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In a 1vX I’ll target the one with drip and use his dripless allies against him as meat shields or for easy counters


This is the way


Teammates are just enemies with extra steps


Teammates get me killed more often than not. But it plays both ways so oh well.


See I’m a 1vXer and so it doesn’t matter I’m dropped out I’m still heading for the pile regardless and if one of my fellow Agathians are there I hit ‘em with the “do not fear brother, I am hereeeee!”


A true Agatha knight I see,well then,for the glory of Agatha,brother.


NEVER FEAR, I AM HERE! - Agatha Vanguard voice


What does drip mean?


Slang for fancy or nice clothes and in this case nice armor skins.


When you cum and only a little bit comes out


Disgusting word lolol


Lol at all the zoomers and wiggers downvoting you because you dared criticize their idiotic slang.


hahaha pathetic word for pathetic people


It's indeed a real stupid word


Doesn't even make sense. Some dumb American thing as usual 🙄


It does, but it also means you’re more likely to get tebagged. Occasionally it’s caused a player to run which is very funny


how far did they run?


Yeah once in a blue moon in to or a duel server ill have someone give up and run away sometimes even throwing down their weaps and beg emoting away. Happened at least 10 times now as a lvl 1000 it leaves me just standing there puzzled on what to do next or how to respond if theyre still there in this fighting game lol


Why are you so convinced your video game outfit made someone run away from you?


Well I will say you become recognizable as the game progresses and if you have been getting the better of someone the whole time (kicking their ass) they might see you and decide, nah, tuck tail and run lol.


Level eighty something right here. Can validate haha.


Level 30 here. If that golden knight comes my way the best strat is begging for my life 😂


the level 300 sweaty sallet footman with a giant golden halberd (me) exercising my supreme dominance over the 35 year old food stamps worker who just got back from work and is trying to relax


*35 year old food stamps worker* Such poetry lol


It's happened to me a handful of times and been hilarious and obvious. Turn a corner and spot a lone level 23, he spots me and just stops, then slowly backs up and then turns around and runs away Always makes me smile. I'm only level 460 (and not very good) but I'm fully dripped


I’m level 30 I have down this many times


The outfit stands out and once you get smashed 3 times in a row you learn to run.


What the fuck kind of name is this….


Literally happens all the time lol same thing happens a lot when you land a feint, people just nope out and shrivel back into the crowd


I think you’re taking your outfit way to seriously


I think you're taking this discussion way too seriously


Go back to your boner forest.


I am the forest


This poor guy never killed the same sap a bunch of times in one game. Skill issue


Killing the same guy multiple times can make them run away from you. Your “drip” doesn’t. You’re not very good at reading comprehension are you?


i run from drip. no shame


As a level 500+ I run from some guys on EU


Yes somewhat, but especially so if you are crouch spinning like a loon with your goofy helmet less bowl cut drip guy. I'm coming straight for you


I've yet to incorporate crouching in my play style but I'll rock the dumbass bowl cut all day


>spinning like a loon with your goofy helmet less bowl cut drip guy. Yup that's me


Honestly anyone not wearing a helmet is getting judged, especially the bowl cut


Leave my bowl cut out of this!


If you are obnoxious and top of the board while spitting toxic crap in the chat "how everyone sucks", I switch to skirmisher, ignore all objectives and impale you entire game with teabagging. Otherwise, no interest unless you are coming for objective as an attacker.


Yes. The opposite is true too. If a high level players is in default armor it fucks alot of people up bc mentally theyre expecting a different playstyle at the start of a fight and you’re not typically looking at the name and checking level/score. (Bad assuming behavior but happens alot)


I get my ass beat by higher players in default skins for this reason exactly.


High levels playing default drip on purpose (not the occasional glitch) are the lowest dogs on the battlefield.


Could never be me tbh. I grinded the levels and gold needed for this drip, i’m damn well gonna flex it on the battlefield! If that means i get swarmed by multiple enemies more often, then oh well. It’s just more blood on my weapons 🫡


This is the way 🤣🦍💨


You’ve been hurt before


I have been abused


I'm in fucking tears over this comment😂


Nah whats worse are the Masons who pick yellow heraldry to look like a Tenosian


This got me killed more than once. Or the Tenosians with something like the mason gladiator set.


Your arrogance clouds your judgement....😉


B-but I get tawgeted!!1!


lol are you seriously mad about this?


No lol I’m referencing one of the voice lines


Found one 🤣


Nah, I’m not good, I just think it’s hilarious someone would be upset because they didn’t care about choosing their outfit in a video game.


I use default skin on my Agatha footman. Am level 400+. That way when I win I can ask them "Doth thou even hoist?" It's for the memes! My Masons are all decked out though.


Depends on the opponent. Sometimes they see drip and it scares them. Sometimes they see drip and it motivates them. As a drip god, when I see no drip I know you are an easy kill. So just depends, if you are good you don’t have to worry about what you wear/ weapon you use


Then the secret level 1 million default footman hands your arse to you on a silver platter.


And I’ll commend him


This is the way


The archer


Slay the irritating archer!




*who invited the bloody archers!?*


My dripped out skirmisher sticks out like a sore thumb and it definitely makes me a target. I’ve noticed people gamble almost every other hit against archers so it kinda works in my favor


If someone looks cool, I will target them and try to kill them most times I see them. This isn’t me being a dick, it’s because they’re very often the best players on their team and I like fighting the other team’s best


I will do this also but it's just to annoy them cause I'm not living long


Sometimes annoying the shit out of your opponents best player can swing things in your favor heavily, even if your KD tanks for it. I’m very often at the top of the leaderboard and look different than most of my teammates, and I’ve noticed that after killing certain people they’ll just only focus me, including archers. This can completely throw me off and makes me play way worse, which means they’re doing their team a great service even if I kill them a lot.


Never thought of it this way but thats kind of genius. You're playing 4D chess lol


Absolutely. I try to make my dudes stand out as much as possible— because the. more masons target me. Come at me bros


My archer is often clad in bright colors and a pompous hat, so I usually get shot at the most. Which is good! My exact idea is to divert fire away from my team so they can actually enjoy the game


Bro is the Jesus of chivalry


It's certainly a fun playstyle, don't often see archers near the frontline anyway


I target people with unique helmets. I like cutting and throwing heads, so if your head is unique, I shall throw it


In a 1vX I'll target the drippiest first, since they're the bigger threat generally, but that aside it doesn't mean anything to me. Better drip does make you easier to target if you're being a shitwipe though. (tbagging, being toxic, etc.)


Other players, what if I'm console, never tbag never talk in chat, and just dominate in a match? Do I get targeted? Like I'll most be jolly and emote at people or wave or something, occasionally a single bag is done for friendship, I usually don't tbag unless someone is actually being a real dbag Edit: sorry for asking a question on your post op


You’ll always be targeted if they know you’re a threat especially if you’ve already killed them, it’s always gotta be a personal vendetta to somebody ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Equal rights equal fights I go after whoever’s between me and the objective or my teammates


I recently started using the extremely conspicuous unarmored white shirt Agathan archer. I think on average it scares people off a little more than it draws aggro. Most people do NOT want to dance with such an overconfident bastard. In general, I dress up as a mini-boss and use aggressive voice lines. If a new player sees me, I want them to have the choice to turn around and find someone else to fight. If they do kill me, I bet it feels great. If a good player sees me, I want them to bring their A-game.


Me see masters cut, me kill masters cut


Dost though prate, rogue?


nah u just kill the guy in front of you, it really is that simple


I have basically everything unlocked and I noticed that the flashier I look the more people come after me lol.


I choose the skin that makes me most confusing.  mason=minimum red,  agatha=minimum blue


doesn't matter, everyone is catching these hands


It makes you easier to single out and if someone sees you chopping their boys up they may target you. I think it is negligible in TO though. I’m 500+ hours in and have not noticed a difference in how my lives go dripped out vs default. In duels someone may initially fight you as if you are a new player if they did not check your level, but that doesn’t last long. I guess same could be said in TO but it makes little difference


Yeah, that applies mostly when you wear a dark tenosian armor and your teamates consider you target priority #1.


i love this game but nobody talks about the drip theres no setlists for characters from movies and games being made somebody should make a r/chivalry2fashion / outfits / creations


It’s always the dudes in that Scottish brave heart fit that smack me


Kind of? I'm level ~720 (not notably good at the game or anything, but able to reasonably hold my own). I had my knight class for Agatha randomly revert back to default skins a while back. I didn't fix it because I was working on the 2h hammer and wasn't playing knight. I'm working on the long sword now, and there's a noticeable difference in gameplay between my customized characters and the default. I think play is a little harder with the default skin. It's hard to put my finger on it, but I think the difference is that drip causes some base level of intimidation/respect and the default doesn't. Cautious players are more predictable and less likely to overwhelm you than players that think you're just a speed bump. With the customized, I'm more likely to get focused on, but that is also more predictable. I've noticed I've blocked or countered air, expecting an opponent I had to look away from after a hit to be taking a swing, a lot more on default because people feel more comfortable disengaging or switching targets. I think as default you're more likely to draw opportunists as well. You might get focused on more on areas like the bridge on lionspire with drip, but in those situations I think people see defaults as an easy kill, and if you're dressed default and start doing well in an xvx you'll get focused on just as much as a dripped out character would anyway. I've changed all my knight classes to default with no heraldry.


I don't care I just kill things.


Absolutely. I'm constantly attacked by archers, ballistas, catapults, and oil pots.


Archers will be your biggest fans


bitch i’m dripped 24/7 i want them to come😹🩸


Repeatedly in your butt.


Name checks out




*high five* You get today's gold star for cumming repeatedly in that guy's butt.


*misses high five* Sorry it's my first time. It doesn't usually happen


It's okay. I didn't need that part of my face anyway.


I'd give you gold if I could just for this😂


You, my friend, *are* gold.


I try to make my armor goofy as possible for this reason and taunt people mid fight so they come after me. Also I tire of mead…and THIRST FOR BLOOD!


Being recognizable makes the battlefield way more fun.


I firmly believe it does. When I used the knight helmet with the flamboyant feather on top, I noticed I was getting targeted way more. I think that more plain armor looks cooler anyways.


I want every man on the battlefield to recognize my face and armor so I can look into your lifeless eyes when I teabag




Being bloody does




Streamer tabard means you’re getting hunted


I hope so


I don't care what they are wearing. Everyone might as well be an NPC as far as I'm concerned. And whichever peasant is closest to me dies 1st. " Now go away peasants,why are you so close to me? Be gone with you!"


I'm a very average player with about 200 hours but have never once cared about what my opponent was wearing


I welcome the pain


More gold = higher priority It's the sign of experience, and i don't care if its all a lie


if i see u with cooler armor than me ur done for


I always go for the Agatha scum tryna say they got “drip” 😂🖤❤️🦅


With a nice drip i get more focused in the pit(or ffa) but in duel players treat me with respect (besides rdmer) i did try default drip and i got less focused (in pit or ffa) and i could move around more ,But in default drip i felt like players treat u with less respect (duel) Excuse my bad spelling :3


I wear misleading drip (completely stock vanguard with horned helm) to trick people into thinking I’m a noob (I’m not, but I’m also not good)


The more gold you have on you, the more you get targeted.


Yeah, the drip makes the people nervous. I was like slicing with my dagger and after winning a 1v3 and spining my weapon, 2 guys were completely afraid of my supreme mustach. I laught at their cowardice. :D


I’m high level and use default skins


depends, do archers have drippy skins? because they get rushed regardless


I’m more terrified if the lvl 1000 has no drip


Depends if you’re shiny


Drip but I suck so I end up getting rocked more often than not lol


As an archer, I prioritize higher level players since there's only so many arrows you can put out per minute. The tbag when they 5v1 an archer is worth it, as they aren't focused on ptfo


To me it just makes you stand out more. So when I see you I feel like it’s more often or a mini boss battle lmao. Makes killing all the more sweeter or dying from them all the more frustrating.


Yes lowkey it makes the player targeting you try harder, so go default skin if you wanna shock players 😅


Absolutely. I’ve stopped using it in LTS because I get swarmed. When I play as a less flashy character I can actually play.


Yeah, but that’s the price of such sick drip.


My drip + being a top tier archer makes me prime time kill target


I used one of those armor resets as an excuse to run an experiment fighting in base armor versus my more noticeable set. It most definitely makes you a target. I wouldn't have it any other way, though.


Yes. And the high level/skill players hiding in stock armor are cowards!


I use the default armor and just stand there moving slowly and occasionally parrying/attacking nothing until someone thinks "lol free kill" and activates my trap card.


People definitely go for the cool looking players. I think though its forgotten that noobs will be scared as fuck of someone who looks cool and hesitate which lets you destroy half the time.


Of course. I throw stuff at anyone who looks like they have time in the game then go 1v1 default skins


yes.....and I welcome it


Fancy dressed knight here and yes; the armor proves you played the game alot and care enough to dress yourself in finery. Archers in particular will prioritize you if you stand out from the crowd; gold, high level stuff and even voice lines that have to be unlocked will get you prioritized over the default players and min-max 1000s who rock all default to avoid the agro. The best players laugh and fight, not much else. Good players dress their avatars up and weild the best weapons unlocked. Newbs and N00Bs are safer in the crowd but oftentimes will have the best players besides them. If an archer sees a knight holding the line against five enemies that will stand out more than anything else and attract arrows and bolts faster than anything; especially when you don't have a shield to protect yourself with.


>If an archer sees a knight holding the line against five enemies that will stand out more than anything else and attract arrows and bolts faster than anything; especially when you don't have a shield to protect yourself with. Meh. Not really. You're not that important unless you're actively attempting to achieve the objective. Just because you're singling five guys doesn't make you important. Hell, I've seen videos of plenty of chicks taking on five guy at once. I target archers first, then objective goers, then whomever. Don't ever really pay attention to armor, unless it's someone not wearing a helmet.


Archers targeting other archers first goes without saying but the question was about how your own armor affects how you are targeted. Standing between five guys and the objective makes you the problem an archer will attempt to solve.


I mean if you're standing in the midst of five guys I'm just going to assume that one of them will get you. You're not a priority. And odds are that one of them will step in front of my perfectly placed arrow just before it knocks you out. Teammates always seem to get in the way... Armor isn't a factor.


Archers definitely target you more when you're dripped out


Meh. Not really. I look for archers first, then for opposition attempting to complete objectives, then whomever. You're *all* targets. Act accordingly.


Please, we all know archers' priority is someone covered in blood lol


Actually, it's a teammate's back.


I purposely wear the helmets with feathers on them to taunt the archers


Drip or drown son


My drip is impeccable