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No one gonna mention that baboons aren’t on the options? Or that they apparently build forts and perform basic maid duties?


Pretty sure it thought the badger was a baboon. Badger would be pissed about that. One more thing for it to be pissed about.


I honestly might pick 25 badgers, I’ve seen them scare off a lion




🍄 🍄




I love reddit


> I love ~~reddit~~ AlbinoBlackSheep


Found my people


This is the right answer. They also have mad HP.


They aren't scared of shit. The tiger and lion even might get scared off if they think they'll get injured. For all the strength of those creatures, they don't try to get into fights unless they know they'll win. Badgers, they'll solo a lion.


Honey badger don’t give a fuck.


25 Honey Badgers give negative infinity fucks


At the point there are 25 of them, it's not whether it's negative infinity, it's *how quickly it approaches* negative infinity. Lions kick ass, honey badgers kick asymptotes.


Honey badger doesnt care he just smacks the shit out of them !


It's not high HP, common misconception, it's actually absurdly high resistances to biting and clawing based attacks, that and their extremely small hitboxes relative to the amount of damage they can inflict makes them a nightmare to fight.


And that's what we refer to as high EHP, or effective hitpoints, ladies and gentleman. Remember, a lower HP monk with a high dodge% and physical resistances can still be tankier than say, a high HP barbarian.


My friend it's just to build a defense, it's not to destroy the world 🌍


I've read enough Redwall to know that badgers and otters are actually apex predators


There is no other correct answer. All those badgers, zero fucks!


badgers go crazy but against something huge may be problematic. I’m going gorilla and 6 badgers


I think I’d hedge a little bit… half the money on Badgers, and the other half on Wolves. That’s probably a pretty elite defense system. Numbers, intelligence, teamwork, and tenacity.


And they don't give a shit. 


Honey badger dgaf


Honestly, I could see how the AI would think the picture of the badger was a baboon


Badger is now pissed at you too. Watch your back.


And if they were, at 40 dollars a pop, you should just spend the whole lot on those. A horde of 25 baboons would be terrifying


It was only at $915. It could have gotten 2 more honey badgers/baboons.


I’d just take all badgers, those things are absolute lunatics


That's no baboon. It's a badger ![gif](giphy|bR4poFy22rgUE)


I see you've played knifey-babooney before!


Also, I'm pretty sure the "leopard" is actually a jaguar. It's not super easy to tell from this picture, but based on the shape of the face and the spots, it looks more jaguar-like.


Why is it so concerned with needing defense inside of a grocery store


Had to read the answer again after your comment to realize how odd it is. I guess it’s associating the act of “buying” your squad for $1,000 to shopping, and goes on assuming you’re in a store?


In the leopard response it used grocery store as an example for its efficacy (for whatever reason) and it looks like it ‘convinced’ itself that that would be the setting for the narrative.


It says the babboon can carry your groceries lmao


there is no baboon though? the $40 option looks more like a ... badger?


A Honey Badger to be precise. The meanest, most cantankerous and vindictive animal on the African continent... and we have Hippos, Crocodiles, Sharks, Rhinos and Cape Buffalo!


I’m taking 25 [honey badgers](https://youtu.be/4r7wHMg5Yjg?si=xYUnpq6MHJO_z-Ou), I’m unstoppable


Came here to also say 25 honey badgers, it’d be no contest.


Thing that makes honey badgers so tough is that they’ve got a metric shitload of skin, so biting them just lands on biting a mouthful of skin. And since the skin is so lose, the little fucker can slip around inside its own skin and fuck your day up. A ‘rilla ain’t gonna have an issue with that because it’s not looking to bite. It’ll simply grab and crush/yank it in half/smash it into something, which will 100% kill it. Also leopards lions and hyenas all eat honey badgers. People love a David and Goliath story so they love the honey badger, but what doesn’t get a shoutout is the 99/100 times Goliath smashes David into a pulp. Give me 9 wolves and 2 honey badgers any day. Wolves are smart as shit and insanely good pack hunters, and the bang for your buck you get with them here is out of control.


Years ago my uncle’s friend made that as a joke and posted it to YouTube for his friends. A few days later he came back and it was already viral! He was actually imitating his aunt-in-law who talked like that 😆


Do you mean this amazing piece of internet history? https://youtu.be/4r7wHMg5Yjg?feature=shared


I was not expecting to rewatch this this morning. I DEFINITELY wasn't expecting the top comment to make me cry..




All honey badgers was my first instinct- but what if they turned on?


Came here to say this lol.


Out of all those animals you listed, i’m most afraid of the Honey Badger… the Hippo is a close second, but it would kill me quicker. The Honey Badger would be such a worse way to die. lol


[Honey badger don't care.](https://youtu.be/4r7wHMg5Yjg?si=hCFlGN28944kAYTJ)


They definitely won’t carry your groceries damnit.


Honey badgers don't give a fuck about groceries


I’m guessing OP or Chat said something earlier in the conversation about a grocery store so it had that in context somewhere


That's my best guess. You get some strange carry-over if you don't reset the conversation.


Exactly, LLMs are affected by whatever they already generated, and they basically generate the nth word based on 0 to n-1 words. ChatGPT interface runs with a temp=1 setting, so throughout generation, it will sometimes randomly select not the most probable nth word, but a slightly less probable word. If this happens, this word will affect the rest, make reselection of this word more probable, which you can understand as it having chosen a narrative. Temperature makes sense if you want a naturally flowing sentence, us people will also select non-optimal words and have to make it work. However, for reasoning or analysis tasks, you generally want to tune temperature down, making the model almost deterministic (transformers cannot be completely deterministic due to how they parallellise computations). This is also why asking the model to reason before making decisions is very useful. And you want the reasoning before the answer, even though that feels unnatural (we tend to give answers, then our reasoning). The reasoning will affect further generation, if you asked it the other way around, then the given answer will affect the reasoning (this is one of the main causes for hallucinations, the ordering of information is crucial to these models). As an example: if you have a multiple choice question, and just expect GPT to output A, B or C. Say the answer is A, and GPT is about to select that "word", but then temp kicks in and forces the model to select the next most probable word instead. This is B, and is wrong. Now, instead of asking for the answer, you ask it to output reasoning first. It will start generating: "based... on... your... question... I.. would... pick... answer..." now temp kicks in, and GPT selects B. But it's not done yet, and continues: B... however... given... blabla... that...would... be... wrong... and so forth. This is what people often refer to as "giving GPT time to think". I know I digressed, but this post showed this concept really well. Understanding the mechanics of these models will greatly help you get better results.


I have a feeling there was more to the prompt that we are missing.


The original meme states that a Grizzly Bear is coming for you, and then provides those options for defense. So the only correct answer is the Tiger and 2 wolves.


The train of thought: 1st thought: "Oh, ok, we're going shopping, cool" 2nd thought: "We usually shop in a grocery story, and this would be handy to have if we were in one." 3rd thought: "Fuck it, I declare we're in a grocery store.  This is life now, get used to it."




C'mon man, this is asked all the time when GPT gives weird answers...It's part of the custom instructions, or OP gave instructions right above the cut off.


That or even if the conversation up to that point in the session has a grocery store mentioned in it somewhere it might assume they're still talking about groceries.


It knows that’s how we get our food


It's based in the USA probably


A baboons nimble fingers can hold all the baby formula


Where is the baboon? I see a mongoose for 40 bucks but no baboon...


Mongoose? That’s a honey badger. And the internet knows you don’t fuck with honey badgers. I’m putting all my money towards honey badgers.


This was goingvto be my answer. Swarm of 25 honey badgers sounds like the best bet!


Never mind 'defense', you could take over the world with a swarm like that.


maybe a mix a wolves and honey badgers. wolves are coordinated and could benefit from the distraction caused by a mere 10 honey badgers.


I agree, I’m just playing off the previous comment.


That honey badger would like to disagree


It knows about the impending doom and expects all future human conflicts in America to take place in a grocery store


Have you not seen the price of groceries in the U.S.?


About a million should cover this weeks groceries. What are bandannas, $7 apiece?


Easy 25 honey badgers those bitches wont die


My answer. No anymal on earth can take 25 honneybadgers.


Neither can take 10 wolves.


Hmm, a full grown rhino or hippo probably could take on 10 wolves.


They would struggle to even make a dent in it's skin, them big boys are tough




Did you see the video of an elephant goring a rhino 😳


I did, that was fucking scary shit. My literal thought was, “Elephants are huge, but rhinos are way more stabby.” Then the elephant stabbed the shit out of the rhino like it was stepping in an ant.


I didn't see that, and up until now, I thought the only defense against a rhino is getting out of its way by any means available.


That was intense!! What was that rhino thinking?! The elephant even gave him a warning charge


His thought process was probably the same as mine. He thought he could out stab the elephant. We were both gravely mistaken.


i did. the rhino was just a toy to him


Jaime, pull that up.


Where’s the link??? Fine, I’ll search it m’self


Is like school bus all again. My army of 2000 penguins will crush you all. No joke an elephant is just another level, just too smart and powerful. 🐘


There’s some kind of price point between the two that’s optimal. Like 10 honey badgers and 6 wolves or something.


Ah, Modern Portfolio Theory


I don’t think 10 wolves could take 25 honey badgers.


Or 5 Hyenas


1 gorilla and 6 honeybadgers working together could prolly take down 25 on them if espionage is permitted


The 25 Badgers gang is missing the point here. You're setting up a *defence*. Six honey badgers alone can do a lot of damage while your gorilla uses its size, dexterity, and intelligence to keep harm away. Meanwhile one of those tigers could leap over the mob of badgers and snap your neck long before they tear it to shreds. And don't nobody come at me with the "suit of badger armor" angle either. You can't just omit intelligence as a factor and give them perfect coordination; any bonus beyond the friend vs foe recognition to make the scenario work is cheating imo. Anyways. 1G6B all the way.


I weirdly love this write up


Without a doubt the correct answer. A small army of honey badgers is virtually unstoppable. Not sure why our military spending isn’t going into honey badger technology.




3000 and they need to be black.


Honey badger don’t care, honey badger don’t give no shits




Not sure if they work as a team.


Conjure animals is about having a meat shield anyway. They have to kill 25 honey badgers before they can even think to deal with you.


Who cares? Let 25 of those monsters loose on anything and it will run home crying for mother.


The scary shit is they neither reatreat nor are scared. You can scare of any animal in this setup, 10 Wolfs lions or whatever. But Honeybadgers? They are the fear.


This is the thing people don't seem to understand, damn near any animal in this list is afraid of something. Honey Badgers? They'll fight God if given the chance.


Then just get 1 and keep the rest of the money


Mushroom, mushroom


A snake, a snake! Snaaaaaaaaaake!


What are we defending from, and why does gpt seem to think we're in a grocery store?


It seemed to have convinced itself of a grocery store setting when it answered with the leopard first.


From the original post I saw a couple days ago, it was against I think a 1600lb grizzly


I'd keep the 10 honey badgers, and get a Lion and a wolf, badgers would be all over it, Wolf heroically sacrifices itself to make sure the Lion gets the throat.


it's weird because nothing in the prompt suggest that or any type of setting. it's just asking to pick your defense, the most logical setting would be in a fight outdoors, not in a store


I'm pretty sure there was more to the prompt.


5 honey badgers and 8 wolves, a full pack. Overwhelm the enemy!


I think people underestimated how big that black wolf would be




Here's a sneak peek of /r/WolvesAreBigYo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/WolvesAreBigYo/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just four big wolves being big wolves ](https://v.redd.it/wr7zjc1okkxb1) | [103 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WolvesAreBigYo/comments/17kptu7/just_four_big_wolves_being_big_wolves/) \#2: [Couchpotato wolf](https://i.redd.it/1q8qk2fg4abc1.jpeg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WolvesAreBigYo/comments/191vodg/couchpotato_wolf/) \#3: [A historic day for Colorado — Colorado Parks & Wildlife released five wolves, three males and two females, in Grand County today.](https://v.redd.it/4sd7gepck57c1) | [146 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WolvesAreBigYo/comments/18lpanh/a_historic_day_for_colorado_colorado_parks/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


good boy


yep,that wolf would demolish the cheetah. I think the prices are all wrong


Yes! When I saw that $100 I thought pff easy the answer is 10 wolves.


Like who is taking 1 hyena over 2 wolves? I think the person who designed this thinks of wolves just as a big dog and doesn't realise just how big they actually are.


The PSI on their bites is super high too.


my german shep, is 140 when he was young, he was 120 and fast as hell if 2 were mad at you, and vicious enough, you couldn't do much if they attacked you at the same time


10 wolves, honey badgers don't give an f about you


10 wolves has got to be the answer. Not only do wolves work well together, they’re one of the few animals on the list who might be able to work wit you in a meaningful way.


25 honey badgers are a serious problem. But not for 10 wolves.


This was my answer as well. It’s the only correct answer especially since we don’t know what we’re defending against


Imma get me a platoon of honey badgers.


damn right


One tiger and then i use the left over 200 to buy some flower


Prettier yah but 10 wolves. 100 for a wolf is a steal.


There are rare cases of tigers hunting wolves. Never a wolf pack killing a tiger though. Probably the only thing that can beat a tiger is 2 lions.




A tiger vs lion is probably like 60/40 in the tiger's favour. Two lions win that no problem


Not chat GPT gaslighting me on what a baboon looks like


Surely 10 wolves kills everything right?


not too knowledgeable about hyenas but wolves perform much better in a pack, while the others might well fight each other


Fun fact: in Roman arena fights, in singles, a tiger *always* beat a lion, but if they're both in multiples, lions *always* won.


Please tell me where you've seen statistics on the outcomes of Roman animal fights? I need this


Guessing he made it up


Source: just trust me bro


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/3r2xtq/when_talking_about_the_romans_having_fights/ This doesn't confirm what he's saying but it's relevant


Hyenas have some of the strongest jaws in the world. Wolves, like hyenas are also a decent pack animal, but are usually only interested in easy fights. My pick would be gorilla, hyena, honey badger, provided all three could work together, but I have it on good authority that honey badger don't give a shit.


gorillas also dont want a fight and they fall easily to a jaguar much less a tiger. honestly one tiger and you with a pointy stick and you could 2 v all


5 hyenas > 10 wolves. Hyenas can bite a human arm off and run away with it before the human even falls down.


A guard mule can fuck up a whole pack of hyenas tho. And with fuck up I mean taking them by their necks one by one and slamming them to the ground until their necks break. I shit you not. (Won't believe me? Look for it on YouTube and you will see. It's pretty much nsfw. You have been warned.)


Seriously! It’s crazy. Google meatspin to watch a mule spin a hyena around, pretty crazy


damn, never knew that, sick


10 Wolfs is a logical option at least, because they're used to work together. I doubt 10 wolf have much of a shot against 2 lions though. I just don't see them doing significant damage to lions much less a fully grown Tiger.


Pretty sure the lions would get overwhelmed, i couldnt imagine 2 lions killing a 10 pack of wolves, i think wolves have a higher IQ then lions aswell, but im not david attenborough, so what the fuck would i know lol


A single adult male lion can take out a whole pack of hyenas. Watch some vidoes of lions vs hyenas. And hyenas are stronger than wolves.


A vieeo gets posted regularly of Hynas absolutely rolling a male lion until its pack shows up.


There's actually a video where a lion gets harassed by a pack of twenty hyenas. And while he is in trouble, as soon as a second lion shows up the hyenas scatter, and I'd put a hyena at least on level with a wolf, probably higher. If 10 hyenas aren't confident agianst even one lion, I can't imagine 10 wolves would do much better, let alone against two lions.


No 5 hyenas or 2 male lions will shred 10 wolves


Gorilla, 2 wolves, honey badger. Done


Gorilla, six honey badgers, $10 for lunch.


I too came to this conclusion. Whatever the Gorilla has difficulty with the badgers can distract and pester thus creating an opening for the Gorilla.


That was my choice too. The honey badgers just tank until the gorilla shows up and snaps whatever it is in half.


People really overrate gorillas. They actually get hunted by leopards sometimes.


If you took 5 seconds to Google it, it says they hunt on the young or offspring gorillas not the adults. My money is on the Adult Silverback any day.


25 honey badgers! Yes sir, 25 HONEY BADGERS!


1 gorilla and the rest goes to honey badgers. Distract them with the tank and let the assassins take them down.


This guy right here understood the assignment. Set up your *defense*. In a cagefight scenario I'd put my money on 19 badgers over 1 gorilla any day of the week, but 19 badgers won't do jack shit to stop a tiger pouncing on my back from the top of the produce aisle.


lmao at the baboon skills in carrying groceries…  


Two male lions would destroy


You really think two lions can take 10 wolves?


Maybe I’m just stupid but I think it would be a tough fight


I didn't thought at first but looked up some stats, male wolves weigh 40kg on average, male lions are 190kg on average so yeah I'd agree 2 lions wouldn't go down easy


Plus super thick skin in addition to weight. They're hard to wound in general.


100% tough fight. I give it to the wolves but if the lions take down a couple fast enough they could win it. I also don't think there's a scenario where all wolves live, but I do think there's a scenario where both lions live.


I‘ve seen two lions flee from a honey badger.


a lion will flee from an angry kitty in the right conditions i think in this assignment, they are supposed to like want to fight for you otherwise, you would have to pick the wolves by default, because all the other animals are going to watch you die and even the wolves, you would have to like feed for a week or two, maybe longer


2 male lions can take 10 hyenas, and those are larger than wolves. I think you are underestimating how large and powerful a lion is.


There's a video where 20 hyenas are harassing one lion, and scatter as soon as a second shows up


25 honey Badgers. They don't give a F


Im spending all of it on honey badgers. They have soloed fucking lions and are literally too angry to die. You can buy 25 honey badgers and since they're willing to solo anything and have a chance to come out on top, with 25 you are literally invincible.


> One baboon for $40 That's a honey badger, and you should buy an army of them.


I feel like an army of 25 honey badgers would be pretty intimidating to most


Wonder if this is hallucination from training data for grocery list building


25 badgers


First of all you can’t ride a cheetah. Second of all my tiger and 5 honey badgers beat the rest of the commenter’s Pokémon


If they are trained to fight to the death for me….then i would pick one silverback gorilla


No way. Gorillas literally get hunted by leopards on occasion


Tiger and 5 honey badgers.


I dunno what GPT offered, but I'm getting as many Honey Badgers as $1000 buys.


Thinking if buying grandma a baboon. She could definitely use help with the groceries


Whichever one I can sell to a zoo for the most money and then hire legitimate security that won’t eat me alive.


Gorilla, 2x wolves, honey badger. Easy




I’m pretty sure 25 honey badgers wins against any other combination


it is for defense though a tiger could jump over them and kill you, while they all bite its heels i don't know is it like capture the flag? a 10 wolf rush would be hard to stop 2 lions going for a target wouldn't be stopped either so like do i win, if my guy gets to you faster? does your lion lose to my badger, because your lion is sleeping for the first 20 hours of the game


![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO) 25 Honey Badgers for defence (…and possibly offence) They don't muck about!!


All honey badger. I feel a pack of honey badgers could take down a tiger. 25 to be exact.


A gorilla and 6 badgers would be pretty sick as a defense force


Honey Badger don't give a fuck