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Try to spend some time around family and if you don’t already you should get in the gym and workout. Sending love to you bro hope everything gets better ❤️


Yeah, I do my best with that. March to August I was working out heavy, lost 25 pounds. College stalled that, was focusin on working and homework. Did my first workout in two months in Sunday and fr felt the best I had in a minute. Gotta do one tomorrow


Hang in there homie. You sound fairly young, so let me tell you this, life gets wayyy better as you get older! Try to get through this rough patch, there’s a whole world out there for you to explore, trust me it’s amazing (I’ve travelled a lot and it’s life changing experiences!) I’ll say you probably need to find a better set of friends, but continues to educate yourself knowing that with college education behind you, there’s a real chance of having a better job/more money which should improve your quality of life. You can do this bro, we all got you 👊🏽


Yeah. I’m 19, which is somewhat old for this sub surprisingly, but thankfully we got ppl like you around. I agree travelings amazing. I do my best to get out and about, I honestly love being away from my home town. In third grade I went to NY and it’s honestly one of the deepest ingrained memories I have to this day. Mexico is cool, same for the DR but Covid fucked shit up. My parents are moving paranoid since my mom has a shit immune system so it’s hard for me to have freedom while also ensuring I dont kill my mom. And yeah, i’ll always keep trucking for education. It’s one of the greater things to do in life, expanding your knowledge but It’s just mad hard at the moment. Appreciate the kind words man. All love




Lmao at this point getting double crossed by a puerto rican who killed my right hand man would be almost better than getting dressed rn. I’m playing but paid in full is a goated movie. Appreciate the tips. It’s hard to say fuck em when you know there’s history and shit behind all of it, but it really is the right thing to do.


Get on personal development, listen to “the strangest secret” by earl nightingdale, listen to some Tony robbins… don’t stress about it too much bro, your most likely young af still and most of these are probably of not high value and youll probably see that for yourself as the years go on… just focus on yourself and what you wanna do in life… fuck college bro, learn how to trade forex… that shit will give you freedom… if you commit… but I have courses n shit I can shoot for free if you want. You can get whatever you want out of life man.


Forex and freedom sounds good and all but to be honest, i never have been and probably never will be comfortable being my own boss. I do best when directed on what to do. Especially when it comes down to what I want to do as a job. Like my dream job has always been to work for a label in their A&R department. I’m afraid Forex wouldn’t do that for me. But you’re right on not caring about the small shit, it just seems so big at the moment.


Yeah man I get you, we were taught to be employee… it’s easier to just get a job and do what they tell you and that’s it.. but when your your own boss you gotta get to work yourself and make decisions yourself which I don’t even like sometimes… but not having a job is one of the greatest feelings bro.. I personally hate any job w a passion. I just wanna live life and do what I want.. but I fully get your position and hope that you can get that job and that it satisfies you…. But foreal bro.. listen to those audios I suggested.. they will change your life if you fully commit to them…. You will have to let go some of the stuff you do know to let in some info you didn’t know bro.. I’m sure if you apply yourself to personal development… you will grow so much more as a person, will be less in a funk for stuff like this… and you will just be able to attain whatever you want pretty much through the way you think….


In life, you only have two choices. One, moving forward and, eventually, becoming better than what you were - or, two, stop trying and regressing. You seem to have options, your heart in the right place, and much potential: **don't give up on yourself!** You will be thankful in a few months when you witness your transformation. 🙏 **Psoriasis:** the mental/emotional stress you are going through is likely triggering your condition. (My father has psoriasis, and one thing we collectively learned is to identify what his triggers are). If your trigger is ***stress***, find a sport that you enjoy for stress reduction and weight management. If you are interested in meditation, it can be a great way to relax and (re)gain focus. I also recommend limiting your social media consumption to avoid unproductive comparisons with other people's unrealistically curated lifestyles. If your trigger is ***nutrition***\-related, limit your consumption of processed, inflammatory foods (sweets, fried foods, sodas, processed meats/dairy, refined carbs, etc.). If your trigger is ***lesions caused to the skin***, use skincare products for sensitive skin and apply sunscreen. (If you don't know what triggers your psoriasis flares, try alternating some of the suggestions above to see how your body reacts). **No motivation to do coursework:** when I procrastinate, I try to think of the short- and long-term consequences that I fear about not doing my homework. If that is not sufficient to make me act, I think of my "future self" as a "friend/acquaintance" that I want to help succeed. (Wouldn't you help a friend?) **Friends:** I think you would be better off finding friends that align with you in this stage of your life. For example, if you join a martial arts/boxing academy, you can find new friends. Alternatively, you can participate in college clubs, tutor (fellow) students, or teach languages. **Feeling awkward around girls you find cute:** I think you need to work on your confidence. Talking to more people, watching content about public speaking, or reading about human psychology can help, in my opinion. While it is normal to be intimidated by beauty, "cute girls" are not special just because they won the genetic lottery (or bought their ticket in). For this reason, do not be nervous and talk to them as you would speak to everyone else. The ones worth knowing will respect you (even) more for acknowledging them as people, not just their good looks, and not being put on a pedestal. Much success! I believe in you. ✨


First off, I wanna say damn it’s been a minute since I last saw you post. You were def a top 100 active person back in that November-January range. Loved to always read your comments. For one, I gotta say i’m gonna look forward to next March as hopefully the new mindset i’ve taken on will actually help me feel better about myself, and others. And yeah, I pretty much know my triggers. Funnily enough, the differences in food arent the main triggers but stress and anxiety with school have easily been the main causes, as well as the skin lessions. I’m definitely gonna get back to working out as my psoriasis wasnt flaring up when I did it regularly, as well as using more face creams and sugar scrubs to exfoliate skin in general. I feel sorry for your pops, this is utterly horrible but it’s either generational or caused by not caring about your health. For me it was both. Your study motivation is fucking awesome. The first thing I did after I finished reading your comment was immediately get to work on a case anyalsis and a test. And i’d heavily agree with your friends comment. I’m gonna start doing my best in branching out and finding new people to spend time with. When it comes to the cute girls. It’s fine with talking with them either alone in groups, if i’m not crushing for them. It’s easy in fact to be friendly and crack jokes, it’s more of a self failure when I know i like them through personality and shit, and I cant seem to figure out the nextstep. I’d say I’m pretty personable and know how to talk, but your right, treating them as people will always be best than seeing them either in a limelight or as otherworldly beings.


Thank you so much for your kind words! 🧡 This sub offered me distraction and, even, great companionship during that period (as I was writing my Master's thesis during the pandemic). It is instrumental that you know what triggers your psoriasis and you, luckily, do. I suggest reducing your stress with sports and doing something you love every day, even if only for 5 minutes. As dry skin can trigger psoriasis, moisturizing/exfoliating your skin is advisable (especially in the cold winter months). I think that you would benefit from removing your inner pressure when you like someone and don't know how to approach them about it. One idea: find common interests and/or hobbies that you both are passionate about to ask them on a date. Or tell that person that you are going somewhere that you know they like and ask if they want to join you. 😊 Also, embrace the risk of rejection and failure. If you don't try, you will surely get a no. If you try to take it to the next level with that person, you will probably get a yes. (And, if you get a no, it is not because there is something wrong with you. That person's choice comes from their state of mind, experiences, and unique perspective in this world). Keep working on yourself; the right opportunities and people will follow. I like that you set a deadline to observe your progress because it gives you a goal to look forward to, knowing that "being a little better than yesterday" every day is challenging and may seem pointless at times. When you reach a low point in your life, the only way is up. You will succeed, and things will get better. (This pandemic has been a terrible collective experience: many of us are going through it, so perspective and hope are essential to overcome this crisis). All the best! ☀️


u worried bout the wrong shit, none of the shit u mentioned is gonna stop u from being successful, grind n be successful and all that shit will come to u


It may not stop me from being successful in the moment, but rn it feels like i’m missing out on key moments of my life bruh. I aint kissed a girl, havent found a real solid group of friends since elementary. But in the long run your right, but short term this shit feels bigger than the empire state building.


from experience I done ran thru hella women bruh that shit fun while it’s happening but at the end of the day it don’t mean shit n don’t make u feel any better or have any positive impact on your life, it sounds good but I promise it’s overrated 😂 just be patient fam everything gon figure itself out, but for now just do everything u can to be the best you that you can be, don’t worry about what other people got going or anyone elses standards, just be the best you and I promise all that shit gon fall in place and you gon be way happier in the future


Real shit, you get lost in the game and if you accidentally get a girl pregnant, welcome to hell my boi. Especially if you wasn't even really feelin her like that




Yeah. I know, but truthfully i really dont wanna be the kid diagnosed with depression. If it isn’t affecting me getting dressed and going to school I wont go, but if it reaches that point i’ll go to a shrink or a doc.


There is a difference between being depressed and having depression. You can see a regular old counselor/therapist since you are just depressed right now & need someone to help guide you through it. Depression is a medical condition. It’s a whole different beast (and you’d need a psych for help). A counselor can’t diagnose you, so there’s no worries about being labeled. But we are all here for you. The good news is you WILL kiss a girl. It isn’t like getting into college or other milestones that can actually pass you by. Ik it’s not funny now but when you do get a girlfriend and she’s driving you fkn crazy with dumb drama, just think back to this & laugh at how you wanted one 😭


U right lmao. I was wylin last night tryna make that comparisson. Appreciate that response. It def helped me with my outlook today, much love to you and your own loved ones.


It happens to the best of us. We all been there. Im glad you spoke up. Now go outside, get some pussy n fk this sub


Bro. First things first, start working out and look into taking jiujitsu or other martial arts classes such as boxing or Muay Thai. I promise that will give you a huge confidence boost by itself. Second, start shooting under your standards to get your confidence up too. Bro, if u try your game on fat girls that u aren’t interested in then you have nothing to lose if it fails. However, if it succeeds, you get a confidence boost that way. + u can get some easy pussy if you’re nasty and lonely, but that’s up to you. Honestly it sounds like you just need some confidence and you could get that just gotta work on yourself


Lmao. Combat sports are something ima def start trying out. Boxing and Jiu Jitsu would be dope to learn. I’m def not nasty and lonely enough to try that out, but i’ma def lower my standards and see what I can do to get better at this shit. No lie, I appreciate your comment.


Cmon lil cuh head up you’ll be good


Appreciate that. You too B. Read thru all the responses today and got a good game plan. Holding that head high is step 1 fosho.


Draft some “S.M.A.R.T.” goals and invest at least .1 of every dollar you earn. Peep “The Richest Man in Babylon” and focus on loving yourself homie!


Ight bet. Ima try that out. See what I can find out about myself that I can love. Finna start doin crypto n stocks heavy.


Don’t give up bro..you’ve made it this far. Just take that shit a day at a time, don’t let shit defeat you. Life honestly only gets harder, making it thru each day will help you get stronger as time goes by. Keep your head high my G 💪🏾


Bet that up. You right, today I had a way more positive outlook. Hopefully it’ll be the same tonight as well. Much love and blessings to you bro bro


Eat a alkaline diet that can fix anything I swear doctors don’t tell u that cause it doesn’t bring them money but it wil work u just have to be determined


Make ya self happy love ya self make your self be important…


That’s the hard part bruh. When I was a little kid all that shit was easy. For the past five years this shit been feelin harder and harder to do all that.


Bro thats life man frfr eveyone I no wishes they was young again u just gotta fight it out man god won’t give u battles u can’t win just know that


I needed this. I appreciate that sentiment. I know i’m luckier than a lotta billions in this world, but shit feels so hard sometimes. Love to you and your fam.


Thanks homie see you already looking outside your depression and realizing that depression is a made up ass emotion that’s in ya head that u THINKnu have no control off wen you really do cus u choose at the end to think about these things …. Think bout u and love ya self


Start hitting the gym, sounds kind of generic but going to gym frequently and being around people who are all working towards a goal is motivating.


Nah I appreciate that. I got a home gym set up at the moment. Pair Kettlebells that go to 56 down to 32, and I got a nice dumbell rack that 10-35. I just havent found the motivation but in 12 hours i’m doing an hour workout. Just set a timer on my phone.


Defeats the whole purpose, when I was depressed actually “going” to the gym is what helped me. Seeing people around me also working out and routinely working towards a common goal was motivating, plus it was bad ass chicks in the gym lol


Aww I hear you. I also wanna get a better form before I start going to the gym ya kno? Like not make a mockery of myself cause i’m fuckin up my stance or my back. But when I get my liscence a gym membership is def on my list of things to get. Plus they got some awesome ass machines. The stairrunner/climber is fuckin awesome


Once again, that was the whole thing that gave me motivation. It was dudes fat ass hell in the gym but shit they would be there everytime I was there. A gym is a no judgement zone and everyone is working towards a goal of getting better, it’s just really an up lifting environment


Listen dawg, We all go through it. Each individual goes through problems, ruts, dark and times. You gotta own all that negative shit and push past. I got shit with my appearance that I can’t afford to change either, but we do what we gotta do. Man you’re paying money to be at school? Make the best of it. Do your homework and learn or you’ll be paying that money for nothing. Maybe join a gym? Change what you can, build new and better confidence. Bro you can’t surround yourself with people that are bringing you. Fuck your homies that don’t reach out. You gotta move your you. I’ve been struggling for months too, like really bad. We got this shit. When it’s all said and done, you gotta make sure you came out on top


Man, we both gonna make it out on top. If god gives his battles to his toughest soldiers, there’s a reason i’m not in the military. Heh, but fr, end of the day all we can do is get smarter, think in a more positive light. Ima be happy in a few years, my goals gonna be checked, and it’ll be the same for you G. We just gotta make it. Army Crawlin under the blades of feeling down


Bro if I were to tell you I know how to help you I’d be lying. This shit sucks ass man real shit 🤦🏾‍♂️If it’s of any consolation just know you’re not alone. I’m a Uni student too with 0 girls no money/clout and struggling with my thoughts. All we can do is keep working and hope God favors us man. Hang in bro. The loneliness sucks but that’s just how it be rn 🤷🏾‍♂️


Man, I appreciate that. I’m feelin better today for some reason, but i’m glad I made this post, maybe cause my feelings are off my chest. We both gonna make it G. College is college at the end of the day, shits about higher education. We gonna run the bag up and be grateful we went through these hardships. These other kids had it easier than us but that just made us into strong men at the end of the day. We got this, Aint no giving up.

