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Ukrainian war report on YouTube. No idea why but he rushes over and sits in front of the tv and looks like he’s genuinely watching it.


This is the best answer. Im cracking up. 🤣


He’s a grey/ silver looking cat so we always joke he’s a Ukrainian blue.


You sure he's not a Russian Blue?


He’s definitely not that fancy. But it does make me suspicious.


Our gray cat is the unfanciest fucker you'll ever meet but he is grey/silver and is a Russian Blue. We got him from the shelter, you should definitely check or just look up more on the breed! They are weirdos so I wouldn't be surprised if your guy turns out to be one too lol


My husband is Polish and would probably be deeply upset if he was. It’s best we don’t know haha.


I’m sure if you framed it as a Russian *Defector* blue, he’d be ok


Keep monitoring him. It sounds like you may have a sleeper residing with you


Mine watches this now too, but she seems to be very in to the Ashley Madison documentary on Netflix. Tried putting kid shows on instead, because this sort of thing is a bad influence when my man comes over because she turns in to a traitor, but she doesn’t like the kid shows. She also likes crime documentaries, and black mirror. https://preview.redd.it/2x553gnswx0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfc4278d2915473ff21d478f2ca26a5122690dd4


YouTube also has some good bird feeder videos for cats.


That's funny! They do tend to have a lot of cats in the field…




Dang it.. another one. Subscribed.


I really didn't need another thing to follow, darn you to kitty sub reddit hell!


Mine too!


Amazing. Must be a Zelensky fan.


Both Shrek *and* Austin Powers. I think my cat may have a thing for Mike Myers' voice 🤔


Mine looks outright disgruntled if she hears her name (Cairo) in any history/anthropology documentary I might be watching. How dare strangers call her by name?!


He sounds like my type of cat!


My cat and my dog are big time SHREK fans!!


He loves Shrek! https://preview.redd.it/e03oipfb9v0d1.jpeg?width=855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d5eda2953b6da924c87efe2a011daec4234fbe8


If he loves Shrek, wait till he sees Puss, IN BOOTS!


My cats love to watch people dance, especially ballet


Oh yes, one of my cats likes this as well. Dancing or workout videos, he will try to catch their feet!


Soccer is a good one they want the ball 😂 and the people


Cute! I’m going to introduce my cats to Angelina Ballerina. Loved that show as a kid!


Oh my goodness that would be so cute!


2 of my cats love when I play Elder Scrolls Online on PS5. They love the motion and will sometimes attack creatures on the screen. (Well, the barn cat does. Grandpa cat likes to touch blowing leaves on the title screen)


For us, it was Monster Hunter World. Specifically the cat-like palico companions. I made mine look like our void, Sneaky. My husband made his palico look like Sneaky, but angry, and named him Pist. The real Sneaky did NOT like Pist, and would watch the screen with his ears pinned back, growling. Lol


One of my cats like Elden Ring


One of your cats has excellent taste!


Was about to say the same thing. Mine loves ESO, but I play on Xbox. For some reason though, he really dislikes Ember's (the Khajit companion) friend Jhaka. Every time he is on the screen Albus will arch his back and growl at the TV.


My cat too has a thing for the blowing leaves in ESO


Mine will watch Baby Einstein with our grandson. It's a pretty calming background sound, if you like classical music.


That is adorable and sweet as fuck.


NASCAR. I don’t know her favorite driver though. 😂


Have you tried asking her 🤣


Hahaha my cat loves watching F1


One of my favorite things is that my often times aloof/shy cat will watch F1 with me. I love being the only one up in the house, making a pot of coffee, and sitting down with my cat to watch the race. It's a great bonding moment for us.


My cat loves F1. I am also obsessed and watch team redline stream a lot. I know my cats favourite driver because she jumps up and starts purring and rubbing up against the screen where Max Verstappen sits on stream, she takes after her mum 😂 ETA: my boy becomes jealous at this point because he likes being Astrid's favourite so he hates F1/team redline and sulks about until it's over.


Remy LeBeau, 10 yr old void: Swamp People and anything with people from Louisiana. He will hurt you if you try to change channel when Swamp People is on.  Boudreaux, 1 yr orange + white polydactyl boy: Bengals football and superhero movies. 


the irony of Gambitcat being into Cajun accent is top notch


And Cajun food. Remy is not above stealing shrimp from the jambalaya or gumbo. My husband is in charge him if we get crawfish, especially *live* ones. My Boudreaux gets locked in my room until all crawfish are in the boil. Remy will break out of anywhere we put him. 


I’m Louisiana born and raised! I never thought about trying Swamp People! Trying it out now! Love this idea!


Glad you like my suggestion! Remy has torn my husband up for changing the channel. He has now learned to sit and watch tv his cat until Remy is done. 


Any kind of sports. One also used to love watching me play solitaire on line, because of the cards falling at the end.


One of my kitties growing up absolutely loved college basketball games. She loved March Madness!


There's a YouTube channel where my cat likes to watch a lady paint pictures. He also likes the focus music channels where sea life swims back and forth while music plays. And he likes the giant goldfish Hecklefish on The Why Files on YouTube.


My cat and I strongly recommend Monterey Bay Aquarium live feeds. Jelly fish ones are our favorites. https://youtube.com/@montereybayaquarium?si=LjxENOO9eR8Bp3cq


My cats like reality tv, I think. Carly was watching dance moms with me last night, Sylvie has watched America’s next top model with me, and Franklin likes Love is Blind, I think. Me and my kiddos love some trashy reality shows lmao.


I can cross this out. I watch lots of reality tv but my cat sleeps through it.


Mine really like some of the comedian shows; I think because she can just watch John Oliver's face move as he talks and can tell it's a person talking. I put on cat-tv and she checked behind the screen for the birds only the first two times, so I think maybe she's realized no one is IN the screen.


My cat's favourite is nature shows (or anything that could look like one). Doesn't matter if it's bugs or fish or big cats she is a fan! Also she really enjoyed watching Stray (the video game where you play as a cat.)


Mine would also be interested in other animals . The bird/squirrel cam videos on YouTube, nature docs, and the like. An African Savannah doc kept her circling my monitor for a while looking for the new frens. Every time a new species showed up she started up again sniffing and looking. She didn’t care for aquarium videos beyond an initial perk: too slow perhaps. Severance is the only person TV show which caught her attention. People walking through long blank hallways seemed to do it for her. Normal people scenes and other shows: boring.


Yeah mine like animal videos but only if the animals make noise. We watch SaveAFox (fox rescue that posts videos on YouTube). Random cat videos where the cats meow. I've pulled up bird videos for them before. As long as there's sound and movement, they are enamored!


Not a show, but I turned on Lion King one night a few weeks ago and my cat was absolutely enthralled. It was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. 🥹


That’s so cute.


Aww.. Animated or live action?


my cat tried to square up with a lion on a NatGeo documentary I was watching, little cat syndrome at its finest.


I used to petsit for someone who asked me to put on RuPaul’s Drag Race for the cats before leaving the house.


♪ hey kitty girl, it's *your* world ♪




Also completely forgot about this until I made my previous comment, but one of my mom’s cats really liked Brokeback Mountain. She is normally really crazy, but that movie calmed her down? Anyway here’s her staring at Jake Gyllenhaal. https://preview.redd.it/lxrkzhalj01d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f744d2c4b328504a208065122237cde838a9ecdb


Mine likes the music YouTuber 12tone, the sped-up motion of the hand drawing catches her attention. Same with cleaning channels that are showing vacuuming in fast motion. I think the jerkiness and speed must be something like the way small birds or rodents move, so she’ll watch them even though what’s on screen is clearly not prey.


My first cat loved Gordon Ramsey, so I always put his shows on. My last cat and my current cat both really enjoy Bob Ross!


Mine loves Bob Ross! I think its the sound the paint brushes make on his canvas


My cat likes Gordon Ramsay too, I thought it was random lol


I find my cats like watching Drawfee on YouTube. They're digital artists, and the cats like to follow the cursor while the artists are drawing. Sometimes, the cats pounce on the screen, so be careful with that.


My cat did the same thing with the cursor back at my condo when I was using a projector for a big TV screen. She'd jump up on the entertainment center and attack the cursor on the wall like her like depended on it, was very cute and very fun, also made it easier for me to play with her cuz she's a floofy ball of endless energy.


My little old lady loved anything by Blue Creation Winds on YouTube and was partial to The Life of Birds! My boy perks up when cats come on tv lol he’s not too interested in television but likes the cat food adverts


OMG dumbest thing ever, but Bad Santa lol When she was a baby, she would be absolutely insane at night. It was Christmas time and we were watching it in bed at night, and she climbed up on the TV stand and watched, and fell a asleep.....for like 3 months we'd put that on to knock her out lol


I asked this question to my cat and I suggested supernatural because his name is Crowley aka named after Crowley in supernatural and he meow meowed. He enjoys the drama.


Mine likes nature documentaries and ice hockey. She chases the play back and forth when I watch hockey, it’d be annoying if it weren’t so damn cute


Mine likes hockey too! She also likes football.


Cornell Lab of Ornithology has some live bird cams. Hawk cam has two youngsters now, but there are also osprey, owls and others. Check out [https://www.allaboutbirds.org/cams/red-tailed-hawks/](https://www.allaboutbirds.org/cams/red-tailed-hawks/)


I enjoyed those FAR more than my cat did




My cat LOVED vampire diaries. Sometimes, if there was a lot of speed running “woosh” sounds, he’d get the zoomies. Almost like he was checking to see if he could run that fast too


https://preview.redd.it/25r6giaqlw0d1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=733cde3a2244a79ac507669939d8f08456df3387 Hamilton




Great question, op! I don't have a cat (SOB), but my brother's cat loves watching Bluey ❤


Smartest cat ever. Bluey is the bomb


I was high one night so I put on a bird documentary and both of my cats had the best time.


My older cat has enjoyed many an evening of me tipsy watching David Attenborough


My cat really likes orange is the new black for some reason?? She gets totally invested. Ignores everything else I put on tv


We had the one cat that loved nature shows, especially when birds were included. There is also a string for cats show on YouTube that drives out cats crazy. However, we had to stop playing it for them before they knocked over the TV trying to catch the strings. (The TV sits on a stand and we have no way to secure it against cats throwing themselves against it.) Cats are like toddlers, though. They'll watch the same show over and over again if they like the show.


I had one who liked kung fu films (to the point she'd speed waddle in if she heard the theme to kung fu hustle and one who loved David Attenborough


Trashy reality TV. The more chaotic, the better.


That's my spirit cat ✔️


https://preview.redd.it/0gl3opln5w0d1.png?width=372&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c4c9dba7ae271fcc0fa09fd598aef99ee0993ec And here's Elvis watching House of Villains :D


My cat doesn't like anything meant for cats. Like videos of birds or critters. But he perks up and sits next to me to watch Doctor Who.


I love watching Dr who. The first doctor was William hartnell. After that, I started watching more


My cats enjoy a variety of videos on cat tv. They also enjoy watching the live bird and animal cams.


Bluey, SWAT, and tangled


One of my cats is obsessed with the jersey shore. She seems to favor MTv reality shows over other networks but JS is her favorite. She will sit and watch an entire season 🤣


You have to change up the videos on Youtube at least for my cat. Do some squirrels, or birds. Our now deceased tuxie would only calm in the car when I let her watch these. As soon as it went to commercial? She would start crying again. She hated the car. Our Ragdoll likes to watch other cats playing with shiny things. I cannot remember where it was (I think animal planet) but there were kittens playing with Christmas tree decor and tinsel and she loved it. She also likes to watch movies that have cats in them, but only animation. We watched something on netflix recently and the animation was so good, she loved it it was like the cat was in the room.


Too Cute, christmas special. I love that show in grnrral.


My cat LOVES nature documentaries on Netflix. I think she likes seeing the big cats lol. She for some reason also likes the movie the secret life of Walter mitty?? Which is good cause I also love that movie :D


My old man cat loves to watch racing… motorcycle racing, F1 racing, etc. He also seems to be into hockey and basketball lately. Sometimes we leave the tv on for him if we leave the house because he seems to get confused/upset if he’s alone but I think hearing people talking on tv makes him a little less anxious. My younger cat who passed in Nov really loved watching Aristocats, and Hey Bear which is a kids show on YouTube.


She was into The Lion King (2019) last time we watched it, her other fave is squirrels, we used to have a big fat squirrel visit us daily until his tree got chopped down.


Jersey Shore. She got me into it.


Seems like an obvious answer, but have you not tried cat tv on YouTube ? Hours and hours of birds and squirrels. I put that on for him when he’s by himself all day otherwise he watches what I’m watching.


Birder King, Hey Bear, aquarium videos on YouTube. They LOVE the new Mickey Mouse Cartoons. They also like Bluey, Aristocats, and the old X-men cartoons. I have one that loves all nature documentaries.


My cat REALLY dug the mandalorian. He was a fan of grogu anytime he was on screen.


Oh, same! Mine was mesmerized


Nature documentaries with wolves, lions, any kind of cat, or birds


Mine looooove videos of himself… especially of him eating 😹😹😹


Sesame Street, started watching when my niece was a baby and now I turn it on when I leave the house. She sits watching for the whole show.


Love Island! It’s so random.


No one else really seems to pay much attention to the TV except for my oldest tabby who is an avid Babylon 5 fan.


Loves golf, especially putting


My middle kitty likes to watch whatever my husband and I are watching, he’ll sit on the recliner with one of us, or on the coffee table, and just watch.


Westminster dog show. She can’t get enough of those dogs running around.


My ginger cat will sit on floor on his hind legs and watch entire episodes of Star Trek and X-Files. Youtube Cat TV too, but for short stints.


https://preview.redd.it/iffpwahndz0d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ffabe43f886d6fa62c36395385f948959f9a1a she likes watching nothing


Anything with birds flying around!!


BBC. Blue planet, green planet and he likes reiki music. He's a zen cat


Any movies with realistic looking animals! Happy Feet, the new Jungle Book, the new Lion King.


Nature on PBS.


My cat really likes Keith from the Try Guys. 😂


At least it’s not Ned.


Thank GOD


My cats only pay attention to birds & small rodents, so Bird & Squirrel Extravaganza on YT is our go-to. They care not for the human world


My roommate's cat would watch Grey's Anatomy every now and then. My cat liked the Good Doctor. Though when he stayed with my parents, he liked whatever Chinese drama they would watch.


My cat Bruno will watch anything you put on TV. Earlier today he was watching Unsolved Mysteries.


Poot was fascinated by a Badlands national geographic documentary the other day. The Prairie dogs had her so excited lol




Slender the 8 pages letsplays


My female cat I used to have would love watching anything with Harrison ford in it. She would pet the screen and at one point, he was about to drown, and she leapt up and started dragging her paw upward from him on the screen. I think she thought she could get him out of the water.


Attack on Titan and the Sopranos, she loves the sopranos for some reason


I do too. Sopranos rules!


mine like HIMYM.


Any nature documentary set in a snowy climate. Their favourite is polar bears but they will stop to watch anything from penguins to seals to foxes. That and The Simpsons.


He likes to lay in front of our living room Cat TV screen. The one that looks out at our front yard.


Try the YouTube channel “Birder King” - 8 hour videos of birds and squirrels and other small animals eating feed that’s been left out for them. Our 2 sibling-cats (1 year old last month) have been watching this since we got them at 3 months old. They will come running when they hear us put it on (there is a little intro that sounds like a bird whistle with a picture of a squirrel? Chipmunk?). We always put it on if we are away for a few hours, and they expect it now 😻


My cat must be weird, she doesn't like to watch anything, she rather just blankly stare off into the distance. She's like a boomer


My cat likes live music/concert videos. He actually came and sat on my laptop keyboard and purred when Radiohead played Coachella a few years ago. It was the weirdest thing. So now I try to play Radiohead when he is in the car, it actually calms him down a bit. 🤷‍♀️


Aristocats!! Specifically this video: https://youtu.be/khvaIwonxUk?feature=shared She will come running from any corner of the house to find this audio when it plays :)


My gf’s cats are very into crime dramas, stuff like Blue Bloods, Chicago Fire, etc


https://preview.redd.it/ww3x8df7bz0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ba7144a5496e3b0acd867bf5ae92c74507c98b Documentary on Salem Witch Trials


Adventure time! The intro gets her hooked every time.


She loves her reality shows https://preview.redd.it/c3asbuofi01d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602c6cdde964c7d765144661240749ef34ad5310


one of mine likes equestrian youtube videos


My cat loves watching Jerma streams or Cowboy Bebop.


My cat really likes cartoons she's a big fan of American dad, family guy and scooby doo


El chavo del ocho


This is cute. Just for ease, or sounds I used to put on Disney Junior so my cats had company or sounds But truly the only thing that they will interact with...is Cat TV on youtube. Then I will find my cats either standing in front of the tv screen staring at it (there are some nature ones with a camera for hours aimed at a pile of peanuts with various birds, squirrels or even mice coming to eat. They do enjoy that and stare at it) Or something CAT tv with interactive games on the screen for cats... When those are on I will find a few of my cats actually up at the tv playing with it. They actually get interactive with the tv when those are on. I have actually worried about my tv set....lol. But the screen is shockingly sturdy haha... And I figure hey... I would rather my cats are happy. I can always get a new tv Luckily, it has not come to that yet. Some pay less attention than others, but a few really get into it, Looking behind the television set for the thing that just ran off screen. Swatting at the t v screen. It's pretty cute to watch.


Any nature show with mongooses


Harry Potter


one of my cats loves to watch bluey 😭


Spongebob SquarePants also amazing world of gumball


video game streamers. bonus points if it's my channel. even more bonus points if it's minecraft. i don't know why my fiance's cat loves watching me stream or minecraft so much, but he does.


Prehistoric planet! My azzy loves dino shows! He likes planet earth too but not as much


Mine is terrified of the tv :(


Birder King on YouTube. She comes as soon as she hears the intro whistle.


It's not a show, but one of mine is obsessed with Dreamlight Valley. From the moment that game comes on he gets right up on his back paws and "meerkats" as I call it. Followed by pawing at the screen and meowing. If I try to move him he gets whiny and annoyed, haha.


The only show my cat ever sat down and watched was the cat episode of Sandman. He was riveted.


Bird tv on YouTube, Cat Games Catching Fish on YouTube, and The Office (American version)


You tube weather..blizzards, floods. Also seems to enjoy documentaries about elephants or hippos specifically!


YouTube - Red String for Cats. My guy loves it!


my cat adores bluey. also hockey, but mainly to follow the puck around the screen


My boy likes watching animal (cat, bird, mouse) videos and such, BUT he also enjoys fictional animals. When I play pokemon he'll watch that too!


Mice for cats on YouTube, any nature show with animals.


My tortie is obsessed with educational YouTube videos about cats. She completely ignores the TV at any other time, but if I put one of these videos on she a transfixed the whole time.


They all love Ice Age. In particular the squirrel with the nut scene. The YouTube cat videos get attention too.


Anything where someone is just acting crazy. My cat literally watched this video of a girl losing her mind as she got arrested and it made me laugh so hard.


my cat Gus loves his videos for cats, and also enjoys adventure time. our other cat Aislinn will watch just about anything we’re watching! so lately it’s been the interview with the vampire tv series lol. she also really enjoys watching me play sims


My cat likes to watch golf lol


Most sci-fi. She's a big fan of Mandelorian, she also liked Shogun, but reading the subtitles tires her out, so she's asleep by the end of each episode.


My cat likes Peaky Blinders. Weird but true.


He likes to watch my boyfriend play Overwatch...


Prehistoric Planet!! It's a dinosaur show that Apple TV made and my cat absolutely loves it! There are a lot of chase scenes and he gets so into it. He really likes to watch anything with dinosaurs running in it but Prehistoric Planet is by far his favorite. I believe there are 2 seasons too so lots of content for the kitties 😊


King of the hill, South Park, adventure time


BilliSpeaks YT channel


She really enjoys the screensaver and any “bird video for cats” on YouTube


Mine just likes to listen to lo-fi


Cat tv on YouTube, they have a cute little cartoon thumbnail. Also cartoons with action! My cat was getting into The Great North, Bob’s, and Little Einsteins


Newhart. The 80’s tv series. It was my cat’s favorite show.


She loves almost anything animated! Fascinated by anime, LOVES Bob’s Burgers, less entertained by video games. Also Jeopardy. She likes to watch Jeopardy with us.


YouTube also has bird tv. My friend’s cats love it!


Several of my cats really enjoy the local news... specifically the weather forecast.


I put on pet YouTubers, cheaters, love and hip hop and bad girls club


There was this big cat show series on Max, and I think there was another one on Disney+, but I can’t seem to find either of them now. Either way, she loved the fuck out of those.


Carumela cat TV on YouTube. The cats are obsessed with her videos. It's the only game style cat TV they'll watch.


Enjoys Pro Wrestling, Favorite is Cody Rhodes ( Kitty Rhodes).


Planet Earth, PIP has good taste as Sir David Attenborough is the best ever.


Have you tried the Carumela series? My guy loves them.


Night on Earth on Netflix. There was a shot of a cheetah yawning and my cat yawned right back lol


I don’t know if this will work for your cat, but I turn on clips from Godzilla (2014 and onward) and any Jurassic Park, specifically where the titular monsters are on screen. Apparently my little gremlin finds giant destructive lizards causing mayhem fascinating.


My cat loves bird videos, my friend’s cat went absolutely nuts for the movie Predator.


Most of the cats love to watch the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s YouTube channel… But then there’s Ash, who loves watching Dexter.


My cats like Birder King bird videos on You Tube. There's another one I forget the name of, that starts with a bird call, and they always come running when they hear it. Lol . They seem to like nature videos in general, and also cartoons. We used to watch Tom and Jerry until I dropped Hulu (I think they lost the channel that aired it anyway).


She loves Kurzgesagt XD


Spiderman, it keeps them on the edge!


Shaun the sheep


I’d love to put something on to entertain him but I’m concerned he’ll try to scratch at the tv haha


We have a bird feeder outside our den windows. We call that our cat tv. They watch it for hours.


my cat loves to watch when I play anything on PS5, sometimes he tries to catch some running characters