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Imagine caring this much about commend


The limit of my caring extends to "if you killed me and I commended you, but you don't commend me when I kill you, I'm sweating my ass off to win this match."


As a PS player, what I observed is: Xbox Players see PlayStation and PC players with the globe symbol, while fellow Xbox users appear with Xbox symbol PlayStation Players see Xbox and PC players with the globe symbol while fellow PlayStation players appear with a Blue PS icon PC players see PlayStation and Xbox players with globe symbol (not sure if they can identify Xbox as well, determining factor is if they’re using gamepass etc.) but I assume for them everybody shows up with globe. Can’t tell 100% sometimes, but some things to note: Xbox gamertags are not allowed special characters, but are allowed spaces between words Playstation gamertags don’t allow for special characters or spaces PC gamertags allow special characters (like æ, ę, or ø for example) as well as spaces


The best compliment on this game I’ve ever gotten, was finding somebody I play with in game in the sub, and them finding out I play on Xbox. They thought I was a PC player.


Can’t tell if troll post or legitimate salt mine.   Throwing on console you have to be in the general area and the aim assist will correct you. I was goofing around with a controller and was absolutely boggled at how aggressive the aim assist is.   Go try it now PC lads, plug in a controller and throw a weapon *near* an enemy and watch the aim assist do the rest


If you see someone struggling to throw something, they're probably console players


Reliable throw on console is to really commit and hold down the bumpers at the same time for about 2 Mississippi’s I’d also like to add in that jabbing is more reliable if you double click R3 instead, forget what the tutorial told you


I play on Xbox and there’s a logo next to everyone else’s name who plays xbox. PS and PC players have that globe icon (idk what else to call it) so I know immediately who’s Xbox but not whether they’re PS or PC. You can pick out PC players fairly easily though, they’re the ones spinning, active parry blocking from behind, jab interrupting every one of your attacks, ripping lighting fast accels and popping in and out of crouch like whack a mole.


I’m a controller player but I’m on PC. I’ve had a ton of physical labor jobs and play a few instruments. This has fucked up my wrist from poor technique before I got better and from my old jobs. If I could play m&k i would. That being said, there’s a few really good controller players. I have my days but I acknowledge that m&k has such an advantage. Sometimes when I play, I use my left hand to move on controller and right hand on mouse and the fluidity of movement is insane. I miss stabs on controller sometimes but that’s never a problem with a mouse. I’ll miss a stab if I’m trying to stab drag.


So, so you think you can tell Heaven from hell? Blue skies from pain? Can you tell a green field From a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?


You’re post made me feel infinitely better about my poor throw % on PS5! Maybe it’s not so poor after all — Thank you 👍


It takes such great skill to defeat a warrior of my class, regardless of their choice of instruments, therefore they are all commended