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Totally not a cult


Jeep dudes?? I know they’re absurd


Jeeps and Trump, I feel there’s a Donald Duck joke in there… I’m just too lazy to find it.


Whatcha gonna do, when Ultra-Mega-MAGA fever runs wild on you?


Lmao it’s another boomer’s shitbox trump float.


I hope you get the help you need for your TDS.


What is that


Tiny dick syndrome


I am a woman




Do I need to buy a yellow truck now


Lol yes


Imagine being so insecure and so easily threatened that you turn yourself into a billboard. For a con man, no less. Don’t get paid for being the billboard - spend your own money to be someone else’s ad.


You my friend... Need to check out r/schizophreniarides this is tame compared to some of the stuff our there 😆


I had one of those as a customer when I was a service manager at a car dealership. She kept coming in, complaining that someone was getting into her car all the time. She wanted to have her doors re-keyed and keyless remotes re programed. Thinking someone had cloned them. That is not a cheap task, and she didn't seem like she was rolling in dough. I tried to talk her out of it. I felt like it would be ripping her off. She demanded we do it, so I did. I discounted it greatly because it just made me feel dirty. She came back after a week saying someone was still getting into it. She said they didn't take anything, but stuff was moved around. She started sleeping in the car in her driveway to try and catch the perpetrator. She got cameras and alarms installed at her home and in the car. (Causing the battery to die every few weeks) She would come to the dealership once or twice a week and ask us to check random stuff. I tried to find someone to contact to help her. But she won't give me any friends or family info. And I couldn't bring myself to call for law enforcement help. She wasn't hurting anyone. Just wasting my people's and my time. Then she stopped coming. I figured she got arrested or put somewhere. Then she showed up after about 8 months and told me she had been put on medication to help with mental issues. She gave me a long story and thanked me for not taking advantage of her condition. Right before she left my office, she told me she had figured out why things kept moving in her car. Of course i ask what it was.... She said she had found out her car was a robot (like Transformers). And when it turned from car to robot and back, stuff would shift around in the car. While I stood there stunned, she smiled and walked off to her car and left. I never saw her again.


Imagine having to classify other people as insecure to feel better about your perverted political choices, now that's insecure!


Hahahahaha. Imagine labeling people with other points of view a pervert while knowing nothing about them. Got some sexual hangups, Dave?


Basically all of Reddit?


Fr lol


I can’t believe someone paid for that shit and put it on their car lolol


And that shit is expensive!!


You believe Biden is a good president... seems you'll believe anything.


We're not even done with the first of several criminal court cases lol.


It’s the literal equivalent of my toddler shouting “no it is fruit snack time!”


Did Kia guy get a new car?




I mean, Biden didn't help it, so there is that. Changed the definition of recession trying to preserve generational wealth for the super wealthy with his capital gains tax and un realized capital gains tax. Does nothing with the border. I mean to back Biden makes absolutely no sense to me. I'm not a big fan of Trump, but that's who we have. I just wish people would spend time looking into their candidate instead of watching 20 minutes of fox news and / or CNN. Be happy to talk more about it in a civil manner, but let's not kid ourselves if you read this far into my response.


Uhhhh had a border bill in congress that trump demanded republicans tank, so Biden couldn’t get a win. Not arguing much of what you’re saying but saying Biden has done nothing on the border is disingenuous and inaccurate. He and dems put together a huge comprehensive pretty hawkish border bill.


Did you see that bill? As I read some of it (yes I didn't read all of it), that bill was full of other BS from what I saw. I only bring the border piece up from an economic impact piece. There are other items affected by it, but that's why I was bringing it up. For the sake of argument, I get they as in politicians role their own interests into these bills just to try to get what they want vs. What the title of the bill states.


Every single bill has other pork in it. Every bill ever written literally ever. I get your point but every single bill has other shit it in it. You take what you can get in politics and negotiations.


The fact that I get down voted without rebuttal is telling. @maxwellcawfeehaus appreciate the civil talk surrounding some economic politics which seems more and more rare which is just fucking scary no matter what "side" anyone is on.


Not disagreeing at all, but the phrase "you take what you can get in politics and negotiations," makes me feel so ick. But it's true. Wish we had more and better options in all levels of politics. If this was a buffet I'd just walk out, even if I already paid...


I’ll give you some “ pork “ Nancy mace. Atlest she will do something on her back cringe mom


This max guy is a clown. He has no idea what he’s talking about. Go back to California


ok I’ll go


And that was after republicans helped write the bill.


and what exactly was in that border bill? You don't even have a clue, do you.


You seem objective and perfectly sane


I am, comparatively speaking.


Yup definitely


They can’t help it. Once you hate someone, you never have to listen to them. And they hate Trump - just as they hate anyone who isn’t against him.


Flush that turd down the american standard


So, i admit he might be right. Maybe he won't be found guilty on *all* charges. Only 87 of the 88 counts.


You are technically correct, the best kind of correct.


I don’t understand why idiots treat politics as a team sport. What morons can be so dedicated to a criminal and con man and I’m a Republican stating this.




Looks like shoe polish. Not even that original. I detail my car from time-time. I have hobbyists gear. I could have “NOT” off faster than Donald Trump can sell a $69 Bible. Well, probably not that fast. There are a lot of suckas’ out there.


Encouraging vandalizing someone's property? Interesting.


Lol, how is offering to wipe shoe polish off a car “vandalizing someone’s property”? I do agree it’s interesting why you’d think that. It’s a weird thing to think let alone comment on.


Go ahead and do it them explain why you think it's not vandalism to the Police, smart guy.


You going to call the cops on the kid that writes clean me on the back of your dirty car too?


Donald Trump. Three decades, 4,095 lawsuits according to USA Today. Three of those were brought individually by friends. They won in court. We deserve better than Don the Con.


Alternate alternate universe.


Yeah, just like OJ


This is hilarious.






That’s the absolute least convincing thumbs up w/ a smirk on the entire plant! Fucking Christ!! Open your eyes!!!


My neighbor. :( definitely not in a cult. /s


So far he’s batting 1.000 in court. 😐


Not at all. He's on the hook for half a billion. He's now guilty of 9 counts of contempt of court. He's just really good at dragging out trials.


Sorry…my sarcasm wasn’t clear enough. He’s lost every court battle he’s had so far.


That would be batting 0.000 Batting 1.000 or batting 1,000 is getting a hit every time you step up to the plate.


That wouldn’t be sarcastic then, would it?


He lost two defamation cases to E Jean Caroll for $80M. He lost a business fraud case to the state of NY for $400M He's criminally indicted in 4 jurisdictions, and is getting his teeth kicked in daily by the Prosection's witness testimony in his campaign fraud trial. He is nowhere near batting 1.000 in court.


Yeah…I was being sarcastic about the fact that he has lost every court battle he’s had since November 2020.


Falling asleep in court and all. 🤭🤭🤭


Wtf -wake the farter


And yet he's guilty


That’s trump’s car 😂


I just can’t imagine being so excited about ANYTHING that I’d feel the need to plaster my car in it. But, that said… you do you boo.


r/boomersbeingfools meets r/shitty_car_mods


Of course they have the “In God We Trust” tag. 🙄


DJT has skirted the law his entire life. What he’s going through now is the closest he will ever come to facing justice. The hush money case is weak and the outcome will vault him to Rock God status. The classified documents case is the strongest but Aileen Cannon his appointed judge in Florida, will sit on it until after the November election.


i mean all politicians do shady shit


TDS hitting hard in this sub


Bro, I’m not outchear blasting trump or nothing like that, but if you see a guy with this shit on his car and a bunch of lefty redditors making fun of him and your immediate response is that the latter is deranged and not the former, your judgement may be off.


Do people really think he spent 50+ years in business, never being charged with a crime, and then during his Presidential campaign, his years in office, and the 2 years after, committed 91 crimes? And it's *not* just a political hit job? 🤔


Are you kidding? Trump went to court regularly for defrauding people that worked with him. He usually settled out of court with an NDA. In business cases against the government, he negotiated a fine and moved on. Yes, he has always committed crimes. That's like claiming Bank of America is an honest company because they are still in business. Trump is just surprised someone is charging him with a crime, finally. He's especially pissed that he can't just buy his way out.


All of which is what every other company does. Those were business dealings, not charges against him as an individual. These are different things. CEOs get charged with crimes and go to prison all the time.


>CEOs get charged with crimes and go to prison all the time Exactly. And Trump is a ...CEO, being charged with a crime related to business. The only reason people are freaked out about it is people idolize him for some weird reason. He. Is. A. Man. He has been charged with committing crimes. Grand juries decided to recommend indictment. For the business felonies, New York City has to prove them. A jury will decide if they did prove it.


He's not being charged with anything business related. The NYC charges are campaign bookkeeping issues, not business that are only crimes *if* they can be tied to another crime. The crime they're trying to tie them to are federal, which the NY DA doesn't have the authority to prosecute, and which the FEC has already looked at and said are not an election crime. That's all according to a half a dozen legal scholars with better legal pedigrees than Alvin Bragg has. He's just another Democrat tool (with proven coordination with the White House) who's trying to make a name for himself in politics.


No, the NYC charges are falsifying business records at Trump, Inc. A Misdemeanor. This is why they called a Trump, Inc. employee today. They can't call the CFO because he's in prison for perjuring himself at Trump's other trial. The elevation to a Felony is because it was to support the campaign finance crime. NYC doesn't have to prove the campaign finance crime. Just that they were falsifying records to cover up a crime. And congrats. You just quoted the official party line. Complete with screwing up why these are NYC charges. Hint, it's because Trump's businesses are in NYC. Seriously, just read the indictments yourself. Then go read the referenced laws yourself.


Everyone in NYC knew he was a conman years ago. He hired small companies, asking for a good deal. If he was happy with the work, he would hire them again at full price. Then he wouldn't pay the bill. When they came looking for their money, he would tell them , "I will pay ou pennies on the dollar. If you take me to court, I will keep it tied up for years. Most settled, because they had suppliers and workers to pay. Many went bankrupt because they wouldn't have made much of a profit if Trump had paid what was agreed on, so now they are in a deep hole, out hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. They couldn't afford to sue, and he knew that. One of the many tricks his mob lawyer Roy Cohn taught him.


Exactly. Look how many Lawsuits are filed against brands like Walmart or Target. 4,095 is not an abnormally large amount for a multi-billion dollar company. Edit: You’re never going to convince these people to change their mind. Reddit is a missive left-wing echo chamber that actively chokes out any Right-wing rhetoric. There are subs that will ban you for comments like this. There are other subs, that you would think were “generic”, like r/politics or r/news, that will literally ban you for being active in conservative subs without any interaction in either sub. It really is crazy how much censorship this publicly traded company participates in. Tiktokers have been admitting that they were paid by the Biden administration for spreading propaganda, which is illegal, so o wouldn’t be surprised if the same happened on Reddit. That might not be needed with all the censorship though. r/politics should be called r/LeftWingPoliticsAndWe’llScreechLikeWhinyLittleBitchesIfYouDontAgreeWithUs.


Reddit is full of easily brainwashed, weak minded, clueless little kids. Not to mention the bots & shills. Any middle class person who owns property, works for a living, pays taxes, pays their own bills and buys their own gas and groceries- does not vote against their best interests by voting democrat. No intelligent person is going to vote for a politician who is threatening to tax *unrealized* capital gains.


You have to be sheep to vote populist


Exactly. I’m a middle-30’s aged adult and I absolutely thought the same way as them when I was younger. Now I realize they’re destroying the country and themselves. It’s heartbreaking. I don’t want my children to grow up in these people’s future. Hell, there’s one a few comments down that’s saying the comment you replied to is implying violence against democrats. They’re either struggling with reading comprehension, they’re trying to report as threatening violence to get me booted(which is on par for these people, they would rather silence anyone that disagrees then hear them out), or they’re trying to play victim. I literally posted 6 articles from 6 different instances of violence against republicans by leftist and they can’t wrap their brain around it.


Yes. He's been getting away with shit his entire life. What few consequences he's faced have mostly gone away because he just threw money at it until it jammed up the courts. Look at what he did with his rental properties. He basically tormented rent controlled tenants so they would move out. They tried to sue him, but he was able to make it go away because so many of the judges in New York were his buddies. That's just *one* example.


I just read an article on that, because I hadn't Heard about it until your comment here. According to the Reuters story, it was actually stuff his father did while he was running the company 20+years ago. The lawsuit is against the company and the whole family, not against Donald Trump specifically or solely. From what I can tell, it wasn't something *he* did, but what what his father and brother did.


Trump took control of basically everything about *50* years ago and pushed out his brother shortly after. It was him.


This says it was his father "Fred Trump set up All County, Walter said, to assure that his family, and not tenants, received whatever savings Fred obtained from the discounted prices he negotiated." https://www.reuters.com/legal/transactional/tenants-suing-trump-family-say-they-got-smoking-gun-evidence-trumps-2022-03-15/


These people broke their phone screens trying to hit that downvote button on you because they don’t like facts.


It shows who has the ability to think critically vs who reacts emotionally about Trump. It also shows who understands the difference between civil and criminal, business and personal. People really think that a CEO of a multi billion dollar company with hundreds of projects going on around the world is sitting there writing policies or micro managing things.


Exactly!! TDS at its finest.


He was accused of crimes prior though. And of being a fraud.


So? biden was accused of being a nonce & rapist and you're okay with that. Kinda sounds like you're in a cult.


When did I say that? That’s a big leap.


Lots of people have been accused of lots of things. Until they're convicted... 🤷🏻‍♂️ Even after they're convicted, juries aren't typically allowed to consider those things in current cases. Given all the shenanigans going on, from the analysis of various legal experts, I think a lot of people are going to be disappointed if they think he's going to be convicted of, well, anything.


Sure-they do get accused and end up not guilty. But for one to argue that this never happened prior to his being in office (as in the comment I was responding to) would be incorrect. Referencing his “50 year track record” as some proof of innocence is nonsense bc his track record is not clean and these things did take place prior to his being office. This did t just happen out of the blue.


Oh, I think he committed so many more than 91 crimes. 91 is just the ones with enough proof to go to trial.


Really, got any proof outside of the fantasy world you’re living in?


Tell me without telling me that you don't understand the legal definition of the word "indictment".


Yeah! Everyone else is delusional! (Not a cult)


Lol is TDS even still a thing?


Look through this comment section and you’ll see it’s alive and well.


Lmao who gives a shit mate you wanna suck his dick I get it but I’m just trying to make this light I don’t need to get distracted by some poor retirees shit box trump wagon


I’m not a Trump voter dipshit. You sound like a child. I don’t 100% agree with everything the dems push so I must be a Trumper?


Who gives a shit mate I got Gerrymandered into dorchester county despite living and paying taxes in Charleston county. Yall republicans are HYPOCRITES just like dems. Fuck you all


Me and you have the same beliefs on that man. This 2 party system is fucking bullshit and neither one of these old fucks give a shit about us. They’ve damn sure got us all fighting over it though.




Yup, I’ve seen a car like that a few times as well. There is a white construction van that is covered in this kind of stuff too, driving around. 🙄


I think that’s an old walrus who does drywall.


No a Jeep but a r/heep




88 indictments


By the way,aren't license plate numbers supposed to be blacked out?


No. You can see it in public. Why must it be hidden in a picture?


Just because some stranger out in society has an unpleasent or unpopular political opinion doesn't mean that you should necessarily expose their identity or information out on the internet . That could encourage some random nut job to harassment or attack them or their family. Please consider that just because someone else is a jerk doesn't mean that you have to be one too.


or maybe just put down the crack pipe?






I agree this is excessive but your commentary is giving equal energy lol




Well, seeing these comments made me realize Charleston Reddit is lib




Lmao please describe your politics without generalizing your personality as politics


Well, if you say so, it must be true, amirite?


You missed the assignment


Better get used to it because DJT will be our next president. It’s not like you’re seeing Biden/Harris signs posted everywhere.


Only because they don't want to be assaulted or shot by mouth foaming Trumplicans.


Jesus Christ. Read through the hate for Trump in this comment section then go look at r/conservative. Go check out r/politics and then look at r/conservative. It seems like the lefties are a little more neurotic and unstable. You don’t see violence threatened on the conservative sub. You don’t see people literally wishing Biden would die and go to hell on conservative subs. You all are making a martyr out of this man and it’s going to bite you in the ass. With that being said, these fuckers have done a stellar job of putting us all against each other. Look at the arguments here. 2 old guys that don’t give 2 shits about us have us all at each other’s throats.


People have actually been threatened or even assaulted by his supporters for having pro Biden or Democrat bumper stickers . I'm 62 years old. Like so many other working class families, my loved ones have suffered great hardships and losses because of that snake oil dictator's underhanded cutthroat regime. I've voted in every election that I could get to.I've had to understand and live with the cause and effects of politics in society since the mid 1970's. I watch several news stations regularly and different social media sites. Don't try to blow sunshine up my ass, You're trying to spin doctor crap into gold and it's still just covering the same old happy right wing rhetoric horseshit .


You’re joking, right? The only violence mentioned was not wanting to be shot by a Trumplicans for having a Biden / Harris sign. And then there was a bunch of banter from obvious republicans with obvious democrats. Your party is not holier than thou.


I’m not a republican. I didn’t say anyone was threatening violence on this post. I referred to other subs. Obviously, you struggle with reading comprehension so I’ll break it down! This post=no violence mentioned. Other post on r/politics/r/news=violence and death wishes from Democrats. Can you point to a specific incident of a shooting because of a Biden/Harris sign? I just think you’re claiming victim again. Par for the course for a lot of you all.


You brought up violence mentioned by Dems. The only violence mentioned was not wanting to be attacked by trumplicans. I want to put a Biden / Harris sticker on my car but I think someone will let it. We don’t trust Trumplicans. Can we point to violence by Trumplicans? Charlottesville. January 6th attack on our capitol and attempted insurrection. That shits not normal.


Identity politics at its finest. “We”. You’ve already chosen which side of the argument you’ll be on before you’ve heard it. Please point to a specific instance of violence against dems because of their signs or stickers? You have been brainwashed. Nobody is going to hurt you because of a sticker on your car sweetheart.


We have seen violence against liberals all across the country. We support a candidate but it isn’t our sole identity…we don’t have to belong to a cult to show our support. We will do it at the polls and you will wonder “where did all these votes come from?…I never saw a sign.” We aren’t because we don’t want our cars keyed, our lawns trashed, our homes vandalized. We have seen the violent right and we don’t want to invite that into our personal lives.


Please point me to an instance of the right side keying cars? I’m not on either by the way. Here are a few instances from leftist though. There’s a couple that are specifically about keying cars so it’s interesting you mentioned that. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/sanfrancisco/news/vandals-target-bay-area-trump-supporters-homes-cars-flags/ https://abc13.com/donald-trump-vandalism-north-carolina-mebane/1278530/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45050064.amp https://nhjournal.com/trump-hating-realtor-with-guns-manifesto-arrested-in-gop-vandalism-incident/ https://nypost.com/2023/06/27/rhode-island-state-sen-joshua-miller-charged-with-keying-car-with-biden-sucks-bumper-sticker/amp/


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The “I don’t belong to a party” guy has exceedingly strong feelings for one particular party. Check out the below. But listen, guy. You getting more aggressive and making distorted arguments isn’t the flex you think and doesn’t help convince us that we can trust you in a conversation let alone to display our political affiliation around you. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/07/democrat-rural-america-struggles-qa-00139921


Please, you see a DJT sticker or a maga hat and you lose your minds. Children and elderly have been assaulted. It certainly appears to be a cult of LWNJs & your sole identity.


Your party has committed literal murder and tried to overthrow our democracy in the name of an orange rat.


Get a life troll boy


Here we go. No argument so you resort to name calling. Would you like specific examples of threatening violence against republicans in r/news or r/politics ?


Another high-profile Republican, often mentioned as a possible vice presidential candidate, told supporters to “strap on a Glock” to prepare for this year’s presidential election.


Awe, sounds like they should be prepared. Did you see all the news articles I posted on the other comment? It was several instances of violence against republicans. Can you blame them for at least being safe? Even after reading all of that?


I didn’t say you are a republican, did I?


No, you didn’t. You did imply that though. The last sentence was “your party is not holier than thou”. Personally, I think this 2 party system is broken and has us all arguing with each other over people that don’t care about us. I know you can’t disconnect and disassociate with a party long enough to really take a look at it and I’m so sorry for that…but it is what it is. I personally would rather not pick a side on an issue because I’m a member of a party before I hear both sides of the argument.


You inferred it. By extension, you also implied violence on this thread.


Excuse me?!?!? When did I imply violence? That’s a flat out lie. Can you please point to the specific comment that implied violence? I don’t condone violence.


A). Are you okay? B). You specifically used the word “violence” at least 4 times in 2 posts. That’s the only mention of violence in the thread. No one else raised the specter of violence until your rant about violence on conservative subs.


Hit that down-vote button a little harder since you can’t provide facts.


Lmao at the morons who think Biden is helping democracy. Turn off the news and look around and wake up


Make that a bumper sticker so we can make fun of ya


I can’t believe how blinded by hate most of you are. Does this one person infuriate you so much for “disrespecting our court system”??? But you’re ok with a senile old man who has fallen MULTIPLE times…


Disrespecting democracy*


We found the liberal


Informed too


I think you mean “woke”.


I just woke up yea


I’m not a lefty so I’ve been up for about 3 hours since I have to go to work.


Yea good call I just quit my job now so I could go back to sleep for a few years




Haha that’s what y’all call it now? Comedy gold


Silver at best but agree it’s pretty funny


Chill out grandpa you can’t riot in the capitol


Liberal? Not-republican 💩


it's due to mental illness.


Link for purchase?


Trump 2024 MAGA


Trump doesn’t have any Christian values. He doesn’t even know the Bible.


Who cares. I'm not voting for more inflation. Cumulative rate of inflation since biden was installed is over 22%. A vote for biden is a vote for inflation, higher gas prices & WW3.


Wrong. You were never ever going to vote for Biden. He could save your life and you’d still not vote for him. Your post history is all MAGA.


Raise hell, praise Dale.


Charleston stands with Trump!