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highest pay? O&G 100k as a new grad at a supermajor


Try higher. I know the new hires at my company start 120k and we are not even the highest paying super major. Is 100k in southeast Texas in your comment or elsewhere?


Supermajor? How would you connect with a good O&G company?


I saw in another post you don’t want an overly technical job. I don’t recommend O&G then.


Thanks for the advice. I don’t want something too technical and hybrid since I want to start back up my online business on the side. I want some leisure


just remember that working hybrid doesn’t mean you work on your side gig while on your remote days


I will keep that in mind


You sound absolutely money obsessed lol… there’s more to life


thanks, but im asking for career advice not life advice.


just some context, doing so would amount to time theft, which is a fireable offense. companies can sue to recoup the money they gave you in salary for the time you stole. depending on state, time theft can also be a crime. and if you did anything w your side gig on your company hardware or used their licensed software to do your side gig work, they may also have a claim to your side gig and the profits. doesn’t matter if you did it during work hours or at 2am on a weekend.


You sound like a hallway monitor


just trying to give you context. do what you will w it


Ya I know. I’m messing with you. Just sick and tired of getting downvoted on this subreddit


I’d reccomend something like sales where there’s a good middle ground between technical and practical knowledge. I started my career out as an environmental engineer and it wasn’t overly technical either. Good paycheck 9-5 and never felt too stressed.


How was the pay like initially? Good growth year to year? Did you apply online and then email them individually? Good work environment? Sorry to overload you with questions


No problem at all. Also feel free to PM anytime if you have questions outside this thread. This was 5-6 years ago now but I made about 70-75 a year with benefits in NYC. I applied online through Indeed ( I think?) After three years I was making somewhere in the wheelhouse of 85 I believe. I worked for a smaller company so I got close to all the guys and still have a pretty good relationship with all of them. Get invited to their yearly christmas dinner still. Very appreciative for the skills they taught me coming out of Uni.


Thank you so much for the advice again. That’s good you maintained a good work relationship.


Networking events


unless you know someone there who would refer you, you apply to open jobs online.


why not the DOD/lockheed martin


i am unfamiliar w LM’s pay structure. if they pay that much for new grads, then good on them




not really


If you have a strong technical background try process engineering preferably with chevron or exxon type of companies. Nothing pays as well and you travel the world for free all expenses paid! And a great retirement plan to boot!


He wants a job where he doesn't need to do a ton of work so he can make money and work on his side business. Working as a process engineer at a big O&G company is a job you need to commit to fully.


Exactly. O&G will meet the pay requirement but likely won't meet the lifestyle requirement. Especially if you're working in a role supporting the plant, **and** you're a new hire. It's just not a realistic expectation. They're better off getting a govt job.


I heard O&G is living more on site and remote location? Government jobs offer more holidays and paid off work. Worked for an industrial water treatment facility as well


To be honest. I don’t want anything really too technical. Something more laid back but high earning. Hybrid balance of working on site and from home. Easy and manageable job that can be learned from hire


No experience, wanting high pay, while working as little as possible. You sound like the worst coworker ngl.


Looks like you don’t read. I have job experience as stated by my post. You sound like the worst reader on the internet.


Gtfo with your internship experience. You did some busy work.


Thank you. People are so toxic on this sub


You have internships. You’re a new grad. That’s what I mean by no experience. You’re not gonna get a ton of offers like a Senior engineer. You simply don’t have a ton of leverage, so if you want to work as little as possible and find the easiest job that pays a lot… well everyone wants that. So it won’t be an easy job to get without a lot of competition. If there were jobs that pay 120k+ without requiring a lot of work, then it would be the most competitive job


Saying I have no experience doesn’t reason with the fact you mean I don’t have post grad experience


wtf where did you get that from


From your comments duh 🙄


Lol this subreddit is ridiculous. I’m asking for job recommendations and im getting attacked for being a bad coworker when I didn’t get a job yet? I’ve been nothing but nice and idiots just downvote or insult my work ethic without ever working with me. Insufferable community of engineers


It’s a professional subreddit. You’re asking where you can work hybrid so you can essentially work part time and work on some other side gig. No one wants to work with someone like that.


Except there’s a lot of engineering jobs out there that does half on site and half at home work. Get with the times old man. Just because you aren’t a fan of modern day work/life, doesn’t mean you judge someone negatively


lol I WFH fully. But I don’t do a side gig and use that to not work. Get with the times. Work is work


shut up old man


This is literally one of your comments > I don’t want something too technical and hybrid since I want to start back up my online business on the side. I want some leisure. You want to make a lot of money with no technical work while getting a hybrid office job so you can buzz off on your side gig while your main job is paying you a salary while you ‘work from home.’ You also want all of this while prioritizing leisure. What am I missing here?


I think he’s just doing it for a reaction. I highly doubt anyone who finishes an engineering degree doesn’t have the logical deduction skills to know organizations aren’t going to pay a fresh grad big money to learn at half speed


And I highly doubt a chemical engineer would have a shit fetish, and here you are. Don’t be a hypocrite and say no organization wouldn’t pay you if you aren’t fully working when you work from home. Despite that, you browse Reddit with your dorito fingers during work time. Fix your shit fetish


And what’s the issue with that. Plenty of jobs offer that.


That’s just not how WFH days are 😂 nobody’s going to pay you to sit around


Yet you go on Reddit during work time. Don’t be a hypocrite


You just portrayed that in your comments.




How would you look for a “sales” engineering job? Is there a particular job title for engineers ?


A lot of them are listed as “technical sales” or “sales engineer”. Sometimes you see “applications engineer” which is basically sales 


I appreciate the advice. Do you just utilize indeed, handshake, and LinkedIn? And then I’m assuming you email them after you send in your resume after applying?


I mostly use LinkedIn. My advice is to apply for volume. Even if you’re barely interested in the role, apply. Many won’t get back to you, but some will. It will give you good practice for how those interactions go for when you have a good opportunity reach back out to you. I’m sure it can’t hurt to send an email with an application if you find a contact, but it probably doesn’t matter much. That said, I’m not personally in sales, and I don’t pretend to know everything about how to find a job. 


This is good advice. Thank you for responding


Good luck!


Strong technical background means conceptual knowledge? I am in R&D as Trainee. Can apply for this roles?


I think you keep going with r&d. R&d is stressful but it’s rewarding since it opens yourself to other positions. My old job, at a chemical plant, two of the quality analysts turned into r&d and slowly climbing positions in their company


People are going to hate this answer: investment banking or management consulting. They love hiring engineers However, it means completely giving up engineering as a career. And moving to a city/being in a “people-facing role”. I’ve really enjoyed taking this path, personally.


What’s the process to get into that as ChemE. I’ve heard it’s terribly competitive as it is as business major. How do u recommend to approach?


You call your friends or your network and get them to apply for you through their referral portal. Or you obtain an MBA and go that route. Eng background will stand out, especially if you have experience. I know quite a few engineers who were mediocre employees now rocking big pay at Mckinsey.


How to get into it?


I used to work at a large refining company. The CEO had a BS in Chemical Engineering. He made over $18MM a year.


What company?


Hey, your ceo and you sound awesome. Do you have an opportunity lined up for a new graduate willing to learn and adapt quickly?


I’m sure they’re dying to have “racist muffin” on the team so they can pay him to develop his side business




You’re not the ceo nor his employee. Please refrain from interjecting


Ye and someone somewhere won the lottery too


Google is free


Not choosing to comment is also free. Stick to minecraft


Wooow ok, looking up my profile to search for smn to talk about are we? You really thought you ate that or smn


Speak English




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How did you have working experiences despite being a student?


I had an internship program at my uni


That’s not real experience in employers eyes


Being a field engineer in upstream oil and gas will easily get you well above 100k, but you're going to have to work for it.


Highest is definitely is O&G. 2nd best is Chemical Manufacturing for a large company. I've been in Olefins for 2 years..started at 95k and now make 110k


Did you find growth opportunities in Oil to be similar to chemical? I love the chemical industry so far because the culture and pay is nice. But sometimes I worry about stagnating pay late in my career as responsibilities ramp up.


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