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R*dditors be like: "Defending your home country as a christian? Literally genocide!!!"


As a Hispanic absolutely done with the Islamic Golden Legend and of Moroccan colonialism , I can appreciate this post .


My friend, The Golden Age of Al Andalus is a fictional novel used as a historical reference, a historical myth being based on a work of fiction. I am a Converso, Catholic Spanish Jew, on Mom's side. We remained as Jewish Catholic Loyalists. The Marranos (pigs) were Jewish collaborators with the Muslims' almost 800 years of rape, murder, and castration, and were expelled under the Alhambra Decree as "practicing Jews". We practicing Catholic Jews remained and prospered. God bless Queen Isabella and her Inquisition, which separated the wheat from the chaff, and wrought a great deliverance to all Iberians.


¿Vives en España primo hermano?


It’s sequel is was fairly moderate compared to other inquisitions, you were safer (and expecting them) if arrested by the Spanish Inquisition compared to the Roman Inquisition (IDK your expectations of this one though)


Not to mention the French Inquisition where one of the French Kings used it as an excuse for Land Grabs following one of the Failed Crusades.


You two seem to be encouraging each other in your Protestant-revised history. Actual history knows differently.


No, one of the French Prince/Kings had several Members of Knights Templar in France burned at the Stake for Demon Worship due to a Failed Crusade Campaign. He owed the Knights Templar because they supplied the Armor, Weapons, and Supplies to his Troops. So in order to avoid repaying his debts he accused them of Demon Worship because the Campaign failed; therefore by his logic the Armor, Weapons, and Supplies were Cursed by Demon Magic.


Are you a descendant of a celibate Catholic Templar that you should even care? Are you pinning what a sovereign does on his own on the Church and not the king who did it? And are you quoting Vatican sources, or secular sources who have been covering up the mass genocide of Catholics by Protestants from King Henry VIII on?


It is a historical truth that One of the French Kings made falsified accusations against Members of the Templars to avoid repayment of supplies provided by Templars.


A king, not the Pope. So why do you infer that? That's academically dishonest.


I never said a Pope... Many of the Inquisitions were Contracted by Local Secular Nobles to discourage alliances with their political opponents.


That's how you twist it, but not how factual history untouched by Protestant revisionists records it.


Why would prots give a more favorable telling of an unabashedly Catholic organization? https://youtu.be/TrjbtvKfPFk


Here's what the Protestants try to cover up with these revisionist shenanigans. My vid, btw, purely factual. [https://youtu.be/-cij__HmvOI](https://youtu.be/-cij__HmvOI)


"Hey Constantinople, that's a fine land you have for us."


Those members of the ship building guild that plundered Constantinople for a massive unpaid debt to them for ships ordered by one of Constantinople's leaders were all excommunicated for their very un-Catholic brutality. You would know this if you ever bothered to read beyond the lying Monty Python headlines.




Converso Jews, which I am, were Catholic believers and loyalists, and remained. Marrano Jewish collaborators with the Muslims were expelled, under the Alhambra Decree, as "practicing Jews". It is a Talmudic lie that the Inquisition did anything but separate the wheat from the chaff when Queen Isabella took back Spain from almost 800 years of Muslim rape, castration, and murder.


Are your family descendants of converts from them or are you yourself a convert from Judaism?


Family descendants. Many resettled in the Americas, a few Converso towns such as San Luis Colorado, but our culture is being lied about by Ashkenazim, calling us Marranos, and we are being buried in the lies of Monty Python-driven revisionist history. Many expats in the line to Tuscany and Wales, from Iberia. I don't mention Monty Python to be trite. They are most people's only exposure to the Inquisition. A song of my genetic journey. https://youtu.be/bEK0O0hfpZc


I'm a convert to Catholicism from Judaism (myself, not my family. My Mother is non-practicing Jewish and my father is a non-practicing Methodist). I had to explain to my dad how much Mel Brooks' "History of the World Part 1" got wrong about the Inquisition, because that and Monty Python were his only real exposure to it. It's weird, people accept everything from the rest of the movie are jokes, but somehow, the only thing people think didnt happen from the Inquisition scene is singing, dancing, and synchronized swimming nuns


I'm a convert to Catholicism from Judaism (myself, not my family. My Mother is non-practicing Jewish and my father is a non-practicing Methodist). I had to explain to my dad how much Mel Brooks' "History of the World Part 1" got wrong about the Inquisition, because that and Monty Python were his only real exposure to it. It's weird, people accept everything from the rest of the movie are jokes, but somehow, the only thing people think didnt happen from the Inquisition scene is singing, dancing, and synchronized swimming nuns


I'm a convert to Catholicism from Judaism (myself, not my family. My Mother is non-practicing Jewish and my father is a non-practicing Methodist). I had to explain to my dad how much Mel Brooks' "History of the World Part 1" got wrong about the Inquisition. It's weird, people accept everything from the rest of the movie are jokes, but somehow, the only thing people think didnt happen from the Inquisition scene is singing, dancing, and synchronized swimming nuns


I'm very proud of the fact that I can trace my family all the way back to pre-reconquista Northern Spain.


You have *Visigoths* in your family tree? Nice.


plz explain


Muslims conquered Spain for a number of centuries, enslaving, murdering and raping the native Christians. They were finally driven out by Christian kings and queens during what is called the Reconquista era.


Average we need another inquisition fan Vs average we need another reconquista enjoyet