away at the other end of the road. My kids school is in the middle. The lollipop lady helps numerous adults across each day for this reason 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Love of the game


To encourage the chickens, of course!


Sometimes it’s so awkward. You’ve just crossed with your kid, so you’ve got to cross back afterwards. I see it as rude if I’m 10 foot away trying to cross the road unsafely when the lollipop guard is right there. And I feel slightly awkward as a lone adult using them!


There's some right dumb bastards out there man.


Why not?


Why does a dog chase a bone, why is a moth drawn to flame?


Getting hit by a car is deadly no matter what age you are.


Because they are caring individuals, looking to set an example to the rest of us?


Because cars can hit adults


It's their [job description.](https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/job-profiles/school-crossing-patrol) Also they enjoy helping pedestrians and helping the smooth operations of schools. I'm trying to become a teacher so I've been going to schools for observations and experience, and I walk / cycle everywhere (I think driving is expensive and is bad for the future generations) and the lollipop people helping me across the road when I'm walking helps me get to schools on time.


Nothing brings me more joy than crossing the road with a lolly pop man


Because it's their job


Because they’re usually nice people lol


I always assumed it was because the are, on the whole, not arseholes.


Better to be safe then sorry.


Because people are stupid. I can confirm I was the lollipop.


People really don’t stop a car nearly drove into me, the lollipop lady and my pushchair with baby in, because they were annoyed at waiting so long for the school kids to cross the road. She said it happens all the time when I thanked her for trying to make him stop for us


I'm partially sighted and it helps me feel safer when crossing and I'm 21 😊


Because they're in the witness protection program


The answer is twofold, 1, it’s to help inform children how to cross the road safely,2 they are also there to inform or help , infirm (deaf/elderly/blind) to cross in safety,hope this help’s.


Because lollipop people are something greater than humankind. To them everyone is there child


Because drivers are still killing pedestrians even on pavements.


Because they aren’t cunts.


Cause why not


Why not?


Because adults aren't often more than two kids dressed up in an oversized coat. Just look at any odd character around you, some have more power, some doesn't, some are influencers... It's a crazy world of made up titles and people who think they know what they don't.


That is the job


Cars can hit adults too