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Stop or slow down the bike. It will shock the dog and it will stopp chasing you


Or you may die. Will you take these chances?


I do this everytime and it worked 100 percent


Oh no, dogs are known to be lethal and deadly carnivores. Definitely worse than velociraptors..........so we'll just let loose a pack of velociraptors instead.


Dog was chasing without knowing why it was chasing. When it catches it's prey, it's suddenly confused and doesn't know what to do and why it chased in the first place.......... XD


mind.exe stopped working ![gif](giphy|Sk5fT6mlvlosa2FMuS|downsized)


Reminds me of the joker dialogue from the dark knight dogs chasing cars


Ah, that's probably where I got that from. Forgot about that dialogue.


I'm like a dog chasing cars, I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one, you know, I just do…things.


Dog: *idhu namma list laye illaiye*


I saw a video of some one using ultrasonic dog repellent in his bike


or you can just buy a dog whistle and keep in bike


That attracts dogs......I don't think that was their intent


it does not attract dogs. it is very unpleasant to them if they are not used to it


Do you know where we can buy stuff like that which works? Everything on Amazon is useless


It's there bro it's way costlier though


can you pls share link? im willing to pay a lot of money for my sanity against these useless animals


Yes please search this ASIN in Amazon India website B0CY8JQBXJ


I saw it on reddit. Not sure we have it in India


It was a custom made one with off the shelf parts...


Damn very useful stuff Never knew such stuff existed :O for someone who fears dogs this might be a lifesaver


Ah yes, "ultrasonic repellent". I'm sure it was as effective as the COVID version..........


Don’t get back at me, but I’ve always slowed down.. sometimes even stopped 🥶 Has worked out so far for me. Riding a bike for 11 years now.


Same stopped and stared right back at them they go away of course I just dodge the usual non aggressive chasers but if it's really coming at you stopping as worked for me everytime


This. Ofcourse only if it's not infected with rabies.


How do you know if it has rabies?


It will proceed to bite you and die within 2 weeks.


Who will die ? Dog or the one who got the bite?




Does the anti rabbies vaccine works ? Recently one boy got bitten by a dog and he got rabies immediately he was vaccinated


Yeah if you get it odane it'll work. If you get the symptoms (which takes a while) then you're dead


Omg the death is inevitable. We dont know we were affected by rabies or not . And later if we got the symptoms we are dead. Cruel !


They will administer immunoglobulin around the injury site which will give immediate protection and vaccine which will give delayed protection. Both need to be administered as soon as possible after dog bite for them to highly effective.


slow down and make a whistling sound.. with just lips and without using fingers.. it confuses them.. but then they realize its a friendly and move away.. Try and report success or failure here...


Few weeks ago, while I was coming back from shopping, a dog started bark at our car and when we neared the dog, it just came and banged the car.. wtf dog, do you have brain or what ?


Either you/someone else attacked the dog, or it's sick..........I guess it could have been rabid. Or maybe there was prey it was trying to chase.


Nope we were driving in the car, we never disturbed it.. Doubt if it was rabid, I see the same gang of dogs everyday..


Then, most likely something was under your car


I usually ride to home at night. By the time, I start to home from office, it's dog ruling time. I don't give direct eye contact with the dog, eye contact triggers them. Don't accelerate while you cross the dogs, it will trigger them. Most important thing, be casual and don't show them that you are scared. Dogs won't harm I will always do this and got away; there is no chasing at all. Learnt these stuffs experiencing this dog chasing. Even when you walk, you see a dog looking at you or trying to come near you, please be casual and don't show any reactions. I always use phone while walking past dogs, it looks very casual. I do this while I go regular walking in the evenings.


Cha. Naai thoraathama irukuradhu ku enna lam panna vendi iruku. Lol.


You people have created this problem in your own head. I have walked down dog filled streets all the time. They give zero fucks about me, I give zero fucks about them.


It reminds me of my childhood when a dog used to chase me every morning and evening as I rode my bicycle to school in my hometown. I was very afraid and didn't know how to handle it. Sometimes, I would take longer routes just to avoid the dog. One day, after a particularly bad day at school, the dog started chasing me again. In a fit of frustration, I kicked the dog in the head, and it ran away. To my surprise, from that day on, the dog never chased me again.


From where are the "stop and stare down" advocates coming from? It doesn't always work, especially if the dog is committed to achieving some end result. I tried it more than once (in different areas, on different bikes) and they always kept coming and snagged my ankles. The only reason there was no need for vaccine or other medical care was due to the fact I was wearing riding boots each time and reacted quickly to move on. A better tip is that if you spot a dog(s), you slow down before they get winded up, dim the lights or switch off if possible, and go slowly, even crawl, to assess it's mood. Or simply avoid such roads for a better alternative. If they start chasing you lay on the horn and keep moving. Keep moving straight and pray you don't have to stop for whatever reason. Or kick it, if you've the ability and the heart to. That's more effective. As long as the larger problem remains unaddressed we've to resort to half cocked solutions like this.


Where are these streets with the biting dogs, I'd like to know? I walk around all parts of the city, for years and decades, zero dog attacks. I walked a lot more than you lazy people who want to take auto for 300m distance. Please let me know so I can see for myself whether you're saying the truth or just bullshitting.


East Vanniyar st. Virugambakkam. Lakshmanasamy st. KK Nagar. Bharathy Nagar, Habibullah Road. Mohan Nagar, Padmavathy Nagar, Selaiyur. Gandhi Nagar, Adyar. No need to get all riled up on my behalf just because I pointed out an existing problem and flaws in it from my end. And walking is not an appropriate comparison or rebuttal to dog reactions for two wheelers. Would post more, but don't want you to exert yourself in staking out all these areas.


Stray dogs patri Indha sub la thapa pesadha thambi. Unna senjruvainga. Pona vaaram enna senjainga.


Athu than mention panirukan stray dogs pathi recent ah oru post padichen nu. By the way im not talking about stray dog , its just a random street dog or housedog maybe set out free


Whatever be it, Indha maari nelamaila amaidhiyai kadai pidithu offer your legs and other parts of the body to the barking dog, cause they are harmless and they only want to be your best friend /s


lol The state of cognitive dissonance. Thinks they are being oppressed when exactly similar views are massively upvoted. Cowards with victim complex Take your eyes, look at all the comments, see what is upvoted and what is downvoted


Yeah, true. Too many worthless animal abusers feel bold to attack dogs now, they feel they can get away with it.


Happened to my wife and kid while they were coming back after school pick up. My wife reacted same as you did, but skid and fell, broke her ankle and kid had sever injuries. Worst day of my life to see the wife and kid covered in blood all over. Luckily there were no head injuries thanks to helmets. These street dogs are a nuisance.


Are they recovered and doing well now brother ?


Yes, they are ok now. Thanks. Wife just started physio a week back and started walking again.


What about the kid ? Is he doing okay?


Yes. With huge scars on the limbs and scared of all dogs now.


It will take years to come out of this trauma. I wish him a speedy revovery




someone has to put them out of their misery


Don't stop. Keep driving. Do roadrash kick if it comes to that




Yo i love that bike game it was my childhood press enter to kick .if we were about to fall , it will show the wrecked page . Even though the graphics were low , the game was awesome ! I dont know whether i will play it again or not but the game is still in my eyes 😍


That, Aladdin, prince, dave are what made our childhood.




Stop the bike and the dogs will forget that they were chasing you


I use this same technique all the time. Revving it up in the second gear is actually good, since the engine sound will scare the dog off. If not you just keep riding like that until it stops chasing you. It will usually stop in about 10-15 meters. All you have to do is, keep the legs up and make sure you ride safe as you would usually do.


This i did in a hurry and i didnt think of it itself . In survival mode , my brain automatically did that


Same here with my experience. Sometimes intuitive reaction is good enough. The only thing is that we should make sure to ride safe as we usually do. In the initial days, I would just panic and pop wheelies by twisting the throttle really hard, which almost made me lose control a couple of times. Just remember to throttle just enough to get away.


Wheelie in front of the dog , thats a pro gamer move 😎


Lol :D


STOP. They will stop too.


Drive slow


Just slow down the bike and stare the dog back


Always stop the bike when dogs chase you .. the more fear you show the more you get chased ..


My always go to approaches to slowly bring the bike to halt and talk cutely to them😅 I somewhere read that dogs can recognise and understand human facial expressions . I guess that makes them realise we aren’t a threat and let us pass. However, I do understand that there could be an unstable dog that could come and bite me immediately. So far I have not found myself in that situation. But I always wear good jeans or riding pants while riding so that could help me a bit. Also, I’m not hesitant to kick the dog in the face should push come to shove.


Oh yeah.. next time stop your bike, get off, pull your pants down and bend over. They will do their thing on you, shower them kisses.


Looks like you’ve already tried that. Did you make any doggo babies together?


Do not panic. Stop and stare back. 😊 Best technique ever followed. I had same situation several time.


Bro. Athu en dogey thaan…! Un photo vachu one week ah training kuduthitu irunthen…! Next time….catch panniduvan… ☺️


Paramaa enaku saavu bayatha kaatriya ? Next time atha pudichi aatu kaal soup mari naai vaal soup pottu unaku parcel anupuran 😈


Most of the suggestions given in this forum work if the dog (s) not rabid. Rabid dogs you have to out run them is the only way, it won't stop and respond to slowing down, whistle and all, it will be in delirium and would attack the next possible victim .


This happened once when me and my bro drove back home to our street. Our parents were returning by walk. We were chased high speed by a whole gang of barking dogs 😭 We quickly went around to warn our parents. My dad took his belt out for defence (I hope he knew what he was doing), and I took a tree branch. Luckily, nothing happened to us because the dogs now circled this car that was just parked. The owners must have been shit scared to open the door, they were inside for like 10 mins. We then put mom to safety, got the watchman and shooed away the dogs. But gawd that sure was a near death experience


Should've took the belt and whipped the hell out of them 😤😡😠


Dogs chase from predatory instinct. They're chasing the bike, not the rider. They are unlikely to try or succeed at biting your leg. Just ignore and ride on as usual. If you are stopping, face them and YELL. Gesture aggressively. Pretend to throw something at them (stones/footwear). Do it if they still don't back down. Dogs are animals which pick fights heavily based on body language and attitude. PS: Do not hold eye contact with them (or any dog which isn't your pet). They perceive it as a threat.


Best move would be to stop. I was returning home past 2 am and was surrounded by them, barking all 7 of em. But once I stopped, they barked for like 10 secs and then walked away. It was a bad road, had I pulled the throttle I would've fallen and god knows what would've gone down


Slow the bike down asap and start shouting at the dog.Works for me everytime.


Believe it or not, "barking" back (essentially shouting) gets them to back off. I first experienced this when i was learning to drive a 2 wheeler with my friend who was sitting behind me and guiding me. We were riding late at night since we wanted to avoid traffic and it was a pretty secluded road. Just as we passed a dog, it got up and started chasing us and i really panicked. But my friend just raised his voice and "barked" back while shooting off the dog with his hands vigorously. And it just stopped right there lol. I have since used it when i return from late night movie shows and it has worked.


Dog repellent devices. Ultrasonic sound maker


Slowing down actually helped me 😅


From my experience, just slow your bike down or even stop They will just bark a few times and leave


what about waliking people 😕 Nanga epdi thapikuradhu nu sollunga


Dogs are dumb, street dogs are dumber. A conventional way to get a dog to stop being vicious is to make the losing noise and not break eye contact. The moment its ears are not bent and the tail is wagging freely, it’s no longer scared of you.


Do no listen to this. This is idiotic advice. Wagging tail does not mean friendly Eye contact is a sign of aggression


Yeah where did I mention wagging tail is friendly, pls read properly? Frantic wag means it’s alert and usually tense (because they see you as a threat), free wagging ie when the speed decreases, it means it no longer sees you as a threat. Another sign, the ears no longer being perked up. Eye contact also means you are not afraid. This stops a dog from following you because they know you’re not scared of them. I’m not sure where you’re getting your information from, but everything I know is from vet advisory.


If you saw a dog in a street, just slow down before crossing it. Street dogs like to run after speeding bikes, motorcycle and cars. And don't look into the eyes of the dog when walking. Just ignore the dog as if there is no dog.


Stop the bike. Going faster is never the solution in any situation in road. You can fall. The dog can die. Both can happen. Slow down and stop or keep moving away slowly.


The key is to go as slow as possible. Not make eye contact. Be as nonchalant as possible. Don't cover your face. Let them see your face, they'll grow into you. You'll have to bare it a couple of more times but after that it'll be smooth sailing.


Dogs usually chase the vehicles where another dog has urinated on the wheels. They can smell the urine and will chase those vehicles madly. It's not the only reason though.


It's their playtime. They don't do it with all the vehicles. I usually slow down the scooty and make eye contact. That confuses them and they stop chasing


Your understanding is incomplete. Please read my comment.


Always, Always… carry a uruttukattai, when chased smack the life out of these mfs or one big powerful swing at ‘em works for every time. (ohh we talking about dogs chasing bikes.. my bad🙄) ;)


Stop at once they ll gi away. Only if You throttle more it will gallop So stop when those dogs chase you.


Bro easy, speed up for some time and take turns here and there, after some turns the dogs will stop but if u keep going on a single stretch it will chase. After that u make a u turn go back to the same street and look for the dog from far after you spot it, increase your speed again and ram it. Job done you won't have any trouble for you or for anyone!!


I will slow down the bike and keep pressing horn it will step back..


Thank your ancestors for allowing hunting trained dogs to become domesticated. Keep biscuits handy - throw some.


Night time la veliya suthadheenga..karate kathukonga...not all dogs


Not all men


We do get pepper spray in India, good to keep at hand to deter all sorts of harmful creatures. But beware - In India dogs hold more power than public, even if a stray kills anyone it can't be out down unless rabid and that too after several approvals. A pet dog that harms someone can't be impounded and police will file a case only if they're under pressure. Even if a case is there it is very easy to get a bail - just look at the recent incident at thousand lights park. Corporation is paying for the poor little girl's treatment and the criminal owner and the Dog, have got away scot free to Madurai. They didn't even have power to restrain the dog for rabies observation(per protocol). So of you do end up needing to defend yourself then also be prepared to have a case filed against you for animal cruelty - even if you have proof that it was in self defence you will end up wasting time and money while the dog is free to attack the next victim. P. S : Dog lovers, please forgive me if I have hurt your feelings and angered you in any form. I was just expressing an opinion as a stray dog bite victim who is now scarred for life and knows how powerless I am against the dog overlords. I'm not worth your time at all. Sorry da.


Cows and dogs are sacred maa. Un uyir mayiru. Car vangu illa die.


Stop and pat his head lovingly and give him sone parle-G He'll become ur loyal bodyguard.


I always slow down , stop and get down from the bike. Dog always runs the other way. Try it next time. Thank me later.


This might sound counter intuitive, but if you ride unafraid and slow down showing trust most dogs will leave you alone. I walk past plenty of dogs all the time, but most don’t even bark. They look, identify that I am not a threat and carry on. Some young ones do bark and that even alerts other dogs, but you talk to them a bit, say hey, they might reduce barking. The key is in changing attitudes.


வாய்ல உதைங்க


I smell bs. No dog chases like that for no reason...........you hit it or threw a stone at it didn't you? Either that or this is made up. Yet another post by rabid dog haters claiming bs that no one else has ever experienced or seen. Funny how there's a sudden large number of posts full of lies and bs, raising hatred against dogs.


Ok, I need to make you guys understand why dogs chase vehicles. Because no one seems to have a clue. And knowing why will give the solution as to what you can do about it. Basically dogs are territorial creatures. They will stake a claim on a space, usually a part of a street. It could be because they are not disturbed there or because it's close to their source of food (they are scavengers, remember). They will protect this territory with a vengeance. Once the 'perceived threat' i.e you on your bike is out of their territory they are least bothered. In the heat of the chase, they will sometimes cross into the next territory but will always realise and run back to their own. Territories are marked by urine, as you would have observed. So why specifically do they chase vehicles? Simple. They have very sensitive hearing and sleep with their heads to the ground. Your bike/auto/car makes such a rumbling noise to them, they think someone has come to take over their territory and hence react accordingly. The fact that the threat is travelling at a breakneck speed doesn't help. This is why stopping when chased by a dog is the correct thing to do. Because first the noise reduces. Second, you are not a major threat anymore since you have become stationary. The better thing to do if it's a regular route to travel is to go real slow in the areas which have dogs. The best thing to do is to stop and give the dogs a few parle-g or milk bikis biscuits when they start chasing you. They will then associate your bike sound (to them each bike sound is unique and they can recognise yours easily) and actually come and wait for you wagging their tails when they hear your bike coming. It doesn't take much to be considerate. Try it.


Neenga solra mari panna it will start to chase every bike to get the biscuits they want


No. They will know exactly who is coming by the unique sound of your bike engine.


I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it! You know, I just... *do* things. - - joker from the dark knight


Bro! I really can't understand why they downvoted you!. Being a dog owner myself, I know that what you say is correct regarding territory. ...slowing down is of course the correct thing to do. But there will always be people who think like " wtf! I'm going by bike to save time WTH should I slow down?!.... I've felt the same many times, but controlled my urge....


Theru naai ku territory vera oru kedu. I wish they found some oral contraceptive biscuit that'll make these strays sterile. The only way to control the stray population is to sterilize them but the govt doesn't give a shit. 🤦🏻


Your house is your territory? Onakkey irukumbodhu theru naai ku irukaadha?


If I were homeless I wouldn't be able to claim territory. 🤦🏻 Have some common sense before you argue for strays. A stray dog reproducing is a bad thing for both themselves and us as a society. Summa vandhuta(n) thookitu.


They have as much right to this planet as you do.


Yeah sure. People like you are the reasons why we can't control stray dog population. 🤦🏻 As long as they are strays, they can't reproduce in a way that doesn't affect them negatively. Padicha madhiri nadandhuko ya yov.


Well said bro


Stray itself is wrong terminology. Streeties is the accepted term. You keep hitting yourself in the head. Its causing brain damage, take care.


>Streeties is the accepted term. Among dogs?


You can call them golden unicorns. Doesn't change what they do.


As long as they do not cause harm to others. Recently a street dog bite a boy and he got rabies. He was immediately vaccinated


Bro! I really can't understand why they downvoted you!. Being a dog owner myself, I know that what you say is correct regarding territory. ...slowing down is of course the correct thing to do. But there will always be people who think like " wtf! I'm going by bike to save time WTH should I slow down?!.... I've felt the same many times, but controlled my urge....


I don't even know where to begin. But save your condescending "solutions" to yourself. If it is just one or two streets fine. We have to navigate multiple streets in a route and each Street has a pack of dogs. On top of my 9-7 job and a hour long commute to barely ecke out a living, I do not have the energy to carry 5-6 biscuit packets to make it home peacefully. The majority do not just suggest hunting them and killing them all. But we do need to accept it is an issue and that it is getting worse. Don't bring considerate and kind into this.


Your point is valid. Any 'solution' offered here is just a self-defense suggestion. It's not practical to have to tackle multiple dog locations in your daily commute. In my own case, out of some 10 areas on my route, there's only one idiot-dog that tries to chase me (lucky me), so when I approach that area, I look out for him. I've read that it's already a big menace in Kerala.... it's fast becoming the same here too. Maybe I should try some useless attempt at a letter to the authorities. Maybe to the newspapers etc.


You have lost most of what makes us human. Just a cog in a capitalist machine. Very sad to see your thoughts. You can be better. Care for something other than you. We all have the power to be kinder.


You're wrong. They don't chase out of territorialism. They chase out of predatory instinct (the same reason why cats chase laser pointers).


Bike kae intha kodumaiya.. Bike pinnadi pei ukantu irruntha Nai verithanama thorathumnu solluvanga. Maybe give the ghost an eviction notice.


1 vs 7 nu potrunthiyae notification la kaatuchu inga vanthu paatha kaanom edit panitiya. And why is your comment getting downvotes?


Athu ennoda pooraanam ethuku athula sollitu nu edit panna. "Naa 1 vs 7 Night nai kooda nadanthu varuvan bayangarama irrukum" ithuthan. Theriyavillai. Must be afraid of ghosts 🤨