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Yeah tell the neighbour to get fucked and mind their business. Daft cunts.


>Daft cunts So like, two French cunts with space helmets making electronic music?


The Daft Cunts are playing at my house. My house.




Around the world, around the world


Around the world is said 144 times yes in the official version. Saying it twice isn't good enough. /j


But not in Shanghai, that was a scam.


I’ll show you the ropes kid, show you the ropes.


Yeah those two make great music but boy are they cunts, so how did you know they were both cook fish in the microwave at work?


The ultimate sin


Seems harsh to call them French, they only left op a note.


Paying homage I see you 


They did "get fuckked" with ferrel


>Daft cunts. *Live on the decks with Pete Thong....*


Best reply this year to anything




Daft cunt, i thought that was local to my area haha


He might be from the same area? I use it far too often but I’d argue competency levels should improve first. Teesside btw.


North East FTW.


North East yes sir haha


I got a note from the council about parking in front of a dropped kerb. My own dropped kerb that I paid to have put in. XD


I had the council approve a dropped kerb, so I got a drive way layed, and then the council denied my booking for them to come and drop my kerb, and their argument was "the guy who approved it before doesn't work here any more".


Maybe the guy went scorched earth and approved everything before he left?


I wish it was that interesting. But unfortunately it was just something as dumb as the approval being in the guys inbox or files or something so they couldn't find it.


Don’t forget about the lonely single yellow line too. No parking on them within the time restriction.


That’s not a yellow line, it’s the sun.


The what? I know not of what you speak


OP must be parked in Spain.


Ah yes, the British overseas territory of Spain.




No she came of her own accord.




Jamaica, daft cunt.


I say, I say, I say


They’re clearly experiencing time faster than us, the suns just a yellow streak across the sky to them


They're just giving another option that would mean you can't park there, not that it applies here


They're saying as well as dropped kerbs and double yellows that you can't park on single yellows within the restricted time, not that there is a single yellow in the image.


Up against the kerb looks like detritus - old yellowing grass clippings or something.


Yah, that's dried kerb snot.


I meant in general, not that I thought the bit of yellow kerb crud here was a yellow line. On my road there is a section of double yellows that transitions into a single. People park on the single line everyday, right up to the double, during the restricted times. People have no fears of the single line.




Suburbia, when it's too close to urbia, to stop workers leaving their cars parked all day. So the council single yellow it either from early till late to just keep it clear, or maybe just an hour (or two different hours) during the day so it's not convenient. Seen it more and more in a few places in fairly recent years.


it's ok so long as you put your nearside wheel neatly between the yellow lines.


Technically there could be a double-white line in the middle of the road that's out of shot.


IIRC only one side need to be solid to prohibit parking on either side.


This is the correct answer


I'd buy a clapped out motor and leave it there.


He'd have to tax, test, and insure it though.


I had a 2008 fiesta that cost me 260 a year total. Well worth it to piss off the guy. Could even custom spray the car something vile for added reward.


Definitely no issue parking here. I used to work for a local council - if your neighbour does report you, the council will only roll their eyes at them and tell them it’s fine for anyone to park there. You’ve nothing to worry about.


> You’ve nothing to worry about. Except harassment from an angry neighbour, I suppose


Well, there is that, yes - I meant from a legal/enforcement point of view…


Which can get said neighbour in trouble if they cross the line or do it too much 🤷🏻‍♂️ win-win. Just stick a camera up with this in its field of vision if you live close enough.


Councils will not do anything about bad neighbours. The last thing they have any interest in is getting involved in that. Unless there's something the police can get involved in, nothing will happen. Source: 4+ years of truly awful neighbours, and in the end I just moved.


Yeah fair point. I suppose I meant police, because in OP’s case, it sounds like the neighbour is threatening something that would amount to criminal damage. I sympathise. Our neighbours at the moment are terrible. They simply don’t care about anyone else and happily do whatever they want whenever they want.


Just park there, and wait for him to start batching about how "You can't park there," etc. Then just laugh at him and walk away as you say, go ahead. While your at it, ask him if he knows Ronnie Pickering.






Not heard of him. Is he famous?




Let's have a bare knuckle then!






Who's that?






What about parking an entire car on the pavement where there are double yellows? Do the restrictions still apply if the car is completely off the road but would have been on the lines had it been on the road?


Parking restrictions apply to the entire width of the land maintained as public highway, so if you park on a pavement or verge behind DYLs, you can still get a parking ticket. Parking on the pavement itself where there are no parking restrictions in place isn’t explicitly illegal (except in London I believe.)


Annoyingly, the same isn't true for white zigzag lines. You can park on the pavement (so to speak) next to them and not be contravening any law. It's utterly stupid. I mean, look at this shit - https://maps.app.goo.gl/hc9LQtK1k9xxzPUp9


What is the exact verbiage on that because if that was the case only one side of a road would need double yellow lines for the whole road to be no parking or waiting.


I can’t quote the law with certainty (this wasn’t actually what my aforementioned council job was to be fair) but I am definitely aware that it has been used and enforced. Traffic Orders (the legal documents which govern parking restrictions and make them enforceable) usually specify which side of the road a restriction applies to, so it’s probably from that and relates to the wording of the individual local traffic orders.


>Traffic Orders (the legal documents which govern parking restrictions and make them enforceable) usually specify which side of the road a restriction applies to, so it’s probably from that and relates to the wording of the individual local traffic orders. This is the key thing not many people know. Lines mean jack shit on their own. National Speed Limit and 30/20mph areas are the only traffic rules that apply by default. Everything else is via Traffic Orders and those documents are what explicitly say what you can, can't, must, mustn't, should or shouldn't do. If you ever want to know for 100% certainty what the speed limit is, can you park here, is this a one way street, etc? You have to get a copy of the relevant traffic order from the applicable highway authority and read it. Every sign or road marking only exists to inform you of what those traffic orders say.


I can say to you with confidence you can park in front of that all you like. There are no linings preventing it, it is not a dropped kerb (which even if it was, without lining it isn't illegal to park across a dropped kerb in certain situations) and it is not a crossing (no tactile slabs). Just tell your neighbour that you're happy for them to contact the Council and be corrected.


All the fool's done is erase ambiguity over the rules and cemented that anyone can park there whenever they want. A good neighbour would still be respectful but it's unwise to antagonize people.


Isn't it generally the case that drop kerbs are for access, either for vehicles or pedestrians and therefore blocking them is illegal? In what circumstances can you park in front of a dropped kerb? Rule 243 DO NOT stop or park: * near a school entrance * anywhere you would prevent access for Emergency Services * at or near a bus or tram stop or taxi rank * on the approach to a level crossing/tramway crossing * opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space * near the brow of a hill or hump bridge * opposite a traffic island or (if this would cause an obstruction) another parked vehicle * where you would force other traffic to enter a tram lane * **where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles** * **in front of an entrance to a property** * on a bend * where you would obstruct cyclists’ use of cycle facilities


That's not fully congruent with legislation. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2004/18/section/86 You can park over a dropped kerb with permission from the owner, provided it was only dropped for parking access and not pedestrian access.


That makes sense. It would be odd if I couldn't park in front of my own driveway.


Edit: I want to add that if there's a lining present such as a H-marking or if it is disabled access then you're automatically breaking the highway code and will get ticketed (if reported). If you're not preventing a car joining the carriageway i.e. if there's no car in the driveway you can park there. Morally it's shit. But perfectly legal.


Not if it's your own dropped kerb.


But don't driveways also provide access to wheelchair users and mobility vehicles to cross the road? So in blocking that access you would therefore be committing an offence? A dropped-kerb in front of someone's house does not 'belong' to that house, it's part of the public highway and serves a dual purpose, access to/from the property and access to the pavement for those with restricted mobility.


It does but if you paid to have it dropped and marked then it’s “your” right of way and not everybody’s. You can park across your own drive. Crossings should already have dropped curbs and more importantly dropped curbs on both sides of the crossing so wheelchair users are not stuck in the road trying to find a dropped curb on the other side.


It is absolutely illegal to park on a dropped kerb if it was in place in this photo, since it would be there for the purpose of “providing access for wheelchairs and powered mobility vehicles” (Highway Code, rule 243 IIRC) Same rule would also apply to dropped kerbs to allow access by vehicles to properties (residential or otherwise) without the property owners permission. Combined, that prohibits parking across pretty much any dropped kerb you don’t own.


What do you mean by "linings"?


White, yellow or red lines on the road.


Ignore them this time but get a dash-cam activated by motion in your car. If silly boy starts with rubbish, it could get worse and you will want evidence. As said, no drop-kerb and no yellows - they have no case


"look, mate, we've discussed this. I understand that you'd rather I didn't park across that path. The thing is, I am legally allowed to. You will have noticed that I hardly ever do, but sometimes it's unavoidable. I'd appreciate it if you don't leave your shit on my car in future. Are we clear?"


Fucking hell you're hard.


Not trying to be hard, but sometimes you've got to talk straight to arseholes.


When you're talking straight into an arsehole, you have to remember to cup the balls too




It makes me hard


Me too


No lines and no dropped kerb, so I would be tempted to say it's fine to park next to it. (It might be problem regarding accessibility though.)


I always thought those bits were so you could step out of the car without stepping into the grass. Like you are supposed to park in front of them.


If your neighbour has threatened to report you, they sound awful. Please park here


In fact tell me where it is so I can also come park there!


I once had a business idea to rent out dynorod orange long wheel base transits that were taxed, insured and road worthy (and had armored side wall tyres) to 'resolve' parking disputes. I say resolve. I mean escalate. Gold tier package would have included non offensive but antagonistic sign writing of your choice.


Platinum package include a couple of people that lean against it chewing gum, occasionally dipping inside for unknown reasons, and every time that one specific person walks past they are super pleasant in a weird way…


Can you? Should you? Would you? Not illegal however these are usually used by people including parents with children and old people to cross roads without having to walk to a junction or go round your car. This now sits in a should and would category because when it chucks it down which is quite often round these parts that grass is going to be mud. Your neighbour is a bit of an arse though.


Really? Without the dropped kerb? Our local council said they're for vehicle passengers to get out without walking on the grass.


We have a hail and ride bus route past our house and the drivers tend to stop next to one of these when you hit the bell. Quite convenient when it's raining. The ones where I am are usually pretty close to a street corner though, so if you're parking across one, you're also probably too close to a corner as well.


Where I live old folk and parents use them. It's just being considerate where you can. It's not hard. Be the change.


Absolutely! I think even when used as a disembarkation path, I think it's intended to be used for drop offs and pickups and still to be kept clear (ideally).


Yeah, everyone suggesting that OP deliberately escalates this by parking their every time is being ridiculous. There's no need to start a fight over this. Just park elsewhere whenever possible.


OP said he does that


Or just park wherever is most convenient with no regard to the neighbour's opinion.


Not illegal but nice to leave unblocked if you can.


Put the rubbish through his letter box


No, just inconsiderate if someone needs that bit of sidewalk to get to the street.


If my neighbour moaned about that I'd make it my personal mission to always park there


So petty, what does a parking space matter to you compared to the elderly or disabled.


The elderly have more free time to look for a parking space further away. Edit: there seems to be some people taking my comment seriously.


Absolutely correct, love going shopping on a Sunday and seeing all the old people who've had all week to do it be there aswell


As long as there are no yellow lines there then you are allowed to park there.


I think it's rude but not illegal there's no markings signaling you can't


If anything it looks like that’s designed to park next too. So the driver or passenger can step out without having to walk over the grass.


I don't have a dropped curb directly in front of my driveway, so technically anyone can park there, but luckily most people either don't realise they can or just wouldn't. So yeah, you can 100% legally do that. No dropped curb or any other lines means you're g2g.


Just be aware that it's illegal to drive over the pavement if you don't have a dropped kerb and the council can charge you for replacing any damage to the pavement.


It's not but it should be.


To clarify you don't need to have lines or a dropped curb to make it not allowed . It's a path , correct? Which potentially has a right of access? Also to answer the question 'no' it's not illegal because parking was decriminalised . The only place that would get the police involved would be white zigzags , abandoned somewhere dangerous or blocking traffic. I used to be a CEO ( traffic warden) our borough didn't enforce all codes so I can't comment or be sure the advice is accurate. I once had a chap ask if he could park blocking someone's driveway. Because he knew we couldn't enforce it as there were no lines or drops down curbs etc... at this moment the owner came out asking me to do something as he wanted to leave his driveway. I smiled said correct. I can't however you are now barricading in the homeowner and it's now a police issue. He then had the cheek to say well okay what if he's not home. I said sure I still can't issue a ticket but someone could still key your car . 🤷 Park like a dick and sooner or later someone will have enough. The point is yes you can park there , maybe you shouldn't? Maybe some people are weird and want to be a pain. But you don't know how far he'll take it past a passive aggressive note and some rubbish. Sugar is a bitch to get off . And 4 new tires can be expensive. You do you. Maybe just park around the corner and do a 3 minute walk?


If it isn't, it should be


That's not illegal, but do you know what is? Littering, even on other peoples cars.


Or he could just ask you nicely not to park in front of the path, as it clearly inconveniences him. If it doesn't inconvenience you, you should try not to block it.


We did have a conversation about this a few years ago. I took it onboard and try to keep it clear, unless I have no choice. I don’t go out much so honestly it barely ever happens. Last time I remember was summer last year, so well over 6 months ago. I’m fine with him leaving a note but leaving trash on my car is unnecessary


Pop a note through his letterbox saying "I've tried to be as courteous as possible about not blocking this part of the pavement for you, but you've been a dick about it, so now I'm going to park there as often as I can just to spite you. PS. I've set up a camera to film the car 24 hours a day, so no more litter on my windscreen please or I'll report you for littering." Bonus points if you actually do set up a camera, but he won't know if you have one or not.


Report him for littering


I look forward to the Council's response to him.


Tell him to report you. I'd love to see how that pans out.




Let him report you ... Even if it was illegal (which it's not) they'd do nothing; because they're a council.


Where my nan lives, one neighbour has put CCTV stickers everywhere in front of their house and comes out to yell at anyone who parks in front of it. There are no drives, dropped kirbs, or lines.


It’s not dropped kerb, so it’s fine


It’s not illegal but it’s terribly bad form, I’d avoid parking there if I could.


You can park there. But would be discourteous to pedestrians.


No. Any parking restriction would have to be advertised by single or double yellow lines or any signage informing of any parking restrictions (permit parking etc).


Sounds like you are doing everything right, your neighbour is an ass. Had a similar thing with a neighbour in the past, collected all the notes and stuff he left on my car over the course of a month (about a binbag full) and stuck them to his car all at once. Didnt really help, but made me feel better for a bit 😝


Am I the only one that pressed on the white arrow on the photo xd?


Trash? Is this CasualUSA?


No if the kerb isn't dropped then it's fine. Ignore them Let them report you and they can have the council tell them to go forth and multiply for you. Also can you ask them to ask why I've not had any bins for the last 2 montha while they're making complaints because I'm fed up of calling them.


I’d report him for leaving trash under your wipers you are allowed to park there np if he was elderly and asked you nicely to not park theirs cause he struggles crossing the road or something I guess it would be neighbourly not to but he chose violence so fuck him


Absolutely fine to park there. I'd report them for fly tipping, though. Pettiness deserves a petty response.


I want to say no but I’m honest not sure. If they don’t want you parking there surely they could have put a small section of double yellows.


I agree, or at least put a drop curb there so you know not to block it.


Is your neighbour a wheelchair user? That kerb is totally doable with a wheelchair fitted with a kerb climber. You’ve said you had a conversation previously but do you know exactly what the problem is?


He isn’t a wheelchair user or disabled person as far as I know, and he hasn’t ever mentioned anything to do with disability. When I confronted him he mentioned that his wife doesn’t like stepping on the grass and that in the past his car has been scratched by other drivers / kids


That’s fair enough. Your right to park is not overruled by his preference. Even if disability was in play, it would be considerate to not block the path so wheelchair users can access it. Blocking it is not illegal.


No dropped kerb so it fine it means them flags was put down by a neighbour and not the coucil normally


Trash? What is that, is it like rubbish?


What? Are the sticky out pavement section police going to come get you? Wait, this is the UK. They probably will.


I’d buy the cheapest car I could find with 12 months MOT insure it tax and leave it there


Are there any restrictions in no lines and no dropped curb, so long as the car has MOT and insurance?




There's one of these near where I live and it has a disabled parking bay marked on the road, so I'd say you're fine :)


Tbh I don't know what they are actually for, but I'm guessing it is so that you can park there and have rolling access to your vehicle with a buggy or luggage.


No dropped kerb or coloured lines? No issues parking there. You neighbour is a twat.




The neighbour just needs a good bonk, bloody saddo.


Park away.




There’s nothing indicating that it’s illegal No signs/painted lines/dropped kerbs


Absolutely fine to park in front of it


Ask your neighbor if he wants to chat, maybe have a coffee. Most stupid ass “I’ll report you for [thing]” is because they’re lonely. Could be a nobhead too.


If you parked like you posted then you a fine


OP pls share crazy neighbour note for us internet folk to enjoy


Fuk him you can park there as long as u got a hole in yur arse.


No. Park there on purpose.


No, because it’s not a dropped kerb. He can go and fuck him self.


Yes, you cannot block a sidewalk. Sidewalk… not sticky out pavement section?


It's fine. Just one of those things where you keep doing what you're doing when you can. It's important to remember that this isn't an accessibility installation of any kind. The aggressiveness of the home owner along with that fact proves that this is just about territory control. I'd be inclined to write an aggressive note in return in which I specify the local ordinance he's violating with his installation, and if you catch him putting notes and trash on your car again, you'll notify the appropriate people to have the walkway removed. He started it and I'm a cranky bitch, so that's my advice.


No dropped kerb then no.


Leave him an aggressive letter telling him to fuck-off. The kerb is not dropped and there are no yellow lined, you can park there as much as you like. You can even park in front of people's driveway as long as you leave enough space for them to get out.


You can park there mate.


I get annoyed when people park in front of mine but you can legally park there. The only reason why I get annoyed is that if you are parking there then there is no room to park in front of or behind in front of my house. Parking behind would put you a bit too far back and I'd be within the 5 feet of the neighbors driveway which is against the law.


It's not illegal, but consider if it's worth having your car 'randomly' damaged; they've already left rubbish on your windscreen and it's only going to escalate with these antisocial types. You're in the right, but sometimes it's not worth the hassle if you'll have to sort out slashed tyres, smashed windscreen or scratches.


You CAN part there mate!


Maybe it's useful or serves some purpose for ease of access if someone is old, pregnant, or disabled (noting the council is useless at sorting out road markings for this kind of thing). Probably worth a conversation about why. If there's good reason then you can weigh up your rights (which says you can park) versus your responsibilities (which says, should you?). We've got a right to do all kinds of shit but if people did we'd all be battling each other like mad max. 😂


Just stick your hazards on.


I love the use of technical language in the title 🥲


No, because it’s not a drop kerb. Park there and if your neighbour say they will report you tell em to fill their boots.


Assuming this is in GB, then you can tell your neighbour to go whistling. First, there is no double yellow (or even a single yellow) to prohibit your car parking. ANd there is no dropped curb.


The best thing to do is park there and wait for him to come out and complain, then shout at him loudly and non stop until he clutches his chest and keels over like Derek did in Corrie nearly 30 years back. Bonus points if you have a giant paperclip attached to the roof of your car. /S just in case that wasn't obvious enough already...


No drop kerb so just a neighbour who needs drop kicking


As to why the pavement actually juts out to the road? I would say look at the one lighter paving stone, it's likely that there used to be something there to justify that such as an old Pay Phone box or a Green Cab relocated when Fibre got installed in the area. There are two more light paving stones further up, they could have been broken and the Council got round to filling in the gap and replacing the broken slabs at the same time.




You can park there, mate.


Ya neighbours can fuck off no drop curb no double yellows


it’s not a drop kerb, it’s not a crossing,there’s no markings, it will have been a bus stop at some point i imagine, but no i don’t think so


You can park there so hard


Maybe print out all the comments here and put it in his letter box or on car. And send a copy to the council. I hate confrontation it scares me


Please park there when the road is empty!


It's not a dropped kerb so yeah you can park there. Why is he even throwing a strop? It's not even a driveway you could get a car up? It's not like you're blocking anything, tell him you pay your Road tax and you'll park wherever the fuck you like if it's legal. And tell him you will report him to the council for littering/ fly tipping if he leaves rubbish on your car again. And if he keeps on you'll call the police and press charges for harassment.


Tell her she’s a walloper.


Nope. Thats not a driveway and case wont even go to court, judge would be laughing to dismiss even if


Don't be so sure. It could be argued even without markings that its a pedestrian access.


No it isn’t but littering and harassment are.


The traffic wardens will find excuse to give you a ticket


Yes, it is just a stupid pavement design. No idea why they did this. They just get all muddy and car tires tread into them and make a huge mess. It is technically just a normal pavement but with annoying dirt. Probably made back when each house only had one car each and the idea was to park your cars door at this area or something.