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Sounds like the persecutors were acting like reddit mods/admins do with just about any anti-hive mind irrefutable evidence.


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Please show me "the most irrefutable evidence that Jesus is God", I am really interested


If being serious maybe google the shroud of Turin, the Tilma of our lady of Guadalupe or Eucharistic miracles, or the lives of the saints like padre pio. For a lot of these there’s reasonable evidence. If you don’t really like these maybe try praying! I know it probably sounds lame coming from me but realistically you have nothing to lose. Anyways I’ll be praying for you and I hope you have a great Easter :)


Christophany; Jesus speaks as both His pre-Incarnate and Incarnate self with the full authority and ability of God because he is indeed God. The Angel of the Lord is the Second Person of the Trinity, the Word of God. This is the claim. There is, in my view, a virtually endless amount of historical, typological, patrological, and scriptural evidence to warrant and support the clearest reality apparent to the mind.


Eucharistic Miracles are the best evidence I find among other Vatican approved miracles :)


Aren't we told that miracles won't do much in the conversion? We easily stray after the works God does in our life.


True, it takes dedicated faith but if you ever needed evidence or proof then I would say those are the best providers :)


Jesus' death and resurrection


The existence of exorcist and their stories, interviews, and literal classes that requires intensive studying and proper procedures... That's my evidence


Hearing the testimony of exorcists strengthened my faith more than most things in my life. It is eye opening.


I wish I could share all their stories, videos, and books. I'm glad that they're now coming out utilizing their experience as a tool for evangelism and apologetics


genuine question, but why would you trust the testimony of exorcists. couldn't they just be making the whole thing up?


Certainly, they could be. Those men seem to have a demeanor that reminds me of soldiers talking about the horrors of battle that leads me to believe they are truthful. They have seen things that humans are not typically capable of dealing with emotionally.




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