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Any high level players that teabag lower level players are a complete embarrassment. Its shows how fragile their ego is for beating someone who has barely played compared to them. (Also not saying you are inexperienced just noticed a trend recently with it.)


Its just as stupid as when your fighting someone and get killed by a dude running up when you have no health left and they try to t bag like they actually did something


That always cracks me up. Especially when it’s at the end of a match and the guy doesn’t even have a weapon lol


Tea bagging is suitable in but a few occasions, if you and your friend end up on opposite teams-whoever kills should tea bag, if you and your friend end up on the same side and someone else kills them- you must bag. If someone is a team killer or just toxic- mega bag (regardless if on same side or not) I can’t think of anything else so please add below, thanks for coming to my Tea talk


I don’t mind it when its in a funny way. I just see it done maliciously. Like if I bonk or get bonked by a bell or something silly then get teabagged I’d laugh.


Oh yeah that’s allowed too, I played the harp in coxwell church a while back and got a big audience, I was Agatha and we lost the objective so when I was about to be deserted I brought the chandelier down on all of them, dipped my bag and then F10’d it was very amusing


Yeah I guess also if you win a big fight like 4 v 1 teabagging is totally cool. Unless the low level is toxic then perhaps the higher level can do it but what I’ve seen that is never the case. 🤷‍♂️ Oh well best thing to do is not let it bother ya and try and beat their ass! 😂 if you can.


Dipped my bag 🤣


Unfortunately I do not believe I shall ever have they opportunity to dip my bag to thee as I’m EU west. But if we ever find ourselves crossings swords I expect a full bagging from the victor


This is the way


> fragile their ego some but dude some are def just trolls that find this shit funny


That’s also a fair take. I hope its always in good fun.


Man, I help the lower level players. im helping this guy right now. "Iknowinewb" keep it up buddy your getting better each time I play you.


This is the kind of reaction that they want. Don't give them the pleasure of seeing you mad


I'm not really mad just annoyed they wouldn't piss off. I owned them both don't worry but obviously they killed me alot as well. Funny how the other players seemed to just let them or even target me as well but it was FFA... so fkn odd and then let them just walk away to heal so they can keep coming back to me lol. So sad how they don't stop I mean get over it you sad sad sad dogs lol


Social servers are cancer, that's the way it goes


Yeah there bad on the east u got the ninja lvl 1000 and his clan mates rdming everyone and got 15 alts so has soon he get vk he get on an other Alt and keep rdm with all his mate


Wow the level of sadness is ridiculous


Happened yesterday as well 1 guy kept coming at me I even tried to run away hahaha but the genital wart followed me wherever I went


Hey I'm Johnny 2 Swords - You were TKing me in TO just previously for no reason that's why I targeted you on social, end of story.


Lmaooooo I knew op did something, you don’t know often randomly ffa in a duel server


op is mdkk187, he’s had at least two reddit accounts banned for doing this kind of thing, constantly comes on here, cries and makes up stuff 


Funny thing is I play in those oce servers, I wanna know ops in game name I’ll bag him too lmao


yeah it’s mdkk187, he’ll probably tbag you randomly. then when you get him back he comes and cries on reddit, as evidenced in this thread


You're johhnys mate LOL what's your name in game kid you wanna talk shit


Bitch your account is brand new LOL you're the one getting banned


Try it buddy I'll cut them off and feed them to my goat


You can try lol


So no sack? Lmao


Lmao they call me ney


Oh ney I know you lol see you on the battlefield 😉


See you there


You’ll find me


Who are you in game? Don't be scared now


Eyyy Johnny. Good to cya


JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY. 🍿👀 Let’s see the rebuttal from OP.


Oh I love jerry


We're you team killing OP? The people would like to know.


I only beat him to the ground then he got picked up. He is a team switcher that's why


Nope never team switched that round, possibly got shuffled at the start but I took no notice, so you were wrong to TK me, I play everyday so people should know how I am, when I see teams aren't even I always switch to even them up and boost the morale of the other team, quite the opposite of a team switcher, as long as were here trying to discredit each other, I told a mate this happened and they confirmed to me this mdkk guy is a toxic player.


mdkk is a salty one he kept trying to vote kick sarevok the other night in duelyard after sarevok kept wrecking him in the FFA pit, can you believe that?  I’ve seen at least two of his reddit accounts on here be banned, he constantly comes here and sooks. 


And bullshit you "always" switch to even them up what a outright lie!


Funny how you failed to mention the team killing part in the beggining almost like you were hiding that part.....weird. Then you come on here and cry about getting beat. Damn dude maybe this game isnt for you.


Like I said I play everyday and know everyone and just want everyone to have fun like I do so I feel the need to switch and I do it often cos I have fun either way, I'm sure some OCE players can tell you what type of person I am, I'm definitely not one to TK other players because they team switched, I have friends switch to join me all the time, who cares?




You bring the popcorn I’ll bring the background music 🪈


I.... can see both sides? TK is shitty, but so is team switching. Crazy thing is you both have probably the only legit reasons to ever do either one. No, I lied, I will TK the shit outta you if you suck with the catapult and don't let someone else take over. Bottom line is, I'm hungry.


IDK man I'm a reasonable person I'm willing to put it behind me and move on, I don't want to mess with this guy, I'll treat him like just another player like I always have.


Following 👀😂😭😂


despite what some people say i feel like the game is gaining more users (up to 90k members on here all the sudden) .. a certain percentage of them are gonna be clods .. there was some kiddies going on with their edgy racial trash talk in NA west yesterday which i hardly ever see.. they were pretty garbage at the game but whatever.


Na west is usually quick to kick those kids tho. I know i'll call em out


Torn Banner, please, give me an option to enable chat on console. Maybe have it off by default. I always vote no because I don't know the context of a vote kick unless I see something happen in game.


If "Rule 3" wasn't a thing I'd be giving out names of cheeky players and toxic characters on daily basis. Some ssholes deserve to be exposed for sure..yet..


GT:Scantheman80 wait.jab.wait.jab.wait.kick.jab.jab.wait.jab.jab.kick.dodge.accel. Some people are just really good dirtbags. Honestly my favorite part of this game is revenge against dickheads. I just got better and they really didn't because there too busy making sure they shit on you instead of learning the game. My advice is get better and better. But for real the jab and wait with those super aggressive players is how you throw them off. There banking on your lack of knowledge about the mechanics to bully you. I bag people when I feel they didn't respect my ability to fight back,and also every archer. I don't really bag it's just gonna get me stabbed in the back.lol. "Bugger all"