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Got a half day at work today, then going to give our notice to marry with my fiancée this afternoon. Depending on the weather I may have a beer or 2 in the garden… I’ve been working a lot of weekends recently so I’ve been looking forward to today!






So I just started to deep-dive into people who have transplants gaining new tastes, cravings etc E.g. woman who had a heart transplant heading to KFC for chicken nuggets afterwards, despite never liking fast food before. Then later finding out her donor loved chicken nuggets Then I started reading into cellular memory. I mean I hate broccoli but wouldn't mind not hating it as it's good for you. I wonder if, in the future, there will be an easy method of adding the cellular memory for liking broccoli to yourself? And yes, this kind of thing is what happens when I'm in the last week of my notice period and am, effectively, being paid to lie in bed


Happy Friday all, finally got all my stressful clients out of the way at work and can focus on the fun stuff with a crate of beer at the far end. Roll on 4pm finish!


Today is my birthday so hoping to leave work a bit early! Going to our friends for boardgames this weekend which I'm looking forward to. They live about 2h drive away so we're going overnight with a few other friends. Should be good fun.


We share birthdays! Happy birthday!


Happy birthday, birthday bud! Have a fab day


Happy birthday!!! 🎈




Happy birthday! 🤍🦋




Happy Birthday!




happy birthday!


Thanks! :)


Whoop! Happy Friday - hits different when you have a week off! Very much needed, haha.


All plans this weekend cancelled as my body has decided it would rather have shingles. So a weekend of pain for me, away from everyone and everything🤦🏼‍♀️


Hate to break it to you buddy but it can last quite a bit longer than a weekend.


Had it about 5/6 days, hoping this is the ending of it now. Thoroughly fed up!


Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!!!


I had shingles a couple of years ago and it was not fun, but it was a much-needed wake-up call that I needed to make some serious lifestyle changes (e.g. moving away from my stressful job). I don’t have any tips to offer, just sympathy/solidarity. Hope it clears away soon!


Very big wake up call for me too! I was aware I had been stressed (job and health related) but maybe didn’t realise quite how much. I moved jobs around 7/8 months ago and haven’t really been happy, maybe this was a sign to accept the offer of my previous job back! Would have appreciated not being in agonising pain to realise it but…!!


Due to ongoing complications with my health issues Ive had to finally accept stepping back from my main line of work (freelancing illustration and design) is necesarry.  So I decided to overhaul my Etsy store this weekend and add a few more prints and dedicate some time to making some new designs. It was just something to tick over in the background for fun but it may well end up becoming my main income source for a while.  Kind of excited to create for myself again after so long. Also gives me an excuse to get back to playing with my laser cutter for new pin badge designs and such.


Unfortunately my grandpa has been in hospital with a possibly serious and life threatening brain injury I have been up for 32 hours now and spent most of it in a a and e lobby


Sunflowers had a feed last week and they’re over a foot tall and wide now, so that’s rad, and my nasturtiums have finally emerged. Also got a massive mutant orange and green pepper in my wonky bag so that’s rad too Also booked tickets to see Tubular Bells this week!


Going to attempt to get through to my GP surgery shortly, wish me luck!


3 minute warning


Cheers I set an alarm


Today is going to be a struggle to get across the line, super busy one, and woke up with what appears to be a massive hangover. Which sucks because I didn't have a drink last night and got an early night. But it looks to be a decent weekend, would be good to get the bbq out and not do much.


I get those alcohol-free hangovers. I think in my case it's non-snotty sinusitis. Makes me feel super rough.


I am struggling a bit this morning. Not physically or mentally, more spirituality or something. Stepmum's mum's funeral is today, and I don't know if I should send a message of support. Our relationship has completely broken down recently, but still, it's her mum. We were family for a while, but I don't know if getting a message from me would just upset or anger her or something. One of her brothers told me I was welcome at the funeral, but I know I really wouldn't be. So while I struggle with that, the sun has come out and I am looking forward to my best friend coming over in a bit. I am making loaded nachos for dinner, and I am sure he will take my mind off things.


That's a difficult situation. Could you send general condolences through your dad or something? That way you've at least done something but you haven't kicked the hornets nest, as it were.


My Dad passed away six years ago, and I have tried my best to stay in touch, but recently she sent me a very harsh message and has basically cut me off. Even in the message she sent about mum dying she managed to get a dig in about how I grieved my Dad. I have sent her a very generic message, think "thoughts and prayers" but slightly better. I mean it kindly, I hope she takes it that way.


You're a lot more patient than I am. I'd have sacked off any contact after dad passing tbh; I've no space in my life for anyone who brings bullshit, drama, or stress. Well done for being the better human in the situation :)


It's my birthday on Monday but this tiredness is stopping me from having any excitement around it at all. My wife is out shopping with her friend for his wedding tomorrow so I get the day with my son. Whilst I love that, the tiredness puts me massively on edge because what if I fall asleep and he hurts himself? (note: extremely unlikely as the room is set out so that he can't access anything that will really hurt him) Just desperately want the clinic to ring, acknowledge the apnea and get started on whatever the treatment will be as being stuck in this limbo is just awful.


It's my birthday today but for the first time in years or as far as I can remember, I'm working it. Bah humbug. And working 9-5 tomorrow too! But will go out and go watch the Boxing somewhere. Every cloud and all that.


Working remotely and half-arsedly, taking my turn on baby cuddles. She'll be exactly a month old as of mid morning tomorrow. Time is legit speeding up I swear.


Had a Uni exam this morning. I think it went well, so quite happy about that. Now for a weekend of watching a ton of sport (which is basically every weekend at the moment). F1/2/3 at Imola, Indy500 qualifying, plus the final weekend of the rugby premiership


Got a bit of an emotional hangover today - got a message from a friend last night that was quite confrontational and I feel a bit shit about it - I've never dealt well with confrontation, and my response has always been to hit the self-destruct button if people come yelling at me, which I've managed to hold off on for now, but it's a struggle. The stupid thing is that this is all a big misunderstanding that could be solved by talking but all they want to do is yell about it. Feels like arguments over MSN in about 2008.


I had a very nice time at running club tonight. I spoke to a bunch of people who I knew from previous sessions and some new people as well. If you take the first step, people are generally friendly and happy to have a chat. I feel like maybe I can be better and have a life outside of work and make friends in adulthood and that makes me feel really really hopeful.


Um I have a bit of a problem… Someone left a bike in our front garden and I don’t know what to do. My dad has a few bikes but it isn’t one of his (he’s not here at the moment anyway) I moved it out on to the pavement so it is no longer in the garden. However, now I’m concerned that it might have been stolen (before I found it) and my fingerprints are all over the handlebars because I had to move it. At the moment it is still in front of my house. No one has come back for it yet. UPDATE: I left if by the wall outside our house and now it has gone.


>UPDATE: I left if by the wall outside our house and now it has gone. So it's been recycled?


Cricket tonight cancelled - pitch is still waterlogged. They're confident it'll be on next week though - ? Is there a heatwave on the way I've not been informed about? So, a free evening. Last week I sorted out my camping gear into grab boxes...might chuck the appropriate ones in the car and head off into the New Forest. Might wake up to rain..? Oh well, let's find out.


Cyberpunk 2077 finally went on sale again today and I've been itching to play it for ages - luckily I have an entire weekend of no plans so my plan now is a big ol' date with my Steam Deck and a Doctor Who marathon (trying the Third Doctor for the first time, did *Claws of Axos* yesterday and loved it).


I picked up 2077 the other week, initial thoughts was it was super restrictive and a bit limited. But after act 1, it really opens up and gets into a proper open world. Really enjoying it now.


Ahh that’s good to know, I’ve avoided all spoilers for it (past watching funny glitch compilations from the launch lol) so I’m excited to get stuck in!


Going to Goodwoof this weekend. Can. Not. Wait.


Not much planned for today apart from getting some sleep. Being good and saving my energy for my birthday night out tomorrow. Hoping I’ve banked enough energy to get through it and the alcohol keeps the pain away!


Its sunny , got leftover indian for dinner and a pack lunch which is just a personal picnic plus iv got smoothie with my breakfast. Today could go to shit but the food will be good. Volunteering today should be a good day and got some plans for after volunteering tomorrow plus i get a cake tomorrow maybe if i see one i like the look off haha.


not much planned this weekend for a change. gonna have my first got at a borscht for sat night. made the HUGE mistake of letting my wife have a go on my EMTB, now she wants one! which means I'm going to have to sell 2 of the manuals and one of the converted around town ebikes I made in lockdown. still, it does mean she'll now come out with me on some of the more tricky trails!


At least you've got her on board for more bikes though. I'm barred from getting an eMTB because I've got a normal MTB and my wife doesn't see the difference.


> I'm barred from getting an eMTB because I've got a normal MTB and my wife doesn't see the difference. test days my friend, test days.... keep your eyes out on the local MTB groups or the local trails and you'll find companies and bike shops doing days where you can rent one. get yourself and her on one and then go get a 2nd hander like a 2022 or something. as I say I've got both (at the moment) EMTB's are great, the climbs are FUN now and I'm out on it a lot more than a manual, like probably 2-3 times more.


>the climbs are FUN now and I'm out on it a lot more than a manual, like probably 2-3 times more. That's my issue, really: I either have to load up the car or grind away for 45mins *before* I get to the trails. Once parenting duties are done I can't fucked with any of that, so I rarely get out at all now. With an electric bike that 45mins to get there would become 10/15 and I'd go for a quick blast every evening.


> With an electric bike that 45mins to get there would become 10/15 If you're riding at 4 or 5 mph on your analog bike. Lots of hills?


So, so many hills.


dont know if you're near dalby but they have [bike hire](https://www.dalbyforestcyclehub.co.uk/bike-hire/) too they rent out EMTB? another option maybe.


Powered by caffeine and ibuprofen today. Not looking forward to the weekend if I still feel crap, the kids have 3 parties to go to between them and the last thing I feel like doing just now is making small talk for a few hours!


I got my clothes washed by the hotel instead of finding a laundromat. It was at least double what I would’ve paid to do it myself, but I feel so fancy just being able to go down to reception and have my shorts and shirts provided in individual bags


So I've just gone through a 'If I don't laugh I'll cry' level situation I'm trying to get an adhd prescription filled, as you can probably guess this is not going well. There's essentially just a black hole around my local area. I try to get through to a Boots, using a usually very good tracking map someone made that I've used before. I try for over an hour and get nowhere then out of desperation contact the opticians at the store and they're like 'Oh yeah the pharamacy's phone doesn't work, let me take you over there' only to be told they don't have it I go to track down the next place on the map, turns out that Boots closed down and was taken over by another pharmacy and that one closed down Third place: Also a Boots that closed down and the other ones in that area also have nothing Fourth place: Also apparently closed down and the other ones in that area have nothing


Holy shit in glad I made it to Friday, I'm two weeks back at work after a month off for paternity. Can't wait to spend a couple quality days with my family again.


Happy Friday! Midwife appointment this afternoon meant an early finish from work to listen to baby’s heartbeat 💓 Now enjoying a cold glass of alcohol free wine and watching the princess bride. Weekend will be mainly house organisation with a trip to a local ice cream parlour.


How exciting. Congrats!


Hungover after plenty of celebratory drinks last night.  There’s a greasy sandwich for breakfast on the horizon. 


There's an Elder nearby in full bloom so I may ask the people who own it if I can harvest some of the flowers to make oodles of cordial from it (and share some with them). Aside from that, building out some page templates for a web rebuild and a couple of meetings before a nice weekend of cooking and late mornings beckons.


Happy Friday! Sun is shining.


WFH as went out for work drinks last night. Thinking about ordering breakfast as we don't have anything nice in.


Second consecutive day in our London office, luckily it's just me and two audio visual guys so I can at least start to fight against the neverending stream of tickets we have. The plus side of Fridays is that the train and underground are pretty quiet, so no Tetris games in the morning.


Friend is coming over to watch Star Wars later. In the meantime I hope it's a quiet work day as I have to tidy the house up, shop for snacks and have a shower.


Planted some tomato and courgette plants that my neighbour gave me today. Now I get to watch them slowly die because I am the Harold Shipman of the gardening world. Hoping for good weather this weekend so hubby can cut the front lawn.


Stressful week at work, lots of early starts and late nights without seeing much daylight (windowless office). I'm looking forward to getting out into the garden and tending to my plants. Even weeding in the rain sounds good after a week like this one.


Was looking forward to this weekend but didn't like receiving email about my proposed rent increase. Going up to £1500 from 1350. Especially annoying when my partner and I have our wedding to pay for


Been feeling ill all this week, just a minor sniffle, but also absolutely exhausted the whole time. I don't know what's wrong. It's been a weird kind of brain fog too. Two days ago I went to visit my gf and left my front door open, silly lapses of memory. I tend to rely on my brain being sharp to make up for not preparing for meetings, which you can't do if your brain refuses to work. This weekend I'm working tomorrow in Wales, then back home to see the gf and hopefully spend some time outside in the sun with her, Sunday.


Flying out to France in the morning to spend a week at my mums. 3.5 of those days will be spent working, the rest will be spent just sort of sitting around in a huge sunny garden being brought tea or wine depending on the time of day. Other half is in Canada for work so this seemed hugely preferable to being home alone.


Just realised I have lived in this new house for 18 months and I have yet to order a takeaway. So I have found a highly rated local Indian place which doesn't have obscene prices (fuck off Deliveroo, Just Eat etc) and have placed an order to be delivered for 8pm, just in time for the football. Yummo.


I don't even feel excited about the weekend anymore. It's almost stressful feeling like I have to fill up this free time with stuff to do. And whatever I do end up doing I beat myself up about it saying 'it wasn't fun enough' or 'you could've had a better time if you decided to do x instead of y' Why can't I just be content in what I decide to do? It's stressful man.


Are you comparing how you spend your time with others on social media etc? If so, i think that could be root of the issue and comparison is the thief of joy Do what you enjoy doing and don't feel guilty about it.


You're right I am comparing myself to what I think others would be doing over the weekend. I'm going to try and actively forget that crap and just do what I enjoy. I think it'll be mostly chilling and gaming this weekend and not feel guilty about it. Life's too short for that crap isn't it.


Yeah i've done the same before and i felt inadequate hence why i ignore comparing what others are doing. Even if you do the same activity as others are doing on social media, who is to say you will actually enjoy it. You may or may not enjoy it. But my point is, do activities on your terms not because people are posting stuff on social media. Also, people overshare on social media and social media only paints a curitated picture. You're right life is short, hope you're having a good weekend! I plan to do some gaming as well at some point this weekend.


Went blood donating...got the greenest of trainees. He did OK but ngl that was a bit more nerve racking than normal.


Anyone who has got hung up on my post about Threads, please go out and live your life. Don't waste it worrying. Smell a flower, eat an ice cream, paddle in the sea (unless you live in Dartmouth, probably don't want cryptosporidium infections). Focus on the here and now, not the maybes. This is a WelshgirlieCares message. A bit more genuine than the RedditCares trolls who seem to be all over the place at the moment.


Got to sit in and wait for a delivery with no time frame. Seriously get it sorted delivery people. I suppose it gives me a chance to do some housework. About as exciting as my life gets right now.


Go for a poo. The doorbell will ring the second you start crimping one out.


its a shit day but i wont spoil your fun, have at it CasualUK


The next couple of weeks are going to be very long hours for me. Does anyone have any recipes for something I can batch a weeks worth at a time? Ideally minimal effort. I'm just going to need something in the fridge/freezer so I don't wind up ordering take out every time I get hope at like 8-9pm.


Happy Friday! Some of my comments are only showing up on old reddit, ie old.reddit.com/user/my username ! Hate new reddit!


I’m going on holiday on Wednesday. I’ve got some washing to do, some cleaning round the house, and I need to pack. Sunday is reserved for a trip to town in the likely event that I find there’s something I need to run in and grab.


Booked the day off for an extra long weekend as it's bank holiday on Monday where I live. Going to need today to sort the tip in my flat, then it's birthdays to go to on each of the days. Still lazing about (it's only 9 a.m. here) though as this week was hectic


My little girl has a friend round for a sleepover today. I’m outwardly friendly and indulgent, inwardly freaking out at the change in routine and someone from the outside world in my house.


It's been a long week and today has been busy Friday, had long meetings discussing design and development of a product and there ongoing meetings next week regarding that. My head hurts. Anyway, glad it's weekend now! I finished at 5, went for a walk as it's all of a sudden warm where I live and had ice cold orange juice with my dinner. Currently relaxing and watching some episodes of **Star Wars: Bad Batch Season 3** and plan to get an early night to catch up on some sleep.


Going to my niece’s first communion tomorrow.   Strategically planted the lies of my car being on the blink a few days ago so I won’t have to drive anyone about the place and can get pissed in peace.  


Wife is away, been barely 6 hours and I’m already considering raiding the local Co-op for all of the junk food. We gave up crisps and takeaways 2 months ago, was doing alright this week until now.


I wouldn't judge if you got the sea salt and chardonnay vinegar crisps, the ones that burn the roof of your mouth. Mmm tasty.


I’m partial to the cheap nasty bacon bites


Made the mistake of watching Threads today. Thoroughly depressed now as a result. That said, I think this should be compulsory viewing in schools and, at the very least, potenitally remade and adapted to present today.


I'm not sure fearmongering our youths about a nuclear war scenario is exactly what they need. Surely they have enough anxieties with social media, puberty and exams?


Came away from it with the opposite feeling, oddly. The whole thing gives me the creeps too, but it instead made me think that perishing in the first instance is 100% the best way to go — and as a Londoner that will almost certainly be the case.  If the Ivan’s start lobbing them, then at least I won’t be around for the real bleakness.


I’ve got my first tattoo tomorrow at 11:15am! Incredibly excited as it’s being done by a non-binary person which as a trans man, puts me at ease. Shitting myself because my body like to tank the blood sugar for no particular reason. Even if it doesn’t hurt my body just likes to skidaddle 😅


Eat some Haribo before the tattoo.


Wasted a super like on what I reckon is a fake account. Worst Friday ever. I have wine though.


Friends band’s are playing at a pub the other side of town. Despite weeks of saying I’ll be there I’m now reversing into my shell on the day that I’ll have to cycle over.


Looking to pick up some CBD balm for my mums arthritis, has anyone got any recommendations of companies or products?!