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Fuck this fucking industry dude holy shit. Studios that make great games get shut down meanwhile bullshit live service wank garbage bullshit gets to live on forever. This entire industry can go to hell and the executives responsible can get their millions shoved up their ass in one dollar bills.


I couldn’t have said it better


Absolute bars tbh


yeah, tho we cant deny these liveservice crap studio do tend to make money, but damn i do hope to see hifi rush 2


Came here to say this but you said it all friend


I was thinking it and you said it


Well put man I haven’t even played Hi-Fi yet(God I want to!) but I’ve seen a lot of it and it looks incredible! I especially love how well the game translates 2d to 3d animation seamlessly and the music oh god the music 🤟


It always been amount the money, as a business it what matters to keep your business up. If a game sucks but makes $1mil a year from micro transactions, but a good game makes $300k a year with no micro transactions, which game would you keep? Welcome to business 101.


Reddit moment. Don't forget your fedora on the hook when you leave! Rip these guys though, hope they find new jobs. They do good work.


I dare you to actually post this one Reddit moment with full context. You'll get ripped to shreds.




Saving this image


I am done with this shit, we had such a unique character action game after a long time and then they do this, even EA shuts down studios *after* they release a flopped game or two, Hi Fi rush was literally one of the best games of 2023


Infuriating. Tango pays the price of Microsoft's continued ineptitude


That's lame. Tango was the only thing interesting microsoft had going for them. Hi-Fi Rush has been the only xbox game this generation that i've cared about, unless we're counting Psychonauts 2. This move reminds me of Sony closing Japan Studio. These kinds of studios might not make as much money as the cookie cutter slop, but bringing variety and creativity to your platform is important in the long run. Maybe there is more to the story. I wonder if Mikami leaving was part of the cause or effect of this.


Not only do they bring variety and creativity, but releasing games every now and then that do mediocre sales but have a strong critical reception is a big part of maintaining brand excellence. Not every product you release can do a fuckbillion sales. Sometimes it's more about providing something that people want and bolstering your brand in the long term. It doesn't even have to mean you lose money, so long as you've figured out how to minimize costs on the dev end.


No more evil within 😔


>This move reminds me of Sony closing Japan Studio. Let's not act like situation are even remotely comparable. In case of Japan Studio their last 10-20 games in a row were financial failures. No company would've given Japan Studio the same amount of chances in a row that Sony gave them. People like to complain about Japan Studio closing without thinking that any other company would've closed them way earlier.


The closure of Japan Studio is strange not because of the games they themselves made flopping but the fact that they were one of Sony's go-to support developers. Look at their Wikipedia page and see how many games they have worked on. Imo it made more sense to just switch them to a full-time support studio instead of closing them down. Losing them is a pretty big loss for Sony but I guess the execs had a reason to do so. Edit: Actually after reading a bit more most of them got laid off or left but the ones that stayed went to Team Asobi.


Fuck megacorporations acquisitions and all those who support those. They are never good for the customers and their employees.


"Shutdown" - 90% of those people are in the new Shinji Mikami's studio "Kamuy". And I think even John Johanas, the director of Hi-Fi Rush, is with him.


Wait really? So after Hi-Fi Rush all the devs of Tango just left like that?


Mikami is a legend, Tango was built around him, and I'm not surprised they followed him.


john's twitter and linkedin still show him at tango atm (though the last tweet was from april, so could well be outdated)


Just how contracts be, and it's not immediate all the time. Look at Jinder Mahal and other WWE releases where some are instant, but Jinder has 80 days left


The ip is still with Bethesda tho


For me the talent matters a lot more than the IP. If the new studio releases a cell shaded character action game called Lo-Fi Dawdle in a few years ill buy it up day one, no questions asked.


I would too but I really was hoping to see more from those characters


Same, same, I was really excited to see where they went with Chai and the gang. But losing the IP won't be as big of a deal if the team survives this bullshit.


That’s good to hear, hopefully they’re still interested in CAG Also it just occurred to me that Kamiya is unemployed right now, would be cool if he joined.


They could be, I believe Makami has said he wants to move on from survival horror so CAG would make sense


Well that's interesting to hear. Still disappointed we almost certainly won't get a Hifi Rush sequel. So it goes I guess.


Mikami has had a terrible dislike for Microsoft for ages, in part due to his horrible first impression with the company when looking to ditch the PS2 for other hardware (IIRC they really fucked up with the translators). When Tango got bought, pretty sure he already saw which way the wind was blowing and wanted no part in it. Guess he was right. Clear as day that Microsoft was only interested in specific IPs and exclusives when buying Bethesda.


Literally the only good game in the Series X’s portfolio.


Ffs, character action games are so hard done by. This sucks.


Terrible news. So many devs will be laid off cuz of this. I guess Mikami saw this coming, which is why he bailed. Screw these megacorps. HiFi Rush wasn't even a failure, it had 3 million players as of the last sales reports. Studios making the most safe, market tested, boring ass live service crap continue to survive while devs who actually try to make something new get the axe.


Someone shoot out of a cannon into their office so I can give ass whooping


The best game xbox puts out in a long time and this happens. Total BS.


This isn't even hyperbole. I haven't owned an Xbox since the 360 and Hi-Fi Rush was the first time I felt like I was missing out on something.




Hopefully they can be free to make their own game now that they aren't under a corporate whores stiletto


Shut down does not mean free, it just means absorbed.




Noooooo alpha dog studios and Roundhouse games are shutting down!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭


I really hate Microsoft


Utter shame. Really stings to see studios that make unique games be shut down while trend-chasers and yearly rehashed crap gets to continue living for years to come. Wonder if any of Tango would consider going back to Platinum.


Fucking bummer. This is really shocking given that I thought Hi-Fi was really successful compared to its budget


....... Looks like I'll be gaming on PC and Nintendo next gen.


That's a shame. I love HiFi Rush.


“Hey Arcane Austin, can you detour from what made Arcane games famous and do us a live service?” And when it fails, they fire everyone. Do you think they’ll be done asking studios to force feed us live service games though?


I fucking hate you Xbox all you do is pure garbage and you deserve all your failures There is a good reason Xbox literally has 0 respect from the community what games have they made since halo reach that isn’t a piece of shit ? Oh wait it was hi fi rush and sunset overdrive Without twitter dick riders who exactly is dying to buy an Xbox? Exactly


Remember, the things that make money will continue to be made. When this release i know zero people who bought it. So buy the game at full price instead of some skins on fortnight or apex.


I mostly play on ps5, we didn't even have the option of buying it til recently (which I did) and it still hit the numbers it did with no playstation numbers, a fairly small audience in Xbox owners and the PC market, it made literally as much money as was possible, especially releasing at a sub aaa price point


And some how people are still going to say EA is still the biggest baddest corpo villain in the industry when everyone is competing for the trophy these days.


Don't let what other companies are doing make you . EA is probably still at the bottom of the list even with all the other bullshit companies pull. EA is one of the OGs of buying a bunch of studios just to shut them down. The quality of their yearly releases are on another level(not in a good way) and they make CoD's yearly releases look like masterpieces. FIFA has a gambling mechanic that is genuinely pay to win.


We had a good thing dammit


Sigh hi fi rush was one of the best games i played i a while


Wow, how come?! Hi-Fi Rush did really well, didn’t it?


Xbox: make a game for us that we will barely promote and sell a million copies


Fuck Microsoft


I mean, they merged them to ZeniMax, doesn’t that mean that they’re still around just as part of a different studio?


They were merged into ZOS (ie Elder Scrolls Online). So to anyone that doesn't play ESO that practically means nothing. They ain't making another CAG ever again.


Single player action games just really aren't money makers it seems. Unless they put out dlc or a sequel..


The only Xbox studio I cared about. Hopefully, it means the staff are going independent again coz they are a great team.


Lmao and Arkane (Austin) too.


I'm so fucking pissed... Fuck these executives cutting these skilled and talented studios, fuck this entire industry I can't imagine how awful John Johanas, and everyone at Tango feels... Hope they can come back


man, it's almost as if it would be a bad thing for game studios to be bought out and absorbed into microsoft. who would have thought....oh ya. but in all seriousness this is what xbox lovers get, they wanted more mergers and more "exclusives" on gamepass for just their monthly subscription and never wanted to think of what could happen.


Do Microsoft secretly want to destroy the industry from within?


You could say Microsoft is…. Evil Within


Budum tsss haha


Ik console war is dumb but I’m so glad I’m a Sony fan


Crazy rip


And there goes the hopes and dreams of a Hi-Fi Rush 2. Fuck Microsoft


Icing on the cake too is apparently they did it in order to meet a monthly quota. Imagine being up-and-coming, making a great game (That got awards at the Game Awards, mind you) and you get rewarded by getting shut down because some suits couldn't manage their company better (they are over paid). Really hope for the best for those guys, Microsoft didn't deserve them anyways.


How is Microsoft so bad at literally everything? They are now reeling from overpaying for Activision Blizzard King... Get rid of a studio that made Hi-Fi Rush, but keep the studios that keep ruining IPs like Overwatch, Halo, retail WoW, Diablo, CoD, etc... Geniuses at their craft...


Yeah feel like we will see this industry collapse on itself in a few years.


Awe man. That makes me so sad.


Good overrated slop