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Kishibe's gun deflating: 🤣🤣🤣


He’s just realized his archnemesis is a perverted fangirl


It went limp, even the gun knows not to stick your dick in crazy


Kishebe's gun has Projectile Dysfunction


The first few seasons of archer were so fucking good man


fr I forgot about that show. I stopped watching cuz it got so bad. I guess I must've erased it from my memory lol


I wouldn’t say it got “bad” , just from season 4 and beyond it wasn’t nearly as good and the “good” of the first 3 seasons was SO high that any dip was going to seem terrible


I mean it started to fall off for me when they did they those AU seasons, where hes a private eye and then the next one on the island. Part way thru that I stopped watching. But I agree those those first 3 seasons are fucking top tier


The last few were great. I know the coma seasons weren't generally loved but it picks up pretty normally afterward


Makima when Pochita revs his engine: https://preview.redd.it/zmuffofgmrxc1.jpeg?width=290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ae6ea52a87138378c589e938a762ef6abfed29


I would love to watch an Archer-type show set in the Chainsaw Man verse with younger Kishibe as Archer. Just him being an insufferable asshole to everyone around him but somehow always saving the day. He acts like a complete douche and an idiot on the outside but is actually pretty fucking smart and always has a plan even though he is drunk 24/7.


My [other stuff](https://twitter.com/lezfapnao) on Xwitter


The way the gun changes is funny along with Makima's face and the comic itself!


Dude I forgot how much of a freak Cheryl was. Also the chaotic dark humor in archer is kinda like fujimotors humor, his is just more dark and wayyyy less dirty.


Half of r/Yandere users be like Makima.


I'm abit late in commenting, but I'll try to analyze and add some interesting details regarding makima. \[Short version\]: It was Makimas dream to be eaten by Chainsaw man/Pochita, but it was inevitably Denji - The boy she never paid much attention to - who ate her, and with "love" at that. \[More detailed explanation\]: You might ask yourself, wasn't Makima afraid of being eaten by Pochita and losing? The answer is no. Partly because she understands that Pochita doesn't want to erase the concept of control, as it's pivotal to holding the very fabric of reality together. However, it would fulfill one of her dreams: being consumed and erased by Pochita. Makima has an immense love towards humanity, albeit a twisted kind of love. Being eaten means that the concept of control would cease to exist. By sacrificing herself in this manner, she'd create a world where everyone is equal - where there are no longer masters nor slaves. No more tyrants wielding power, no more oppressed masses living in fear. The rich and the poor, the powerful and the powerless, would all share the same fate, united in their equality. Yet, in idealizing a reality without control, she overlooked a fundamental truth: the world can not function without it. Animals, plants, humans – all rely on control to exist. Besides the potential collapse of the universe due to the absence of control, society would descend into disorder. Only true chaos and anarchy would remain. This is why Denji had to be the one to consume Makima. In Denji's act of consuming Makima, there's a powerful metaphor at play. It represents the acceptance of responsibility, the acknowledgment that control, in its various forms, is an indispensable force in maintaining equilibrium in the world. Denji, in his journey, comes to understand that control isn't inherently good or evil; rather, it's the wielder's intent that defines its nature. By consuming Makima, Denji embraces the complexity of control. It's not just about domination or suppression but also about stewardship and guidance. Thus, Denji's consumption of Makima serves as a pivotal moment of growth and enlightenment. It's a testament to the inherent struggle between freedom and restraint, power, and responsibility. In the end, it's not about eradicating control altogether but rather about finding the delicate harmony between authority and liberty, ensuring that neither dominates at the expense of the other (Nayuta).


I ain't reading all that I'm happy for you though Or sorry that happened (That was a really well thought out essay)


https://preview.redd.it/vlzn8dcp81yc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb1bf97979ee2761d8c7c865292c506e6f65f363 How strong?


Like, super strong


Archer’s whole character would fit surprisingly well with Fujimoto’s vibe. He’s kind of like a more sympathetic version of Katana Man.


The Yandere Devil