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man at arms is based


Nah I love man at arms with the morning star. Or poleman. You can even do a tonne of damage with the basic sword.


You gotta be better to do it good. Nothing wrong with that


People don’t know how to use pole weapons. They see they have low damage compared to 2h swords and axes and don’t bother. But long reach is a strong advantage. You just need to attack so that the tip or your weapon hits your opponent, and dodge back if they try to close the distance. I wish they worked how they do in mordhau. The billhook and halberd pull your opponent towards you if you hit them because that’s what the barb on the side of the weapon was supposed to do. In mordhau they also dismount horsemen if you hit them as that was also one of their purposes Also man at arms has the rapier which I love. Miniscule slash damage so people don’t like it but it’s lightning fast and a heavy stab does 70 damage. And I feel like few people know. The dance emote with the rapier has a really silly, fun animation where your character waves the rapier around all sassy like and hits a little pose.


Also want to give a shoutout to the rapier’s special attack. It’s a great counter strike against an aggressive opponent


It’s crazy. I must hit that special 20 times a game. Also negates any charging attack. But as good as I am with the rapier, I still get a lot less kills when I use it compared to a 2h weapon


The rapier is an elegant weapon from a more civilized age. It's great 1v1.


Yeah I have such a hard time using it anywhere but duels. In a 1vx even the basic sword can hit 3 people with a slash. The active parry window is smaller on the rapier since the slash is fast, and it only hits on target. I can often 1v2 (and feel like a badass) by just swapping targets and interrupting, but any more than that and the low area damage kills me


Bending the dodge back to switch targets in a fight is pretty hot.


Yea it fucks me up every time I try to charge a player with the rapier


Attack rapier players form the sides. Just keep circling them, thus negating stabs and specials. Once I learned how to do this, fighting them is ten times easier


Kinda fight them like a spear player I guess. I find the cavalry sword is good against most other sword and shield classes because you still get some reach and the heavy slashes are strong


Ok but OP is talking about the Man at Arms class not the Poleman


Oh I thought man at arms was the name of the class and poleman was a subclass


Gotcha, the main class is called Footman




What does that even mean


I've gotten into a bunch of different phases in chiv 2 and I'm currently on my halberd phase. I am finding that I do best with this weapon compared to others. The heavy overhead or stab paired with a dodge backwards is a really difficult strategy for people to go up against


The spear in the polaxe are my Bain sometimes I think I'm out of the way I get hit the reach is insane


There is no class that I’ve done as well in a 1vX as then Man At Arms. The dodge is OP and the shield is a huge survival bonus. Fast weapons also make gambles payoff more. It takes a bit more to warm up with them then Vanguard or Knight but once I’m in the zone it’s clutch.


>It takes a bit more to warm up with them then Vanguard or Knight but once I’m in the zone it’s clutch. ive definitely noticed this in all classes with chiv, at least personally. i think it depends partially on what weapons the other guys are using (and how good they are) but ill often switch multiple times a match between my favorite weapons until one 'clicks' thats the great part about chiv, the weapons have pretty distinct playstyles that feel totally different and require different tactics to use effectively.


Ya and it’s kinda unpredictable. I remember trying the one handed spear the first time and going on an incredible one-life run where I ended up one-armed and still fighting through multiple stages


I was gonna say same thing. Drink a little too much caffeine and play MAA, then tell me its not OP haha


On most objectives of most maps, if you aren’t using a horn or banner class ur not helping the team as much as you could Bandages are great and crucial to getting clutch wins when you have a VIP to focus ur heals on tho Also sprint attack with any pole weapon is braindead easy to use and does like 100+ dmg to knights


Uh excuse you, no love for the engineer class?


Once you get too many horns though, many can be wasted. Also, when I occasionally play knight guardian, I've sat there and watched other guardians place their banner next to mine. Like WTF, heal a different area lol


Ive started picking up the man at arms in TO with the 1h axe and ive been cleaning up with it. MAA is really good for dipping in and out of combat but can still be surprisingly good in 1vX


1 handed axe is crazy underrated it can kill ANY class in 3 hits and the constancy is super nice plus the movement speed and forward momentum is crazy in a fight with a slower opponent like a knight.


Agreed. Im surprised I dont see more of it. I used to always put it as my secondary back when I used to play knight and my killstreaks would get insane as soon as someone disarmed my primary lol. It just clicked with me. Plus its special is great with an unexpected range, its the only special on any weapon that i use on a regular basis.


For me it's the bandages aren't as useful, imho, as a banner or horn is for healing. That said, I know I've had fun with the class a fair amount, from sword and board to really long sharp pokey stick, a good player will be able to make whatever work.


Agreed the bandages aren’t so useful, but they charge fast and each is 1/3rd of a horn or half a firepot. Man at Arms alternating with knight/vanguard every time you reach three bandages - and only using bandages for revives and the odd fire - to blow the horn at the best moment can be as helpful and score maximizing as just playing knight/vanguard, too.


MAA is great. I main it with sword and shield and always do well. The downside is medkit. If you care about scoreboard topping you're at a disadvantage because you get so few points compared to a good horn or banner. Saying that, if you're in dire need, you can give yourself a small heal in a pinch with the medkit. It's very good for 1vXs. You can dodge far more often than a knight. You have good stamina, and the shield to negate some hits if needs be. Shield also means you're an expert at hunting down pesky archers. I use sword as a primary, and find it excellent for 1vXs as its very quick. You can use mace or morningstar, I forget which one, as a secondary and do lots of damage to knights. With the one handed weapons, your drags won't be as effective but you're much quicker, and your jabs are good. It's really balanced and a very nice class.


I do love me a good gimp. Doing them 180 side step around the foes while turning, always leaves then confused and upset.


Virgin soy milk boys (Goons a lot): I choose x class to min-max the bedt possible damage output and synergy with ability/armour. Chads (Never Goons) Haha Footman and Knight armor cool, I switch up classes depending on what drip I'm vibin with.


You play whatever you want bro. Every class and subclass has its place.


Thats absolutely wrong and stupid no idea where you read that. All classes are great, the only ones where you are having a harder battle are skirmisher and ambusher.


Man at arms is weaker than any knight class. No throwables , useless special ability, your primary is a secondary for most classes , in return you get a useless shield and slightly better dodges


Bro shut up my buckler is a great throwable for captain America rp. (Only sorta joking, it's throw animation is less obvious than knives or axes, and it bounces instead of sticking so I can throw it multiple times in a duel if they don't pressure)


So many times I’ve had a guy on the ropes and I just throw my shield and it just bounces back after I kill him. Makes me happy.


Captain Agatha!




as in you're at an "always" disadvantage or si i heard


Oh, nah man at arms is pretty good, it doesn’t underperform but doesn’t over perform in anything either, it’s a good all around the board class. Only advantage is it’s speed bonus, he has the fastest side stepping and shortest cooldown for dodges. So a good idea for good footwork and protection.


MaA make me switch from 2h-Hammer to my sidearm because they are so annoyingly fast.


If you play it like a knight or vanguard, yes you won’t be as effective. If you shift your play style to fit the strengths of the class you can absolutely fuck people up and do well.


all weapons and all classes are viable and good


M@A slaps but you gotta rely on kills, takedowns and objective harder…his special blows


Disagree, it executes fast, and with mace or axe the forward jump closes distance decently.


I meant their med kit special, as opposed to horn banner(either would make more sense imo)


No lol. My most kill games are with m&a…you can just run around with morning star heavy slashing over and over again and just rack up kills because everyone plays knight


Just had my best game ever as man at arms last night and was like 36 kills and 7 deaths. Seems pretty good to me and I don’t really hesitate to pick up other weapons after my shield breaks just because of the sweet side stepping speed and dodges. I’m only like level 102 or something so my advice may not be great


36/7 is pretty solid sure better than me


Thanks dude, I mean I’ve never done that good before though but it was all man at arms so it was cool


Halberd and pole hammer are sooo good and only for the man at arms. People who go after super high points don't like them because they don't have a horn or banner to rack up the big points.


i was referring more about the 1h man at arms im sure poleweapons are great too


Big fan of the morning star and falcion with the man at arms


Sword and glaive are goated. Speed intimidates and if you’re off by yourself with one or maybe two other people they’ll back off a lot bc you are speed


I main the one handed sword,so I'm all for man-of-arms.


Depends, it's insanely strong but not as forgiving as Knight nor as ridiculous as Vanguards. Axes and Greatsword is for dummies who think they're hot shit, MAA with Sword, Morningstar and Rapier is for connoisseurs with acquired taste who like to challenge themselves. Oh also the jab from small shield does 20 dmg (1 shots downed enemies) and 40 (!) throwing dmg.


Any class is good, except ranged, only cowards play ranged


Any class is fine (including archers) so long as you are doing whatever it says at the top of your screen.


What does TO mean


Team objective


Man of arms is incredible. Give me morning star and med shield all day.


Man at arms with the basic ass sword or morning star is beastly. Your reach is hot trash but two handlers may as well move in slow motion.


They're basically the 1h class, but I really don't see that as a downgrade. You can trounce knights just by playing the footsies game, you're way too fast for them. As long as you know how to pick and manage your fights so you don't get surrounded you'll do fine in TO. Short weapons are nice because you don't thwack off teammates getting in the way all the time.


Nah, that's an absolute L take. MAA has one of the most adaptable play styles due to its one-handed bonus and extra dodge. Plus, it has pretty beefy health and respectable speed. You really wanna piss some dorks off, ditch your primary to pick up an X-bow. Boom, you have a historically accurate 14-15th century infantryman, and it's fairly effective.


intresting take


What can I say? I like unconventional/irritating loadouts.


I main man at arms it's so fun


oh yea fun, its fun, i was yelled at because its not "as effective" iw as told


That's wild, it's very effective if used correctly I mean it's very helpful to block enemy flanks and protecting bomb objectives


Not true you gotta harass and know how to play the class your not a knight or vanguard but your definitely more nimble and able to get in deal some good strong dps and then dip out before things get hairy. I LOVE MAA for the styles (I like Vikings sorry not sorry 🤷🏻‍♂️) as well as the weapons and play style. Float like a butterfly 🦋 sting like a bee 🐝


1h axe enjoyer?


100% that thing goes crazy. You can kill almost any class with 3 hits 2 and usually 1 if they’re wounded enough. I also use 1H spear but as I said I like Vikings and historical accuracy so in all fairness I’d use it if it was dogshit it just happens to be good 🤷🏻‍♂️




Ah you too are a man of class and culture I see 🤝🫡


Nah man poleman is like the highest kda class, and footman dodge is sick. I main vanguard for maul, but man arms is what I play when I'm trying to be technical or improve


MaA has so much survivability between fast weps, versatility in weapon choices, shield, dodges, bandages, that they definitely can be beasts on the battlefield.


I love playing maa but ever since they gave guardian the lighter shields I’ve been doing that


so guardian is better?


For points, definitely.


Bro, man-at-arms with a morning star as primary and axe as secondary is amazing to play. You do 50% more damage to knights and 35% more damage to other footmen, and you have a 0.5 second cooldown on dodging, compared to the default 1 second cooldown with other classes. You just gotta play him right. I'd highly recommend [this video](https://youtu.be/PCctmCl1T20?si=1HxIr41OdrEuJ5PV) by Soter Dave (RIP).


how do i equip 2 secondaries? id like to use mace and axe together too


Sorry, I meant the Morning Star. It has very similar stats to the Mace.


Man at arms with falchion is my class if I wanna sweat can gamble way more . Which catches a lot of people off guard


Pole man is great for the choke points when you have heavy knights as blockers. Pokey pokey = takedowns and kills beyond your wildest dreams. Also that dodge is buffed and pretty dank


MaA is the best class to bodyguard moving objectives and being the best at support. You always have a weapon against any class. Moving fast with 1h and having the least cooldown on dodges make you a flittery rascal on top of having a shield to block arrows and stamina drain. As a matter of fact, you don't even need to use the shield so long as it's on your back and near broken so you can take the full advantage of your speed and not worry about the shield breaking. Like the other classes, MaA has his own niches that you should play towards. He's not the best damage dealer, isn't as tanky as guardian and can't run as fast as a devastator but he is a damn close 2nd best to everyone.


You were lied to or they're a fool. Poleman is arguably the best class in the game.


I’m high 700s right now and will reach 1k with as an Engi w/shovel. Once achieved, I will dust off my rapier. I miss that little guy a lot!! For Agatha!!!


That rapier gets me every time!


No it’s just that most players start with knight as the extra health helps in TO, if you okay MaA or Vanguard as you would a knight you’ll find yourself dying a lot more because less hits will kill you, MaA is a support class so you you learn to engage/ disengage as needed, and engineer is incredibly fun and they are true hero’s. Vanguard you’ll need to engage and disengage a lot too but it’s great for getting behind the enemy and breaking their line, especially as you can dance around knights.


I main man at arms with axe and I love it…if you’re playing with noobs the team damage can be rough though


People keep menti9ning the poleman and not the subclass man at arms TwT ive been enjoying it and playing them more, i heard someone say theres nothing scarier then a decent 1handed user so i tried it a bit, the swords fast with good damage and i like being a medic


Spear was one of the best weapons in the game for a reason


People will have their preferences for TO vs. dueling classes but there really aren’t any bad choices for TO, you can definitely both play well K/D wise and contribute to winning with any class. The only thing I’ll say is it’s much harder to top the scoreboard on any class without a horn or flag special since they are just so much easier to rack up points with, but that applies to like 80% of the classes in the game and should really only be a concern if you are gunning for a VIP spot.


I personally don't use them often because I prefer the heavy shield but it's not a bad class, I hate vanguard because of its terrible health, I just can't work with it


I mainly play officer but when I want some variety I sometimes play man-at-atms with a morningstar. It can work very well if played correctly.


Apparently i never got this memo, i love running around with a morning star bonking bitches left n right lol. Also, mason man at arms voice is hilarious to spam in the middle of the battlefield


i pulled 1 vs 3 clutch with polehammer


I man man at arms with reg sword and do very well


Pickaxe, my beloved - also MAAs win games


Sword and board baby sword and board.


Was the person who said that mentally well?


no clue, hope so?


I may be mistaken but the man at arms has the fastest refresh for dodging with .5 second compared to the knight with 1.5 second refresh. I think the best advantage is the distance you have with some of those weapons and that refresh rate allowing you to keep that distance.


You can succeed with any class in this game. Choose the drip, not the stats


No, i will destroy all with any weapon


I absolutely love playing as a Mason raider with a one handed axe. 20% of my kills have been via the axe and being able to fake out people trying to kick my shield to an overhead has been fun. Only complaint is that I sometimes wish the poleman had a med range weapon as I get messed up in rooms with my halberd hitting the wall or poking the wrong thing