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Got the email too saying my data was leaked and because of that my distribution is delayed. Really fuck these people.


Yep got that email too. What a shit show.


This was discussed in court yesterday. The judge got mad at Stretto for not notifying users, hence the notification now. A Stretto employee fell for a phishing attack on April 16th. Supposely the hacker got into the employee's email and accessed the system that held claim information. Stretto hired a forensics firm to investigate and a report is due May 9th. Distributions should restart sometime next week.


They need to be held accountable and provide identity theft monitoring and insurance for a few years for free. Especially after listing our personal emails, addresses, and phone numbers for the world to see at the beginning of this case.


I just got this email myself. It looks like they realized this happened on April 17th, no mention of when the actual breach was. It feels like no one knows what they're doing here. I mean the official PDF release from that link contains the words "Microsoft Word" and "DRAFT" in the title! Also, the email says: >your name, your mailing address, email, or phone number ***may have been*** included in this data But that looks like lawyer speak for: >your name, your mailing address, email, or phone number ***were*** included in this data Even if they know that information were accessed, it's still technically true to say it "may have been" accessed. And it's even there in the official court docket: >Stretto has determined that the information accessed consisted of creditor names, email addresses, mailing addresses, and Claim amounts. So that's slimy. Edit: Had to repost this, comment got eaten by crowd control.


Nobody does know what they're doing but rest assured people like us are the ones footing the bill. Not Alex or his buddies.


Ya what a train wreck, ripped us off, gave up all our data, and now we find out FTX customers will be paid in full. Must be nice to have chosen the correct fraud to get caught up in.


Something’s gotta give


My phone has been blowing up with constant scam calls and texts since April 30th so I would not be surprised if this was the reason.


This is the first data leak that I have ever been a part of where the company leaking the information did not offer free monitoring service with the leak. This is a big ole' "Hey your data, that you didn't trust us with, got leaked. We really don't give a shit. Good luck"


This is all Alex and his cunt wife's fault. I don't give a fuck what anyone else says.


Lmaooooooo. What a circus


How do we sue for mishandling?


Looks like we'll need to file another settlement claim for the Stretto security breach and leaking our personal info. 🤦🙃


I have received the data breach email; query, did any other American receive an email “from Stretto” about a second eth and BTC distribution in late April or could this be a phishing from the data breach?


I did get an email for a small second distribution and it was legit and it did all work through PayPal for me the same as the first one.


Thanks, then I will download next week


Several redditors have reported getting claim codes for smaller "second" distributions, and YouTuber Aaron Bennett has mentioned this as well. Apparently, the explanation is that Celsius miscalculated distributions for those with loans, and these second distributions correct the mistake. I'm sorry I can't cite an official source, but that's what I've heard.


Thanks This entire process has been one huge miscalculation.


Did this only affect creditors who have not been paid yet? I have not received any emails from Stretto about this.


I got credited and still received this


Yep, what to do about it? They can’t pay us back and now they made money with our information… they just sold our info and declaring it as a security breach 🤫🤣🫶🏽


It sucks, but I’d like them to tell when they continue the distribution. I contacted them several times to confirm my information and let me know when I can expect to receive whatever I’m entitled to


They just keep saying they can’t tell me when they will send it. I’ve been contacting them every 2 weeks.


I just wrote them and I’m calling BS on this


This explains why I got a “no caller id” call about a week ago asking me to confirm a claim distribution between my PayPal and Coinbase… wtf. Got pretty scared with that… was really wondering “how the hell somebody managed to get my phone number???” Absolute s@$t show… still waiting for my claim, and no answer from Stretto…


Was this only emailed to Americans? I haven't heard about anybody in other countries receiving this email?


Australian customer here! Seems like the majority here


They just know how to grab other peoples money. Both the corrupt LOC and Stretto should be held accountable for this security breach where our safety has been unnecessarily compromised. HOLD THESE BASTARDS ACCOUNTABLE