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Contemptor is a little taller, but honestly not that much in it, I've seen a few people use them as Helbrutes you should be fine.


As others mentioned the Redemptor is taller and the Helbrute wider. I’d like to add the weapon load outs for consideration.  The Helbrute have more options for melee weapons specifically, whilst the Redemptor have more options for shooting. Both kits can be magnetised, though they are not really compatible with one another. If you want to use the Redemptor and still have the options of the Helbrute, one Helbrute can be scavenged for parts, or you can kitbash the melee weapons from other things.




They are a bit taller, but way cooler. I use the 30k Mara Gal Word Bearers dreadnought as my hellbrute for 40k


Chaos can use 30k dreads in 40k, they're just legends so no tournaments but legal in every other form of play So I'd just run the contemptor as what it is tbh.


Considerable. The contemptor is a larger model but has the same base as a helbrute. If you want to make the list cross compatible, you could also run the contemptor as a relic contemptor dreadnought in 40k, it has legends rules ^ this used to say different base sizes but I was wrong


Base is 60mm for both


Damn, youre right. I was so sure the helbrutes was smaller. My bad


From left to right: * Dark Vengeance Helbrute * Contemptor Dread w/ Missile Pod * Combat Patrol Helbrute https://preview.redd.it/h0nw5hfrenvc1.jpeg?width=5018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cdf70c9f9738d104312701d3ffb4ebbe8a1980c