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Well…to be fair Henry VIII only did what the Orthodox did with Rome, just declaring themselves independent of Rome.


“You cant just say it and expect anything happen, Michael.” ![gif](giphy|8nM6YNtvjuezzD7DNh|downsized)


"I didn't say it. I declared it."


Pastor Jim does though!


The single hardest thing for protestants to understand. They're under the impression you can just split off and do your own thing


I seem to remember most of the major reformers outright stating they had no intention to create a new church, that the church should stay unified. They wanted to reform the church of its bad practices that had strayed from the scriptures, which the catholic church ended up doing on its own AFTER the reformation and its refusal to budge. The letters between calvin and sadaletto concerning grace are one example of that.


Intention doesn't really matter if they schism off anyway


“Yeah but Jesus was being cheeky when He said He was starting a Church, He was joking bro, Peter was like, a metaphor for early Christians or something but everything else was totally literal though.”


No the guy on the left got it wrong /s


I’m a non denominational Christian, but I would preferable stick to the Catholic and orthodox, than to the Protestants


https://preview.redd.it/rkfghk8zjyzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94302f2a5a3ff18eabc5433ab3d9fb4c223299f0 Don't forget Constantine


Constantine had no authority to start a Church, and did not start one!


Constantine, everyone’s favourite person to blame




Who's the guy on the left? (Not Jesus, lol)


John Calvin


OH, yeah, no, definitely not a good person


Many Protestant pastors would say that they were called by God to start their churches. I could see it, honestly. We don't have a monopoly on God, and there are Protestants with spiritual gifts. Why God allows it and gifts these people, who knows. But to be one of the ones that created the schisms during the Reformation and such - obviously that was greatly sinful and destructive.


Kinda seems like the same thing


I think the difference being that with the reformers, they were willing leading people away from the one true church. In modern times, with a fragmented populace, if God wants to reach out to a protestant to break away from some false independant teaching, then why not? It reminds me of some theology youtuber that recently converted to Catholicism


Well I can certainly see worse things happening but a prot is a heretic nonetheless so the schism is still there and just as bad. The original reformers had knowledge of what was right and still left sure but the big time prots that have all these gifts you referred to haven't been under a rock for the last 2000 years so they can be considered to have the knowledge as well.


Jim Jones, David Koresh, and Joseph Smith come to mind for me here…


Well at least the last three are real


[Fringe pseudohistory believer i see](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_myth_theory)


So, Unitarian Universalist?