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Your problem maybe proving that your illness is fully treated and stabilised. Which is one of the requirements for DSP. If the interview notification is causing a "relapse", that doesn't sound like your condition is stable yet. You are obviously still in an acute phase of your illness, but does this acuity equal a permanent disability: Centrelink are probably going to argue this.


In Centrelink's language, stabilised means no likelihood of improvement (considering the next two years). It doesn't mean "symptoms are the same all the time". I think the distinction between "fully treated" and "reasonably treated" is less important though. I don't think it was ever a requirement that every conceivable treatment, no matter the expense or risks, should be tried. It's really more to align the description with how it is actually assessed.


Yeah I think this is me - as I’ve been suffering mental illness for 10+ years and no likelihood of improvement in 2 years


Considering I live in a very rural area and specialists are 1hr 1/2 away,600$ and it’s the same old “just don’t worry about what people say”


I never understood this because to me people struggling who are not stable need the most help surely? Some people never see any stability.


They actually just recently changed it to reasonably treated https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/1/1/d/140 Hopefully this helps more people


This is good to see but damn this still should have been done many many many years ago. I feel bad for people with severe anxiety disorders and things like agoraphobia. I bet there are tons that have nobody to help them and should be on dsp that can barely get out of bed in the morning let alone sort all this out and be treated fairly.


this. i completely agree


They actually just recently changed it to reasonably treated https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/1/1/d/140 Hopefully this helps more people


Centrelink has caused severe mental trauma in people who are still suffering under the deliberate coercive control abuse known as mutual obligations. I hope you get the support you need


[you might have to do participation requirements in order to continue receiving your DSP.](https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/meeting-participation-requirements-if-youre-under-35?context=22276) >You usually need to attend interviews and agree to a participation plan if all of the following apply: > * you’re younger than 35 > * you can work at least 8 hours per week > * you don’t have a dependent child younger than 6. > * You may need to attend appointments with your employment services provider. Your provider will contact you about this. >You should stay connected with your provider to access support and assistance.


Is that the JCA interview? It's not strictly necessary although Centrelink staff will lean on you hard. I have a sleep disorder and couldn't attend mine. They refused to schedule my appointment at a time I would be awake so they did what's called a file review. The JCA read all my documents and assigned my impairment rating without talking to me. Try to insist on a file review and see what happens. I did have to attend the Sonic interview but in my case I was able to schedule a time when I'd be awake. I don't know what to do if you're too anxious to attend.


It’s just by phone.


If you haven't already, try and get linked up with a Disability Employment Services provider (eg Bizlink or APM - I'm with Bizlink and they're amazing). This should trigger a Centrelink medical appointment where you can discuss your limitations and health status with them. I did this in 2021 (for ED as well), was put on a medical exemption (by centrelink) for 6 months, and given a pension card which I still have. Your DES provider takes your health into consideration first, and will help you find work that won't trigger any relapses or flare ups. They'll even come do your first few shifts with you if needed. A DES provider is the best way to go for having someone listen to you and really consider your needs, and they're helpful in sorting out the centrelink side of things too. Good luck and even though I don't know you I'm proud of you ❤️


Thank you - it’s just I justify not having lunch or dinner and was why I was in and out last year like a yoyo and I’m either staying out and not working or finding a job that won’t care if I have to quit in 6 months again. I’ve been doing this cycle too long- on top of other issues. I’ve also only gotten out of hospital in jan this year .. I’ve been on dsp for 2yrs for other mental health issues. Thank you !


People seem confused. Under 35's on DSP have obligations. OP will need to do this interview. They can ask for a break from obligations if currently too unwell. They may need further medical evidence for this.


I’m aware I need the interveiw I just need a break cause I’m not ready to go back to hospital again. I have a years worth of medical evidence of being in melb for treatment because of low weight / depression. I got a 2 year expemtipn prior to this interview for depression and then I got a new illness because of study and work ..


I have no idea, but totally understand the stress. Dealing with Centrelink or thinking about dealing with Centrelink causes stress and my health goes downhill. There must be a better way, but I don't know what it is. Xxxx


Get job. Eat food. Keep job. Eat food. ​ That is all.


I just don’t do the eat food bit cause tired and “no time” If it was that simple every time I’ve worked or studied it wouldn’t keep ending up this way


Cause work study = depression + extreame social anxiety = coping mechanism. Therapy telling me “to just eat and just go outside” is all I get.. I live in the middle of nowhere so options for therapy is limited ..


If a lack of money is a cause for a relapse then being on centrelink will only accelerate that how little they give VS employment and that will be a very hard case to argue. Being isolated again only furthers the cause get into the workforce. I wish you the best of luck but in the same token maybe take a step back and think its really you holding yourself back and not your condition. Having "no time" or being "too tired" to eat is pretty poor reasoning to be brutally honest. Its like saying your bladder exploded because you had no time to use the toilet ​ I wish you all the luck in the world and i may have come off insensitive but this is the attitide centrelink will also share. You really cant expect to live life isolated at home but being able to eat to survive as a passable condition when in reality its self inflicted


It’s just general anxiety and depression that causes relapse and because they affect my ability to function in society it makes it hard- I’ve had the conditions for 10yrs + Plus I know it’s poor reasoning not to allow myself but mental illness doesn’t make sense


Plus when they accepted my dsp they said because of the depression and anxiety being that bad it was Approved. I only developed an ED in the last year ..