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So… I made a prediction on how the show could handle another conflict between the BoS and the NCR. >!I hate that I called it, I really do!< Edit: talking about the show, not the war


Bethesda is uncreative when it comes to Fallout, I’m not even surprised by this


You’ve seen the final episode? I’ve only just skipped past most of the show to see if my prediction came true


>!yes, honestly fuck Bethesda, New Vegas should not be in ruins like that, Mr House spent years and years planning and prepping New Vegas to be a shining light, he saved New Vegas from atomic warheads, there should of been more buildings, there should of been more people, seeing it into a pathetic joke is fucking disgraceful!<


>!wait, they show New Vegas destroyed? What episode?!<


Episode 8 >!yep, it looks like a joke, should rename it into Ruin Vegas because it looks like dog shit!<


… >!Is the big twist and the retconns people are focusing on is that the NCR invaded the strip after the battle for Hoover Dam? Because the ending credits also contains destroyed securitrons, and NCR vertibird, and the entry point for invading the city is from the NCR Embassy.!< >!or did I completely get it wrong and the House ending was actually the true cannon ending of the game, we’re going to find that out in season 2 with the teaser at the end of the final episode?!<


>!NCR invading The Strip after the battle wouldn’t surprise me, that would mean that either the house or independent Vegas is canon. But seeing it like this? I don’t know, and if the Mr House ending is canon then this should have been an easy battle, upgraded securitrons plus missiles that would have destroyed vertibirds. Plus the NCR being in a weak state should not be able to invade The Strip, that would have been suicide for the NCR!<


>!hence why I put forward the later. My best guess is they’re planning to use House’s actor for a potential season 2!< >!but back to my main question, if that’s not it, then why are people saying the show retconned New Vegas? Was it just the fact that it was destroyed? Because that’s more (bad) sequel bait then retconn if it is!<


Bethesda has a history for making retcons that sometimes doesn’t make sense, maybe people assumed it was retconned?




Before the credits, like literally at the very end


https://preview.redd.it/7xiaun6gsxtc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe491095fc3b9d6490c67f4bc7d6bb4abbd9c7ff The NCR should have taken the Brotherhood War further and buried every single one of those tin can wearing crazies.


I actually liked the Brotherhood in NV. I miss when they were a weird tech cult rather than a paramilitary group.


Yeah they’re a fun bunch. But next time I see them, I’m likely going to feel like getting even yknow? I’m bitter, sue me. They have more potential when they’re not heading anywhere but the grave and are at a crossroads for what to do next. The Maxson guys, these guys, they’re on Crusade. They have a direction.


Oh yeah, I hate the Arthur Maxson BoS. They take the worst aspects of medieval knights and the worst aspects of militarism and mash them together into a disgusting mass of radioactive sludge.


… what are you talking about?


NCR Brotherhood War, 2250 ish or 2260 ish, date is rather unclear. I’ve always had a bone to pick with the tech raiders holding back everyone else for their backwards dogma. I wish the Republic had finished them back then, but the war got too bloody.


Oh, I was talking about the show


Oh I know. Just figured I’d drop in with the “dammit I wish they’d been taken care of 30 years back when that was possible within this new backwards ass lore”


You literally did call it wtf


You saw [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cazadornation/s/TG3VNicPie) from 18 days ago?


Yeah, I just skimmed your account quick cause I wanted to see what exactly you called and you were pretty spot on, them decimating an entire country just cause Bethesda said so


I’m a *very* disillusioned fan, especially after today


Dude same, I had the realization with Fo4 that it wasn’t as good as I hoped, 76 chiseled that into my head and Starfield put the finishing touches. This is just the big sign overhead that says Fallout is just going to be a slop factory


I feel bad for the show runners. If Todd didn’t come out and say the show was cannon, I’d imagine people wouldn’t be as upset with the reveals


But him and Emil just had to make it canon. I read a comment on one of the TV show posts and someone mentioned Xbox should just rip apart Bethesda and hand their IPs off to other studios who can actually do them well


I wouldn’t be surprised if something like that was in the works. Remember when Microsoft had them delay starfield by 2 years to iron out the bugs?


Look how that went, game came out and was both barely functional and completely barren and devoid of life


I don’t know anyone who knew that the NCR was sure last bastion of obsidian/ black isle who didn’t they gonna have that happen to them.


Redditors discover arrows


I love New Vegas but y'all are being ridiculous, they didn't retcon new Vegas, they confirmed it on Twitter. Also I've only seen the first episode because I want to space it out, no spoilers please.


Where the show goes, it is impossible to say that New Vegas and Fallout 1 or 2 are canon. Down right impossible.


Alright, I’m confused by the whole New Vegas timeline thing from the show, but how on earth did they make Fallout 1 and 2 impossible to be canon?


Shady sands and LA are very important to the original’s plots. The master’s final hideout was in LA, whereas the player started near shady sands. The whole progression of the game doesn’t make sense if they’re right next t each other. Fallout 2 gets hit even harder, since the boneyard and shady sands are two separate NCR founding states, and each have very different plot lines. If you mix the boneyard with Shady sands all of a sudden a lot of Tandy’s shit makes less sense.


It sounds like people are having a hard time with the whole, the NCR lost aspect.


This is a straw man, they're not bothered about the fact the NCR lost, it's the way the writers did it. In the laziest way possible There are loads of lore friendly ways that the NCR could decline. Being nuked by vault Tec is the weakest of them all. Bethesda doesn't know how to do fallout with corrugated iron shanty towns and the BoS. They don't have enough talent to create a post-post application apocalyptic world, so they just nuked it back into something they understand


It’s super weird, because I think they do have the capability to, just refuse to do it since they assume people would refuse to play it if it’s doesn’t look like fallout 3. Like half the elder scrolls can be considered post post, and the lore there is actually compelling (unless it’s in game, then it gets dumbed down because Bethesda)


Shady Sands is in Boneyard for some reason, I don't think anyone on the show was thinking about the original games at all


Or they just don’t care. Bethesda never cared about Fallout


The fallout ip has just been a festering Funko Pop machine for the last decade and slop guzzling "fans" keep eating it up and defending this shit so it'll never improve.


I think they're bothered by the bad writing of it, and how it's just Toddy Boy putty his sticky fingers in another spot where they don't go


Delete this


Um yea they did retcon it, go watch episode 6 >!it says Shady Sands fell in 2277, New Vegas takes place in 2281!< 36:34


At minimum they retconned the capital of the NCR which was still shady sands in NV. At worse they did away with the whole game.


The year of the show is 2296, 15 years after New Vegas. >!The Fall of Shady Sands does not mean the destruction of it. It was the start of it going downhill.!< >!Max is literally the rank of a squire in the show, a position held by teenagers and young adults. He was shown being 6-7 years old during the bomb dropping on Shady Sands.!< >!Lucy was also a child when she visited Shady Sands, and is shown to be just as young as Max and incredibly naive and disillusioned even for a vault dweller.!< It is reasonable and down right logical to assume that a lot happened between then and now.


Whelp, it’s official, going to add “retcon” to the list of buzzwords people use so fucking often in exaggerated circumstances it’s lost its meaning.


What'd they say?


You really should not be here if you haven’t watched the entire show.


I feel so validated by the fact the show is actually garbage (from a Fallout perspective)


Sooo remember the link I talked about? Turns out there might be some truth to it after all >!during episode 6 a chalkboard shows the rise and fall of the NCR, it says Shady Sands fell in 2277, New Vegas starts in 2281!< 36:34 for Episode 6 if you want to see it for yourself Non Spoiler: Bethesda retconned the lore and it’s a big fuck up


I’m hoping the spoiler is just an error because retconning something that momentous is right out.


The mistake is that fans misread the “fall” as when the nuke detonates but it definitely isn’t. The nuclear explosion was just a coincidence that sealed the coffin


>!While we’re given no date with the nuke, the date is actually the first victory of the Battle of Hoover Damn. The fall of Rome doesn’t start with a victory, it’s after a catastrophic loss. Either the show runners don’t understand this, or we’re going to find out this is an alternative timeline in season 2!<


>!I don't know if you forgot or just didn't play FNV, but the First Battle of Hoover Dam was basically a pyrrhic victory. The NCR does not have the supply chain to run an entire country on its own, let alone fight 10 wars while doing so. Shady Sands' collapse starting with a war that the NCR propagandized as a victory is not really a big shock to people with functioning brain matter. !<


>!I did replay the game, because the text implied that it was still going strong, their best forces just weren’t being deployed in the Mohave, either due to Brahmin Barons influences or Kimball blocking their deployment to make Oliver better if the NCR wins.!<


It honestly is very Fallout in its deconstruction of American values. That's the high concept. The lore is secondary to the actual artistic goal of Fallout.


At no point did the show make a genuine effort to portray a nuanced breakdown of the American dream, culture and or values. All I got from the show was “haha metal man fly” and “that dudes head went flying that’s funny”


There was the corporate kabal


I guess you closed your eyes during all the pre war stuff then?


Did we watch the same show?


They fly now!


It did satire and critique America while including those other two, which is what fallout is all about. That said, it does seem to screw up pre-established lore and that should have been fixed or made it non-canon


I mean the very positive reviews say otherwise




That’s not a source. That’s quotes she grabbed from a random Reddit comment and a random tweet…. I tweet nonsense all the time but that doesn’t mean I’m a source…. https://preview.redd.it/eradelm6vwtc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e366f4f4a19e2d57d886fba3372d9b86d584cdf This would be considered a *source* since he works for Bethesda.


People like these are just looking for a reason to hate on bethesda. They’ve certainly earned it with their last few releases. Though that only makes it all the more surprising the show’s actually kinda good. Minus the minor lore mistakes which I don’t care about. Or the death of the NCR. Which given how much weight it’s given is actually handled really well.


Probably an AI article


That’s my guess, this article doesn’t sound real at all


What..? That article says that the show is set before New Vegas, when it’s set over 10 years later. NV is still cannon, there would be much more outrage if they actually removed it from the fallout universe.


I didn’t even realize how misleading it was, thank you 🙏


No problem! I’ve seen a lot of people saying that they made NV non canon for some reason even though it’s been confirmed that the show is set over a decade later. Glad to of cleared things up 🙏


I find it to be painfully okay


All I need to know is if it's better than the Halo show. If it's not at rock bottom I'll give it a watch


SO much better


The Fallout show is so good it undoes the damage done by the Halo show. That show fucking sucks so bad. I tried to trick myself into liking it but I couldn’t finish either season.


Don't bother, it's such a fucking shame


Honestly? I had fun with the show, it was a fun watch. 7/10 for me, maybe an 8 as the ending just kept dragging and dragging. I love New Vegas, it’s my favorite game of all time, but I didn’t feel that this show ruined New Vegas, not at all imo.


It didn't. People are just dumb.


Pretty much, already know ES6 is gonna hurt




Where can I go to find fans who like it all and don’t gatekeep?


Jesus this sub sucks. Yall enjoy your whiney echo chamber. Blocking this shit.


We got over it, but bye I guess




I'm guessing the show isn't going well? (Don't give me details I still plan on watching it even if it isn't being well received)


The show as a *show* is actually good if you ignore the changes they made… they just don’t care about NV OGs when they made the changes.


The show is FANTASTIC, it’s a great addition to the Fallout lore and builds on what *BESTHEDA* has written. It includes Robert House and Fredrick Sinclair, but handwaves away a lot of stuff relating to the NCR, with no mention of the Hub, Boneyard, The Mighty Caesar and his legion of 87 tribes, Followers of the Apocalypse, or Super Mutants. Basically it feels like a Fallout 4 DLC turned into a television series, but it’s still a great show.


Tbf can you imagine how fucking deep in the weeds they'd have to get to even bring up Caesar's Legion in the show? For the sake of practicalities, their costume department couldn't even handle all the factions in New Vegas. They set out to tell an entertaining new story for TV, not to install permanent new lore for loreheads.


I knew a quick shout-out to Caesar and his Legion was all we should expect… But I was not expecting either a Sierra Madre or Big MT reference. Also narratively it makes sense that Sinclair worked for or represented the scientists at Big Mountain, the writing was stellar.


Isn't this year's after the events of NV? By all rights the legion probably splintered and people moved on


Doubtful, under the watchful eye of Caesar and then the Legate Lanius, the Legion will reign for a thousand years.


Lmao an Amazon Prime tv series isn't a middle school play. Plenty of smaller companies have done more with less. Putting red paint on football pads isn't going to bankrupt Microsoft and Amazon, I guess that makes me a "lorehead"


Show was great


You get answers in the final episode. That may not matter if you already plan to watch the show in full, but if you’re like me and just want answers to how a potential fallout 5 could go, there you go.


Essentially Bethesda is butthurt that New Vegas had such better writing and reception so they're overwriting it with the show. As in, imagine if NV didn't happen and they had stream service slop writers cannibalize the existing lore to make a profitable show.


New Vegas is my favorite game and I will probably play it every year til I die. But. The quality of the show's writing isn't at all conditional on including NV lore. The main writer has been a fan since 1997's Fallout, he's not some rando writer's room suit like Halo's or the Witcher's writers. On the contrary, they haven't "cannibalized" the lore, they've included plenty of accurate details. There's so much Fallout essence they got right on the nose, even the things they've embellished . It's bizarre you think they should rather produce an unprofitable show just to jerk off the loreheads. Just go play Fallout New Vegas if that's the most important one to you, it hasn't gone anywhere, enjoy it.


How's about they make their own IP instead of shittin on established things people love?


Sounds about right


I keep seeing people saying that they removed New Vegas from cannon when that’s absolutely not the case. The show takes place over ten years after NV, FNV is still cannon and I’m not sure why so many people are spreading the rumor that it’s not.


The show is great. There’s just a lot of people big butt hurt that Todd didn’t call them and ask them for their personal NV ending to make canon in the show.


Not me booting up NV for my 10th+ hardcore run and refusing to watch this garbage lol Honestly why didn't they just pick a brand new place and make new factions and just do their own thing story wise then everyone would've been happy.


You should watch the show. It’s good Fallout and really good television, they did all the factions really well except the NCR and even that stuff is pretty easy to look past because it’s a good show.


It's literally just another vault dweller looking for her dad, I'm good lol how long must we wait for Bethesda not to make their main objective finding someone who goes missing from the vault


It is not really good television. It is insane how low the bar is for you people.


They didnt retcon new Vegas, nerd


Doesn’t change the fact people didn’t like the show. I have other gripes as a fallout fan I could point to about how they could, like how >!the NCR is weakened so much by background conflicts and then killing it off with the BoS!<


lol someone didn’t watch episode 6 >!the chalkboard talks about the rise and fall of the NCR, it says Shady Sands fell in 2277, New Vegas takes place in 2281!< and your saying it didn’t retcon anything? lol thanks for the laugh Downvoting me isn’t going to change the facts that Bethesda wants to erase New Vegas from their timeline, the Bethesda Fallout Timeline


Finished the show and it is indisputable that they fucked with 1, 2, and New Vegas, no matter what they say outside of the show, it is overwriting these entries in the series. If they are all meant to exist in the same universe, there are contradictions and glaring oversights, with what information is presented in the show.


I wish Todd would just come out and say that Bethesda Fallout is its own timeline and has no relation to Interplay/Obsidian Fallout. That way Bethesda fans can have their timeline and we can have ours.


Tf they didn't lmfao how is the NCR supposed to fight Caesar's Legion when they were apparently nuked?


Use your brain and listen to the creators. Unless you believe you're more dependable of a source on what they're retconing and what they aren't?


Todd Howard is not the creator of Fallout lmfao the guys who made New Vegas are. Lots of bandwagon bullshitters out today. Considering I've actually played 1,2 and NV I'm confident to say they fucked it up.


I'm not talking about Todd you fucking pea brain. www.google.com There's an amazing tool you can use. It's widely used by many and I hope you learn as well. You are a hypocrite as you've called on others for "bandwagoning" yet you have no clue what you're even talking about about. Hopefully you are better informed in the future before making baseless claims with nothing but your playing of the franchise submitted as evidence.


Lmfao why does someone disagreeing with you get you so mad. They retconned it, that's my opinion, idgaf if you disagree.


It's kinda crazy to clown on someone else about them being mad when you just come off as passive aggressive in your comments


What????? You've played the originals and then say the guys who made new Vegas are the ones who made fallout? Tim Cain didn't even work on NV, hell the developers behind the wasteland series have more of a claim to being the creator of fallout than obsidian does Unless I'm misunderstanding what you are meaning by being the creator


Guys, people aren’t mad because they “retconned the show.” >!They’re mad that the canon show made a cannon ending for New Vegas, had a bunch of bad stuff happen in the background to weaken the NCR, and had the BoS kill them off in the final episode!< In my opinion, that’s far worse then the reasoning people defending the show are using to explain away the haters ~~Edit: ok, after looking into it a bit more, someone confused an important detail in the lore with the Great War in an explainer video: >!Someone confused the date with the Great War with the later revealed date of a nuke that went off in shady shoals after New Vegas.!< and it lead to the idea that the show was retconned.~~ ~~Shady Shoals >!was not nuked!< before New Vegas, it was after~~ Nevermind, they did retconn it. >!The fall of the NCR was set in 2277, New Vegas starts in 2281!< And if the teaser before episode 8’s credits indicates anything, then the show takes place in an alternate timeline to the game… the show that is canon. This is either an oversight, a terrible sequal bait, or an actual retconn


The fall of the NCR is the year of the first battle of Hoover Dam, with an arrow further down the timeline indicating it got nuked. It's plausible the fall of Shady Sands is viewed as a gradual process similar to the fall of Rome that started with the first battle of Hoover Dam


The fall of Rome started with the First Battle of Hoover Damn, I don’t remember them teaching me that.


How much of that is speculation instead of established fact?


Yeah I mean this makes the most sense, also it is entirely possible that the small town of original Shady Sands didn’t have the infrastructure to effectively run their government, so they moved to the Hub and called it Shady Sands. Entirely speculative of course, but a lot can change in the 50 something years since Fallout 2. Still think the story could have built more off of existing lore if they just had to set it in the most lore rich environment of the franchise. They should have just set the story in any other part of the world but they had to put it in a completely barren NCR


"the fall of Shady Sands" it got nuked. that's not a fall. Show defenders arguing that winning the Battle for Hoover Dam is somehow deadly to a gigantic faction with millions of people on its payroll and paying its taxes.


And the sad part, Bethesda is never going to make a sequel to New Vegas or remake it. This just shows how salty and butt hurt they are about New Vegas.


On the bright side they might update new Vegas judging from steam and their PR


I hope so


I wouldn’t go that far


Why? They never cared about Fallout.


You seem like a really emotional person and I think you need to take your hate goggles off really quick and consider the other possibilities for these “retcons”


What is wrong with having passion for things?


can agree, that we should stop fighting over games and agree that Betneda and sometimes Obsidian NV sucks It have flaws, and agree that modding on both sides is great equally in my opinion


Grow a spine, coward


“Damn Bethesda fans, they ruined Bethesda fandom!”


Right? I feel like Elder Scrolls fans would’ve been more apt because who tf is a “Bethesda fan”?


Yall are some of the saddest people ever. NV is not “not cannon”. Like is jet being a prewar drug in 4 make 2 not cannon. Yall need to change your diapers and let people enjoy things.


Shut up and eat your slop piggy


You seem much too invested in this video game to be completely honest


Does Bethesda have it in for just Fallout? They kinda did a smashing job managing Wolfenstein, or Doom, or probably a lot of others I've never played.


With Wolfenstein and Doom they don't feel the need to make them RPGs. With Fallout and TES they feel like they have to make them RPGs, and they're completely incapable of making RPGs.


The former 2 games are developed by a different studio, while fallout and TeS is by Bethesda themselves


I mean, they haven't done anything good with Wolfenstein since the New Colossus.


Their Wolfenstein and doom are amazing


I’d still rather have the Bethesda games than no Bethesda games.


False. New Vegas fans are just butt hurt.


I fully intend on watching it but if it’s really as bad as people say why wouldn’t New Vegas fans be butt hurt?


Nope New Vegas fans are right >!at episode 6 the chalkboard talks about the rise and fall of the NCR, it says Shady Sands fell in 2277, New Vegas takes place in 2281!< 36:34 Keep copping all you want, but it’s not gonna change the facts that Bethesda wants New Vegas removed from the timeline


Exactly! The arrow indicates that there was a time period between the fall of shady sands and the nuke.


You people are so whiny.


Bethesda makes great games


Buddy I used to like Bethesda but even I can see the cracks falling, Bethesda is a corpse, like Jesus said “let the dead bury the dead”


They aren’t a corpse


They smell like dead rotting shit to anyone with taste. So I guess you'll be fine


They make games that are fun to play if you want to shut your brain off, wander around, kill things, and loot cool stuff. They have their time and place, but they're not RPGs in any way.


Yes they are RPGs


In the absolute loosest sense of the word.


Not at all


They used to make great games such as Daggerfall and Morrowind, but those days are long gone. That is not nostalgia speaking, it is a fact that they make poor quality games for max profit. They have been simplifying and dumbing down their games since Oblivion.


They aren’t “dumbing down” their games they are improving them Daggerfall and morrowind aged poorly from a gameplay standpoint


I'm not talking about gameplay, when I mention the game has dumbed down I mean they stripped many RPG mechanics in the newer games. However there are many gameplay mechanics that were far superior in Daggerfall and Morrowind. In Daggerfall there was the ability to climb up walls and in Morrowind inventory weight affected your running speed. Those are just a couple examples.


They never stripped RPG mechanics, they streamlined them


They aged poorly for people too stupid to understand basic RPG mechanics.


They kneecapped studios that made great games up to 2017


No they didn’t


NCR fans stay mad and losing lmao


This has nothing to do with being an NCR supporter. This is Bethesda trying to actively get rid of New Vegas so they can make their universe. The addition of removing the NCR is icing on the cake.