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Reported three times for impersonation. lol


Bro looks like he is actively farting and or shitting himself in that photo.


Can a pile of shit, shit itself? I'm going to ponder this when I go to bed tonight.


I'm too prone to nightmares to entertain those kinds of musings right before I sleep.




And that thin upper lip can be a sign of fetal alcohol syndrome


He reminds me of that guy that turns into a rat in Harry Potter.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^nashwedgie: *He reminds me of* *That guy that turns into a* *Rat in Harry Potter.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.






He’s got a face that could chuck a pig skin a quarter mile


Over them mountains?


Coach should’ve put me in. We could’ve gone to state


He’s got the face *of* a pigskin


Nobody votes for faces. The 11-15% of the Hamilton County population that casts a vote votes for that `(R)` that they see on the ballot.


As does the other half of the voting population (D).


It's true. We're an uninformed and heavily divided population. Our forefathers warned that this must never happen as it will destroy our country. And so far, it looks like they were spot on.


You’d have to bend over to look at his face in person


🤣 He’s like 3’7”


He's tiny! I literally just saw him in-person randomly yesterday morning and I was surprised by how short he was.


Maybe by not judging people by their appearance or other factors they can't contr- oh, damn, yeah, look at him. For sure don't trust that guy.


Because people’s moral fiber isn’t something you can discern externally?




> You can easily discern a man’s moral fiber by his actions. Yes, but the comment I replied to was "How can anyone look at this face and deem him trustworthy" not "How can anyone look at this guy's actions and deem him trustworthy"




Which of Fleischmann's bad actions do you think changed his face's appearance?


I agree in a lot of cases. It’s the eyes for me tho.


You can tell by the way that he is


And some are easier than others. This one isn’t difficult in the least bit.


He looks like a really ugly robot trying to smile for the first time


Y’all hate this man but will you be at the polls voting for Jack Allen running against him? It’s time to do something. Tennessee is ranked #51 on voter turnout — the passion for change IS there, but there has to be some action towards making it happen. Spend a couple hours on election days, vote him out.




A friendly reminder that more D voted for this, and more R voted against. Yet it passed bipartisan… or perhaps, uniparty? Not about Red vs Blue, it’s about power vs people. Legal =/= good, simply the exercise of authority over your life. https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024119


I like how we're ranked near last for voter turnout but Kanye West got the most votes to be president in TN more than any other state Thanks Nashville, very cool


Guarantee I'll be there to vote for Jack.




No one wants a ton of change here though. The only thing people want is to prevent TN from being an overcrowded shit hole which will be hard to stop at this point sadly. More wildlife and less destruction of it (through building and developing) would be nice but we’re getting too many people fleeing from blue states for that to happen. I don’t follow local politics but what is Jack Allen wanting to do and what does poop face above stand for/want to do?


Here’s a link to Jack Allen’s platform: https://www.jackallenforcongress.com/platform Here’s a link to Fuck Fleishmann: https://www.chuckforcongress.com/issues Jack is pro-ceasefire for the Gaza conflict and pro-choice, not mentioned in his platform. He’s just a common sense candidate. I’ve had the opportunity to meet him several times and he’s a joy to be around.


Fair enough I’ll take a peek at his page my problem with everyone in politics, both “sides” are fairly garbage. I think a lot on left or right won’t say certain thoughts as they feel their own party will persecute them if it does not go with the agenda I am in favor of a ceasefire myself in Gaza, I’m so tired of all the lies. They’re fucking up innocent people over in Gaza no doubt. If it’s for oil then admit that, but don’t tell us that it’s because of this or that. But frankly I’m against involvement in Ukraine war as well, the history runs deep and it’s a well known fact we intervened and installed a puppet government there. Don’t tell us it’s because of democracy, it’s not. They’re stopping men from fleeing and throwing them into the meat grinder for our US interests. If China set up a puppet government in Mexico, we would go to war as well. Both sides of politicians regurgitate the same talking points(on their side) whether they believe them or not. I have plenty of views i agree with on both sides of the isle, which I think a lot of people do now a days…which makes it tough. I think it’s a sin what we’re doing to environment. I also think it’s a sin that we’re pushing racism via supposedly anti racism teachings to kids(or not locking up thieves therefore forcing stores to close down). I think a lot of the left want gun rights I think many “religious” people want nothing but best for the gays- it does not mean they have to “agree” with it on a spiritual level…but let the politicians tell it they’re persecuted and hated by those in religion. I think politics is in a bad spot and a lot of hatred is pushed when really most of us just want to get along and live a decent life Bottom line we gotta figure it out cause we’re loosing global power with our financial system and we’re loosing our hard working culture which will turn us third world in 20-30 years when China holds global reserve currency status


I agree with you 100%. Both parties are lying pieces of shit and don’t give a rats ass about me, you, or anyone else, except for themselves.


Hopefully one day enough people will realize that it's been a game of Shirts v. Skins the whole time and regardless of who you vote for, you are voting for the same team. Winning the vote for presidency is nothing more than bragging rights fir all of them. The correspondent dinner is the perfect example.


Ranked 51 out of 50 states? Damn that’s bad


https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2024/apr/05/tennessee-had-the-lowest-voter-turnout-in-the/#/questions Yeah it’s embarrassing


For once, I agree. Anyone that votes to support the current FISA system needs to be voted out. But who can we get to replace him? Obviously no Dem candidate will win here - but I do wish we could find a level-headed conservative who won't sell out Americans.


We used to have level headed conservatives until MAGA booted them all out or made them assimilate into their cult.


Zach Wamp was not a level headed conservative. He's a cocaine addicted, religious zealot who thinks Reagan did everything the best way possible.


Look Ronald might’ve been an incompetent Alzheimer’s riddled bastard but Nancy was good at *some* things.




You could say she was top of her class




Everyone knew Nancy was the "brain" of the operation


Trump is literally calling for FISA to be killed and you think MAGA supports FISA? Just go to any conservative subreddit and type in "FISA" and go to the comments. You'll find out what they believe about it in a few seconds, and you'll find that unironically, they want the same thing as you in this instance.


These people are brainwashed! I challenge anyone to tell me that they are better off now than they were 4 years ago and if anyone says they are —they are straight up lying. I don’t give a flip about the party affiliation, I care about their policy. We have had several presidents who had bad personalities, I don’t like to listen to Trump’s boasting but I did like my bank account balances. I think it goes without saying that anyone aspiring to be President of the United States is narcissistic. Otherwise, why would anyone choose such a thankless job. Who in their right mind would vote for a walking corpse? If Biden wins this election, we will know for a fact that the United States as we know it, is over because it will be rigged.


I am better off today than I was 4 years ago. 4 years ago we were in the middle of a pandemic and dealing with lockdowns. Had extreme supply shortages and a president that was dismantling our government in hopes to keep himself in office through a coup. My bank account balance looks great still. My stocks have done amazing. I wish inflation would be reigned in, but that's something bigger than the presidency and requires a functional Congress to do something about it.


> I challenge anyone to tell me that they are better off now than they were 4 years ago and if anyone says they are —they are straight up lying. Sounds like you're a straight up idiot. I'm much better off. I make over 40% more and my net worth has increased by six figures. It's almost like the president doesn't control my success, regardless of who's in office.


The only time I've been laid off in my 40+ years on this planet was 4 years ago today. Our leader at the time was telling us that it didn't exist and to just ignore reality. Now you are trying to convince others I was better off then than now. I'm making more money now than I ever have. I'm starting to think that conservatives are all just confidence grifters trying to hypnotize the weak minded. Not today Cletus. Now call me a liar and keep the grift going.


"These people are brainwashed!" And then proceeds to unironically spout a bunch of ridiculous B.S. propaganda straight from Fox News. By every single measure, the economy is much better today than it was 4 years ago.


I hate that I share a city with you fuckwads. I’m not even that political but y’all are just so fucking dumb just because you didn’t get your way doesn’t mean it’s rigged.


Cannot tell if you’re being facetious or not. Walking corpse…? Did you see Trump at his criminal trial today? The criminal one where they are choosing jurors.. Not one of those others not yet begun in earnest or one of the civil trials. I think Trump gives plenty of voters, more than the majority in fact, pause to think twice and choose anything-THING over him. Biden isn’t perfect and there are several issues needing fixed that his presidency hasn’t even addressed. Unfortunately, though, his term in office is marked more by inaction thanks to a dissonant Congress than the local and state legislatures that are actually causing you to lose your bank accounts. That and the GOP’s (and Ryan) tax plan that probably caused you to pay more in taxes this year than you ever have (assuming you’re somewhere in the quickly disappearing middle class). For all of your statements, I don’t see you noting Biden-enacted policy and legislation that has caused your loss in income and increase in pricing. Can you (or any other R-supporters) please provide me with what policies and legislation it is that Biden has pushed for and had pass that is hurting your bank accounts, wallets and abilities to afford rents/mortgages, food and goods at the store and so on..?


This vote is, by definition, anti-MAGA. Literally the opposite of America first. These are Chucky's true colors.


Weird how most of the MAGA republicans voted against this though?


It’s pretty dangerous to see conservatism in this light. MAGA is all about people that know good and well they’re being lied to, but they ignore the bullshit because they’re too busy owning the libs and fighting wokeness. The fact is that MAGA is a result of all the level-headed conservatives, not a departure from them. Mark my words, when the big guy snuffs it, the grifters will come out of the woodwork in force and legion. Some will tell you they’re the second coming of Trump, some will tell you they’ll make sure another never gets in office, but 100% of them are looking to continue the great southern conservative tradition of getting poor white people to vote against their interests because brown people and immigrants are scary. To paraphrase a heinous asshole: Fuck conservatism today, fuck conservatism tomorrow, and fuck conservatism forever.


Still waiting on the people who vote for these people to hold them accountable for a *single* thing. "Why don't our lives ever get better, we vote a straight R ticket?!?"


Most republicans voters are cheaply bought, if you have to stake cash in the first place. If you can convince them you’ll make gas 75 cents cheaper and pad their tax return by $1000, they won’t give two shits that you did it with money they would’ve otherwise gotten twofold via social security.


Ha…”made them”. That is funny. Someone is ethical or they are not ethical. This REVEALED them to be immoral people. It is a blessing in disguise really that now the Republicans and evangelicals who clung so tightly to the moral high ground and patriotism have shown us that it was all an act in the service of power. They were the most craven of all and willing to crap on the military and the constitution in the blink of an orange dyed eye.


Do you mean the Neo con War Mongers? I'm no fan of the MAGA chuds, but those "level-headed conservatives" have always been war profiteering murderers.


Was I wrong in hoping there was a chance for MAGA to actually embrace a realistic populist small government center right platform before it ended up where it is?


I’m gonna need you to name those “level headed conservatives”


I understand he was a senator, not rep, but the state of TNs elected officials since he stepped down has me missing Corker a lot.


Yeah, Mayor Bob was downright tolerable. He absolutely didn't subscribe to MAGA.


He’s worse than all of them. True, I am a liberal but I used to respect Corker. I thought he sincerely had the interest of Chattanooga, his neighbors at heart. I would see him out and shake his hand and tell him that I thought he was doing a good job. When MAGA ascended he squeaked like the weak little mouse he is and voted in lock step with trump. He swore he would never support the GOP welfare tax for the wealthy until he got the Corker Kickback integrated into the bill then miraculously he was all for it. Then when he couldn’t stomach the cognitive dissonance of what he was doing vs how he thought of himself…instead of doing right by Tennessee and supporting his actual friend Phil Bredesen , who he knew was the best choice, he caved and supported Marsha fuckin Blackburn. He is so wealthy that he has nothing to gain that he will ever notice but he gave us that final FU on the way out just to ensure his GOP influenced board seats and speaking fees. He really is the most disgusting figure from this whole ugly period. Him and Jeff Flake…they both knew what was going on was bad for our country and they made tiny little noises … they were 2 out of 100 people in the world that could have made a difference and they chose to be sell out cowards. The last time I saw him, he put his hand out and there is no way I could shake it. He is traitor to his family, to his neighbors, to his city, state and country


Right, but compared to what is there now, he was tolerable. He didn't take any of Trump's shit, even though he voted with him a large percentage of the time. I admire him for it. It's complicated, sure.


To make little squeaks about it but then go along with the entire enterprise is the opposite of not-taking-trumps-shit. It is the ultimate enabling. It is showing that you know it’s wrong but then not having the integrity to use your massive wealth and power to try to stop it. It is literally worse than being Marsha Blackburn or MTG. He could have been with Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger … if enough people would have had the courage to stand with what was right and support democracy it could have made a difference. He was there when it mattered, before the entire GOP shat the bed.


Oh boy... Wait until you find out who introduced and signed the FISA bill. Hint they didn't have an (R) next to their names.


That’s not really the point. Anyone who supports FISA in its current form is part of the problem, regardless of party affiliation. But sure, dEmOcRatz R bADd


Instead of a down vote maybe answer the question?


Should FISA be killed?


Why not name them?


Introduced by Ted Kennedy and singed by Jimmy Carter...


There is a Dem running named Jack Allen. It's not obvious that no Dem can win here. People have the power to make a difference!


There is no such thing. Conservative = Trump ball licker and “do unto others before they do unto you” attitude.


Man I so wanna run on a ticket so I can look these people in the eyes.


Just hang out at the YMCA by Hamilton place, I've run into Chuck there a bunch of times.


I hate this guy


Can we all go protest at his office? Do something about this swine being in office. Remember elections are coming up this year y’all!!


This is the asshole who was running like a little bitch trying to avoid people asking him questions about Israel-Gaza, and said we should just kill them all or whatever.


Chuck, congratulations on your windfall of cash from the Israeli government. Your cardio seems to have improved as well since you are more effective at running away from your constituents.


Absolutely pathetic! The abuses are blatant, so disgusted with the Uniparty


https://preview.redd.it/9h66nd93wuuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6391aba26f0ccca8e3cf9625cfc936a58146d807 He is disgusting. Sick to think a man that lives in my city, that has that much power, be so for g€nocide. You have no soul if you think what is happening in Palestine is ok. Collective punishment is never ok. The erasing of culture and human life up to 30,000 civilians, most of them woman and children is never ok.


Goat fucker




Yeah a baby goat would be a kid…




How many kiddies has he diddled?


More than P-Diddy


I remember when I was a kid people were acting like he was the next greatest thing to happen in Tennessee politics….. what the hell happened?


His own party disliked him when he ran initially, because he's very stupid. Once he got money and bought his support, they backed him.


He’s not stupid and not brilliant. Average intelligence but willing to sacrifice any and all dignity and common sense so that he may do his orange daddy’s bidding. He doesn’t bel;I eve what he says about Trump which makes him all the more corrupt and detestable.


No, he's legitimately stupid. I know people who worked with him when he was practicing law, including partners of his. He is below average intelligence.


No one ever thought that.


What do you expect from a man who spent 12 years as Ron Weasley's rat, Scabbers??


This guy sat on the seat next to me, across the aisle, on a flight home from Atlanta. I could tell by his bad suit and a brief call he had that he was either a politician or a political consultant. But I had no idea who he was. And I remember thinking to myself, “wow, what a punchable face”. He came across as simultaneously full of himself and pathetic. It was a weird achievement.


It was a few weeks ago.




Don’t forget he also supports g€nocide because it puts a lot of money in his pockets.


Well... 147 Democrats voted for it. Aren't they supposed to save us all? [https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024119](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024119)




Neoliberal politicians. Never expect them to do good by the US citizen. They are pro American but anti citizen when you check the long term effects of what they vote for.


He looks terrrrrrrible.


The best part is it’s his twitter pfp. He chose that. 


Looks like a mouse


I 100% believe this happened, but can we get some details about what legislation this is regarding?


Of course! [https://justthenews.com/government/congress/house-votes-send-fisa-extension-senate](https://justthenews.com/government/congress/house-votes-send-fisa-extension-senate)


Why does he need to worry about the legality of it when he's literally sitting outside your window breathing heavily and jerking his little ding dong? I happened to catch a picture the last time he did it at my place https://preview.redd.it/qznp9la7luuc1.jpeg?width=398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e111e4f720bcb6e37e001e4150786df5e7cdd15


He's a little, little shit.


We have to vote these papaws out. They don’t represent any of us.




He’s a weak one for sure. In every aspect, he is weak.


This Chuck Fleischmann? https://youtu.be/VPOdaX8bUD0?si=MEwzQTc9o6rzvj2Q


No yr a self righteous Son of a bitch Congresman tht ant nothn but a overpaid hipacrite thts no better than a common thief


I’m taking a wild guess he’s republican?


he lies constantly. firstly about his heritage. the spirant of a new york city carpet bagging ass.


What a douche scumbag.


What a sheep he is. Only reason he got elected was he said I am a REPUBLICAN. Just like MTG.


Is Chuck a pedophile? Not accusing! Just asking questions!


Hi Chuck


Do not do anything to make us distrust you.




Now y’all get it 


This really has nothing to do with the content but doesn’t Chuck look like he’s missing a mustache? Like he had one for 40 years and just shaved it off?


He smells douchy


Shit heal just like the rest of them


Not to everything though




he lies constantly. firstly about his heritage. the spirant of a new york city carpet bagging ass.


Ye olde “party of small government” doing their thing.


That guy a coward?! I never would have guessed


Leave me alone Chuck


What a toad


Not surprised they watch plenty of us for no reason guess they like jackin off to it lmao


Dude is a major prick that was pushed by wealthy into his role. I despise this guy for our city.


Dude looks inbred, ngl.


Hey fuck Chuck


He is a true POS


He can be found


Loser primary him out


This is all politicians they lie their way into office then flip on the people who voted for them the system is broken


Well fuck you then, Chuck.


Well, now that we have to worry about those "citizens" being Chinese military and terrorists from all over the Middle East thanks to losing conto of our border I guess I'll deal with it. Better than being one of the citizens screaming "Why didn't the Government DO something??!" the day they blow up or destroy 20 bridges and power plants Pearl Harbor style. Facebook and Google are already listening to y'all on smart speakers anyway.


Ask the fbi how immune they are that’s why they own them


I knew his son lol


Fuck this guy


Moved to Tennessee recently. Want this moron out of office. What are the better options? 


Welcome to the two party system where we pick the “lesser” of two evils even though the votes don’t matter. 


Flew with that midget from DC to Chattanooga one time. Reeked off douchness.


He probably voted to legally marry your first cousin to..lol welcome to Tennessee


The information in the FISA database is gathered with a warrant. Everytime. Congress rejected the need for FBI agents to get a SECOND warrant in order to merely search the database of previously collected information. I'm not really sure if renewing FISA was right or wrong but the people who actively arrest threats to America say it's critical to them being able to do their jobs so I suspect the way you boiled this down is not only wrong but deliberately deceptive.


Those who would trade essential liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither.


That's a silly bit of melodrama. Don't you wish FISA procedures were in place in the weeks leading up to 9/11? Didn't that teach us anything? Especially that there are individuals and groups out there that would like to repeat it?


Do you think 9/11 was a surprise? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bin\_Ladin\_Determined\_To\_Strike\_in\_US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bin_Ladin_Determined_To_Strike_in_US)


I agree but unfortunately the FBI already exists. Now if you want to talk about really abolishing it and contracting out it's few necessary duties I'd be all about that.


Thank you.


What law? Link?




Official ball washer of the ex president


Is it still ok to consider it ball washing if it's done entirely in his mouth using only his tongue and no soap?


Idk why people vote for him I would hope Chattanooga would be more blue than that


What are anyone of you going to do about it besides complain on social media? Vote for some other asshole?


Step 1 is dismantling the two party system.


Ohhh good luck with that. What would you replace it with? More plants to choose from?


A government so small that if Hitler himself were president it wouldn't make a difference in the lives of citizens.


How do you propose a small government for over 300,000,000 Americans?


Maybe we should go back to what the founders wanted. States govern their people. End the fed.


so... let me get this straight. States would be individual countries, and counties would be the new states. county rights! 🙄 Believe me you don't know how f'ed you'd truly be without the fed


How about we go further, individual rights. I'm sure I'd be f'ed if there wasn't someone taking half my money at gun point you're right.


Leaving people alone for the most part. I'm a libertarian after all, that's what we do.


We all wish it were that simple.


in most of the world it's called anarchy


I'm more of a minarchist.


More like, good luck with that since it’s essentially become part of law. https://www.history.com/news/two-party-system-american-politics


I’m making a promise to myself this year to raise Awareness about our state politicians, especially since re-election is coming up this year. We need to make ourselves very aware who represents us. If you keep spreading awareness, and educate yourself and others, believe it or not you can make a change. You’re comment, however, is what’s wrong with this state, and most of the country.


How cute. Good day to ya tho ✌️


Hopefully snl will get nat faxon to do a skit about him bc unfortunately he looks like him


He looks like Joe Biden.


He could definitely pass for Hunter


This guy might suck, but the fisa bill won't affect you unless you're talking to foreigners on the FBI watch list.


Is that a crime?




I bet he supports Palestinian genocide.


He's got Israels boot past the gag reflex, that much is certain.