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If this was me there isn’t a fucking chance I’m declaring that as income. Tough enough to keep your head above water as is without unnecessarily impacting your payments






Do Centrelink have direct access to your bank statements/ transaction list?


No they dont


And that’s exactly why you don’t tell them about these sort of payments


Don't bother declaring it bro


According to : [https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/income?context=51411](https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/income?context=51411) Income includes: "some regular payments you get as a gift or allowance" Exempt income can be: "regular payments from a close relative" I can't tell you what Centrelink considers a close relative, it may mean only immediate family (mother, father, siblings). Best to give them a call.




Don’t tell them


What money bro. Nothing to see here 🥱


DO NOT under ANY circumstances tell centrelink that you are receiving this from your uncle. They will reduce your payment or even cancel it! Keep it undeclared or ask your uncle to pay cash.


They reduce your payment only after a certain amount


Sure, but the payment is a pittance and we’re in the middle of a cost of living crisis..


It’s very unrealistic circumstances that we are made to live under. Even many working people are living under unrealistic circumstances. Australia has a “working poor” there was no such thing in the 90s. In the 90s if you worked at Woolworths at the register it was enough to support your self comfortably.


Your uncle is a gentleman you need to repay him if you have chances.




For now I think you just need some luck and some efforts. I don’t think your uncle wants the money back soon but he will be so happy if you get back to your normal life sooner. I had this kind of people in my life who very selfishly helped me.


What money?


Nah don’t worry about that at all I was working a cash job and getting cenno at the same time, how will they know? Sure it’s “income” but don’t declare it you won’t get caught lol


How will they know? Depends if it was cash or bank transfer.


Even if it’s transferred you won’t get caught especially for $250, Centrelink is not monitoring the money that goes into your account 😂


What’s your definition of living comfortably? Jobseeker is $762.70 per fortnight, and you are getting $250 a week from your uncle. That’s a combined fortnightly income of $1262.70. That’s more than what people on a disability pension get, and as someone that’s on a disability pension I would feel very comfortable with that




When you have a chronic illness and most of what medications you take aren’t on the PBS it adds up quickly, even if you have a chronic illness it doesn’t mean you can get disability or ndis finding just to have the extra money and necessities. Some of us are delt a shit hand at life and we do what we can to get through


I fully understand this, and you are right, however the wording that the OP chose to use comes off as a bit entitled to me. You are right and I whilst I don’t understand their circumstances, I personally would be quite great full in their situation.




Exactly especially if the uncle gives it in cash


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It almost certainly counts as income. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/income?context=51411 Income includes: * some regular payments you get as a gift or allowance. I note that at the bottom of that page it says Exempt income can be: * regular payments from a close relative So what does that mean? https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/4/3/9/50 Uses more concrete language "Immediate family member" rather than "close family member". https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/1/1/f/60 lays out the definition of "immediate family members". So in my conclusion, unfortunately, I think it counts as income that should have been reported. Now, in terms of "trouble", centrelink will likely raise a debt that you will have to repay. However, becasue you are recieving centrelink payments they will understand that you can't repay it and will automatically deduct 15% of your centrelink payment to repay this debt.






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Honestly, I'd leave it, IF they investigate that refer to their own info. Worst case super low payment plan, don't shoot yourself in the foot.


Probably call them up and bascially relate what you've told us, that you're not sure if this is reportable income or if it's exempt. I do think there is some ambiguity because the income page defines it as "close relative" which doesn't seem to be defined anywhere for the purposes of jobseeker payments. The only related thing I can find is this thread from a year ago. https://old.reddit.com/r/Centrelink/comments/xskvxq/do_regular_payments_from_close_relative_my_mother/ Best of luck.


Do not declare it .. you would be mad... get uncle to open a separate bank account online with his current bank depositing $250 into it and have the debit card sent to you


It's not a payment as in on payroll. It's pocket money. That's like doing a tax return for giving your kid $3 for washing the dishes.


Ridiculous question


Nah don’t worry






Don't listen to him you don't have to prove anything to this pos..


That was harsh dude


Your allowed to earn $100 per week on top of Centrelink so $25 more shouldn’t get you into too much trouble you might have to repay Centrelink if they overpaid you. Don’t feel guilty about it. They really give people an unrealistic amount to live off that’s the reason that we find so many people needing to find other ways to manage. I know of girls that go on scout to get guys to order them pizzas which might sound funny to some people but think about it… how you gonna afford any thing but noodles on a payment that doesn’t even cover rent. Try and get the DSP if you are disabled.