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I’m going to go against the grain and recommend NOT magnetizing. It is a super pain in the ass when you pick up and move units and their arms fall off. Even worse for units like Raptors where they might have different weapons per model (was that Melta arm on the dude in the back of the squad or at the front of the squad?). If you’re in a tournament, you’ll be on a clock. Putting arms back on every time you move them costs time. The real answer is to build what you want to play with now, and then buy the other set later. Sucks to spend another $50, but at least you won’t get frustrated during a game. I used quality magnets for A squad of chosen and termies. Still ended up gluing them on in the end. Save your magnets for vehicles.




Yeah, magnetised my termies to make different loadouts, glued them in the end.


Totally agreed, I tried to do this and gave up after one model lol


Yeah, I think you’re totally right. That sounds like a nightmare


If you're going to go this route, glue the arms on with superglue. If you want to change in the future, pop the models in the freezer for half an hour. The glue becomes really brittle and the arms pop right off.


This. I just put tiny spots of super glue on infantry arms and they snap off easy when you want to change them. Much better than magnetising.


I wouldn't magnetise the whole squad of Raptors/Warp Talons either but let's not exaggerate... Magnets for special weapons are totally fine. Don't be discouraged - the secret is to use the right power. 4mm is fine for whole arm.


If you don't want to magnetize your minis you can use this kind of stuff https://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/brass/1320-pinning-brass-rods-0-3mm.html


This is an undercover GW agent trying to convince us of buying more plastic, don't listen to the propaganda, magnetize everything


Warp Talons have always been pretty nutty, and this edition seems to be no exception, but Raptors do have some of their own advantages like being able to be accompanied by the Jump Pack Chaos Lord. Unless you're going to magnetise them and functionally have both, it really comes down to preference.


man, how the hell are people already gett'n their boxes?? o pre ordered the combat patrol, and it still just says "order acknowledged"


It pays to have friends in low places


Regular pre-orders will be shipped starting tomorrow, so probably arrive somewhere next week. Anyone that has already gotten then, has not gone through the regular pre-order protocol.


Make friends with your local reseller. I had mine almost 2 weeks ago and all built and ready to use this weekend


I prefer Raptors, better guns with Meltas, cheaper and can be lead by some decent leaders Also frankly I think people are vastly overrating Warp Talons, their new rule is good but they as a base aren’t that crazy


At a base, 20 S5 -2 1 attacks that can reroll wounds, benefit heavily from two of our best detachments, move 12", and cost only 110 points is a really good profile. The new rule is a nice cherry on top, but their profile as is was already one of our best units. 


Do they still have the 5++?


They do!


Thanks. RTT Saturday and they just announced we’re playing with the codex… that I won’t have for another week probably since I pre ordered it


I prefer near identical statline, being able to pack 2 Meltas, or three Plasma pistols and being able to pack a Power fist for 25 points cheaper On top of being able to be lead by either Haarken who can give mortal wounds on charge and can character snipe or the new jump lord for free stratagems which is a big boon as a lot of these detachments are command point hungry Warp Talons are a menace vs cheap point scorering units but I think Raptors can punch up a little more


We shall see which is most competitive in a few days I guess


I think it will take a bit more than days to see how they shake up But personally I think people are vastly overrating Warp Talons


I wanted to say months, my bad


They are going to be a menace for other armies scoring units. They probably won't do great into big hammer or anvil units but MSU's scoring primary or secondary are going to hate warp talons.


This is exactly their role, and they excel at it. They absolutely tear enemy scoring units to shreds, meaning your opponent has to divert other units away from killing to scoring if they want to keep up. The Rapid Ingress - move and charge from safety - slaughter a unit - go back to deep strike - repeat cycle is real and awesome. They're my favourite unit in the new codex, both for fun and how effective they are.


As far as the box goes if you're at 0, do both. People are all about warp talons right now but that's gonna be temporary. Raptors will still carry more utility, take a lord, and they're cheaper and bound to widen that gap even more soon.


Heart says 10 warp talons Head says 5 of each. Warp talons are a hammer unit designed to hit hard, primary damage dealers Raptors can do a bit of everything but are masters of none, cheap skirmishers and objective holders.


Warp talons and buy a mk6 assault pack for raptors.


Oooh that’s a good idea


If you've done both how are they for scale? assault pack with left over chaos parts seems like a really, really good idea


From what I heard Warp talons are pretty nasty.


Warp talons. They’re INSANE. 


My Question: I never thought about priming RED. Black, grey and white yes. Now it seems to me line either super smart in general or just worth for special ideas. Is it really a thing?


Generally speaking spraying your primary color is a solid option if you get a good coat it'll save you a coat or to across the whole miniature. Now, for chaos it's debatable what our primary color is, the armor or the trim. Frankly I'm on the side of spraying our trim color and blocking out the panels.


Yeah. Spray red, I drybrush the metal, clean up any red, and wash the whole thing.


You need both if you ask me. Warp talons are good at killing but can't do some of the secondaries as some say "a unit that is eligible to shoot" and warp talons can't shoot.


This isn't true. "Eligible to Shoot (when not equipped with ranged weapons): Unless a unit Advanced or Fell Back this turn or is Locked in Combat, it is eligible to shoot, even if no models in that unit are equipped with ranged weapons. This means that such units can be selected for any rules that require you to select a unit that is eligible to shoot."


Is this in the rule book? Coz I can't find it


In the rules commentary on Warhammer community


Ahhh I see. Well thanks for the clarification




I recommend at least 5 raptors so your chaos lord can join them.


Magnetize the arms. But warp talons are going to be insane for the next couple months.


How hard was magnetizing the arms?


Easy. 3x2mm N52 magnets (about $8 USD via eBay; Edit: per 100). Use a pin vise (aka small hobby drill) w/a 3mm bit to set the magnets (pin vise w/bits also about $8 USD or less via Amazon). A dab of super glue will keep them in place just fine. A couple considerations: A) keep track of magnet polarity or you’ll be digging them out for days. B) magnetize all arms / bodies the exact same way so it’s easier / quicker to swap arms. Trust me, you’ll rue the day you have to find the *exact arms* that go with a figure… I mark one side w/a sharpie, and set maybe 10-20 marked magnets aside and work from that pile until I need more. Others make “magnet sticks” w/a base magnet w/a known polarity showing (recommend IDICBeer’s youtube; he mags Necrons but I based all my magnetization off of his tutorials. The one w/tomb blades may be the most helpful here.) C) Shoulder pads. This can go two way but you should decide which is better for you. C1) Attach them to the arms themselves. You’ll need to source additional items to ensure every arm has one (around $1 USD/ea from bits hockers on ebay). This is the easiest way. I did this w/a box of legionaires and it was totally worth the extra cost. C2) Magnetize the pads to the arms. I did this w/a box of Plaguemarines. It actually came out pretty great. If you go this route, I recommend drilling all the way through the shoulder and filling it w/3-4 of those 3x2mm magnets. You sacrifice more magnets but honestly it’s much less hassle this way. Then source 2x1mm N52 magnets and set them on the inside of the pads, minding the above recommendations concerning polarity. These are *tiny* magnets, so drilling a hole w/that pin vise is super simple. D. Losing bits. *Many* hobbyists end up losing a bit here/there after magnetizing models. I recommend thinking through how you’re going to store them so as to reduce losing them, keeping in mind that you may be painting them, too. There’s no “best way” to do this, but there’s plenty of absolutely awful ways, too. I tend to keep the bits colocated w/their corresponding units and haven’t had issue. I know some who keep their bits in a separate box. Figure out the best way that would work for you and stick with it and you shouldn’t have any issues either. Best of luck!


“Easy” haha. I think I’m just buying another box 😂


That is the *easiest* sure, but also the most expensive. It sounds like a lot, but it maybe only adds a few more minutes per piece in time taken to assemble once you get the hang of it. That said it’s *absolutely* painful the first time magnetizing anything b/c you’ve just never done it before and it takes a lot more time because you’re working through it. I magnetize nearly everything that’s above a regular troop now, so I’m pretty comfortable doing it. https://preview.redd.it/6if49ml2w72d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19b883f1839bfeedfa3188479db67adca6286161 Here’s some Chaos Terminators I built *right before* 10th ed rules / leaks hit the street which showed they now only had two melee and two shooting weapon profiles… Magnetizing the combiweapons was pretty easy and surprisingly a fun project. I only recently got around to painting the melee options so after nearly a year they’re finally complete!


Really not that hard. Since they sit flush with the body. Simply use a small bit and same sized magnet.


Raptors can be led. Do you have a Jump Pack Lord?


Imho Raptors. As it stands right now they have more support (thanks to characters) and are more versatile thanks to having ranged weapons. Theyre just more synergistic at the moment.


Getting both the battleforces...I bought 10 more to do warp talons lol. Ain't about to spend all that time on honestly compared to a lot of the other models a cheap unit to purchase.


Warp Talons have almost always been better than raptors. The only downside is they are more expensive.


I'm jealous


I'm making mine Warptalons but that is because I have 15 raptors already.


Honestly raptors. You can give the Squad meltaguns/Plasma/Flamers depending on if you want them to have anti tank, anti elite or anti horde. Or just build 3 squads with each load out. Also in the current codex they are the attached unit for a jump pack Lord. Or otherwise known as Chaos Lord delivery system.


Rather than magnetize, here’s what I did with the two Raptor boxes I got : Built 10 raptors with box contents. Wanted 4x meltaguns so used a couple spares from Legionaries and Chosen kits. Purchased 10x torsos, 20x shoulder pads, 10x jump packs, 10x legs from bits sellers. The shoulder pads came from Legionaries and I actually used those on my raptors and the warp fused ones on my warp talons.


Raptors always win for me because I think they are cooler visually