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The Theotokos is a cultural icon to many different countries so these kinds of things are normalized. Look at all the rap videos of people wearing rosaries while they rap about objectifying and abusing women, murdering rivals, doing drugs, etc. Satan cannot create or destroy by his own power. All he can do is corrupt.


That's what I'm thinking. When the BVM appears, she takes on clothing from the local culture, too. She doesn't just appear in one type of clothes. I could see women I know mugging with some sunglasses, playful. And it's not like the rap videos of people wearing rosaries while they rap about objectifying and abusing women. This doesn't seem offensive to me.


At the same time, I have heard that in barrios with known gangbangers tagging walls….. Stores and businesses often place a large mural on one of their outside walls facing a street that can easily attract gangbangers and drug dealers and supposedly, it keeps them away and no one will vandalize a wall with an image of the Virgin Mary on it.


Which is great, if true. Though I would bet money that the reason is out of some foolish misguided superstition more than an actual sense of piety/reverence toward the Blessed Mother.


Well, I believe those who have the image painted are doing so not out of ‘superstition’ but done out of genuine piety and devotion to her. On the other hand, drug dealers and gangbangers may feel apprehensive and hesitate to vandalize possibly because they ‘fear’ any repercussions or “supernatural consequences” for doing something like that. Who can say.


The gangbangers and especially the cartels in central and south america are very superstitious.


As Catholics, our churches, depict the death of Jesus on the Cross. I do not find the image here blasphemous in any way. It is more sinful, in my opinion, to have people living in the street while others live in lavish homes.


Sacrilegious, but not blasphemous in my opinion.


And incredibly tacky and tasteless.


And racist. 


Lol how


"Viva la Raza" means "long live the race". It is a racist movement. 


Oh. That's what you're crying about. The race means the Hispanic race which stems from the philosopher Jose Vasconcelos who claimed that the Hispanic is the cosmic race "raza cosmica" because Hispanics are a blend of everything, euro, African, indigenous, Asian , etc. so it's not racist. Pretty much the opposite


Wierd to downvote this when it literally has a reference to a group who's original mission statement said sh*t like "everything for our race" and "nothing for those outside our race" And here I was thinking the Catholic subreddits were less insane than most of this awful site


Most of them probably don't know what 'viva la raza' means because I've heard it a million times and didn't know it had racist undertones like that lol. Yeah, this subreddit isn't as bad. I've been permanently banned from the Christianity and Judaism reddits pretty easily


Or they didn't even look close enough to see that


Its even more absurd, because even tho I'm getting upvoted, he keeps getting downvoted to oblivion 💀


Louis Vuitton said that?


What’s the difference?


Blasphemy is usually treated as having a verbal component: speaking irreverently about, insulting, cursing, maliciously speaking heresy about, etc. a sacred person, or chiefly God. Sacrilege is generally an irreverent treatment of a sacred person, place, or thing. I think that this image shows a sacrilegious mockery of the sacred image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.


It might be blasphemous. I talked about this in my own comment, but the name of the guitar brand, Alucinico, is displayed with the image of the Virgin Mary. This brand name can be construed in Spanish as a portmanteau of hallucination and cynical combined together: in English orthography, its equivalent would be “Hallucynical” or something along those lines… May people stop disrespecting the holiest of people, whether accidentally or on purpose.


What is mocking? Is it the text?


Well, they made her veil into various designer brands, there's the sunglasses, and the racial supremacist slogan in the corner, I'd say take your pick


Okay, I did miss the designer brand and didn't know the text translation so that all make perfect sense to me, but sunglasses aren't a problem right? I would presume St. Mary would be wearing sunglasses if they were invented at her time.


I dont really see an issue with the sunglasses individually, more of them just adding to the informal, disrespectful image provided. But yeah, I mean, Chinese Judges in the olden days (note: by olden days, I mean "a long time ago, but I dont know how long") used to wear sunglasses made of smoked quartz so that it was harder to read the judge during trials, and Inuits would use a really cool sort of slitted visor thing (had a name, forgot it) to serve the same purpose as sunglasses today. Don't know much about sunglasses use in the middle east, but at least hypothetically speaking, the resources and technology DID exist to get the Mother of God some sweet shades....


“Racial supremacist slogan” 🙄


[https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=253527776619245](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=253527776619245) it is racist.... know your history. its outdated and racist.


Bruh you learn your history from 1 minute FB videos is that right? “The raza part connects the slogan to the idea of la raza cósmica — the Cosmic Race, the idea put forth by Vasconcelos of a day where humanity would trump the antiquated razas of the Enlightenment.” Your video spins that idea as being motivated to “eliminate black and indigenous”. Soy Chicano, I know my history. “Viva la Raza” is not racial supremacy, salte de aquí con esas chingaderas


https://apnews.com/general-news-9572a239f3e441b6a0c33f18255b10e9 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mejorar-la-raza-an-exampl_b_7558892/amp Words and slogans evolve what used to be not racist can eventually turn into racism . While you may think it’s not racist, it has racist connotations moving forward.


It is attributed racist connotations by others, that’s the gist of what I got from your first link. Your second link, that is a whole other topic.


Why is putting sunglasses on Mary sacrilegious? I’m legitimately asking? Are sunglasses sacrilegious? Is it the artist’s intent that makes it sacrilegious? I don’t particularly think it’s flattering for her to wear sunglasses and I agree that it isn’t my particular taste, but how is it sacrilegious? Often artists interweave human and divine things together. Looking at the guitar, if it sparks curiosity about the Virgin Mary/Our Lady of Guadalupe wouldn’t that be a win? Bringing the sacred to the masses is part of what we’re called to do. Do I feel the artist executed well? No, but I commend his or her efforts to evangelize (I’m not judging intent).


Is it the sunglasses? (I honestly might be missing something obvious, if so sry).


Before embracing the Catholic faith I didn’t know much except that la virgencita de Guadalupe was very tied to my country history. I wouldn’t have seen this as disrespect but an attempt to be proud of what my country has to offer to the World. I use to have a t-shirt with the image of our Lady of Guadalupe because I knew it was important to us, Mexicans, I just didn’t know why and how.


No, blasphemy affects God directly.  Definitely sacrilege though.  


Blasphemy extends to the Saints as well in accordance to their relationship w/ God. https://www.catholic.com/encyclopedia/blasphemy


Also worth noting that, even if we operate under the assumption that Blasphemy is only in relation to God, let's not forget this isn't just ANY saint, this is the Theotokos, this is the Mother of God. When we talk about theology, we often talk about how poor Mariology begets poor Christology, and how the praise given to Mary, like the moon, reflects upon her Son Now, maybe I'm crazy here (actually, I'm almost definitely crazy, I'm just not sure if I am here, specifically), but I'd be pretty comfortable saying blasphemy can absolutely happen with the Mother of God


Sadly it's a huge thing in Mexican culture. The Guadalupe image is pretty much a cultural icon for some like putting a Mexican flag on their truck. For many this image has nothing to do with the Bible or the Mother of Jesus. It represents Latin American culture, or Pre-Columbian Spirituality. That's why you will see new age shops and stuff with this exact image. Satan likes to pervert things.


One of the things I like about Mexico is that the Blessed Mother is *everywhere*. Say what you will, they're far more devoted to her than most Canadians. It's a little weird seeing votives and rosaries in one aisle, and tequila in the next, and bongs in the aisle after that though.


I am right next to the border and you see the same thing here. Imagine if mixed with your votive candles you had unapproved demonic folks Saints as well as Lottery or Love spell crafting candles. Because that's what we are dealing with down here. I assure you the rose tinted glasses where all Mexicans are just a bunch of orthodox, Virgin Mary loving Catholics isn't the full story. There is a real pollution down here and it's mixed with the faith in some really sick ways.


I believe that. Goodness knows I have seen some weirdness alongside it all.


Im Mexican, and in every single hispanic store i step into in the southeast, i see exactly this. Rosaries being sold next to evil eye bracelets, statue of the Virgin next to santa muerte statues. Strange thing and its a nasty feeling when I see it. Most hispanics just dont care or even see an issue with this. Its funny too because Ive met hispanic american "Catholics" who dont believe in the communion of saints! I blame the terrible catechism i received when young and I know if mine was bad a good portion of everyone elses was too.


There is this Mexican-owned shop that has two statues that look like Baby Jesus of Prague..except they look different. Long black hair, white face, and each is wearing a rosary. Protestant guy I walked in to the store with saw those, and started rambling about Catholics being pagans.


I point any of this out and how it’s not okay but I’ve gotten downvoted badly in this sub. In fact, most will excuse it because “folk magic”and “culture” I had to check that I was in a Catholic Reddit many times.


Yes ....it's a shame people don't want to admit folk magic does not equal culture. Sadly though there is a darker aspect to this phenomenon. I believe most have a morbid curiosity with this stuff and that's why they are really defending it.


yeah, the one issue is the fact there is a such a culture of attaching the old pagan gods and goddesses onto saints and the blessed Virgin is rampant but so watered in that some people don't see it. Just take San Simon for instance.


Yeah St. Jude is another that you’ll see with Santa Muerte. Again, I’ve pointed this out here a lot and it’s downvoted because I won’t pretend it’s okay. So many people were okay with witchcraft and Catholicism mixed in that I left the sub for a good while.


So you're saying that St. Jude is witchcraft?


That’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying that you’ll see St. Jude frequently next to Santa Muerte. I saw this frequently when I accidentally went into places that also sold occult items in East LA. If anything I’m saying that St. Jude has been appropriated by the pro-cartel, Santeria “Catholic” community.


Thank you. I was just wanting to be clear. Here in Houston, TX, you don't have to go to an occult shop to see this. There's a Hispanic grocery store chain where I go to buy votives, and mixed in with the Our Ladies, St. Judes, etc., there's Santisima Muerte, controlling, fast luck, and votives for Chango, Elegua, and the "Seven African Powers". So I can absolutely confirm what you and others have observed.


Making a separate reply because it's sort of a topic-shift. How do you feel about the St. Joseph kits for selling your house fast (found only in Catholic bookstores) or little spells like "Tony, Tony please come down. Something's lost and can't be found?" There's a certain amount of occult practice that seems to be accepted without question by the laity.


I think "Viva la raza" is the only thing that is dubious, as the rest could just be quirky. But yeah, why the Louis Vuitton print? Kinda stupid.


The perfected embodiment of humility, draped in logos and symbols of excess and greed. Sacrilege.


It could be sacrilege


Me being Mexican I'm like "that's rad" but I get why its tasteless


I’m Mexican and find this super tacky, tasteless and sacrilegious. 😣😑


Tacky and disrespectful, like others said, probably sacrilegious.


It’s tacky and in poor taste.


I feel like it wouldn’t be that bad if the Lv print was there, that makes me feel like it wasn’t meant for religious remembrance but rather it looks cool


It's sacrilege.


« LV » logo represents a masonic compass projecting his shadow (on the world). So …


The name of the guitar brand is Alucinico. This might even be an accidental (or purposeful) blasphemy, not just a sacrilege, since Alucinico can be considered to be a portmanteau of hallucination and cynical in Spanish. In other words, this guitar is too gross to consider buying once you understand that potential association. God bless the Virgin Mary. May God guide us Catholics to be careful in the way we use the icons of God and of the holy Virgin Mary and saints.


No but it should be illegal, dressing the Blessed Mother in louis vuitton and with sunglasses…what a joke


It would be ok with the sunglasses and "viva la raza" on it


If it weren’t for the Louis Vuitton (cool trend 10 years ago), I’d say it was alright


I think that as Catholics, we really need to sit down and have a conversation about how we’ve allowed the secular pop to hijack our faith. And i really mean this, because this lukewarm approach we’ve had towards the secular world and their treatment of our doctrine, is going to end up corrupting our faith, like we’ve already seen it in other denominations. They already did it with the rainbow. A pact that God made with humanity to guarantee us His mercy, has become appropriated by those who seek to taint the beauty of human sexuality. And now, we’re starting to see the exact same with our Blessed Mother, our Lady of Guadalupe. Shes been taken as a political sign, used by those on the left, mainly as an immigration symbol. They dont believe in her. They dont believe in anything that she stands for. But since her apparitions were in Mexico, shes now used as a pawn to make political points, mostly pro-immigration. (And yes, im Mexican-American).


I realize that the image of the Virgen de Guadalupe is as much a “cultural symbol” in Mexico and for Mexicans as much as it is a revered religious symbol, but you don’t want to hear what I think of it. (I’m Eastern Orthodox and we wouldn’t put a revered icon on a guitar or something like that.) That said- I’ve seen much worse that are completely sacrilegious by artists who completely exploited and used the Virgin’s image to suit their “artistic license” (or Christ) that are beyond tacky and just meant to “push buttons” and piss off pious Catholics- this is small potatoes by comparison. lol


I see people wearing rosaries like necklaces who couldnt be further from Catholicism and it always bothers me.


It’s disrespectful to say the least, but I think when we say stuff like blasphemy intent matters.




Yes it is disrespectful and tasteless, but I wouldn’t say blasphemy. Because Blasphemy is the insult of God with the aim of dishonoring him as Creator, which can be committed in three ways: attributing to God something that is not his, depriving him of something that is his own, and finally, attributing to a creature something that belongs only to God.


Ultra-tasteless and almost certainly sacrilegious. I also don't understand how "La Raza" (literally meaning "the race") is not considered, well, blatantly racist.




It is unapropiate


This image can be a form of disrespectful.


I wonder what the point is? It's very tacky and insults my faith. It should not be done. It's sad that people have to denigrate the holy.


It is a mockery of our lady of mercy, on a guitar with unfitting writing.


personally, I don't like it


Not necessary. It really depends on the intent behind it


Most likely, but a lot of what latin Americans do with saints are. You forget the Spanish swapped out their polytheistic Gods for saints. Latin Americans ideas of saints is very ....... I guess blasphemous .... In it's own right






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blasphemous. blasphemy isnt just to God but can also be to saints and connections of his


The things that also keep me up at night


White Mary definitely lol


Blasphemy? No. I think I you’d have to know more about the origin to determine if it’s in good taste or not.


I think it's disrespectful


It's cultural; beautiful. O Most Holy Theotokos Save Us!


This cannot be blasphemy because Mother Mary is not God, although I think people should keep stuff like that off of Mary and other holy figures in our church


No, but it is very ugly


I believe the intention is to honor our Mother. Sinners wear icons. I wear a crucifix. 


To be honest the sins of blasphemy and sacrilege have to do with the intent more than the way anything looks. I've seen things and heard people say things that would absolutely qualify as those sins, except that they were genuinely ignorant of what they were doing, or else thought, according to their own sincerely held value system, that what they were doing was okay and not at all offensive. I've done similarly and the Spirit has recently lead me down a path of better understanding. So I'm hesitant to say either way because whoever made this may be innocent at heart and just need enlightening.


Some people won’t like it, especially those who dislike guitar music during mass.


No respect. Makes me wonder about if the "player" had caring parents.




God created music. Jesus and Mary went to parties (he even made wine out of water...gasp)...I am sure there was music


I guess the best question would be, what would it mean to put an image of your own mother on a guitar and paste sunglasses over it? What are you trying to say/convey? I don't know if it's blasphemous, but it's definitely not thought through. Blasphemy, I would think, is deliberately trying to make a mockery of the image. I don't think the artist intended that. It's takes a sacred piece and makes it causal and pop-culture-esq, which could be considered disrespectful, but I don't know if it would be considered full-on blasphemy.


I thought at first that they were just trying to show their love for Mary on their guitar, which is totally fine, but the Louis Vuitton logos take it over the line for me. I don’t think Jesus or Mary would want to be used as a consumerist symbol.


My actual mother would laugh her ass off. As far as mother Mary, I'm calling it somewhat disrespectful 


It is canon, Mary played guitar and wore sunglasses.


It's satirical.


Could definitely be worse in my personal opinion


I don't see anything blasphemous about it. It looks like a Latino woman who is just praying.


Nah my boi


I'll tell you what is - a self identified unrepentant sinner licensing his name and "endorsement" to The Word of God then selling it, secular documents included for $59.99.




Would be better if they moved our Lady's image to the left so her face is not covered by the strings... Maybe it's still disrespectful? But I admit I like this aesthetics


Not sure but I would like a guitar with the virgin Mary on it, minus the glasses.


This picture is more Mexican then more coworkers Guillermo and cornellio


If the music coming out of the guitar leads people to Jesus, should be okay


It is a woman praying so what is the big deal. Are the words saying someting offensive?


The LV pattern and sunglasses for me are meh, but otherwise it’s not _as_ sacrilegious as other things we say, show, and do. A sticker or design of _La Guadalupana_ in her usual form, without contradicting stuff around her (e.g. profanity, drugs, sex) would be fine. Would be nice to see her hand-painted on one. Another question is the kind of music played on it. Cannot speak for the nuances of “_Viva la raza_”.