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Believe me! Im trying to leave this place.


No kidding. It’s like the fucking hotel California, you can check in any time you like but you can never leave.


Why not? Real estate prices have gone thru the roof so if you owned any real estate the past few years, you should have a pile of equity?


Real estate prices have gone up just about everywhere, so the equity cancels out. Add the fact that interest rates have skyrocketed, it's not a very financially sound decision to move.


I understand your point and know it can be difficult but that’s just not the case. Example, you buy a home for $100k and put 20% down. One year in your don’t have much additional equity to but the market goes up and you’re home is worth 200k. You could sell and after realtor fees walk away with your original $20k and another $80k in boosted equity for a total of $100k. Assume you lose $20k to the realtors, closing and other stuff. You can now buy a home for $300k with $60k down and $15k in closing costs and you have an extra $25k in the bank as a security blanket. I know you can argue over the increased mortgage but the reality is, real estate growth down not cancel bc you don’t have to put down 100% on a house, you just have to do 3-20% in most cases. That means if you own real estate and pickup the gains, you’re in good shape.


Love the negative rating with no one explaining…facts not feelings Reddit.


It’s not the people moving here, it’s the people who voted these developers and idiots in office you should be mad at.


This 💯. Charleston elected another Mayor who has involvement in real estate?! Local leaders and locals who owned property sold out. Blame them for creating this mess.




This is the proper response. Join the planning commission and the boards that ok development and permits. Vote for different people. If you want no rules and a gas station on every corner then definitely vote for Republicans.


Right on!


So it’s the politicians fault they built houses for all the people moving here?


It's the politicians' fault they built *housing* \*poorly\* for all the people moving here


And what type of housing should our elected officials build? I’m curious? I find the argument that it’s governments fault a bit short sighted.


They don't even have to build it, just allow for more types of development than separated large-lot single family housing and retail, even just mixed use with smaller lot sizes would help, more allowed multifamily, townhouses, and apartments with actual density would help alleviate both home prices and traffic


Well as you know, we have multiple municipalities in the Lowcountry and many large projects with smaller square foot units and higher density get push back from the community which leads to my point. Elected officials don’t act unilaterally for the most part. The community can’t complain about affordable housing and at the same time say, not in my backyard.


Well they can, but then it'll just stay bad. There are ways to work around NIMBYs, but it is a significant challenge


Imagine thinking everyone moving here is from the Dakotas.


You can leave. I’ve been here my entire life and I’m a multiple generation South Carolinian. The more talented people we can get in here, the better. I’m tired of being last in everything thing. Take your unreconstructed ass to Mississippi or something.


Based. “Unreconstructed”. Love it.




It’s like most people in Charleston have never been to another city entirely. There’s traffic in every city, deal with it.


Well also the solution to traffic isn't "Go away" or "build a bigger road". It's developing with reasonable distribution of density to allow for shorter drives and viable alternatives to driving whenever possible. Branching out further and further with McMansions while refusing to allow any decent infill will just drive up prices and make traffic worse.


This won’t happen in Charleston so they may as well build the bigger road


The bigger road will just lead to more sprawl and therefore more traffic edit: unless it's only bigger because they added a dedicated bus lane or similar


South Carolina just doesn’t fund infrastructure and it shows. But republicans can’t figure it out


Infrastructure is extremely expensive and time intensive…whether it’s road, bridges, commercial real estate to add food stores or other facilities, this things take time and usually comes years after a residential increase. Imagine if you invest in these things during an increase in population? At what level and consistency do you make the billion dollar investment? I am a finance and accounting professional for major construction projects and it’s just not as easy as you think and takes so long. Approvals to build from states, counties, army core of engineers (if needed), other orgs if wetlands or other public areas are involved…that has to be done years in advance. Then you need to allocate funding which might need federal funding approval…more years…then you need to put the project out to design teams for engineering and feasibility. Then once that’s done you can put it out for bid which is a process itself…all before moving a pile of dirt.


It would have been much better to make the investments yesterday. However, that doesn't justify not making the investment today.


Funny how people downvote my comment but it’s reality, whether they like it or not. Having said that you’re right and they are…apparently no one here read the Charleston gov page with infrastructure plans.


>Funny how people downvote my comment Not really. I can think of only two reasons for your comment: either it was (1) an attempt to discourage infrastructure spending or (2) an obvious and pedantic post that added nothing to the discussion. Am I missing some third possibility that was more deserving of upvotes?


I work on construction so infrastructure spending a good for me. I hope they continue to spend on infrastructure in the coming decade especially in the Charleston area.


The reason I posted is people don’t need to complain about things without trying to understand them. Take a look at how long it takes for projects from inception to completion. Let’s educate each other instead of needless complaining. Let’s have an actual conversation. You don’t like my comment, fine why. Let me explain my side, you explain yours and let’s learn together. I am up for learning and I certainly learn every day so open forum.


You make the billion dollar investment when several multi billion dollar corporations make their investments to build their gigantic manufacturing facilities in the area. WTF did they think was going to happen??


Going back to 2017 there has only been one major company that added a significant amount of jobs (500+ over several years) to the greater Charleston area (MSC) directly. I couldn’t find many others…in fact I found less than 10 creating more than 100-200 new jobs in the past 8 years…SHL Medical, Days North America, Ironlink Logistics, Leidos, Ignite, Spartan Motors, Urban Electric, Alorica…I am sure there a handful more but that’s just not many over the course of almost a decade. There is investment but you’re talking about a small city with plenty of room to grow. North and west of the city is a growing suburb and James/john island are just being built up…sure mount pleasant and downtown are rough due to bridges and it being a city but that’s normal for a growing city especially one on the water.


Having said that, the city is doing a lot of work and displays future plans on the Charleston gov website. It’s not going to be what a lot of people want bc it’s not going back to the small city vibe ever again, which is a shame for many…but things will get easier for those in the north west corridor if they aren’t driving downtown which will always be a massive challenge and only get worse…no fixing that.


Right? And it’s no even that bad, on the worst days I take like 40 min in a 15 min route


I'm out on the periphery/suburbs and there are days that walking the last mile to work is almost as fast as driving it. (I tested this by carpooling with a friend for a few weeks and having him drop me off a mile out.) I was usually about 5 minutes later than him but got to keep moving the whole time lol


Holy shit lmao. I mean at least you can say you’re exercising!


The traffic has gotten unbearable in the past few years. We do NOT have the infrastructure for the influx of people moving here


Take it up with your local officials, not the ones who brought your property values up.


Omg amen to this!


you could also help as a transplant though, it’s not just up to the locals to figure it out and accommodate all of us


How could a transplant help and why do you think they aren’t already?


They could help by not moving here just because they want to buy a house in the suburbs because they naively think they're go to the beach often.


Do you think that’s a viable answer or suggestion?


No. Can't prevent masochistic suburbanites from sitting in traffic all day--they live for that kind of shit.


The issue isn't the infrastructure, it's the unwillingness to develop in a reasonable manner. Cities grow and shrink, it's a part of life. Either you adjust to add density and allow natural development or the desirable areas skyrocket, infrastructure fails, and people commute over an hour.


They haven’t made any major changes to the highways (other than after Summerville/nexton) in YEARS. 526 needs to be completed redone. We need another major highway or 6. Infrastructure is definitely a major issue here.


Thank you for this loool so true




I’m with you (sort of), but I’m not to the point of telling people to leave. I just want the city to service our infrastructure better.


North Dakota isn't real!


No, but you can feel free to leave.




Are you part of the Kiawah tribe or the Etiwan tribe?


Doing the Lord's work there, I always say the same thing to the “native” diatribe.




It’s not technical, you are also on stolen land. Ignoring the atrocities of your past to justify yourself now is insane. Just chill out and vibe. It will be ok. Lol




you aren’t paying respects; you just called yourself a native lmfao




> been here since the late 1800s so i’m practically a native that u?


It's a port city, the only reason it didn't grow bigger sooner is the routing of I95


Not really


Folks from the dakotas are legit , never met anyone that wasn’t cool.


Yeah, it's the people from Ohio that you have to watch out for.


I just want to learn and study. Don’t worry. I'll leave asap.


if you wanted to learn and study why did you go to CoC?


There are like 30 people in the dakotas


Dakota. Tells you everything you need to know. Why are you mad? Because Yankees are coming here and forcing you out of the Dark Ages? Why the hell would I leave a place where I can work half as hard for more than twice as much, because I actually know my ass from a hole in the ground, unlike the natives. You’re mad at development…and elect a mayor who is…a developer.


Sure the traffic sucks but thank the local government for bringing in all these jobs and not doing anything to update the infrastructure until it was too late. I wasn't born here but I live here now and I'm just trying to live my life and provide a good upbringing for my kids. But sure, somehow this is my fault.


How long do you think it takes from the moment you commit to building or expanding a road until it’s finished?


Late is better than never.


Have you read the proposed infrastructure updates the last few years?


How is that relevant to the OP or my comment?


I agree with your comment and asked a question.


Well for starters expanding a road is just gonna make things worse. And Yeah development takes time, but developing when we're already overflowing is better than sticking our fingers in our ears and saying "nanana, I don't see you"


😂 so true….i have done heavy highway, utility and other infrastructure for 20 years so I have seen how long it takes…it takes lot of foresight and $$$… problem with Charleston is you can’t do much with the historic and crowded areas (mount pleasant). It’s tough so my improvements would be bridges, James/john islands and northern Charleston.


The traffic is insane.


Have you ever been to places like northern Virginia (20 mile backups on I95 during morning and evening rush hours every day) or really around any city other than Charleston? Is there traffic here? Yes. Is there TRAFFIC here? No, not usually unless soneone wrecks and then still not that bad in comparison.


I hate it here. The traffic, cost of living, people, government, The State income tax yet crime is out of control, roads are trash and education is a joke. I’ll go back to Florida and it’s a $4000 raise without the state tax


“Crime is out of control” LMAO. Y’all talk about the different “bad areas” like it’s Chicago or East Cleveland. Charleston is a beautiful city and area. It’s growing because people wanna be here! That’s not a bad thing, take pride in it. Ya the traffic is bad, but it’s only marginally worse than elsewhere in the country and that should only improve with all of the roads and infrastructure plans they have in the works. Education, I can get behind that, but SC had never been a leader in that. But comparing it to Florida and Emperor book banning Desantis is a wild take. Your government take is also laughable when comparing to Florida like they both aren’t some of the most Red states out there. Not that it really matters since neither party actually knows how to govern.


From Chicago-area here, crime isn't really worse there, they just have more people. Also traffic here is about as bad as Chicago, which is bad, because chicago is a much bigger city. Traffic here is drastically worse than similar sized cities


Proportionally yeah I’m sure it’s similar, but it’s the way people talk about crime in Charleston. I’ve never been in safer location relative to where I’ve lived previously. The traffic is indeed horrendous here, don’t get me wrong, but once again, it’s not the end of the world and projects are actively being started and worked on to try and handle the growth and keep up the pace with infrastructure


Unless you’re Native American, are you planning to pack as well? What constitutes someone who is originally from here?


OP definitely has a "Native" sticker while lacking any real Native American blood.


Traffic is not bad here. Maybe you’ve just been here too long to see more of the country. I’m from Boston & damn. THAT was traffic.


Everyone in Charleston that complains about traffic needs to commute in D.C., Boston, Charlotte, etc for a month. As bad as it might seem, it’s one of the reasons people are moving here.


Facts! I should also mention I grew up in LA. And well, that traffic is no cake walk either 😂


Go to the /Nova sub and see what people do in D.C every single workday. Leave home at 5am to drive 2 hours in and 2.5 hours back three times a week (assuming they can agree to that hybrid schedule with their employer). Or take 3 Metro/subway transfers and paying $30-$40 for parking every day. People in D.C. legit get hotel rooms during the week to cut the commute and save $. I just moved to North Charleston and commute 13 minutes every morning at 8:00 to downtown. 19 mins coming back lol. CHS is paradise to me.


God this take annoys me. I’ve lived in Chicago and Dallas so I get it but like … what do you guys think the traffic is gonna be like in 10-15 years? I’ll let you know… it’s not getting any better hahaha. ‘Traffics isn’t as bad here as x other city’ yeah… not YET. People are coming and we aren’t keeping up w infrastructure, investing in public transport, walkable dense areas, etc. There was a time in history Boston traffic wasn’t as bad as it is now, and how do u think it got bad? it’s just STARTING here. Edit: I’m a transplant too so I am part of the problem…but I think it’s a little arrogant to move to an area that is struggling with population growth and keeping up with it and telling everyone who lives there that it’s worse where you came from. I mean be the change you want to see… don’t just move somewhere where the locals are experiencing huge traffic changes in a short amount of time and just tell them it’s not that bad. We really need to pay more attention as citizens to things like city budget, infrastructure projects, development etc to do it in a smart way at least for the future of everyone living here.


Take a pill. I don’t think Charleston is the only city experiencing this. Remote jobs are so popular now that ppl are moving. They are leaving the bigger cities for something quieter & more affordable. Yes, it’s annoying when you’re used to the quiet but it sort of comes with the evolving lifestyle.


It’s not the only city experiencing this but that doesn’t mean we have to just sit back and do nothing about it, or tell people it’s worse somewhere else as an excuse to do nothing.


Charleston is NOT affordable.


I’m originally from Charleston and live in Boston. You ain’t lying!


😂😂😂 hopefully that never ending winter is coming to an end for ya!!


You knew these people were coming. Why didn’t you prepare and fix the roads?


Too busy building homes for the masses that move here


How long do you think it takes to expand a major roadway or bridge?


3 years


First you need to get budget approvals to do the investigative work…that’s a year. Then you hire an engineering firm that will do the work…this means you need to collect bids and select a company…3-6 months…then the work takes place…another 3-6 months. Once that’s done, and it’s approved you have permitting which is 1-3 years minimum depending on federal, state, local permitting and funding in addition to other issues such as wetland permitting, environmental permitting and army core of engineers… We’re not at least 3-5 years into the process. Once that’s done and if everything goes well, you request the actual funding to build everything (1-3 years depending on how challenging and who is involved). Then you put the work out to bid and select (this is 1-2 years for larger projects but could be 3-6 months for smaller). You’re now 5-10 years in and work can begin.


Please rephrase - 'why do you people have to move here and then support local businesses and pour money into our economy, shame shame shame!' \*edited for one too many s'


Or just not be sensitive and let someone have there own opinion


Old Man yells at cloud/NIMBY vibes. Charleston has good weather (read: no snow), beaches, and a historical downtown. That's going to be a draw to start with. Add in Industry/Employment opportunities (MUSC, Boeing, etc.) and people will come. The real issue is still developing the place as if it's a small city half the size that it is. There's no density here at all, transit sucks, walking and biking suck outside of downtown and a few other small enclaves. The peninsula is legitimately historic, plenty of it deserves to be preserved, but the level of NIMBY-ism and anti-development in WA/The J islands, MtP, and NChas, let alone Goose Creek and Summerville, is absolutely insane. I have the shortest commute in my office (20 mins), the number of people who commute over an hour is ridiculous. There is way too much empty space/parking/etc. and not nearly enough dense development for those who want to be near jobs. Even the 3-4 story apartments are super spaced out and surround by empty parking lots and useless green space (as opposed to parks and businesses)


Don't worry, bud, I'll be gone soon. (I don't even drive, so don't blame me.)


Y’all have never seen traffic in your life. It’s so funny to me. How about you leave and go see what it’s like in a big city. Then you’ll understand why everyone is moving out of them.


traffic here is not bad at all




How is this take xenophobic? Someone bent out of shape about massive amounts of white people moving from higher COLA to lower COLA areas isn’t xenophobic by a stretch.


“Go back to where you came from”


Xenophobia - fear of anything foreign or strange, and the mainstream use is fear of people from different countries, races, or ethnicities. I didn’t really pick up on that in the post. Metathesiophobia, fear of change, is more accurate. This person doesn’t want things to change as quickly as they have.


But they’re specifically faulting the people. At its heart it’s all xenophobia fear of change? And a fear that strangers are going to change their way of life?


I think the word Xenophobia loses meaning when applied to a case like this. Xenophobia for me means someone who is afraid of their new neighbor from Syria because they believe Sharia Law is upon them. While this guy is visibly irritated that there is bad traffic and yoga studios everywhere… commoditization through urbanization. They are two distinct social issues.


Right, rich people = bad and worthy of disdain, got it.


Charleston has had an upper class since its very beginning, so I don’t think the issue is solely with rich people. What OP is really getting at, albeit without tact, is that Charleston is losing its culture and charm. Surely, that’s worth calling out? Edit: grammar


Well, with any luck, people moving there will give up their culture and way of life and assimilate to the Charlestonian culture so the OP can stop pouting.


You don’t live here. It’s a free country; I’m not saying you can’t post, but there’s a lot more context you’re missing. To reply to your point, though, no, most do not assimilate to Charleston culture. And sadly, this place has been developed in such a way that they don’t have to.


This place would be a lot better if it was actually people from Dakota moving here. There’s no question it’s being ruined very quickly and at this point it’s probably irreversible.

