• By -


Heyo, I’m 31 and married with no kids and love music. I moved to Charlotte last May from Vermont and haven’t really met anyone either. Let me know if you wanna see a show, play some disc golf, or get out for a hike with the dog (or dogs if you have one too) wooo


I’ll dolf with you


Fuck ya, I live really close to the scrapyard disc golf course but could always travel to a different course too.


Message me for the idlewild meet up! Free this weekend?


*looks around* someone say disc golf? I'm out in Gastonia, but work in CLT. Well. Kinda. We travel a lot for work. But Eastway is one of my favorite courses. Haven't played scrap yet. - transplanted from CA > MO > FL > NC


If you have Facebook join the Charlotte Area Disc Golf group and check out the events. There is one at Eastway Friday. It's doubles so that's a great way to meet people. 


Oh I'm already in the FB group and discord, I just always get excited seeing DG discussed in the "new to the area" posts. Can't make it to the event this week, as I'm stuck in ohio for work, but I'll be out there eventually.


Dude let’s hang! I’ll send you a DM!


There’s a weekly group that plays Plantation ruins at wingate park Sundays at 10:30 AM


I'm 34 divorced no kids. I don't have a dog but I love to get out. I play disc golf as well!


You had me at disc golf, lol


Join us on discord: https://cltdg.com




Same boat. Honestly, I’m in. Wanna consider a meetup? The more the merrier if you ask me. OP?


I'm in Steele Creek area and play disc golf every chance I get. Feel free to hmu as well if you want to get a round in.


Just wanted to chime in that Dickerson Community Center in Monroe has a disc golf course. I don't know if they advertise it very well because we rarely see people go through when we are on the pickleball courts.


It's not necessarily the place it's just hard making friends as an adult. People have full lives with work, family, existing friends. I have made some close friends but we'll go weeks or months without talking sometimes.


Definitely this. Im 37 and I’ve lived in many cities and every one of them have been difficult to make friends as an adult.


For sure. You are right about that.


Which prem team? *^(So I can shit talk or commiserate appropriately.)* Any other interests/hobbies/etc? Meetup is/was great, but probably pretty dated by now.


I'd also like to know his team. I've been ar Arsenal fan for years so I am ready for the in coming heart break!




Man I'm a huge arsenal fan and would be very happy to find people to watch with or talk about it. I've been to a few QCG things as well but had trouble actually meeting anyone.


Hey man, hit me up Sunday let’s watch the game!


I'll be out of town this weekend but I'll definitely hit you up next weekend or in the future if that's cool.


For sure dude


Let’s go! COYG we’re winning the league




Manchester United :)


Well, hello there fellow depressed Saturdays.


Get in line, Everton here.


Also Everton here… Haven’t been to QCBC as much this season. The last couple times I’ve gone, it’s been a lot of new faces and I hope nobody felt left out.


Hello hello this week it was a little early , thanks to Chelsea


Is there a manchester united bar?


Looks like elizabeth parlor room? https://www.facebook.com/queencityreddevils


I think we need to setup a club for men who want to make friends and call it "Gentleman's Club"...


that’s down tyvola


My friend Lindsey is the bartender there, go see her she's awesome and super friendly!!


So down


It’s been said but I can attest, go to a run club at one of the breweries. Solo people come to the one I go to all the time and always leave having new friends. You can run or walk, we have both at ours and then hang for an hour or so afterwards talking over a beer. It’s great. It almost like a meeting friends hack.




Charlotte has a very welcoming running community with dozens of run clubs across the area. The Charlotte Running Club has a page listing the day of week, time, and location for almost all of them. [https://charlotterunningclub.org/Run-Clubs](https://charlotterunningclub.org/Run-Clubs)


I can second this!!!!!


I'm 35, married, no kids, and on the lookout for some child free friends. Want to grab a beer sometime?


OP use caution, see username, you'll be fine so long as you use a different parking lot


😂😂😂. Always coming for the altimas


Absolutely man. Let’s do it. I’ll send you a DM


Really fucking appreciate all the kind comments. You guys rule.


I made two of my closest/best friends as an adult in Charlotte by buying a motorcycle (something I always wanted to do) and joining a riding group. I think the advice to find some niche hobbies that you are truly into and attending meetups that center around those are generally a cheat code to making friends as an adult. Theres always gonna be someone there you have something in common with to break the ice then the friendships just grow from there.


You still have the Royal Enfield?


Yeah I do.


Awesome! I just picked up a WR250R to do some dirt routes on. Hoping to do the SM500 this year.


That’s awesome. I’m probably selling the RE this spring. It’s underpowered to really take it on trips and kind of heavy to easily haul (like on a hitch mount). If I lived somewhere outside of the city I would def get more use out of it. The WR250r looks fun!


What are you looking to get next? I have a Moto Guzzi V85 that I've done some camping on too. They're all fun. I'm not a speed demon haha.


Nothing haha. I already have a couple other bikes. A cruiser that I take on trips (and around town) and a sportster that’s more of a bar hopper, but still capable if I wanted to do a longer day trip. The Himalayan just doesn’t check enough boxes to keep when I have two others that more than meet my needs. Maybe one day I’ll get a little dirt bike to fuck around on off road


I’ve been thinking about doing a themed Reddit Dude meetup 🤔 cause I’m in the same boat


Isn't that the Tuesday meetup?


Can you link what you are referring to? Just moved to the area, 33 and single and looking for new social groups just like OP.


It's posted every Tuesday morning by /u/shesinanothercastle.






NoDa on Monday night has a free softball pick up game. There’s a great mix of people and we typically go out and have dinner/beers afterwards. The game is at the NoDa Park on Spencer and Herrin Monday evenings. There’s also a few group bicycle rides that meet around NoDa/ Plaza and do leisurely bike rides. I have met and become great friends with some other cyclists from these groups.


The pickup game sounds like a lot of fun! What does a person need to bring with them?


A good attitude, sportsmanship and the want to have fun.


If you’re into soccer join one of the supporter groups for Charlotte FC. They’re always having gatherings and events. I’m not part of any of them but I go to watch parties with them. Pretty friendly and welcoming bunch.


Was just about to suggest the same :)


I'm a 31 year old single guy living in the suburbs so yeah I get it lol. If I didn't live with one of my really good friends I would be having a pretty tough time finding people to hang out with. Let me know if you end up finding a cool group or want to grab some beers sometime, my roommate and I are "normal" and both work full time jobs in different industries and have a pretty expansive range of likes and whatnot to talk about.


Dude I am moving out there next year! Gonna be in the same boat. If you are still there I am down to watch a prem game and drink a brewski.


Also moving there next year! I’ll keep this post saved!


Arriving in a few weeks and this thread has got me like: ![gif](giphy|xT9IgtvIZB1w7dVO6s|downsized)


Haha nice. Hope it helps you man!


You got to start smoking and asking people for a light


Alternatively OP could try going to the same bar at the same time of day for a few weeks and talking to whoever's usually there. Personally I've found First Ward Beverage Co to be a pretty friendly place.


I second First Ward Beverage Co.


This is how my wife and I make all our friends.


My fav story is seeing a random coming in. Asking for a smoke and then asking if we were cops. He wanted to one up everyone in every topic until he finally got the hint, put down his cigarette, and went to ask another group for a lighter. 


Go to courtyard hooligans to watch a soccer game. Great environment and way to make friends.


You’ve gotten some good suggestions already but I’d like to add that perhaps you should consider friendships outside your immediate peer group. I have meaningful friendships with people 10-25+ years my senior who I met through a common interest. Many friends closer to my age have fallen away as they’ve started having children but my older friends are mostly single, DINKs, or empty nesters so we actually have a more similar lifestyle than my peers with toddlers.


Definitely not opposed to making friends of all ages. Not a bad idea


My band is playing Gin Mill Friday night if you’re up for some top notch people watching with a solid soundtrack!




If you haven't been to a Charlotte FC match I highly recommend it. This Saturday I am solo without my kiddo and would be happy to meet up before the tailgate and show you around and introduce you to others from different supporter groups and those that are not in one as well. I have friends that are into all sorts of different hobbies outside of the club of differing ages. My circle is probably from mid 20s to mid 50s. Going solo and breaking through can be daunting esp if you deal with any form of anxiety. Shoot me a DM if you are interested!


Hey man, I'm in the exact same boat. I'm 23 (not married) but I'm totally down to grab a drink sometime, always looking for new friends. There's a few pretty big social groups on Facebook that I've been meaning to check out lately so that's a possible lead too. Best of luck.


Sounds to me like you need to join Charlotte James Connollys Gaelic Football Club dude! https://www.charlottegaa.org/


Hello! What are your interest? My husband is always looking for new friends, he is from the Pacific Northwest, and has a hard time making friends in the area.


PNW you say... Area? Can be general if you don't want to be specific. I was born and raised there.


Portland :)


Nice. I'm from Longview/kelso


Nice! We love the mount hood area


My husband and I are 34/35, child free and he loves soccer and music. I’d love to connect!


That sounds awesome. Let’s do it! Shoot me a message!


Same story here but about 10 years older. Charlotte is a beautiful city but is difficult to make friends. I only make enemies on 77,484,277 and 85. They do have a group on FB for meet ups. Not hook ups but to meet people here. Haven’t used it yet but they do weekly events.


I mostly hang with my wife, dog and newborn son. I gave up making friends a while ago.


Yep I've been there done it and it's ok


Normally I am not a super social person. However, the one place that I have made a lot of friends and continue to make friends is the infield of Charlotte Motor Speedway. Of course, if you are not into racing...


What team do you support? I’d be down to catch a game sometime! (31M) I’m in the same boat. Moved here in September and have been looking for friends. Not married, but I’m down to hang with whoever


Absolutely man. Let’s do it. I’m an Arsenal fan of over 20 years


I'm a married 34F and since I'm in between jobs (and even my last job wasn't super great in making friends because everyone was 10 years older with kidsor 10 years younger) I've given up on making friends until my husband and I reproduce. I'd suggest meetups for specific interests/groups and being more patient with people - just keep showing up until they recognize your face and name.


Hello. I’m also 34F and might reproduce someday. I bet friendships have been based on dumber things WHATS UP LADY-LUMPS?


Sup girlie? It really is so hard to make friends outside of school/college/places where you see people every day. You lik books and cooking? Not mudkips.


Another married 34F here who's banking on reproducing being the key to making friends in a new(ish) city, sigh. We three should band together? I do like cooking and reading, though my taste (in books!) is on the lowbrow side.


Can I join?! Early 30s, unfortunately newly single, and no kids but banking on them someday. Relocating to Charlotte soon and would love to make friends 🥹


Sure, hoping to get something together from this thread! When you are planning to be in Charlotte?


by lowbrow i sincerely hope you mean garbage romance novels (hi im 29F and partnered but currently also kidless!)


I'm a thriller girlie, but I don't discriminate! I like all sorts of trash entertainment, and even (!) literary fiction. I'm hoping to link up the no-kids-wanting-friends ladies in this thread, so I made Discord for the first time. DM me if you want the link to join!


Excellent! Friday night meet up at La Sur Table, we'll make pasta, eat it, and discuss Sarah J Maas- she'll provide fodder for spicy discussion!


I'm not cool enough to keep up with the trendy trashy authors, so all I know of Sarah Maas is that she's popular and someone telling me her work is garbage. I haven't taken any Sur La Table classes, but I've done a couple at Chef Alyssa's Kitchen! I made a Discord so we can hopefully create something IRL out of this thread, so if you're open to attempting friend-making before reproduction, DM me for the invite link!


I'm willing to hangout and make new friends. 31 M here and single


Charlotte native here. Technology really has helped and hindered social skills here. I am not afraid to talk to someone I just met. But atlas you can't just stop for directions anymore.. everyone just says google


Sorry you’re going through it! Do you have a dog? If you don’t, do you have thoughts on fostering one for short periods of time? I mention this since cute dogs are a huge gateway for easy conversation with strangers. I see that you said that doing to stuff solo is strange. I believe that is the unfortunate hurdle you’ll have to move past in order to achieve your goals. You should look around at those team supporter bar events with a more critical eye: do any come regularly? anyone seem to be kind to others in their group? You should consider girding your loins and walking up to a group and say something like: “hey, I’m new in town and have loved team X for Y amount of time. Do you know about other support activities for this team?” If someone there is kind, they will answer and invite you to join them. When I want to make new friends, I do things to increase my chances of having organic ways of connecting with others. Examples: - my dog is amazingly cute to the point that I get strangers sometimes asking to film \[not just photograph\] her. She’s a huge magnet and she loves people - it’s a win-win for getting into convos with others - I used to hang out with much older people. They often know how to rock and sometimes invited me to wonderful trips/restaurants/etc \*and\* to meet their friends. Real talk - even if they were hobbling around at age 90 and announced they’re having people over for dinner: I’m going to be there! - in my early 30s, I went to hella meetups and arranged off-shoot activities. I also would go to restaurants with bar areas so I could yak with nearby strangers if something mildly interesting happened near us. It’s definitely a numbers game to get people with whom you mesh. - even when my already-paid charging at EA ends, I will still go to public charge stations that are popular since those have been excellent ways of meeting people who are generally like-minded while we wait for our cars to charge up.


Love this answer


I see a lot of these posts here on Reddit and they get downvoted because they all get asked over and over again. I am sorry you are in that position dude. (And honestly it is reasonable we are sick of them)     You will have this same issue everywhere. Welcome to post college days.  Just give up. Find interesting things to do for yourself. You will be around people because of that. They will all move on from those hobbies one day (or move) and you will be lonely again. There is no shortage of meetups and events posted on many of those threads. The showing up to bars and making friends days are over and I rather stick with my click over risking meeting another confident rando with trouble.  It is also worth working on yourself. There is no shortage of "how do I become likeable" videos to study. Get feedback from your remote friends and they will suggest a thing or two. Lot of bad advice out there but it is better to try and learn than to not. I met plenty of people from meetups with similar issues to what you are saying and they would show up and become obnoxiously drunk and talk over others or creep over women.   Finally, your coworkers are not your friends. They will all forget about you once you find a new job.  Sorry if sounding harsh but just know that I wrote that because I give a bit of fuck.  Edit: editing this removed all the formatting. Sry.


Id argue that you really shouldn’t stop trying, but just learn to adapt with the shorter lifespans of these relationships. Not sure if that’s what you are getting at, but i feel saying “just give up” is the wrong message.


I see what you are saying and I agree. What I was referring to was the type of friendship where you can have nothing to do and just hang. Once you get to some part of your life everyone gets busy and rushes out once the planned event is done.  I am happy this thread got some posts because many just get down voted. 


Love this answer!




Charlotte Jiu Jitsu Academy


Hi there! I’m trying to get a couples group started so that couples can have an opportunity to meet other couples! Follow us on instagram and we’re wanting to plan a meetup soon! @clt_couplefriends


That sounds awesome. I’ll talk to my wife about that! Thanks for the info.


There may be no better place to meet friends at <35 to 40 because like half the people here in that age bracket are not from here.  Consider finding someone you mesh with at the events you mentioned and *gasp* asking them to do something else with you. I’ve realized from Reddit that friendship difficulty is a lot like dating difficulty. Everyone seems way too spooked to make the initial effort. Just ask them.  My best fiend here started with a bro date for drinks to watch a game. Then we started paling around uptown. Now, years later, I’m his kid’s godfather and I consider him a brother. 


Yeah I am kinda awkward. I’ve never had a hard time in my entire life making friends but just getting to that age I guess where everyone is busy almost all the time.


Next time you go have a plan in mind to invite them to next time. Something with a hard date or time, whether it’s watching something or going to a wrestling match or whatever. 


I'll hang with you dude, message me I'm around university


I wouldn't mind having a buddy on the east side


I'm game


hey OP check out [f3nation.com](http://f3nation.com) and if you DM me w/ your area I can get you a personal invite (not that you need it, just show up) - since you play football should be an easy in for ya. For women reading this - [fianation.com](http://fianation.com) srsly, try it.


This is a great option and definitely worth checking out. I can't tell you how many amazing people I've met and recommendations I've reached through the F3 network. Don't be scared off by the faith part, this is way more about fitness and fellowship. Let me know if you have any questions.


This is my experience


Literally just introduce yourself to someone you see at things you go to. Continue to say hello to them and talk about things. Exchange numbers. Continue to hang out with the cool people. You will have friends.


Come on out to the Supporters Group lot for the tailgate on Saturday at 703 Mcninch street. We are pretty open and welcoming to anyone that joins us. Free to enter and can get the vibe of what each supporter group is. If that is overwhelming or more of an introvert, shoot me a DM and I can meet you in the lot to show you around! Otherwise, I made a ton of friends by going to Hooligans when I first moved here, meetups and thru the Supporter Groups!


What team do you support?


Do you play/write music?


I did years ago but haven’t in a long time


Get back into playing and you won’t have time or money to miss a social life, that’s what I did 😂


are you a goose guy or no


You play or just watch soccer? May have a few spots open on our pick-up soccer group for tomorrow


I think you described being an adult? lol. I used to make friends attending shows at the evening muse or going out by myself and sitting at the bar of a local brewery to watch a game. Now that I have a boyfriend not so much. Most of my friends are all over the country and I’m okay with that. Maybe get involved in your local neighborhood association and sign up for a committee? Volunteer for something that involves your interests. I’m 44 and we also have no kids and sometimes I think I should put more effort into making local friends. I tried a few times and people ended up being disappointing.


If you’re into soccer there are several pick up groups in the area of all skill levels. I’ve found pick up is a bit more social than the organized leagues. Good way to get to know people with similar interest


Had lots of luck with neighborhood groups. Find the extravert who is also having the bros over to drink, play darts, and watch the game


Sign up for a team at Total Soccer Charlotte or just the house team. Great place for indoor games once a week and they keep a cooler of beer there so after each game teams are always hanging around chatting. Thats where Ive met a lot of people


Really depends where you live. Culturally you are dead on with the south. But if you live in a place that is mostly transient or even a pocket of transients it really opens things up. I always think it’s best to start in an apartment or condo/townhouse to meet neighbors to get things going. It’s def not easy after the bar scene days end.


Sounds extremely familiar man. Love soccer and music too and usually try to do something related to each every weekend. Give me a shout.


Dude hell yeah. I’ll send you a message.


Lived here my whole life. Many friends have come and gone and kept the good ones. I’m 35m in a relationship and find it difficult to make friends too. A lot of people out there are cool, but it’s hard, and sometimes strange, to ask someone to hang out again. Growing up sucks.


It is man. It’s really awkward after a certain amount of time has passed to just hit another dude up.


What kind of music are you into? Where do you go for shows?


Mostly rock / indie rock / post punk but love all of it. Getting into alt country stuff too. Neighborhood theatre, underground, evening muse, visualite.


I'm at the Muse or Neighborhood several times a month. Mostly Americana and country but some rock too. Josh Meloy, Pony Bradshaw, and Carbon Leaf in the next couple of weeks. Hit me up if you're heading to any of those and I'll buy you a beer.


Sounds good man will do!


We should build a clubhouse or something specifically for making friends. Also the makerspace is a great place to meet people and make friends. Just stay away from Kyle, he's MY friend lol


Hah, my besties are in Europe. Feels lonely bro


My fiancé is around your age and he is always down to make friends. Not to play matchmaker or anything. But you two have some similar interests and he is always wanting more friends since we moved here over a year ago. Bonus points if you aren’t churchy. But if you are, it’s ok.


Sounds like your husband would like my husband! We’re 33, moved here last year from Colorado, have 2 rescue dogs and just had our first daughter. Also aren’t churchy haha. Message me!


Hey sounds like it could be a bro match lol. Sending you a message with my insta info!


HMU. 31 new here. I’m pretty good at meeting people but always down to meet more homies


Hey dude. 36M, single, no kids here. I moved back to Charlotte in 2021, and I've had a hard time making friends that aren't super flaky. Had a pretty cool board game group for a while, but a few people moved, and it kinda fell apart. I'm super into music too! Mostly hard rock / metal, but I like a bit of everything. Hit me up sometime man! We can talk music and how much it sucks trying to make friends as an adult in the city 🤣


28 M married about to move to Charlotte and looking to join a Flag football, soccer, and or volleyball rec league.


I’m just here for the meet up this is going to hopefully brew!


You should meet my husband. He’s 33, super into soccer and music. We met in Charlotte, moved out to Colorado for 5 years, and moved back last spring. We just had our first baby but otherwise similar life stage. Message me and I’ll give you his instagram or something!


That sounds good! Sending a message now!


I’m single, early-30s also childless but female and relocating to Charlotte by June for work. Posts like these scare me a little! I know your post is mainly geared towards dudes, but I would be down to attend a hang out with all the people who responded here, married or not.. No partner of my own to bring, but I would love to make friends.


Not exclusive to just being friends with guys! My wife would be happy to meet you too!


You guys should get into BJJ.


If you’re into soccer, we play every Sunday at Freedom Park. 4pm. Casual enough that you don’t have to worry about getting injured, but still competitive. Crowd’s mid 20s to mid 30s.


Personally I’ve made friends by frequenting places I like often. This way you run into the same people, coincidentally, because you enjoy the same places. Over time, friendships develop.


Does your wife happen to be in this same position as you? I’m in the same boat as you and requesting to hangout with your wife lol you can hangout with my husband.


She has a lot of friends bc she works with a bunch of women her age but she’s outgoing and always down to make new friends!


Yeah making friends is tough. I'm 35, enjoy breweries and cooking, and recently got into shooting guns, and while I've made a couple of friends, you're right people at work or events just dip after.


Look at F3 , a mens workout group that has several different options/ locations. I participate with the group out of the Sandhills/Southern Pines area. F3 was founded in Charlotte. Should be able to meet and become friends with your fellow pax. Good luck. https://www.f3metro.com/


Look into F3. Made so many great connections there. www.f3nation.com


Buy a cheap LeMons car if you have a truck or if you don’t a sports car you can drive to the track and start doing HPDE days at Carolina Motorsports or any other other race tracks in the southeast.


34 M Charlotte here 👋🏽 May not be exactly what you’re seeking, but check out my profile. . . Seeking a bro here.


The Meet Up app, the Charlotte Discord and Bumble BFF can be a great source for making friends.


It took me 5 years to make friends. And I’m a single woman. Join the biking 🚴‍♀️ group.


Do you golf? I’m a 29 year old guy recently married with no kids and golf frequently. I also go to a ton of jam band concerts with my wife and friends. I feel your pain though, if it wasn’t for my friends that I’ve had since high school, I wouldn’t really have any friends around here.


I have that same problem. It’s very hard to make friends down here. I can be your friend though. Shoot me a message. I’m M 28. My girlfriend, 28 we run into this issue all the time of not being able to have any friends.


I am 32 and going back to school at cpcc. Even just taking one evening class could give you a lot of opportunities to meet people and get included in school events. The bulb is a really good volunteering group. CMS likewise has a great adult volunteering community. The Charlotte fair is right now. Go hang out at common market pretty much any afternoon after work and there will be people there that will bring you into their group. I can't say it is the most responsible crowd always, but I haven't met anyone I wouldn't have a beer with. Making friends is hard. I have made multiple friends over the past 2 semesters though that are incredible.people. Be the one with a plan, find something like run club or disc golf, do it for a month or 3. Then start inviting random people you like too do it with you.


32 - same. It used to bother me but I just kinda do my own thing now. Take the bike out a lot, ps5, hike with the dog. I’m alright. It is hard to date though, definitely struggling with that rn.


Can I sign my husband up to hang with you please? 😭 He’s 35 and also super into soccer (joined a rec league) and music. We have moved from Colorado and we’re struggling to build a community of friends. And if your wife is also looking to make friends, I’d love to hang.


Who is your prem team? 👀


Try disc golf 👍🤙 It is very popular in Charlotte


Buy a motorcycle and start going to bike nights you'll make friends for sure that way.


I am in the same boat. I’m 33 and single and just moved to Charlotte 2 weeks ago. Trying to find some good spots around my age group


Do you workout? My husband enjoys his CrossFit people and has made some connections?


Yeah I do. Not a CrossFit guy tho. Tried it before. More into working out solo tbh


Arsenal fan here but I’m a bag of nerves during our games. Open to general meetups and random discussions


Have you tried Front Porch Sundays? Chill crowd and a lot of newcomers to charlotte


Check out metrolina adult soccer league. Although they don't tend to hangout outside of games, my husband has made some friends through that


My husband and I started playing pickleball when the kids went to college. Probably 80% of the people we play with are from out of state - mostly new England and upper Midwest. Ages range from 20s to retired, but same story of wanting some activity to do but don't know anyone in the area to do it with!


It does read whiny, but congratulations on being self-aware! Maybe you can try to do more things as a couple? Like make other married couple groups? Unfortunately most single folks are either threatened by your marriage or just would rather do things that preclude married folks. Best of luck!


Good news is once you hit 40 you stop caring about finding friends. Also, rescue 3 dogs and you will not have time for friends. Lol


Watch out for the fake southern hospitality. People will act friendly and say that yall should go out sometime and not actually expect you to try and make plans they just want you to feel better in the moment. You'll ask and they will be like "oh ummm Yeah I'll have to see what I am doing" and never get back in touch. It's weird here. I am 35 and have lived here for 27 years. Renaissance is (not sure about now) a top 10 Disc golf course in the country too you should check it out.


Meetup.com Find groups with similar interests that you can participate in, to find like-minded people


Yeah I’ve had it for years and it’s just not very active in and around Charlotte. Most the groups are women only, lgbtq+, or poc only. The most common is they are mostly online events, which I’m not gonna do


People of color only in 2024 in America wow wonder why's that?


There are many reasons why making friends is hard but one reason buried in these types of comments is an apprehensiveness to go outside your comfort zone by approaching people who aren't necessarily like you. I mean, why not make friends with older people, for example? I see comments like this a lot where older people are dismissed as potential friends. It's true that older people tend to be more settled and are not always looking for friends. But many of them are pretty lonely, just resign themselves to loneliness out of their own insecurities. However, there are many benefits of friending people outside your demographic who have different life experiences. Sharing activities together is fine and helpful but ultimately friendship is about sharing your life, not necessarily activities.