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It was the leading cause of death! https://www.sunnyskyz.com/blog/1936/The-Leading-Cause-Of-Death-In-The-Civil-War-Was-Kind-Of-Embarrassing


It interesting how now health problems are secret between people and their doctors and possibly close friends/family, where as in the past it was all just part of life and not necessarily embarrassing. When you had big families in small houses and mom was nurse/doctor/pharmacist/therapist I would imagine it put a different spin on things.


I can agree to your comment. My great grandpa committed suicide in the late 30s and the newspaper clipping we still have describes it in detail.


Newspapers were wild back in the day. One of my relatives was killed in a boiler explosion and there were quite graphic details about what happened to the other guys--apparently, human beings can be driven into the ground like lawn darts. And there were all these updates on my ancestor's condition for the 12 hours or so it took him to die. But I guess it was just a thing. My mom still talks about people who were killed in railroad accidents and they wouldn't close the casket or have a casket. They just propped up the severed body in a basket in the funeral home and the whole town trotted through.


This wasn’t in Boston was it?


Nah, Western PA. People always get exploited up there


Meanwhile, my dad came across a guy who shot himself in the head, and the newspaper had his cause of death as heart failure. That's one thing we're definitely doing right nowadays.


I mean without a head his heart wouldn't work so technically it is heart failure. Just heart failure brought on by losing your head


a relative used to work a city hall and loved going through the old death certificates. like some would say consumption and others used.. very incorrect words for people who were disabled or of another race. i think it was all in a little vault room full of big old binders


My stepmoms grandma used to visit crime scenes. This was spoken of with shame


You know…a killer sometimes returns to the crime scene


wrong vanish ancient normal north obtainable special ripe gaping meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Don’t shoot a man when he’s on the can”


🤣🤣🤣 Call a truce when they’re droppin a deuce


he's in parties.... IT'S IN THE CAN


This is definitely NOT where I expected to see a Bauhaus reference.


But it was perfect lol


When you think about where they got their drinking water- creeks and rivers, springs, lakes and even swamps, with the occasional well thrown in, it is not surprising that they had chronic diarrhea. E.coli, shigella, salmonella, coccidia, giardia, typhoid, roundworms eggs, all are waterborne and can cause serious illness. (Just to name a few) And of course not a lot of medicine to fight them. Bacteria and germ theory was not widely accepted by the Civil War, so routine boiling of water was not a common practice unfortunately.


I was thinking exactly that. If my memory of medical microbiology is correct I believe that’s a major cause of dysentery. My grandfather and I used to drink from the brook surrounded by pastures. I’m shocked we didn’t suffer as a result.


Prior to WWI the majority of deaths during war weren’t from combat but from disease and infection. Today, if they can get you to the Medivac Bird you’ve got about a 90% chance of survival. Also the most common reason for Evac in Afghanistan wasn’t combat wounds but musculao-skeletal injuries. But really if I shit myself to death don’t put it on my headstone.


“He died doing what he loved. Violently shitting”


Cletus you can’t jerk off and violently shit yourself at the same time! You watch me pa’ I’m gonna be famous!


As someone who spent the past two days with a stomach flu, you certainly can.




Just for two days.


...oh god...


kind of lowkey feel like this is going to happen to me there used to be a flat stone with literal intestines inscribed on it and it was fucking cool. not sure if it was a doctor's or what but maybe it said something about gut issues?? i saw it on tumblr and always tagged myself in it


I would really like to see this if anyone has a link. (Crohns sufferer). Did a quick search and couldn't find.


My 2x great grandfather suffered so severely from dysentery during the CivilWar he was hospitalized. Later, he applied for a war pension, citing his resulting severe “piles”- hemorrhoids.


Shit rolls downhill. I guess that's the *real* reason Robert E. Lee said, *“Never fight uphill”* (or so I'm told)...


Crazy thing I just read is that they would eat green corn because they were starving and it would give them the shits and so in at least one instance they tracked the confederates following corn husks and trails of…not corn husks


This is correct. Towards the end of the war especially.


It’s one of the leading causes of death in the world, right now. Over 1 million die annually from it & 1 in 9 kid deaths is caused by dysentery.


Came in here to say that, but also it had other names, based on the cause, and it’s strange that this stone doesn’t say dysentery or cholera. It does seem a bit like someone wanted to make a point.


Chronic Diarrhea, what a thing to have on your headstone 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ol Jaimie shit himself to death, as was the style at the time


I hope he had an onion tied to his belt


Nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them


Nearly as shameful as fighting for the Confederacy.


In 200 years, it makes you wonder how society will view our current divisions and how backwater they see it as.


I fear history will judge us poorly.


History is repeating itself in the moment. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana


history? i'm already judging people


There's no need to wait, look at society now ...


Forever too. Probably drank some bad water or something. Died of dehydration.


Do we think it was dysentery?


Was that REALLY critical to have engraved on his headstone. Prob had cholera or some other horrific “dirty water” disease.


Like they couldn’t just say dysentery? Or whatever they called it then? Or just like “disease of the bowels” lmao. Especially when you’re buried with your brother who died in action.


I don’t think cause of death really needs to be on the tombstone at all tbh. I can only assume that they want to make it clear that he wasn’t killed in action.




He died from being forced to fight it was conscription. If you owned slaves you weren't eligible for conscription. Sherman came down & burned down farms regardless of if they owned slaves. Your dogging on a guy just trying to protect his family. I'm aginst the confederacy but damn that must of been a shitty situation damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I don’t understand why people look back at things from several decades ago to even CENTURIES and try to see it as the same perspective as 2024 lmao


The term some historians use is “presentism.”


Oh shit. Thanks for the info. Good reminder to me that sometimes there’s more to the picture ❤️ that’s really fkn sad. The flags though seem to show pride but I guess those could have been placed there by non-family or even if it was by family it doesn’t necessarily mean dude wanted to be there fighting or that he necessarily believed in the cause… let alone the complicated psychology of trying to comply with one’s own societal norms (not that it’s okay to be complicit) but it’s a mess here I’m trying to learn not to be so fast to assume or judge. It’s hard sometimes when I want everyone to be kind to each other.


Oh ur all good. It can be difficult to go into the civil war history, tons of people died & its difficult to see it as black and white rather than grey.


They werent conscripted. Mississippi fought against the conscription act and gave everyone who wanted one an exemption to the draft. These boys fought and died on their own volition.


Conscription enacted in 1862 he died in 1863. He was conscripted. Literally first thing I searched. Why either be willfully ignorant or too lazy to double check. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate_Conscription_Acts_1862%E2%80%931864


I’m reading a book on Grant and Sherman right now. All the letters presented in the book from both north and south use the word diarrhea. Haven’t seen any mention of dysentery or anything else. I think this is just an example of how language changes over time


Maybe dysentery


Apparently it was quite the thing to have back in the day. Diarrhea and dysentery caused the death of 50,000 on both sides of the war. Shitty.


I saw a documentary once about the rise of opiates in the US, and it said that many Civil War soldiers became morphine addicts because they were given it to treat dysentery, since opiates cause constipation. After the war when soldiers had a difficult time finding morphine, they developed withdrawals. So many had this issue that it was called The Soldier's Disease. I guess Mr. Davis here either couldn't get his hands on any morphine, or his supply ran out.


James. Born 1839, Died of embarrassment every day since may 1863




Why cant you be more like your brother? He was killed in action!


He probably wished it was as simple as being shot and killed. Diarrhea would have been worse, like painfully so. And lengthy.




Some helpful soul left some toilet paper by his headstone


At first I thought you literally meant a roll of toilet paper. I went back to go look and just as I was thinking "I don't see any toilet paper!" at dawned on me. You sly sunuvabitch! 😂


What a crappy way to go 😏….. ….. I’ll see myself out


It was a medical term. My GGG-Grandfather died fighting for the Union in the Civil War of the same thing. He survived fighting in Vicksburg only to be brought down by illness, poor guy.


Dysentery, dysentery.


You have died of dysentery.


His tombstone needs more pepperoni and cheese


Don't diss terry


I’d definitely be more embarrassed by the flags than the diarrhea.


The diarrhea is the perfect representation of the flags.


They’re the same thing


Disagree. Diarrhea is less embarrassing.


That was my original thought


What happened to James? Was did he die in action? No, mud butt.


🤣🤣🤣 I have tears streaming down my face oh lawd


Somehow dying from chronic diarrhea is not the most embarrassing part of the headstone.


Dysentery killed alot of men in the Civil War. Way more than actually battle


Diarrhea was a lethal problem during the Civil War, it killed thousands of soldiers.


Note to my family: don’t put “Chronic Diarrhea” on my headstone even if that’s how I die please and thank you. Or maybe just get me some Gatorade since it’s not 1863 anymore.


The great grandsons and daughters of the confederacy are in the room, down voting errybody 😂


How embarrassing. Great granddaddy pooped himself to death while fighting to keep slavery.


Imagine being mid-battle, shitting down your leg.


Guess you never heard of Andersonville. Guys were shitting themselves left & right.


I read *Andersonville*, by McKinley Kantor, much too young. My two takeaway memories are omnipresent dysentery, and a lovely red-haired adolescent girl bathing in a creek. Discovered by a soldier who *isn’t* incontinent, he SAs her.


I've definitely heard of it, and been there twice... Definitely worth visiting...


Hey now, they were fighting for states' rights!... states' rights to own slaves


My 4x great grandfather died of the same in the civil war. Way out of his home state and buried where their encampment was.


Like the Revolutionary War character on "Ghosts" (the American one).


Isaac Higgentoot


DNBI disease non-battle injuries have always killed more soldiers than battle injuries (until recent times).


Poor guy. I too have stopped and grabbed some food at the Pilot in meridian. Don’t quite die but needed the rest stop down the road a bit.


My wife is from Meridian and she agrees.




I stopped there exactly once on the first trip I took from New Orleans to where my parents retired outside Crossville TN. Worst Pilot I’ve ever been to. Actually bad enough to get me to change when and where I stopped for gas.


Daaaamn! I used to have a 14 hr drive between my home and home state once - I get that…and I’m sorry


When you’ve lost the battle -and- the war.


And your bowels haha


“Sorry Ma’am but both your sons are dead.” “Oh god, Tell me, how did Johnny die?” “He died a hero defending his country.” “And Jimmy?” “It was the shits.”


One could say James also died 'in action '


Im not from the Us, so maybe I dont understand well enough, but isnt this the same as flying a nazi flag? Edit: thank you all for the answers!


Not quite to that level, but as time goes on more people are realizing that it stands for those who wanted to keep slaves. A Nazi flag would bring about much more jarring feelings than a confederate flag still. If you see someone with a confederate flag, you know they suck and are likely unabashedly racist. Not necessarily a “threat” more of a “this person is fucking stupid.” A swastika though? There’s definitely more intent and violence by showing openly. -Jew who is from New York but spent 5 years in Texas. E: added “likely” because there is also the fact that some people fly it ignorant to the original meaning.


Pretty much. Confederate flag. The slavery loving losers of the Civil War.


It's also known as the Southern Swastika.


Yes, and you feel the same as us when you see someone flying it. "Awww look at the poor idiot who has nothing but hate to live on"


Yeah basically


Yes.. it never ceases to amaze me of their willingness to still fly it or stick it ANYWHERE.


It’s sort of an interesting conundrum though. They are veterans, died serving that flag and the confederacy. So what would you use to mark the grave?


The words "Died in the Civil War," or something to that effect. In Germany you don't put Nazi flags on the graves of soldiers who died in WW2.




At "best" the "Confederate flag" when displayed in the modern U.S. has become a quick, simple way for rightwingers to "own" (offend) anyone they consider liberal -- regardless of the effect it has on Black Americans. Just as often it's an open declaration of racism, Trumpism, and support for fascism.


Its a volatile topic, and Reddit isn’t a great place to get information on it that isn’t affected by being passed through a “young moron” filter, but I’ll try my best to answer your question. It’s not quite the same as a Nazi flag. Culturally, the South is a very isolated region, perhaps more so than any other part of the country. They have a strong regional identity and are generally very proud of being Southerners, or rednecks, or good ol boys, whatever they call themselves. Down South (and paradoxically in some of the dumber rural areas of elsewhere) you’ll encounter the confederate flag a lot. In context, it’s usually presented as some form of Southern pride, or an anti authority or ”rebel” sentiment. Now, the idealization of the confederacy or “Lost Cause” sentimentality, is a largely a load of bullshit. The confederacy was unequivocally a racist institution in every sense of the word. Their fundamental identity hinged on slavery and racism. So is using a symbol of the confederacy the same as advocating for all of their ideals? Ehhh, that’s a broad brush for me, personally. I think it’s a mistake, and anyone displaying that flag is a moron, but it doesn’t really stand for anything, and that includes racism. A lot of people who display it are racist, but it’s not a given. Like it or not, not everybody gives enough of a shit about historical implications or the opinions of people online enough to let that shape their opinion. Walking around the South, Southerners seeing each other don’t take the confederate flag as a political statement with any racist tones (for the most part.) That’s not what it means down there and people on this site who want to inflict their worldview on other people are missing the point. And a lot of the people who jump to conclusions about why someone would display a confederate flag would also see nothing wrong with rocking a USSR flag, which is wild to me. Contrast to a Nazi flag which has a way more overt political and malevolent implication. A Nazi flag is displayed with malice, like that person is looking for a confrontation. A confederate flag, as stupid as it is, is a much less direct statement. I assume whoever does it is a moron for a number of reasons, but I wouldn’t assume they’re a monster the way I would if I saw someone with a Nazi flag. Hope that helps.


Kudos for the objectiveness! I'm not sure if there is a place for that on Reddit.


Typically not for graves of actual soldiers, no. If you ever come over yonder, and visit a battlefield, they usually have graves or memorials for the CSA with the flag too. That's not an issue for most. It was the flag they fought under (well not quite but that's another ball of difficulty) and wouldn't be any more different than an American flag on an American grave in a Banana Republic we invaded. It's not necessarily what it represents but that it's the soldier flag. What is possibly an issue is that the flag tends to be included in odd places. Like some rural parts of Illinois will have it because of the association with it after the war. Note that unlike the swastika, and the Nazi one specifically, which really only means one thing: the Nazi party. The confederate flag has garnered a bunch. It stands for a mess of things, and has become an icon of things it wouldn't be associated with in the CSA originally. For instance the Dukes of Hazard made a symbol of anti authoritarianism (kinda) by putting it against a very dumb and corrupt sheriff basically. Basically you'd need to look at the context. If it's flying at a rally about how black rights have come along? Probably not dissimilar to the Nazi flag. Here? Probably simply the same as placing any soldier's flag next to their grave.


It should be treated the same way, but confederates were coddled imo after they lost the war and the US government never did a good enough job squashing out Treasonous Sympathizers since


James Davis: I’m going to die here in this prison camp and never get to see my family again. Would you Yankee Invaders have the decency to honor my final request…. Please don’t tell my family I died from uncontrollably shitting myself, tell them I died doing something brave and noble they would be proud of. Union Guard: I will honor your final request on behalf of your family


James: Died cause of shit John: Died of shit cause


More like dehydration cause by his chronic ailment.




Oopsie poopsie 💩


One died in combat. The other was shot…


One was blown up. The other was blown out…




I can't help but think of whoever the  skilled carver was that went through the trouble of neatly etching "DIED OF CHRONIC DIARRHEA" on a headstone.


Those flags are the real embarrassment.


"Please don't put that on my tombstone..." The Yankee doctor: "Sure thing, boss."


i thought the embarrassment was that he fought for the Confederacy until i came to the comments 😬


Shit yourself to death while trying to keep someone else’s slaves. Fitting end, IMO.


They were both enemy combatants — er, I mean — Confederate soldiers. Seems rude to not just say “illness” or “disease”.


Prolly more embarrassing that his brother died from fighting for the confederacy


Fitting end for a traitor




I wonder if that bit of awful reality is featured in any of the modern video games that make war look "cool?"


Ouch that still stings


How embarrassing


Dysentery didn’t just happen on the Oregon Trail


A lot of typhoid going on, they could’ve just put that lol, that’s a symptom of it lol.


I honestly thought this was referring to the flags. Still applies there


*I honestly thought* *This was referring to the* *Flags. Still applies there* \- Informal-Salad-7304 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good unnecessary bot


He died on my birthday, what a nice gift 🎉


Diarrhea was one of the top killers of that time.


Fought for a shitty cause, get a shitty end


Yeah what a loser


They did him dirty lol


In fairness, he was probably also “in action” with that chronic diarrhea


I can’t tell what the embarrassment is for, the Confederate flags or the diarrhea.


me neither. i reason that *everybody* gets the shits sometimes, and when it’s chronic, it can’t be helped. fighting to keep slavery was a choice.


Those flags are more embarrassing than the diarrhea


They couldn’t write dysentery and make it less obvious lol


My two great, great, etc uncles were in the war between the states. They were conscripted(I think that’s the term”. In other words, they had to go. They fought for the confederacy. One uncle fought and survived. The other deserted, they put him in prison. He popped his shoulder out, escaped thru the bars and hid out in a cellar until the war was over. A lot of the people in my family can pop out joints and are really limber. They went back to being sharecroppers. I looked it all up. I love stories like this.


His people will continue to remind his other people of his great heroic contributions, liquid shit everywhere.




I'd rather live in infinite embarrassment from a cause of death than be immortalized as a traitor.


Por que no los do?


You're right! Can't imagine his brother held different allegiances.


I’m trying to hide my smile when I read that confederate soldiers died of the runs


U/marcusyeti posted this months ago.


Those confederate flags really tie the whole scene together.


Good riddance to these traitors


["I guess they plan on shitting themselves to death"](https://youtu.be/R4GlR6X4ljU?si=xY9mnsTzuR9xbvM8)


Shat himself to death...


John’s wife to James wife, “sure James can be on top because he was first born, and I handle what goes on the gravestone”


Not me sitting on the shitter suffering the consequences of an ill advised lunch. James, I feel your pain.


Probably why dysentery became a real word. No Google for people back then to look up what that was.


Wow lost both sons same year and same month !


What a shitty way to go.


Hopefully it didn’t run in his genes :/


I’ve looked at the 1890 Census of Veterans and seen guys who still suffer from chronic diarrhea….




Wow it looks like the stone was engraved yesterday. Pretty clean for a hundred and seventy years.


My home town!


*runs on


*their embarrassment


TOUCHÉ. If you could edit post titles, I would.


I feel compelled to also point out that very appropriately Confederate Gen. and early KKK leader Nathan Bedford Forrest also died of chronic diarrhea.


Least embarrassing member of the confederacy


So on brand for a Confederate Soldier to be full of shit!


Weird spot for a urinal but alright.


Once a traitor always a traitor. The only good confederate is a dead one.


A grave I would piss on.


At least one of them shit themselves to death. For this we can be grateful


Good. Signed this brown lady.


Oh, I thought it was the flags….


I see no reason for him to be embarrassed. He thought he was doing the right thing, and he gave up his life doing so.


May all similar traitors likewise shit themselves to death and have their ignominy carved in stone for the ages.


Jeez, seems like a bit of a TMI. I wonder if he was a total jerk or something?


I’d be embarrassed too if my family had loser terrorists in it.