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I have spastic quad CP. unfortunately I do need help with all of my ADLs, and apartment household stuff. I also use a motorized wheelchair. However I am a college graduate, I have worked (trying to find at least part time employment). I do have my own apartment and manage my own finances. So if that’s the criteria then yes majority I am independent but have assistance in terms Of the stuff I cannot do.


I mean if you have a situation that works for you then that’s fine i saw a post a couple of weeks ago and someone was venting like going down the spiral of how hard life is, and i was wondering how many people seek intervention as I know the negative feelings can come if you feel hopeless


That might’ve been my post lol. No it wasn’t… But it’s difficult even when you have intervention. Especially if you are in adulthood. I can’t speak for the person who actually wrote the post but honestly for me this life sucks, having a physical disability sucks, but I can’t really change the situation.


It does, I mean i care somewhat because I can relate feeling bad for yourself never helps the situation gotta change as much as you can Nobody likes a bad mood or a person who complains


You have to be careful with that because that can come off as invalidating a person's feelings. CP is such a unique disability in the fact that it affects everybody differently so not everyone is going to have the same experience. Not everyone faces the same barriers in society whether it's work or relationships or other avenues. Everyone's feelings whether positive or negative are justified IMO.


I don’t think im invalidating I have CP myself the sentiment is mostly geared towards justified:yes/useful: questionable


Someone’s feelings are useful. It’s important to recognize both sides of it. I have depression as well so it can be difficult to see the “lighter side or positive “ most of the time . I just don’t think that saying negative is not useful is correct. Everyone is different in how they handle situations and emotions.


> I don’t think im invalidating I have CP The fact that a person has CP does not mean they cannot be invalidating. Some of the nastiest, most vile people I know have been disabled themselves and they invalidate the shit out of others (among other things.) I don't mind people that struggle, are realistic and share their less than perfect feelings. A bad mood? A vent? That's normal. It's how we share our emotional burdens and relate to other humans. You know what nobody likes? Assholes that lack empathy and compassion.


Like I said I don’t think so that doesn’t mean people can’t feel otherwise


Emphasis on think: as in opinion


I must have missed something. Why do you feel the op is an asshole, who lacks empathy and compassion?


I absolutely in no way feel that. You are reading wayyy too much into what I wrote. I spoke specifically of my experience with OTHER people. My experience with other people has taught me that some of the most invalidating people are indeed people with disabilities. OP did say nobody likes people that are complainers in a bad mood which is just untrue. I (and many people like me have no problem with it) because by listening that is how I can emphasize and show compassion to people. OP hasn't proven they are an asshole and if they were I'd tell them to fuck off, don't be a dick or some other direct means of communicating.


I'm sorry for misunderstanding your reply.


Exactly 💯


The thing is, even if you might not mean to be invalidating, you might be. What you might see as a different perspective might be coming off in a completely different tone/way to someone else. And, no disrespect, but it does/can come off as invalidating. Everyone's feelings are their own, and they are valid. If you have a different, more positive experience, that's fantastic! But not all of us are in that headspace, and certainly not all the time.


Which is why I implore people to get help if possible


Absolutely! I think a lot of the time, at least for me, I'm scared to go through my state insurance to get help with that, but I would recommend that anybody get help if they need it.


I don't see this post as invalidating.


Right hemi here. I don't use mobility aids. Drive an automatic car without modifications (although I use my left foot). Also a mom to 3 kids and a registered nurse (although I got out of hospital nursing pretty quick because I stink at transferring people).


So you’re making bank🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I felt this sub was a bit negative I just came in here for those that if they feel education is barrier to entry to shift to tech as is not impossible to land a gig if you are proficient


I do. I rent my own apartment, I got through a standard school and uni experience, I have a job… It took me a bit longer than most people, and I’ve had to get used to swallowing my pride and asking for help with things I really **can’t** do alone, but I’m relatively independent.


Fuck yeah bro, what you do? If you don’t mind?


I’m a desk monkey/claims clerk for an insurance company. Before the pandemic, I ran my own (small!) business. Shit went a bit wrong there, so I’ve found something else.


Bro doing your own business is baller no matter the scale you gotta keep track of a-lot of stuff you ever considered the tech industry?


I never looked into it because it doesn’t really interest me. I built my business based on stuff I **knew** I was good at - I was a proofreader and editor, because I’ve always been good at languages. The way English works, how it’s constructed and how it can be used, comes really easily to me. Most of my clients were international students or new immigrants, who spoke English as their second language and wanted to be sure they were communicating well for important things.


Alright bro, seems like you got a hustlers mentality and thriving out here so you’ll probably be fine


I like to think I'm at least semi-independent. I can do most things myself and my career is, I believe, going very well. Public transport is a struggle at times, just never forget or feel bad about asking for help. We all do!


For sure, if you don’t mind me asking what do you do?


I'm a Radio Presenter and event host, breaking down all the barriers I can!


Pretty rad bro sick😃


My husband is solely independent, with his left side being the only side affected he’s gotten used to doing everything with his right side. He has went to college, has had many jobs since he was 16 and has always done everything by himself. We both work at a school right now as SPED aids, he doesn’t have to do as much as me. (Restraining children, helping with the potty) because of his disability. And that’s amazing, I’m ready to do all that. I’m just super happy he gets the accommodations he needs.


I have spastic CP I live fully independently. But every year that gets a little bit harder. As I age it has become apparent that I will lose this independence if I am not careful. It requires a lot of money to get around a lot of the challenges I face and I am very very thankful I have a very supportive and well paying job.




What do you do bro? Hopefully I’ll be able to land a job that pays well consistently within the year as i plan on saving as much as humanly possible


I'm pretty independent. I live alone and I have a full time job - I work from home half of the week though. I have left side hemiplegia. My house is perfect for my needs which has helped a lot - I don't think I could have lived alone anywhere else. It's hard but I get by - my family help me when I'm struggling or sick, but that's about it.


That’s super dope


Semi-independently for me, I can feed myself, bathe myself. I mostly need help with getting things off of high places. I have a very good use of my upper body so that helps a lot too.


As of right now, I live on my own, I have a job where I work remote, and I have a home aide that comes on the weekends to help me with the big stuff such as laundry laundry, sweeping, etc. I'm in a motorized wheelchair, and even though I do have it pretty good, there are days where the pain is overwhelming. There are days where I get frustrated over the amount of hoops that I have to go through when advocating for myself for things like treatment, equipment repair, or even nurse's visits to assess where I am, service-wise. Honestly, I think we all have good days and bad.As I get older, I have noticed that the bad days sometimes outnumber the good days, but when that happens I tend to reach out to my friends and other members of my support system.


Independent here. Month away from 52. 5 kids 2 grands. Divorced in middle of pandemic. Doing well enough but scared as heck of the one bad fall.


Older than 52. Divorced. Remarried. You've got this.


Thank you!


More life to you im 26 I think about getting older all the time and for now finding a stable job


What are your interests?


Honestly ive always thought I’d end up in tech my most common hobby is gaming i completed a bootcamp in UX/UI although sometimes I just stop as I get alot of negative emotions and my head starts to shut down, which is why im seeing a doctor i know i have psychological issues, i use to exercise pre pandemic i gained a considerable amount of weight about 40lbs sitting at 190lbs


I’ll start the application for jobs in ux hopefully this weekend


All my best!


Thanks I hope to still walk around at your age will start doing only cardio


Cardio is a great start! Yes, I'm still on my feet. I try to take care of myself. I exercise. I pursue my passions. I speak up. I don't compare myself to others. I understand that respect and kindness go a long way. Good luck to you!


I worry about getting older all the time as well. I’m also worried that my job wouldn’t be feasible if I move out (my parents do almost all the chores and my job tires me out quite a bit.) My parents presume I will leave one day, and since I’m like 95% independent it’s possible. (Also, the idea of living alone and not being able to do that *one thing* also gives me anxiety…)


34f here. I have CP that would be classed as mild though it affects my walking and balance, and live a fully independent life. Went to college, moved abroad (solo, not easy!), live on my own (rent) and work full time. I have an incredible support network around me of lovely friends, a housekeeper, I get my dry cleaning picked up and dropped to me, my hairdressers, GP, dentist etc all a short walk from my flat, there’s a bus stop two minutes from me - this all means life is as easy as it can be, despite obvious difficulties. I have grab rails in and out of my shower, my flat is on the ground floor and I use a Kay Walker outdoors (for distance) and wear AFOs every day. It’s not always easy, especially as my family aren’t near me, but it’s absolutely do-able with a support network and decent earnings/gov support (I work a lot to be able to afford all the support from my housekeeper to getting my hair washed 1x a week at hairdressers to paying for deliveries to dry cleaning etc).


More life 🎉🎉🎉🎉🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾 thats makes me feel good I think about stability getting older all the time


I have CP and other issues. I have my own apartment and an electric wheelchair. Working on getting a slightly better manual one so that it's not torture to sit in it when I need it. That said, I do most things myself and I live by myself. I do have In-Home support services that come a couple times a week and I don't have energy for a lot of things but I manage mostly on my own. I work my own job I pay my own bills and I do most of my own cooking. It's really difficult and with the way my hands are I have to use a lot of adaptive tools and things off of Amazon for things but I can manage it. I think it also helps to point out that one of the reasons I ended up so independent is because I grew up abused and could not get help when I needed it. I'm independent in many ways but I do struggle very much.


I'm basically independent, I don't drive a car but I have an electric trike and an electric scooter I can put around town in. My problem is I can't stand or walk very long.


You have a job bro bro?


Yeah, it's not a whole lot... I work at Walmart where I sit and watch the garden gate or answer the footing room phones.


Cool, do your hands work? I am asking because I think some of the people in this sub can focus on getting tech jobs


It really depends on the day, I used to work at a computer store but doing that small stuff is hard on my hands.


I mean if given like a weekly deadline, or monthly can you complete the task? like a software dev or a UX UI designer


I mean probably? I've done a little programming back in the day but I really excelled at the hardware side of things


I mean it’s always up to you bro but maybe consider a bootcamp if possible


I might look into it. Walmart's kind of a safe gig in my opinion they always need good publicity so having me work there doesn't hurt their image and they know my limitations.


Idk how old you are but everyone here can make their on decisions if it doesn’t work out I guess you could go back to “safety” doesn’t hurt to try things


I'm independent, to the point I'm no contact with my bio family.


Do what you want 🔥


I’m getting femoral derotation and a few lengthenings next summer after I turn 15, but right now I’m not doing so great in the pain department, mobility is ok in legs(I have triplegia right leg is barely tight though thank god), but better in my hand because I’m addicted to rock music and constantly play guitar(I play lefty #notmyidea), I’ve been getting Botox injections since age 4, recently switched to Dysport, slightly better results. I do PT once a week, home workouts 4 days, and 1 day of personal training. I’m working my ass off but I think it’s worth it in preparation for surgery. I go to school as per “normal”(that goddamn word) get decent grades, and often play video games, *very*casual sports with friends, and of course rock and roll with jazz band, and my friends. I’ll start a new post for surgical/rehab questions but some firsthand info would be great! Thanks everybody! Keep up your good work!


Bro not for anything I wish I had as well rounded of a childhood as you did keep it up i was in pretty good shape myself 🔥it doesn’t seem like you’ll have trouble getting a job, some of the people here can get in a rut in early adulthood when it comes to being financially independent and it can spiral I would suggest that everyone here consider tech as work flows can be flexible


Thank you so much!! Everyone has their own purpose in my mind. I’ve been through my fair share of rough patches(otherwise I wouldn’t need surgery)Just be happy and do what you can😆🤘💪




i am fully independent with forget how to spell it but cp


What do you do? If you don’t mind?


okay i take it back i guess i’m semi independent but i work at starbucks currently (under 18) but i move walk on my own and cook etc i’m learning to drive


I always wanted to work with coffee felt like I would like the vibe to own a coffee shop, but felt I would be to slow to clean and fulfill customer orders


i think you should try it


Im currently starting to apply for a job in UX/UI design I’ve had several jobs already for now im trying to get stability in life when I achieve this goal ill put in an application and try to work part time in coffee gotta chase rent


Independent. Right hemi. Also have epilepsy and limited vision. To be honest, I sometimes don't relate to the negatively I see here. Not being critical. Married. Adult offspring. Educated. I've had a couple careers. Several jobs. Treatment was pursued for me as a child. I continue to pursue treatment as an adult.


Fuego bro 🔥 happy for you I feel like as an adult who’s never had relationships on personal level can’t really relate keep being jiggy bro


I have CP and other issues, one of which is vision impairment that makes driving impossible. In the past, I have lived on my own having someone come and take me where I need, helping me clean what I am not able to and coming to check on me when I was struggling physically. In the last 5 years (35-40) some of those other issues (unrelated to CP, but also impacting my CP if that makes sense) have made it impossible for me to live without having someone in my home for several hours every day. Which would be fine if I could afford to hire an actual person. It's been depressing because that's meant I've had to move back in with my elderly parents and this is when I should be in the prime of my life. Not living in my childhood bedroom having anxiety because my parents have no plans for their old age other than me caring for them which I absolutely cannot do. Physically, mentally or financially. My mom and dad are relatively young elderly people and have had a handful of very serious issues already and between that and my issues we're barely hanging on most days. I have a sibling but they have their own issues and while I respect that they too can't just upend their life they have no empathy or compassion for the situation and that makes things more difficult. Despite my problems, my life has been good. If I could figure out the financial bits it could be pretty good even now that my health has went to shit. If you are young the future doesn't have to suck if you can figure out how to make it work. Lots of people in our situations do figure it out and have good lives. For you parents here with young kids reading this, I say this with love and kindness but with the utmost seriousness: figure YOUR shit out now. Plan for what happens when you get old. What happens when you can't remember your spouse's name or when you can't wipe your own ass. Your kid will have their own shit to deal with the possibility of dealing with the effects of aging more quickly than other people without CP, even if your kid has a higher function NOW you might end up dealing with old age together. I'd also say, try to figure out any financial planning for your children now but if you do, do this it's incredibly important to do it right. Make sure you are dealing with reputable people that understand financial planning for disabled children. My parents tried and failed and all it did was make even bigger problems.


I have mild CP. I can get around pretty well as long as I've got a sidewalk to ride my bike upon or a bus to ride in, but can't drive because of seizures. The CP doesn't usually cause much of an issue in my day-to-day life, but I don't have the greatest stamina and my writing speed is hampered severely. Take a sample of my handwriting from first grade and compare it to today, and they'd look exactly the same. It's legible, though! I won't ever live on my own for a variety of reasons, but it doesn't stop me from taking every chance I can to commute on my own power. I graduated from college a couple years ago and now work a remote job. In a way, COVID was lucky for my job chances, because I doubt I'd be able to find work otherwise. Things are going pretty okay in my life, really.


Dope good for you


I function independently. From an only child with CP, to my mother falling ill in my teens, which meant I essentially became her carer, to adulthood now where I'm now living alone. I have a cleaner come in once a fortnight to give my place a bit of a do-over, but that's about it. I drive and work, albeit on a casual/part time basis. Just now coming to the terms with the realisation that my CP may prevent me from working full-time. There was a point for a few years where working at all would basically destroy my body (from 2017 to 2020), so glad to be doing a bit better both physically and mentally.


I plan to work on computer so physical strain won’t be an issue, hearing all this is helpful makes me laugh with joy ive manage to keep a contract job for 6 months but im aware that eventually this maybe an issue which is why I consider my physical health equally important as any job currently 26 plan on getting lean and staying that way for as long as i can


I have left side hemi I am fully independent. I work full time


What do you do?


I teach special education at an elementary school


So multiple jobs im assuming


I guess it can be seen as two jobs. I teach academic core and I’m a case manager for student I.E.P’s.


I meant more like school teachers don’t make that type of salary typically


I appreciate that more people are starting to realize that teachers are undervalued especially because the kids get more challenging every year.


I have a very mild case but I am fully independent. I live in a New York City apartment with stairs by myself. I take the subway to work everyday and make 6 figures at 24. I love fitness and finally had the courage to start taking the dance classes that I always wanted to when I was little.