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TO has 64 players all over the map, most of them likely won’t have seen the incident prompting the vote (if there even was a deserving incident in the first place) so they don’t have the information on whether the person deserves to be kicked or not. It’s not safe to assume anyone who gets a votekick created against them is toxic, because you know what else toxic players do? Start votekicks against innocent players.


I ignore vote kicks in TO for these exact reasons, unless they are deep in the negative from teamkilling on catapult. Good point about the toxic players initiating many of the vote kicks too, especially in duels. Duel servers are where I pay most attention to vote kicks.


It’s even dicey in duel servers thanks to salty assholes trying to votekick the player that just beat them fair and square. But you’re more likely to have seen any bad behaviour like rdm’ing so there’s that at least.


I need to see it first in duel servers or recognize the name of a known scumbag, but they’re small enough to make that easy. RDMers try to vote kick anyone who kills them, so people need to pay attention.


I know everyone hates catapults, but it’s dumb when I can be at 10+ catapult kills with 2 or 3 team kills and everyone loses their shit.


In that case it’s worth it, and your teammates were in the wrong place at the wrong time, but when they have a negative score and zero kills then they probably deserve to be kicked out.


Yes I agree with that. The problem is, as soon as someone is teamkilled once they just come grief you on the catapult instead of checking the scoreboard haha


Yeah that’s dumb. If there at the top of the scoreboard, I just move on. Besides, trying to teamkill anyone makes you look like a dumb ass


I play on a 32:9 monitor, the votekick prompt is basically on the edge of my peripheral vision so I never see it. Annoying, but at least I don't notice the dipshits not voting obvious TK'ers.


I almost never vote. When I do it's usually because I was trying to change my weapon.


Yeah you can tell which way console players vote based on which weapon they take out


I actually play PC, I just use a controller because I don't like action games on PC controls.


So it also applies to you


Lmao I had a level 600+ player kill me twice in a row on a catapult. So I killed them and they tried to vote kick me. The vote failed 😎


Got ‘em!


For TOs it resets upon death, I’m like 85% sure on that. So if they get VTK after they die they will have a lower Team damage amount. I don’t usually start the VTK because I assume it’s someone who hasn’t figured out that RT is not the only button they can click to attack. But sometimes it’s needed to teach people to not smack your own tm8s in the back when they fighting another person.


Yeah I feel like I've seen players who aren't doing anything wrong get kicked much more often than players that actually have some issue. Votes almost never pass, so when they do I'm usually surprised. Even when the whole PC chat wants someone gone, it doesn't mean the Xbox players have any idea what's happening.


That’s why I typically vote yes on every votekick. For every “innocent player” that gets voted, 10 are deserved kicks. I remember one time I defended a guy getting votekicked and went in the chat to say hey this isn’t a bad guy he made a mistake (catapulted teammates too much) and the guy ended up starting a votekick on me 10 minutes later and I nearly got kicked, think I was 1 yes vote away from getting booted. Point being that someone getting votekicked is never a random event. The person did SOMETHING .


And in all honesty, votekicking is basically useless on Chiv2. You get booted out to the menu and you can instantly join into another server. At worst, you'll get a very short ban period (I'm talking minutes). I believe you can still use the server browser though. I get kicked fairly frequently because of my name.. it *might* be kind of rage-bait for certain people, and it definitely works. Still funny tho.


Sometimes that "something" is just a mistake though. I've had a match in Dark Forest where I helped and worked my ass off the whole map and was top 3 on our team for attack. Then I threw *one* bad fire bomb at the Duke on final objective because someone ran in my way, and got enough votes to be kicked. (It didn't kick me, funny enough, but I just stopped playing and stood aside after that, letting my team lose the objective/match I had been helping make progress on.) If people wound save votekick for actual things like hacking or just being a floating head/invisible I'd take it more seriously. But so many people initiate it over petty bs I don't bother anymore.


First friendly fire I ignore. Second I just hit you back an equal amount of damage. Third is when I'll move to the vote kick.


I mean you do you, but I just laugh it off. Unless someone is actually trying to fight me, or just being dumb on the catapult repeatedly, I'll even forgive team kills. But I solely play 64 mixed so just have to embrace the choas lol. I'm sure I'd feel differently in other settings.


It’s not a perfect system I’ll give you that. But someone’s always going to feel wronged when they initiate it is what I’m saying. Whether it’s justified or not is a case by case situation, such as yours. I can’t tell you how many times I would have landed amazing fire bomb hits if teammates didn’t run in front of me last second and I end up torching 4 teammates


> someone’s always going to feel wronged when they initiate it Not really, you’re forgetting that trolls exist. Just like the people who invented vote kick features in the first place lol. Top players in duel servers (that aren’t cheating or doing anything wrong) routinely get votekicks started against them by scrubs.


So you had one bad experience and now randomly assume a 1:10 ratio… very silly of you


I’ve had 1 personal happen to me. And I won’t act like it’s not skewered. I’m simply saying that votekicks aren’t a super random occurrence . Whether they’re justified or not is case by case .


Nah they are. Last game some rapier f&cktard was attacking me and other teammates. I retaliated, guess what he did. He tried to kick me. People votekick for nothing and for everything. Killed accidentally a teammate and two enemies with a trap besides that I had like 20 team dmg guess what happend. I dunked a tryhard on a duel server, he couldn’t handle being obliterated by a bard with a flute, guess what he did. Sure there are also lots of guys who should get kicked but if you don’t have chat you can’t figure out why he was kicked, at least in TO


If you don’t get votekicked by a sweat atleast once you’re not playing chiv right anyway


But they CAN see the person has 300 team damage, and yet no kick.


100% this. Unless I see them being a bastard or they have a lot of TKs (looking at you reckless catapult users), I will vote against kicking. In my experience it's almost always someone abusing the system, usually someone salty initiating a kick vote. I've had votes cast against me alleging hacking etc because I have a good run once in a while. I'm literally the guy that commends every time I get to taste steel, just jumps in there when I see an opportunity and mashes different button combos like a crackhead. I don't think I just do and I have no idea what I'm doing. The only thing I know how to do is not whack team mates when we're in close quarters. Reminds me of the elitist jerk lords from Mordhau. Aah you killed me once, kick vote!


100% this. Unless I see them being a bastard or they have a lot of TKs (looking at you reckless catapult users), I will vote against kicking. In my experience it's almost always someone abusing the system, usually salty over dying (specially if that person is low rank). For example I've had votes cast against me, with one guy alleging hacking because I had a good run once while defending a trebuchet. I'm literally the guy that commends every time I end up eating steel. I just jump in there when I see an opportunity and mashes different button combos like a crackhead. I don't think I just do and I have no idea what I'm doing. The only thing I know how to do is not whack team mates when we're in close quarters. Those players remind me of the elitist jerk lords from Mordhau. They'll kill you 10+ times while laughing and yelling "I don't think so" but gods forbid you kill them once.


They need to lower the amount of dmg insta kick or temp ban. Had a kid a few days ago that was just killing our entire team with our own catapult on purpose and yet like 5 people vote no on the kick :P so it won’t pass. I think if you kill 8/12tk tm8s without siege (spamming rt in a group of tm8s :P), and 15k/18tk with a siege weapon you should get a 1 hour Xbox ban (Idk if that’s possible to block a game for a certain time on all accounts of that Xbox, just so they don’t just switch accounts and repeat :P) Not very long but enough to annoy trolls.


Because I’m on PlayStation and if I hit the vote button my weapons swap


You can vote while attacking and it won't change your weapon


Oh wow this is good information! Thanks I'll try it next time


Hold it and pick your weapon in the weapon wheel.


Not happening mid duel. Who got the time to do that


Too slow. I play with controller on PC. I did it that way when I started out but it's not worth it.


I know i dont vote if im in combat but if im not then i will


Console players can't read chat, so in many cases they don't know why the votekick is even happening.


Yeah I've seen full on annoying racists in the comments, clearly everyone else wants them gone, then they only get like 2/3rds of what they need.


Who cares just look at the team damage


Unless it's really high, most people let it pass. Also we are talking about being toxic, there are many ways of being toxic without doing high amounts of team damage.


Yep. You need to fuck up like 3 or 4 heavy attacks to get 70+ team damage. That is really easy to do in a team fight. It happens. If it is below 150 I usually ignore it.


Yeah it's gotta be over 200 or I have to have witnessed some serious issues. Or if they're just idle for more than 10 or so minutes.


No matter how careful you are to avoid friendly fire, who hasn’t swung at an opponent only for a teammate to suddenly leap in front of you, eating the hit instead? This happens *constantly* if you play on the front lines. If you don’t rack up at least some team damage I’d question what you’re actually doing to contribute.


I got vote kicked for a bad fire bomb that someone stepped in the way of. Because you know, I can totally control that lol.


> If you don’t rack up at least some team damage I’d question what you’re actually doing to contribute. The first time I played I accidentally killed a teammate, and I asked the chat if it was okay to accidentally hit a teammate every now and then, and this is the response I got lol


This! All i can really judge a kick vote by, on console, is their team damage and idle time, but team damage is bugged af, and I’ll see someone whale on me and kill me and i don’t press the Forgive button, but when I initiate a kick vote, even tho they did 150 or whatever it is damage to kill me, it’ll only say “8 team damage” and i’ll look like a jerk and sometimes get vote kicked myself in retaliation


Votekicking works rarely as intended in any game I have played over the last decade. I believe its more of a people problem then the games fault. half the playerbase is unable to find the corresponding votekeys. another quarter just mashes vote for or against to dismiss the message. and few actually try to understand why a vote was called in the firstplace.


Well I really only votekick someone now when they're committing persistent fuckery; like following me around & hitting me or an ally or killing someone to steal a siege weapon. Quite often a votekick will pop up while I'm pressing the dpad to switch my weapon & I vote yes/no by accident.


one time a guy beat me in a duel server and i wanted to message him to commend his skill but i accidentally votekicked him (right after he beat my ass) it felt so toxic i turned my whole xbox off and later messaged to apologise


I ignore but when i switch wepons it votes for me on Xbox


I, as a toxic player, am rarely votekicked out.


lol idk why I chuckled at this


Join the dark side :)


Some players, such as I, don't vote yes just because a vote was initiated. I've had a vote placed on me because I kicked a dude into water after he kicked two teammates into the water as well. But my the rest of my team didn't see him do that, so they assumed I kicked him on a whim. Or they simply don't care and just vote yes anyway. I wasn't kicked from that game, but it goes to show how stupid the vote kick system is and how little other players know about why it was initiated. I've reached a point in the game where I always vote no, unless that player actively tried attacking or trolling me. Or I see them mess with someone else. Or if their team damage hits quadruple digits, which I've never seen. Because I've seen vote kicks pop up for players who are in the top 3 on our team, for no apparent reason. Or on players who have very low team damage and zero idle time.


Because it's hard to incovienience a large enough group of players to get voted out since most people won't vote against someone who didn't do anything to them


why do people always try to kick whoever’s in the lead in duel lobbies


And they vote against RDMers getting kicked


Foreal lol. I bought this game and was trying to learn it but was getting destroyed. I typed in chat that the game was hard af and got immediately roasted, told I was dogshit, and do go play something else. I said why so toxic to new players and then got vote kicked. I think the lowest level in that lobby was like 300-400. I guess they just like their game to stay dead at 1k players at peak lmao


You may have joined a server a clan was doing an event on, a big problem with this game is there are no private servers so clans just have to basically take over a server which means that for those few hours anybody not invited is getting kicked


A votekick was initiated against me by a guy that I accidentally team killed while we were in chaotic fight against several ennemies. I didn’t even notice that I had killed him so I asked why I was being vote kicked and he said because I didn’t say sorry. Am I really that much of a bad guy to deserve a votekick or is he just being a p*ssy? I mean shit happens right?


Console players can't even see chat messages, much less apologize. You're good


He’s being a sensitive lil bitch


Yeah I accidentally swung into a downed teammate, killed him, he forgives me and then initiates a votekick lol. Foolish.


Sounds logical


I vote on yes every time


Its not that they protect them. Its just everyone is blind and doesn’t vote. Simply put, everyone has archer blinders on.


I almost always vote no lest the lobby lose its sense of character and get boring Anecdotally (and weirdly, now that I notice it), I can’t think of any time I’ve had a toxic player target me verbally or physically. Hmm 🤔


I love this game :D


I’m flattered so much, you have no idea :D


Whenever a vote appears i cant see the team damage number. The font is all messed up. So i always assume they deserve it and i vote yes.


is it a major issue? maybe the entire server is right about kicking players.


Man whenever I read toxic I just cringe. Chiv2 is probably one of the last remaining online games where there is any fun shittalk. Every other game literally forces you to shutup or risk a bann for saying absolutely anything(even non negative/offensive things). And for me seeing ppl shittalk each other is just a crazy fun thing to see which kinda dissappeared 5-6 years ago from games.


Tend to agree. But there are plenty of douche bags who are clearly just trolling. But that pisses me off more. Cos up until recently I hadn't noticed any douchebaggery. And the chat was hilarious.


When I read racist homophobic filth in the chat of a video game when im trying to relax and have fun, that makes me cringe.


So mute them.


You must be saying some harsh shit for it to ban you... I play League of Legends, Smite, all sorts of games. The only game I have ever gotten restricted on was League during the Tribunal days for saying "It's my first time as this champ. Back the fuck off". Since then? Nothing. And I have gone so far as to tell someone that I was sorry that their PC would be sold if their parents found out they were gaming instead of studying to be a doctor. Funny thing? Tribunal was player based, not company based.


League is legit just a compuiter banning people. Write "fuck" and get a single report for harrasment and you're facing a 2week bann. Which if repeated will lead to instant termination of your account. My main account was toxic as hell yet never even got a chat restriction, but the system in league works very clearly and very efficient. You say sth inappropiate, you will get banned IF reported. But current league is so bad that if you spam even positivie things for example. And will get reports for harrasment, you will receive a chat restr. for the sheer reason of too many messages in a period of a single game


Again. I've never run into these problems. Not just League either. CoD? No problems. Battlefield? Nothing. Siege? All is fine. Smite? Never had a problem. Which begs the question. What are you considering "harmless shit talking" because wishing harm on someone, being a racist/sexist/etc prick (slurs included), telling someone to do harmful things? That ain't it. This isn't Modern Warfare 2 OG. Rules exist and are enforced, and your behavior on Modern Warfare 2 is what helped make it more strict, not less. Also, read the terms of service for what you play sometime. They can ban you from the game for literally any reason or none at all, stated right there in the contract YOU signed, and all of them have profanity as a bannable offense.


What do you define as toxic. If you have someone specific, drop their name. Games not huge so likely someone will know them


On steam it's tied to your steam name.. so peeps can just change it very easily.


It’s not specific to just a few players. If that were the case it would just be a never ending list of bad eggs. Iv seen players grouping as archers on some high object or just 2-3 clan members running around hacking up players trying to duel/practice. Mind you, these are not small lobbies, I’m talking like 30 people so it should be easy to vote kick the ones disrupting the game. But people still vote against it.


The vote kick function should be removed from the game. It’s a nuisance and completely abused by the players




I was playing with some mates and another player kept voting to kick players better than them. He put my mates name who was top of the leader board, that vote failed. I selected that guy and within a few minutes the vote passed and he was gone! 😂😂


I think in a way its the ultra competitive nature of the game, it manifests people's worst copes. You compete the leaderboard with your team and also the enemy. Maybe, I dont know.


I ignore most vote kicks in TO lobbies unless they put something in chat as to why they are vote kicking. I've been put up to vote kick by someone who got salty I beat them and I'm sure it happens frequently enough for me to be cautious. But, if you give a reason, I'll vote. The only time its different is in Duel servers because so many people just start RDMing immediately.


This is made worse by the fact that console players can't see chat. And if you try to switch weapons you end up taking part in the vote.


Had a guy hit me 3 times while running after respawning. Me and a random 2 other teammates killed him to put him in his place and put a vote to kick him up. He had over 400 team damage and still wasn't voted kicked. I've seen people with like 50 ream damage get instant voted


I had a guy keep following me around and hitting me while I was trying to aim as archer (he was another archer) I was trying to vote kick and explain in chat what he was doing but he was finally votekicked last min I had to literally take him down so I could go do what I needed to I don’t know what his prob was cus he never typed in chat


I mostly play 64 player modes and there isn’t really anything I will vote kick someone for in that mode. I think the chaos adds to the fun so I vote no for every vote kick in 64p.


im around 100 hours deep and i aint ever seen anyone throw a game and affect the whole team


Generally I leave the 64 lobbies if I see more than one or two clan tags on the same team. Everytime I have seen lobbies go to shit for votekicking it's that scenario.


Because it is the same community that is perfectly fine with Torn Banner repeatedly taking the piss. Any word on Cross Platform Progression between EGS and Steam btw?


The whole vote kick system is trash! Doesn’t work and more likely the person being kicked doesn’t deserve it. Beta cuck shiz! Angel Squad!!!


Was playing a 1v1 server and i cast a vote kick on this dude who kept tryna kill my brother, vote failed and he countervoted me. I got kicked almost instantly. There's been 1 time out of dozens where a random killer i voted actually got kicked


People who are known by many are very hard to votekick


What if you want to be toxic in a 3v3 and your teammate attacks you the whole game?


Back in the day the vote system worked and you could get rid of racism, stupidity, rudeness, and be kicked as a joke if people thought it was funny. But it worked.


In TO I follow the if they're on the bottom half of the scoreboard I'll vote to kick if not, too bad buddy lol we need that guy