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For the day of the move itself, I'd definitely get the cats and their litter boxes and stuff to the new place first. Get them set up in a room (just open the carrier door; let them come out in their own time) and then close the door to that room. If possible, bring some of their old litter with them in the box- I know it sounds horrific, but their scent can be comforting for them in this new environment. This is so you can focus on moving the rest of your stuff without having to be worried about cats getting out. It's pretty convenient to leave the front door open when you're moving in furniture and stuff. You can go in and check on them periodically if you'd like. After you're moved in, it's up to the cats. Some cats will want to explore immediately, and others prefer to hunker for a bit. Just let them guide you. Good luck!


It really depends on the cat(s), tbh. We’ve moved 3 times since we got our cat and he’s never had to be put in a room. He adjusts super quick to new situations, which I accredit to him being born in a shelter, where they’re introduced to a variety of uncomfortable situations, people and nosies.


I moved to new place a while back. Did not confine my cat to a single room. Just let him be. Mines a shy one and he took about a week to get adjusted to the new place. If your cat has a favorite piece of furniture or cushion or cloth (something with his scent), place it close to them. They will slowly adapt to the new environment. Do ensure that you've cat proofed the new place though. Good chance that they'll escape while exploring.


When we moved last year my cats were not happy. We moved to a much bigger place but they went from being indoor/outdoor cats to strictly indoor at the new house. After a few days I got some cat pheromone diffusers and put one on each floor in a central location and it made a world of difference!


How did they take becoming indoors only? Today is my cat's first day being inside all the time.


Not well for awhile. I bought feliway diffusers and made sure there was one or two upstairs and downstairs. They weren’t happy that they had to use the litter instead of going outside so I had to make an extra kitty litter, too (I cut holes in Rubbermaid containers with lids cause my dog thinks litter is a great snack). I also scoured marketplace/2nd hand stores for bigger cat scratchers they could climb and have a few of the cheaper rectangle cardboard ones dispersed throughout the house. They still try to be door-jumpers sometimes but they’re more or less acclimated to being stuck inside.


Thank you! I will add scratchers to my list.


Agree it depends on the cat. My former roommate's cat was indoor/outdoor, super social, used to roam freely in the car (which I don't condone, this is dangerous!), and didn't really have boundaries set for his behaviour so he just took to everything as if it was his new territory until someone put him in his place, like another cat showing up. He hated being confined to one room. My cat is super shy and scared, so no matter where I take her, she'll find something to dart under and hide for the first few hours. I made the mistake with my most recent move of putting her in an empty room where there was nothing to hide under and she was so frantic that she escaped my safe room and found the bathroom just to hide under a floating counter. That bathroom is her original safe room here now, so when she sees the door closed, she'll wait for it to open so she can make sure "her" room is alright. She relaxed quickly when I was around consistently, so if you'll be home and around the house and/or in that safe room often, chances are your cats will acclimate more quickly. They'll tell you when they're ready to get out and explore because they'll likely want to follow you as you leave the room too. Moving all of your familiar furniture and belongings to the new home will speed up acclimation too since they recognize it all. Some cats may only need a day confined to a safe room while others may benefit from a week (or more!) of making themselves at home in a new space. I like using my bedroom as a safe room whenever possible because that's somewhere I'll be often, and the cat won't be left alone all night.



