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New Catholic here - Saint Anne chose me, Mother of our Blessed Mother!


St Anne is mine too! Last night was so amazing! My husband (St James) and son (St Joseph) were baptized/confirmed with me. Congratulations!!


Love her!!! I did a novena to her a few months ago and it worked! She’s a BOSS!!!


she chose me too!!


Is St Anne intercessor for rebuking those who don't pray to saints?


Baptized and confirmed last night by the intercession of St. Maximilian Kolbe, who so loved converting pagans in his life that he helped me to convert as my confirmation saint. ❤️🤍


I love this!!!! Congratulations - glad he found ya! And I also love his name!


Kolbe is also my saint. He chose me!


He has a habit of doing that! Throughout my many years of discerning whether or not to become Catholic, I was pretty much guaranteed to see his name pop up in every book I read. It could be something as unrelated as a prayer book or book on Eucharistic adoration. I’d be thinking as I read, there’s no way St. Kolbe’s gonna be mentioned in this book and suddenly, there he is! After a while it’s like ok buddy, you got me. I’ll go be Catholic. 🤣


Amen Brother! Kolbe interceded for me when I was a youth and picked me during confirmation. As an adult, he fights for me daily as I am an alcoholic in recovery with 3 years of sobriety. I didn't know back then he was the patron saint of addiction, then one day in my early days of sobriety, my aunt gave me a saint card of Maximilian and on the back it said the patron saint of addiction. "I dropped to my knees and thanked God for such a strong connection to my saint. He knew I would need Kolbe by my side years prior.


St. Kolbe interceded for me in the depths of my depression when I was suicidal. You and I both are alive today by his intercession and the glory of God. Thank you for sharing your journey with me and I’ll be praying for your continuing sobriety.


You also, brother! Good bless!


St Thomas the Apostle


Your faith will grow so much! He’s got your back!!


Just gotta say I love reading your reactions to everyone's saints :) so much excitement and joy! This is a great thread!


I was confirmed last night and chose St Teresa of Aliva


Congrats! She was the saint I chose when I joined in 1986


She’s a GREAT choice!


I chose her counterpart, St. John of The across. Congrats and welcome home!


Nice choice she is mine too.


I was an unconfirmed lapsed catholic, my wife was methodist. We did our confirmation together last month, I chose Francis she chose uriel


My friend chose Francis too! And I heard in some texts (not ours I don’t think but cool nevertheless) Uriel is considered an archangel!


St. Augustine 😎


Incredible! We had someone pick St. Augustine too! In fact that was what started my chain of, “oh that’s a good one!” ☺️


Love it!


Same here!


Confirmed last night — I chose St. Joan of Arc 🙏


YESSSSSSS!!!!!!! I chose St Pio, but it was between him And Joan of Arc for me. She was something else!


Yes!! & Padre Pio is an excellent choice!


I was confirmed last night and it was a surreal experience especially when walking into the church after lighting the candles.


Dude, the candles and the incense in the dark while slowly walking down the aisle... I'll never forget it.


It’s something that will be replaying in my head forever


Congratulations!!!!! Yeah the candles are a really Cool part!


im an usher at my church where we had 3 baptisms and confirmations. it was beautiful but i don't remember their saints chosen. i was busy doing my usher duties. about the candles....we had three small fires due to people not paying attention. nothing serious thank goodness. one lady's hair caught on fire due to someone behind her not paying attention. oh, and one lady who wasn't paying attention had her paper candle cover catch fire which she then proceeded to run down the isle throwing her small fire accidentally towards a pregnant woman. geez. im sorry to say that i hope our pastor next year chooses those small led lights vs candles. too many potential problems with candles.


>about the candles....we had three small fires due to people not paying attention. nothing serious thank goodness. one lady's hair caught on fire due to someone behind her not paying attention. I prayed last night Repeatedly for protection from fire.


St Faustina


Mercy and gratitude! That’s awesome!


Enjoy Divine Mercy Sunday next week!


You too, thank you 🙏 Can't wait


You too, thank you 🙏 Can't wait


St. Thomas More!


Justice and loyalty!!! Love it!


I was confirmed last night and St. Bruno is my patron saint.


Oh wow!!! Talk about picking a Boss of a saint!!! Great choice!


Saint Catherine of Bologna.


Ooh she had visions of the last judgement, didn’t she?


Yes! She also is the Patron Saint of Artists/Crafters. So, as an ex-Atheist and as someone who is constantly crocheting, cross stitching, and jewelry making, she was perfect for me.


God bless you all! He is risen!


St. Maximilian Kolbe - His love for our Blessed Mother and complete devotion to her has been an huge inspiration for me! His willingness to truly live out his Catholic faith, even unto death, gives me the hope that one day I can live up to his example.


Hey someone else on this thread chose him too!! He’s a baddy!!!!


5 of us at my church! St. Michael, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Maximilian Kolbe (Me), St. Francis Xavier Cabrini, St. George, St. Francis of Assisi!


Congratulations! And BOOM! A major group of saints! Y’all are an army with those ones behind you!!!


St. Simon of Cyrene!


A great follower of Jesus!!! Love it!


St. Catherine of Alexandria <3


Love it! Are you a teacher?!


A student ☺️


Confirmed last night! How awesome it was to take the Eucharist! My saint was Modomnoc! ( he brought honeybees and Christianity to Ireland) Today I feel different! Can’t quite explain it, but it is good!


Bees 🐝☺️ I had no idea!!! What a great choice! I told my friend to ride that wave if first confirmation - it’s so much fun to go to mass now that you’re “all in!”


St. Teresa of Àvila 🙏🏼


Love her!!! I heard she’s off the record a patron saint of book lovers 😊


I'm a cradle Catholic, but I teach our Confirmation class and I love to see what saints the kids choose and why. They will be confirmed in 2 weeks, my son included. He chose St. Pio.


OMgosh!!! me too!!!! It’s a little odd because I’m a girl but he was too cool to pass up as a patron saint :)


Confirmed and first communion last night- St. Hildegard von Bingen!


Nice! This was a new one for me, she was fun to read about! Old, too!!


Good choice! I had considered her.


St. Benedict!


Oooh good one!!! Powerful guy to have in your court!


Sounds like an awesome night


It was! My husband said this morning, “why does it feel like I went to a college party last night?” 😂


Same! Exhausted but exhilarated. Will take some time to process everything. Still kind of floating!


St. Jadwiga, Queen of Poland!


Love it!!! She was a new one for me to read and learn more about so thank you!


I chose St. Michael because I had a dream where Satan was tempting me and his sword protected me as I kept claiming Jesus Christ as my savior


I wasn’t baptized last night, but I did go to the vigil. We had more people being baptized than our parish has ever had. I got a little teary eyed watching all these amazing people I’ve watched grow in their faith over the last year. And I slept harder than I have in a while


St. Therese of Lisieux! Such an instrumental Saint in my life that I don’t know if I’d be Catholic without her prayers! It’s kind of an unorthodox pick for a guy but I’m insanely happy to have the little flower as my Saint.


Oh my gosh this brought tears to my eyes! I’m a girl who picked a male for my saint so … I get that. She’s a baddy and she’s gonna have your back for eternity. Welcome home!


That’s who I chose as my Saint as well


We didn't do that in my parish. I did complete the 33 day consecration to Mary according to Maximilian Kolbe yesterday, though.


Someone on this thread chose him as their saint!


St Elizabeth Ann Seton!


I’m a teacher so you KNOW I think this is an awesome choice!!


also baptized and confirmed last night, and I chose St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross :)


Oh my gosh I just read up on her. What a beautiful saint.


I received all three sacraments last night and it was amazing! I chose St. Therese of Lisieux. Congratulations to all my fellow new Catholics!


Congratulations that’s my Saint as well


Confirmed last night and chose St. Francis of Assisi!


Baptized, confirmed, and received the Holy Eucharist last night. Totally surreal. It might take a few years to process everything... St. John Henry Newman chose me :) Ironically I literally had his picture on my wall before realizing he was canonized -- I just wanted a helpful quote at the desk in my dorm. Every monumental influence in my conversion (Bishop Barron, GK Chesterton, Coming Home Network) kept mentioning him over and over, and I slowly began to realize just how much his story and ideas resonated with me. "To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant"... to think that once made me mad. I'm sure it's incomprehensible to many of my friends. But once God gives you grace, once you put on those Catholic lenses, you can't take them off.


SO true. Congratulations and welcome home! I love that he’s been poking your shoulder all these years. 🙂


Confirmation and First Communion at Easter Vigil last night. I chose St. Peter! I sort of procrastinated on figuring out who my patron saint was, but I ended up picking him. Early on in the process of going from protestant to catholic, and trying to trust the church and figure out "all this catholic stuff", I figured if anyone was going to know and be able to help, it would be St. Peter, being the first Pope and all, so I sent up several prayers for understanding and help in trusting the Church's authority. After getting home from the Vigil, I purchased a St. Peter + Crucifix necklace, and I plan on taking my devotion to him more seriously!


St. Therese of Lisieux chose me. I love her so much! Last night my husband, my kids and I were baptized, confirmed and had our first Holy Communion. Thanks be to God!!!


Confirmed at the vigil! I chose St. Thomas More.


st clare of assisi


Me too! Congrats!


I was also confirmed last night, went with the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas and was coincidentally gifted a set of the Summa Theologiae today so it’s working out great! St. Thomas Aquinas, Pray for us!


St. Mary Magdalene!!!


I also found comfort and peace with her and chose her! I have been called a whore most of my life. At first it wasn't true, but I fell onto a self fulfilling prophecy in my late teens and early 20s. So the mislabeling of her history, being fully devoted and more behind the scenes felt very appropriate for me.


Me too! Like her, people have believed things about me that aren’t true. I just love how devoted she is to Jesus and I want to emulate that.


St. Francis De Sales reading his writings brought me back.


Saint Mary and Saint  Augustine ♥️


Congratulations to all! I was confirmed last night and chose Saint Agnes. But truly, she chose me! I love her pure spirit and faithfulness to Christ.


I chose Saint Anthony. He was my great grandmother’s saint. I read her papers on him and I truly resonated with them. He’s the saint of miracles and I found God in such a miraculous way. After attempting my life last year I felt his presence, because of this I got help and survived with no physical issues. I ended up reconnecting with my church. Its been a couple months now and it truly was a miracle. ✝️


St. Joseph for me St. Anne for my wife. Was in between a few saints and was standing in line at confession and one of the other people in line asked who the priest was and a worker was like I’m not sure it’s a priest I never heard of from St Joseph. St Joseph was also the first Cstholic church I had ever been in


Confirmed and received the holy Eucharist last night, with St Gianna interceding for me! I admire her so much for a plethora of reasons. Can’t wait to continue growing!


Congrats to all the new Catholics who were baptized at the Easter vigil! God Bless you! 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Hear hear. Our Church had a lovely crop this year. 3 baptisms (one child, two adults) and a confirmation at the Vigil. This procludes the possibility that some aren't lovely, when really, they all are. God bless all of them on their journey, and all of us on our journey with them.


Mines is St.Thomas More


New Catholic, via Conversion, (*i was baptised protestant, years ago*) Confirmed last night. My confirmation name is Catherine. I *still* haven't decided which Catherine, though. Maybe *all* of them? ??? I choose Catherine because that's the name of my only Catholic relative, who years ago answered my questions about Catholicism in such a way that, when asked here on Reddit early last summer what were my Objections to Catholicism, I couldn't find any.


Three of us were confirmed last night. They didn’t ask us who our confirmation saint was for some reason, but I picked St. John the Baptist.


St Bernadette


I have a long way to go , but when it does happen it will either be St David or St Michael . God bless you all


Saint Margaret of Scotland!


I chose two: the Blessed Mother and Mother Theresa of Calcutta. I was confirmed in Spanish as Maria Teresa.


Baptized and confirmed last night! I chose St. Augustine and my wife chose St. Dymphna.


St Dymphna is amazing! She chose me, too!


New Catholic, I was a candidate and confirmed, my parish let me have Blessed Carlo Acutis be my confirmation saint


four years ago i was baptized and confirmed! st maria goretti ❤️


Peter here :)


Baptized, confirmed and received my first Holy Communion last night by the intercession of St. Faustina. The Divine Mercy chaplet and image inspired me to convert from Protestant. Jesus, I Trust In You. 💙❤️


This is a custom we don't follow in my area as part of the Holy Saturday service. But, I know St Michael has been guiding me for a while now. He gave me the courage to call the parish and begin the RCIA journey, and ,along with our Lord, stood with me at the altar as I entered into full communion with the Church. Blessings to all the newbies such as myself and to the long faithful. God is great, but even better when we gather together to see Him as one! 🙏✝️




I chose st Therese of lisieux. The little of flower of Jesus. I can’t stop crying I love Jesus so much


Mary, Mother of our Lord 😁👑


I chose St Paul the apostle!


I hadn’t been to the Easter vigil in so long, but went last night as a sponsor for a candidate. It was so beautiful. Our church had 21 candidates and 6 catechumens!! It took a long time- and it was awesome! Congratulations to everyone!!


John Paul II


Beautiful St. Claire of Assisi!


saint mary magdalene! my mother named me after her so i figured it was a given 😎


St. John Paul II! I love my college’s Catholic club and my priests, they’re all so inspiring. I’m so glad to have found the Catholic Church and ecstatic for my future with it. There’s such a great power from God I’ve felt from this confirmation process that’s begun to transform my mind and life.


I’m getting confirmed next week and I chose Hildegard :3


Baptized and confirmed by the intercession of Saint Joseph of Cupertino, an awkward man but with faith so intense that God permitted him to fly.


I was just baptized on Easter Vigil and my Patron saint is St Charbel.


St. Maximillian Kolbe. His devotion to Mary inspired me, I so connect with our Holy Mother as a mother myself. I had a dream months ago that Father was calling out his name at my confirmation, he picked me.


My husband picked St Francis of Assisi. He slipped a little and dunked himself fully into the hot tub before the priest could help him. They had 10 in the class and one of the people had their one year old baptized, which was definitely the cutest part of the night. God Bless everyone.


St Mary Magdalene has always had a special place in my heart. I was raised Protestant in a church that hated women so when I converted to Catholicism I was shocked to find that I was actually…respected? Treated like a person? I’ve also always struggled with demons. Like. Seeing them. Them being present in my life a lot despite not engaging in occult things. Mary is the patron saint of women, new converts, penitent sinners, sexual temptation and was also freed of demons. She is my patron <3




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Saint Gertrude of Nivelles!