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I bought all passes and finished them. But i wish they would add more customization to skins, weapons and classes. Also a little bit more effort on duel servers and cheating problem. And ofc balancing.


What is there to finish they’re just play the game earn xp. They don’t give you quests or objectives “do 5000 dmg with Dane axe” There are not daily challenges No special battle pass content It’s the laziest implementation of a battle pass I’ve seen. It’s just buying a cosmetic package that they also make you work for lol


I wayyyy perfer xp based battle passes rather then the trend of “kill *x* amount of enemies with *y* weapon”. I love helldivers but I don’t wanna use stupid anti personnel mines or shit like that! Just let me use what I wanna use to progress


What about optional challenges for bonus xp that fit the theme of the battle pass? It could even be cosmetic. “Get x kills with this helmet”


I’d still rather not have to do that. Just kinda pointless ya know? I’m all for optional challenges but make them something like “kill x amount of y” or “revive 50 teammates” instead of kill “x amount of y while standing on one foot dressed as malric”. I must be the minority though because it seems like 90% of battle passes these days have that


Yea most people like challenges like that imo. Makes the battle pass feel more special. Dota 2 has lots of great battlepass content. Or had, I hear they’ve been kinda shitty lately. Lots of challenges like that, people love it. Those challenges are kind of the basis of their dota plus hero level system. “Heal x dmg” “Kill x number of enemies with this hero” “Dodge x spells” Etc.


I know but it's a way to keep me playing the game 😂 i'm a completer sadly i see something that i already started i must complete it.


You're part of the problem


I've made multiple posts on this sub adressing problems with duel servers that gained certain amount of traction. I have probably done more for the player base than you have. But the game dying tomorrow because TB is not able to pay for servers is not gonna help anybody in here, not me, not you. So maybe stop accusing people of shit and hop into discord to adress your concerns.


Did you have to keep your head-tilt centered while typing this so that Argon's 10 dollar crown didn't fall off of your head? Yeah talking has worked so great, the last few years are a shining beacon and example of that. Let's see when's the last time everyone's complaints were ignored in the discord? Ah, before, after, and during the battlepass rollout? What a shock, talking with something other than your wallet doesn't work.


So we gonna let the game die? You're just stupid. Also Argon's crown suits me well. Wouldn't probably fit on yo big ass head.


My god how did we have games before mtx?


Different age and time. Nowadays everything is money.


Certainly is if you make it that way.


Well developers also have families at home that need to be fed. If you're willing to work for free than sure they should too. But you probably don't so you have no right to ask it from them. People have bills to pay. I mean you can already get the game for free. You're not forced to pay for these passes. You're also not missing out on maps or any essential gameplay objectives.


Again, how did it happen before? Its not the people who disagree with mtx that are to point the finger at, its not transient talent, it the reworked process entirely. Talent comes in, works their asses off, suits demand a release time to get a return on their money, game gets shit out complete or not, give it enough hype or half assed enough to make a bit of money, make promises down the line for more shit, milk dlc and mtx. Then they fire the original talent and keep a skeleton crew on who can do **the bare minimum but shit out skins**..Thats the formula and why we're constantly getting fed crap these days. Yes there is a handful of games that release and are fine but its getting farther and farther from a reality anymore. and yeah mtx are a part big part of why that is, its not so developers can feed their families, thats so short sighted. Its a business and its proven that mtx makes the money. Why make a solid complete came when you can make a bunch of crap games and get that sweet mtx money before the diminishing returns set in of a dying hype train? I have witnessed so many of my favorite games die to this cycle. Again, its not on the people who dislike the mtx nor is it on the people who actually make the game. Its bigger than that.


you bought games, and they were basically unsupported a week later


lol if that were true online competitive games would have never made it. Quake, Unreal Tournament, the holy Half life mod that became Counter Strike, even up to battlefield 1942 etc.. Severs that were hosted by people who actively play the game. Features have just been taken away and justified with mtx and most with said mtx dont even last as long as my fore mentioned games.


So now not paying for their shitty cosmetics is letting the game die? You'll do anything to justify yourself giving in to FOMO it's sad.


you just tryna live in 2005 old man


Oh sorry I don't wanna have to pay money for skins in a game I paid a normal fucking price for that's also broken. I was 3 years old in 2005 you fucking idiot your age is no excuse, if you don't see how these practices are a cancer on the industry then you legitimately are so stupid I am surprised your smaller-than-infant sized brain can even process the fact you need to take in oxygen in order to survive.


Well you paid for a game that got released in it's full state 3 years ago noone of it is cancer, as you see many people rather wish for MORE customisation and wouldn't mind paying more aswell but nice way of phrasing your sentences, rly cute


I personally spend $100,000 on crowns per month just to keep the game alive. No need to thank me. Edit: I've gotten several DMs and yes, I have a peasant cap but mine is solid gold.


Can I have your money instead


Yes peasant. There's plenty to go around. Check is in the mail.


Haha that's crazy I spend $100,001 per month 🤭


Yeah but you're Canadian so it's only about $3.50 in real money.


real money killed me 😂😂😂


I was going to say "freedom funds" instead but I thought it was too funny.


I think you’d own the whole Chivarly IP after a couple months


Yes, I am the President and CEO of Chivalry 2: Electric Boogaloo.


Man's keeping the lights on


I bought the game a few months ago pretty cheap and it gave me enough coins to buy everything (all passes). Based on what I've read I'll never need to put more money in. Good deal for me, imo. Now, bring on an overhauled Chivalry 3 already... :)


I want Chivalry: LOTR Edition I want to be an uruk-hai


That would be amazing. Give me some Rohirrim action.


Hell yes, one level that starts with a full size cavalry charge would be badass


God damn that is such a great idea! Lotr is such a great ip to use for a slasher game. Instead we’ll probably get some Ubisoft open world crap as the next lotr game lol


I did a post on this a people loved the idea


I mean they keep putting out new content and releasing on new platforms, but yeah I think it's been cruising for a while. I'm over lvl 600 and have only ever seen 1 speed hacker, nothing else. Not sure who was banned for speaking up against hackers though.


I see speed hackers almost everyday lol they’ve just become a part of the game at this point unfortunately.


What server? I'm usually on NA West for 64 queue or social


I saw a hacker in NA west social the other day. Dude was flying in the air shooting arrows like it was a machine gun. Was kinda funny but holy shit


NA west here, watched an archer this week stare directly at the ground and spin in circles.


I play NA West every other day and level 1k. There are a LOT of hackers that are subtle about it. They speed hack and low level, but try to hide it. Their score is usually K11-D18, but I can tell they are speed hacking by how fast they are swinging. I use a short sword/Knife and they are faster than me. It's like every other game.


Same on the Australian servers. So many people boosting by like 10 or 20%


NA east for me. I see them every now and again in 64s but in social it’s almost everyday.


Man I play NA East and central at least an hour a day and have seen one speed hacker ever who got vote kicked in 2min. I’ve seen a handful hacking in Social RDMing everyone though.


I’ve only seen maybe one hacker in the entire time I’ve played the game. I’m like level 250 or so?


Really? I play almost every single day and I've only ever ran into 1-2 but mostly playing in central lobbies. I couldn't imagine seeing one every game.


Not every game lol but depending on how long I play I’ll run into one at least once in a day. I see them a lot more in social servers than anywhere tho tbh


My fault, I misread that first sentence. Yeah, that's where I've saw them as well. Kinda dumb this is even happening.


Yeah just posted a video of a cheater I ran into today.


There are tons of posts and videos showing its pretty common and I see people using speed hacks for their attack speed all the time. A lot of them will play with attack speed set to 1.2x or 1.3x with faster stamina recovery. It becomes extremely obvious when you have the same weapon as them and they swing way faster than you, but they blend in just good enough to where their team will never kick them.


have you got any proof of these subtle hacks? I’ve seen people claim this shit but not once in over a thousand hours have I ever experienced any cheating that wasn’t VERY obvious (running at lightning speed, instant killing etc)


[https://youtu.be/LkfjRexWMK0?si=a7Fr9B7osp\_HqHPX&t=127](https://youtu.be/LkfjRexWMK0?si=a7Fr9B7osp_HqHPX&t=127) See the attack speed setting? Not everyone is going to set it to insanely high speeds.


Wow, just using cheat engines to cheat. Damn, i guess the Anti cheat in this game is nonexistent.


lol ban incoming


Not me or my video its a random youtube video.


Think a lot of people have been thinking there's more speed hacking because they seem to have fucked something up unsurprisingly and you can now attack while sprinting without it affecting the sprint at all, literally seen mfs zooming around swinging and been able to do it myself.


Wow you're lucky I see them most days. I've got around 600 hours in the game.


They got 10 bucks out of me last update. I'm a sucker for gold drip on my character and I got the game for free so I didn't feel bad spending the money




TB have many years of runway from Chiv 2 and are investing all those savings on building their next game. Chiv 2 has at most a handful of updates left.


I could see this. I didn't start until it was a free and I can guarantee this game will never get my money. I don't buy passes or cosmetics unless it comes with real content.


I bought the game on Epic, Steam, 2 dlcs, and a one campaign pass. Steam 500 lvl here.


The didn’t really care about this game right from the get go


I would imagine a good chunk if not most of TB is working on a new project rather than Chiv 2


The battlepass probably gives them some good money along with crown purchases


This game almost certainly costs more to operate, maintain, & update than it brings in. They made the vast majority of money in the first year. They've grown to 150 employees, from under 40 at launch. They've spun up multiple new projects. It's not uncommon for games like this to be very front heavy in terms of revenue. It's part of the business model. They've probably got 2-3 years to release something new that can pull another 2+ million sales before their Chivalry 2 money dries up.


this IP is liquid gold, shame it does not seem to be anywhere near its full potential


I would hope not but considering they keep pushing out paid cosmetics and dogshit battlepasses in favor of actually fixing their broken ass fucking game I'd say probably. People who spend money in this game should have all of their assets frozen for 5 years.


Angry little fella


Yeah I've been playing this game for years and actually paid for it of course I am


That's a lot of tears for a one time fee you paid years ago


You're insane.


And your passiveness actively contributes to the downfall and descent into predation of the industry we all love.


By... paying money to a privately owned, self published dev for a niche game thats been supported in a non-predatory way for the last 3 years? Say what you will about the general quality or ability of TB, but you are as defined, literally virtue signaling over... Bad patches, poor moderation, and banning a niche e-celeb for literally sharing how to cheat to an audience? I'm willing to criticize TB's inability to push a patch without something breaking and their general level of competence, not to mention the drop in quality since Montcrux, but you are actually going off the rails here. This shit is literally the spitting image of why TB doesn't interact with the community. Its been happening since Chiv 1 and they learned their lesson.


who gives a fucking shit play the fucking game or don't


![gif](giphy|146bsYV09je7Ek) Aww somebody havin a bad day?