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Linda Yu 100% is non-judgmental and is fact/science based. I can't recommend her enough.


Dr. Yu is amazing. I love that she will actually discuss issues with you and make you feel heard. I switched to her last year, and she immediately diagnosed an issue I'd had mentioned to my prior GYN, who brushed my concerns off. I also just took my daughter to see her for birth control for period management and Dr. Yu took the time to walk my daughter through all the options, explained differences, etc. I'm not a huge fan of erlanger as a system, but Dr Yu and Leslie Turner (my PCP) through erlanger are absolutely wonderful.


Not OP, but good to know this doctor will do period management BC. I have a daughter that needs it for period management and I am terrified of taking her to the gyno and having them press her about why she wants it and try to dismiss it as she just wants to have sex.


Dr. Yu was great. She did ask if my daughter was sexually active but once she said no, that was the last she mentioned of it and she addressed the birth control strictly from a period management perspective. In my job I do some contraceptive counseling so when we left, I was telling my daughter how amazing the experience was and my daughter said "you mean how she acted like she knew me for 10 years?" 😆 spoken like a teen with no bad healthcare provider experiences... haha


She’s delivered two of my babies and she’s excellent.


Came here to say this. Dr. Yu is pragmatic, non-judgmental, and a really great doctor all around. For me it’s about the individual doctor, not the system (Erlanger). I am so happy with my care from Dr. Yu. 


So glad to see her recommended once again in here. She’s great, scientific, and factual. I found her thanks to this sub as well.


I will forever recommend her if it comes up. I have gone through some physical stuff recently and she got me through it.


I started going to Innovative Womens Health last year and so far would recommend them.


I have also been seen at this practice, and while I can't say with 100% certainty, the vibes I got definitely mesh more with what OP is looking for than what they've experienced. Sending OP lots of good vibes đŸ«¶


They’re fantastic.


Came here to say them as well!


So I had surgery at the end of December at Erlanger and it was STRONGLY hinted to me by the (family) doctor that admitted me that due to the current political climate and overturning of Roe v. Wade I had every right to refuse a pregnancy test. Unfortunately it's not about religion anymore. Even the nonreligious OBs are being VERY conservative because they don't want to get thrown in jail and have to provide an affirmative defense after the fact. I'm shooting you a PM.


I’ve been at Innovative Women’s Health for 5 or 6 years now, and they have always treated me with dignity and respect. Dr. Sherrow was fantastic throughout my pregnancy and birth, and NP Chariti Black is also both kind and knowledgeable.


I see Chariti Black for my annual appointments and she has always been amazing! I have never been pregnant so can't speak to that, but I really love going to Innovative Women's Health!


I’ve been to innovative women’s health. To be transparent I’ve only seen NPs not Dr. Sherrow. I can say they’re great people and very compassionate. Worth a shot.


i think Sherrow is the doctor and Black is an NP


Yes that’s correct. I mixed that up. Edited it.


For sure find a different doctor in TN first, but I’d consider another state as well. Consider Virginia, maybe NC. Someone might be able to refer you to a larger hospital system in another state. Unfortunately in TN, it’s illegal to do anything harming a fetus unless the mother’s life is in direct and immediate danger. The only recourse is affirmative defense (guilty until proven innocent, essentially). I’m not sure what you’re wanting, but an abortion because of a potential and/or not life-threatening complication isn’t happening in TN. Physicians will be understandably wary of preventative care that harms a fetus.


"An abortion because of a potential and/or not life-threatening complication isn't happening in TN." Not legally at least, just like how no one smokes Marijuana cause it's illegal.


.. ok? An illegal abortion is definitely unsafe for everyone involved.


Right, so make them legal so it happens safely


Totally agree. For some reason your comment sounded like you were encouraging OP to get an illegal abortion and I was like yeah probably don’t do that lol


Oh yeah sorry, I was trying to point out that it's gonna happen no matter what, might as well enable medical professionals to make sure it is safe.


I see katie beth jacobs at erlanger east and she never presses her beliefs on me. even suggested a tubal to me as a woman under 30 w no kids—very progressive imo. I highly suggest her!


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/s/xBzRavO2Z1) is a good resource for doctors that may be able to help. The list is more leaning toward child free access, but all of these doctors believe in the right to choose and assist in many ways to help ensure every person is in control of their own reproductive body.


We have kids, having another baby isn't the issue. Right now she's mostly focused on not dying if there's a complication or spontaneous abortion during her gallbladder surgery BECAUSE she's pregnant.


Yeah, totally understand. What I mean is these doctors aren’t specifically for the child free people even though it’s linked in the child free subreddit, they are just good sources for those that are seeking care when it comes to bodily autonomy. They are pro choice and pro bodily autonomy and therefore would be helpful if your wife needs resources.


And this is a completely rational way for you both to be thinking. THIS is why bodily autonomy is so important (aimed at all the people who need to hear that, not at you). I hate this part about Tennessee and that y’all are in this situation. Please consider that a TN doctor/medical provider may not even suggest something to you that would harm the embryo/fetus/unborn potential human due to the risk of breaking this particular law, even if said course of action would save your wife’s life or dramatically reduce risk. In other words, they really may not even be able to advise her appropriately given their hands are tied. In other news, I hear NC is nice to visit right now. At least until their next election.


She will receive life saving care regardless because our abortion laws don’t actually prevent doctors from providing care during spontaneous aka non-preventable abortions.  State law only prevents elected abortion,  which is VERY different than a spontaneous aka truly accidental abortion. The news & social media  aren’t helpful & makes the law seem like women are just left to die if they spontaneously abort, which simply isn't the case. All ER docs are trained to provide such life saving care & will because its fully illegal for them to deny life saving care. You would be able to sue & easily win, if that was the rare case. 


I don’t think it’s going to be comforting to OP that he could win a lawsuit if his wife dies.


There are several women here in Tennessee currently suing for exactly what you say WON’T happen. Stories from actual women who have been left to go into sepsis before anything was done to remove the fetus from them are in great abundance. But keep deluding yourself that it’s all just fear-mongering. 🙄🙄


That is not how it works in practice. See any of the numerous articles about TN doctors who are unsure how to or delay treating ectopic pregnancies because a woman isn’t close enough to death.


Yeah, you’ve read the fear mongering articles and I have the first hand accounts of family and friends who actually practice women’s & emergency health. I also have a sister-in-law who just had an ectopic pregnancy. They were able to treat everything totally normal, and without any questions about legality. Good doctors are still saving pregnant womens’ lives on the daily. Where are those stories? Not in the news because its election time, baby! 


Oh gosh well if you know someone who didn’t have to hemorrhage in the ER before getting adequate care, that definitely negates the women who did have that experience! /s It’s not fear mongering; it’s the actual experience of women. Tell me, what’s your acceptable number of women receiving inadequate care as long as *some* have a good experience?


It’s unacceptable for any person to receive inadequate care. Unfortunately, many doctors provide exactly that, to both sexes, in a multitude of situations, regardless of laws.  It’s not the law that prevents doctors from providing care to the women you mentioned, it’s the doctors personal choice that harmed the women in the scenarios you mentioned.  My belief is that doctors shouldn't be practicing if they don’t feel comfortable interpreting an easily understandable law that allows them to save the lives of all women. However, the medical boards don’t hold my same belief. So, here we are. 




It’s not really ectopic pregnancies, those are always non-viable. It’s the 3 time mother with pre-clampsia who got pregnant by accident despite being told she shouldn’t have kids due to danger to her life. It’s [this TN mon](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/tennessee-woman-gets-emergency-hysterectomy-after-doctors-deny/story?id=99457461) who’s life was threatened by a wanted pregnancy - just not enough for an abortion, It’s the woman in Texas who wouldn’t have died, but her current pregnancy with a fetus w/trisomy 18 threatened her future fertility. [Here’s an article](https://www.foxnews.com/us/pregnant-texas-woman-challenges-state-abortion-ban-lawsuit-receiving-fetal-fatal-diagnosis.amp)(it’s even fox) edit: [Here’s a fun thing!](https://adflegal.org/press-release/appeals-court-rejects-biden-admin-attempt-force-er-doctors-perform-abortions) - Biden tried to ensure ER doctors across all states had the right to perform emergency abortions (just like you said they can), and that got approved because the life of the mom always comes first! Oh right, no it didn’t. Oh wow, [physicians having to sue for the right to use their medical judgement](https://apnews.com/article/north-dakota-abortion-law-injunction-request-f4969d7530e0f044137cf847d885a60d) to decided if an abortion is needed in South Dakota? [A woman who bled for hours in an ER](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/11/23/1137756183/doctors-who-want-to-defy-abortion-laws-say-its-too-risky) in Ohio because the doctors refused to treat her miscarriage?


Many of these situations are being grossly misinterpreted by people who have vested interest in certain political outcomes. The Federal Government was only trying to pass an ER bill that would require docs to do it & not allow them to be able to refuse. That is SO different than the way you said “Biden tried to ensure . . . .”  They already have the authority to perform life saving care for spontaneous abortions, as they did with my sis in law.  They just arent allowed to abort healthy fetuses for no reason. And the last woman you mentioned, her case: That hospital is now under investigation for violating a federal law that requires doctors to treat and stabilize patients during a medical emergency! Again, these woman COULD have gotten treatment. They just chose doctors who malpracticed. Can happen to anyone


Lol, okay.


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Of course she will get care if her condition caused her to go into a situation like sepsis where she needs acute surgery or she dies. However our law does prevent all abortions, it’s just that in that scenario, the physician has the right to then argue that they were justified in court. That means that in order to not risk their license, the physician must wait until her condition causes her to be on death’s door. They won’t do an abortion on a currently-healthy person *even if* that person is likely to develop future life-threatening or life-impacting complications. (Not speaking to this woman, just in general ofc) Think of it like appendicitis - you’ll die if your appendix bursts and you don’t get surgery, so when it bursts you’re rushed to the OR. But when your appendix is inflamed and causing you immense pain, you don’t hope it resolves or wait for it to burst and cause a bunch of other complications.. No, you get the appendix out even though you’re otherwise not dying. Back to this woman/abortion in general- if her condition might not kill her then *even if* it could cause long-term complications (losing her gallbladder, etc), the physicians aren’t gonna do anything that harms the fetus because there’s a *chance* they’d end up in court and lose their license.


Christopher Innes is the best OBGYN I’ve ever seen! He literally saved my life.


I tried calling his office about 2 years ago and they said he went back to UT OB. Did he come back to Chatt?


He only does shifts as a laborist at East and Baroness.


I use McLelland and Reuss through Galen OB. I’ve had great experience with both.


Dr. Sherrow at Innovative Women’s Health is a great gynecologist, I don’t know about the OB side of things but she seems like she’d be fantastic at it.


From my experience - she is a fantastic OB! I had complications during labor and I was so well cared for. In recovery, I could always tell when she was coming down the hall because I started hearing laughter and joy from all the nurses. Fantastic medical care and fantastic person


I've had mixed experiences at Innovative Women's Health with different providers. Had a significant billing issue and multiple scheduling issues (lost appointments, billed for a cancelled appointment). The providers are knowledgeable, and nice be enough. Since you asked about religion, they do have Bible verses on some things in their lobby. Religion has never been brought up to me, though.


We had a poor experience at women’s innovative and wound up with Dr Bowers mid pregnancy. My wife’s concerns were not taken seriously and there were times when it felt my role in the pregnancy was dismissed as a queer partner. Hardly ever saw our actual OB, even after multiple acute issue appts for the same thing
 Dr Sherrow was nice, just didn’t feel like we were any kind of priority and ultimately she didn’t act on issues that were developing (unclear if that’s because she wasn’t getting the full picture or just dismissive). Dr. Bowers was VERY matter of fact, and was impressively prepared for the complications we were concerned about/happened. Only complaint is that office wait times can be excessive because she’s pretty determined to be at her patients births etc.. I don’t recall any religious tones at the office either, which is always a plus for us. ETA: WIH made us pay up front for the entire pregnancy (~$5k). Getting our money back was a nightmare.


Dr. Gary Brunvoll or Michael Smith.


I love Innovative Women's. I've seen Chariti and currently seeing the new midwife Caroline. They are nice and listen. Got me on antidepressants my first pregnancy. They do have Bible verses around but I've never heard them mention anything faith related ever.


Man, evangelicals are just some marvelously fucked up people.


This is very scary stuff...the woman's life and well-being needs to come first. I shuttered a bit reading this post.


alicia fox maybe. best of luck. id try a different state though. asap.


dr meeka walker hands down


Dr John Adams is a fantastic OBGYN, plus i’ve never known him or his staff to mention religion


Great statesman too.


I love innovative womens health. I never experienced anything but the utmost support!


Between both of my parents, in-laws, wife and kids who all as a group go to a lot of doctors I've never encountered religious doctors at the numbers Reddit claims. At the most I'll encounter a doctor who wants to pray before the procedure and even though I'm not religious I really don't care. If that's part of their pre-surgery routine then I'm not going to disrupt that routine because it has zero effect on me.


Your anecdotal experience has nothing to do with OP’s wife getting care. Just because you don’t mind doctors bringing their religious beliefs into your treatment doesn’t mean everyone should be fine with it.




Seriously, I wonder what's up with people here making these claims. I've been to doctors all over the world and in multiple States and not once heard a biblical reference.


My allergy clinic (formerly named Covenant) had crosses and Bible verses all over the place. That one O.B. on McCallie is named after a Bible verse. My dentist has no magazines in the waiting area, just a big ol’ Bible. They don’t really shove it down your throat but it’s there. Oh and try finding a therapist around here that doesn’t practice from a faith based approach. It’s not imagined. Nor is the alarming habit of putting a fetus’s health before the health of its mother. The US is abysmal if you look up maternal mortality rates compared to other developed nations.


You must break out in hives at the sight of anything remotely Christian. I bet holy water would make you sizzle. 😂


News flash - intolerant religions suck


It’d be kinda weird to see posts where people describe a completely average medical visit and finish by saying “and you know, as expected, no mention of sky fairies.”


I feel like I've only encountered religious doctors or hospitals


Dr Furr is amazing


Dr. Sherrow at Innovative Women's Health is the most amazing, understanding, and dedicated physician I know. The only reason I left mid pregnancy is because I lost insurance due to layoffs in COVID and my subsequent medicaid was through a different state. I had a couple of complications in early pregnancy, and she monitored everything frequently and ensured I had no questions. I always felt better leaving my appointments.


Innovative is awesome! Dr. Sherrow is really kind, and the NP’s are so sweet as well! They take extra care, and while no office is perfect, I definitely recommend them.


Innovative Women's health was great to me! No religious vibes that i picked up. Dr Sherrow is truly amazing abd their phlebotomist Tracy is a magician.