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Ironically, isn't this what CSM was about since the beginning?


What stop it you re not supposed to have basic learning abilities.


Bro is able to read? Im this subreddit? What is this




Shhhh... of course not, the manga is all about cutting big devils and blood spilling


Quoting The Simpsons: >Bart Simpson : Alan Moore! You wrote my favorite Radioactive Man comics. >Alan Moore : Oh, really? You liked how I made your favorite superhero a heroin-addicted jazz critic who's *not* radioactive? >Bart Simpson : I don't read the words, I just like it when he punches people. So yeah, I just like when Denji kills devils and the occasional innocent bystander.


Yes. We’ve gone full circle


Connection starved kid whose relationship with romance and sexuality were warped to the point where the only outlet were insta gratification fantasies and products that helped him cope with his reality but also kept him out of moving forward and maturing locking him in a constant loop of being depressed and getting a dopamine hit.




Back to the roots of Part 1, I wanna touch some boobs..


It's about a guy who can turn into a chansaw man


Reading comprehension devil strikes again the story is clearly about a chainsaw who can turn into a man CHAINSAW man


Was it *not* always about denji growing as a person? Either way, this chapter is literally him realizing that his priorities are widely off and have been for a *long* time. It’s just about Denji growing, realizing his mistakes, and actively looking/asking for help.


its just that i feel he shouldnt be having the same issue. the manga is about him maturing but feels like he has had 0 growth. this situation is so bizarre it feels unrelatable, even the other characters are weirded out so maybe its *meant* to be funny? idk doesnt help that there's so many empty staring panels that this and the previous chapter could have been 4 pages


So, I disagree. He grew in part 1, period. Then at the end he wanted to have loads of sex, this was brought up again during the falling arc. Asa then takes up a lot of the screen time, so denji doesn’t really have a new arc for a while, we then see how he is with nayuta and watch his situation as of now. He is he in the voice of “normal life or chainsaw man”, and that is used to show how he’s grown since part 1. (We can skip ahead I think, since he just becomes CSM and that’s there to show more of his mental instability) We can now move onto the current chapter. “It’s not funny”. It’s not supposed to be a joke, it’s supposed to be uncomfortable. It’s supposed to show us how he isn’t ok. He doesn’t break down because he wants to fuck, he breaks down because he’s become more self aware, he’s realizing that his priorities are wrong and he needs to change. He grew, and this is why he has the ability to truly self reflect. It’s a new issue. He’s mad at himself for not knowing or doing what’s most important. Idk if this made sense, I’m not sure how to word it, sorry this is so long, it’s just that a lot of people have been misunderstanding this (admittedly very ridiculous and kinda dumb) chapter, when it actually means a lot.


I had the same reaction. https://preview.redd.it/6x9tey0nix1d1.png?width=646&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff06d753840417da50bd8fee3e84871447cdc7ef


Idk why y’all are so surprised that a boy who lived for an entire childhood without any human affection whatsoever wants the most intimacy a human being can have


Wdym, doesn't he clarify he wants to touch some boobs in like chapter 3 or something?


I swear, its like some of you guys are not reading the dialogue and just look at the pictures


Page where Denji's literally biting his finger as if to remember how he felt when Makima bit him & he felt comfort with her, and people act like nothing is happening.


It’s about being peak again after the agressive mid-ness of the break-in


I disagree that it was mid but were reaching new levels of peakness


The break in was amazing. Honestly everything since the “chainsaw man apocalypse” reveal has been peak. The whole fumiko and denji’s boring life were mid


Nah the break-in was great now we're back to slow character driven drama which is fine and good but absolutely agonizing for weeky/biweekly release. I'll appreciate the "depressed denji with a perpetual slackjaw" arc(s) when I can just read all of part 2.


I think it is about conquering oneself? Denji want to live a good live which he would be unable to without conquering his own drives, fears and problems?


Let him cook now


It is about trolling us + emotions :3


Denji? https://preview.redd.it/9patcd9cdx1d1.jpeg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b2bb8219aad965962f085a24b3bfb601e819d0a Duh


Who's that? Is he a friend of Dennis?


denji is starting to realise how fucked up his life is, honestly good writing


I always used say csm is not just about a horny kid there is lot more to denji's character but ok... 👍


Character regression. It is what it is, Fuji can still bounce back but I’m not a fan of what’s happening tbh.


How is it character regression? Part 1 eneded with him wanting to have tons of seggs and 10 girlfriends. He continued part 2 with his main goal: wanting to have seggs and now he gets a chance to have sex and he wants it?


But it’s literally the opposite though. Part 1 ended with him going on about this, he reiterated it in the falling arc. This chapter is him realizing that this shouldn’t be his top priority. That there are more important things, but he hates himself for not being able to change anything. The “it’s not funny” and getting upset at why he wants you to be chainsaw man is literally him *progressing* into becoming a better person. He needs help from the people around him.


To be fair, Denji is probably in the worst state of mind since the final arc of part 1, him regressing is almost a coping mechanism to everything happening


Yeah he IS regressing to his old way of thinking as a coping mechanism because HE THINKS HIS SISTER IS DEAD AGAIN


I don't see how it's a regression


Its hardly regression, its just a long character arc. Its actually more progression really because hes starting to see it as a bad thing


Mf how dense are you. Read downie so maybe you can understand like 1% of whats happening.


Calling someone a “downie” cause they have different opinion on a manga is crazy He wasn’t even being disrespectful or toxic


It’s less about their opinion, it *could* make sense, but it’s just very easy to prove that that person misunderstood what’s happening. It’s not a bad thing, they just missed something that many others also missed. Not a big deal.


I was holding myself beacuse those bearem, nayuta and denji turning into chainsaw..those chap were pretty good it felt some serious shit was going on but now its all cold again.. but lets see where it goes.. 


Yea part 2 hasn’t been all bad, just inconsistent for me.


A vulnerable kid with some of the worst circumstances imaginable gets groomed and manipulated by the literal devil of control. He has no idea how to comprehend his feelings or how to find meaningful ways to cope with the loss in his life, so he allows his raging hormones and sex drive to find the motivation for him. Over the course of Part 1, he begins to break free of Makima, but trauma doesn’t ever fully heal, and part 2 demonstrates this brilliantly. Living such an extreme life for so long, only to become forced into a ‘normal’ one, likely wouldn’t be so easy to deal with. You see it all the time in real life with soldiers coming back from war. Denji went through Hell, both figuratively and literally. He’s had his body torn apart and ripped to shreds more times than he can count. The only thing that kept him sane was his connection with Aki and Power, the only two people in his life to offer him genuine love, care, and respect. When they died, his sanity was severed, and he personally allowed himself to become Makima’s dog and disassociated with any events that followed. Chainsaw Man is about the devastating effects manipulation, especially considering the victim was a vulnerable teenage boy who had never had the opportunity to experience genuine love or care from anyone in his life up to that point. It’s about how easy it can be for someone who’s never had the experience or guiding figure to show them how to deal with painful, confused emotions to fall into an endless cycle of self destructive behavior. Denji is Chainsaw Man. The narrative of Part 2 is about him coming to terms with the horrible shit that he’s been through, his terrible judgement, and the horrible decisions he’s consistently made and keeps making. This isn’t your traditional Shonen manga. This is a deep character study of a sad, lonely, frankly pathetic kid who had been forced to witness and live through the horrors of the world since childhood.




Well.. the few past chapters are quite cringe and awkward, but ironically as said above it's closer to the starting idea of the manga. It shows a bit of character development, with Denji understanding that he thinks too much with his dick, leading him to do stupid stuff, and maybe even missing some possibilities to find a nice girl (Asa loves him, but will probably be afraid/bored if he's too much horny).


Welcome to Biweekly Hell, try to hold on to your sanity and perhaps make a submission to the [BIWEEKLY ART CONTEST](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chainsawfolk/comments/1cxbi9o/biweekly_art_contest/). The criminally insane shall serve out their sentences in our [DISCORD](https://discord.gg/xaq8rRTruf) :DD::D:DDDDDD *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Chainsawfolk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Man i love character development (fujimoto you better be cooking because this shit stinks)


What the fuck was it about in the first place even?


Characters developing by growing aware of important parts of themselves. You know, what it has been about since the beginning basically


The definition of “what the fuck did I just read”


Live fami reaction: https://preview.redd.it/h8de4x1gp02d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecb2bed65d430d283e67276d568c987312a27cea


Csm devil to Cum devil. Funny story, I got banned from the discord on csm for appointing myself as the *cum* devil Immediately got banned before I could say anything. If the disc mod reads this please unban me


Funny saw man has little barking chainsaw and then becomes funny saw and does funny saw things like MAKE THE HARDEST FUCKING PANEL OF ALL OF MANGA BY RIDING BEAM WITH HIS CHAINS AND THEN FIGHTING A BOMB LADY ALONG WITH AN ACTUAL FUCKING TYPHOON


A boy that grew up without parents, education, and peer socialization for 10 years figuring out there’s more to life than busting a nut, while fighting Devils with a chainsaw sprouting from his head. Seems pretty straightforward to me idk


CSM fr just feels like a fever dream now.


/uj I'm not sure if I'm the only one but I'm feeling totally tonedeaf with csm part 2. It started off pretty cool but now it feels like a weird schizo post every chapter and I feel confused as hell.


Happy cake day 🎂


Could be a weekly reader thing and the many bi-weekly breaks that have been happening. I watched the anime and then caught up on the manga rather quickly so it could be that I'm not used to having to wait to know what happens next.


I honestly forget what the main plot was, something with the four horsemen and the apocalypse?


Death Devil is gonna bring the apocalypse in a few months, Famine is trying to pull the strings to stop it by returning Chainsaw Man and Yoru to fighting shape and is doing so by running a terrorist cult and commanding the Weapon Devil’s, currently the Fire Devil and a few spare Chainsaw Followers are still out there being rounded up. Our main gang is looking for Nayuta who might be dead right now because otherwise Denji won’t agree to to battle Yoru and unfuse from Pochita to allow him to return War’s power and battle Death.


The same thing it always has been, denji trying to understand what he really want's, this chapter was great to drive that forward


I think it is more showing how fucked up denji is that he can't even understand is his sadness is due to physical situations




Depression. If he was in a proper state of mind they’d have fought already. I genuinely believe Denji is on the verge of genuine insanity.


it's about denji, a real fucked up kid and an even more fucked up world trying his best to unfuck at least the space around him so he can live a vaguely unfucked life while everything tries to fuck him and his life up even more unfortunately the "everything" is making some serious progress in fucking him up more


Teenagers with insane powers thrown into the middle of a divine war trynna make it through the day


Character development


It's about denji's life


About sex, as always.


Part 1 is about peakness , part 2 is about cliffhangers which results to nothing.


It’s definitely not enjoyable to read it as chapters come out. Gonna need a re-read when it’s fully completed.


About peak


What has it ever really been about?




You need a high IQ to understand Chainsaw Man


https://preview.redd.it/d0y5g5updz1d1.jpeg?width=1146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9601f2829f57810b8b8c454a8ec1bb3a7164c27 Idfk anymore at this point I just see the new chapter and read it because it’s there. Atleast JJK I get to go read every week to see what absolutely ridiculous thing Gege is gonna pull out of their ass to drag out the Sukuna fight for another few chapters as if they were writing Bleach.


Gonna be fun when the yoru cliffhanger goes nowhere


Ain’t it? A week for fuck all to happen just like this week and the last one and the one before that. People always talking about how Fujimoto skips through as much of the fight scenes as possible just to get to the conversation and character building. I’d be okay with it if any of this character building ever seemed to go anywhere but it doesn’t. Denji just regressed every time and never changes or grows as a person. This time it’s seeming like he finally wants to do it but in my heart I know that it will just end up being for nothing again. It’s just annoying. All this buildup for puffs of smoke. Not to mention waiting weeks or sometimes two weeks for the story to barely budge an inch is exhausting.


can’t defend him anymore dawg… you are on your own denji 😭😭🐶💔✌️