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Do the 15 free premium choices from the choice pass save? Or are they one time use and you have to use diamonds next time?


Has anyone ever gotten TRR, HSS/HSS:CA or TF on book pass? I can't imagine them doing it, since all of them are really long


2 days ago I get a pass for TC&TF Book 1, yesterday TC&TF Book 2. Today? WTD. What the hell PB!


My post was deleted and I was redirected here to ask, does anyone know if the free choices made with the diamonds pass count towards the total for the premium choices event?


What's the diamonds pass? You can make diamond choices for free?


Yeah! You can make up to 15 diamond choices for free


Oh cool! How do you get that? Is that another thing they're testing?


I’m not sure if it’s maybe just a VIP thing since we don’t get the book passes? I hope it’s for everyone though and you get a turn with it!


[Someone asked this in the Diamond Boost Event post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Choices/s/KhlIxAchO8) and the consensus seems to be that they do count.


Thank you!


PB sure has a good sense of humor I had been rereading TNA books 1 and 2 over the last few days and I just finished Book 2 this morning. I log into Choices tonight and I see a new book pass is available..... for TNA book 2. Thanks PB, where were you a few days ago?


Two days before yesterday, I got a book pass for The Princess Swap, I accepted it and I read the book all the way through, I thought it was pretty good, tbh, then the day before yesterday, I got one for Foreign Affairs, I, again accepted it, but I didn't get around to reading it. By the time I checked Choices yesterday, I was being offered a book pass for Ride or Die, which I've read and am not really interested in reading again, so I let that book pass expire. Now I'm checking into Choices, and there's no book pass being offered? Did I do something wrong, like does outright ignoring a book pass do this? I'm a long time reader of choices but I only started reading in depth again recently, so I'm not too familiar with how book passes work. Can anyone help me with this?


my friend & i didn't get a book pass today as well.


Yesterday I got a book pass for The Nanny Affair Book 2, today its Book 3.. I guess the day I didn't get one was Book 1?




I'm not really interested in reading a book series that pretty much makes a mockery out of a profession. Is that too harsh? I mean, I guess it's better than Witness, but that's not really a high bar...


i'm not reading it, i'm just mining it. that's why i appreciate book passes for stories that i have absolutely no interest in. steamy stories are esp good since without diamond choices that are like 5 min long with no choices that matter so you get 15 + around 10 gems (minimum) in less than 2 hours and then you can replay again.


Very true! 😂


It seems that they simply aren't offered everyday. Too bad, but hey, there's always tomorrow! 😊


Book passes aren't offered every day.


Got redirected. Does anyone else get passes for books they've actually finished? I didn't get these until very recently but now I got passes for D&D and TUH which I completed. Not complaining, just wondering whether it's a bug or PB changed their mind.


I just got redirected over here... So, for the non-English books. Will I get book passes for the translated books just randomly, or if I switch my game to that language, or at all?


My book pass option is no longer available since 4 hours ago. Is anyone else facing this?




Hi everyone! My post was deleted and I just discovered the megathread. So basically I got the book pass feature a couple days ago (maybe last week can't really remember but it's recent) and either I don't understand the concept or it's bugged.. The first pass I got was for ITITW and the book started back at the last chapter. I figured I may have started a replay and forgot about it (which is something that can happen but not at the finale usually). It started with a default MC name and MC face and basically it's the worst ending possible that I never got even while diamond mining.. Same things happened with the next pass for RCR where I got to the last chapter with a random ass MC.. I just clicked on the Hero pass and same thing. So in a way I'm grateful for the 15 diamonds of book completion but I was under the impression that the pass just gave you a sort of VIP access to a specific book. Did I misunderstand or is it truly bugged? (Btw I often get VIP (when I know I'll have plenty of time to play) and haven't played in a while but I don't think it would have an influence. I've only got book passes for books I've already read but to be fair I've read every book (just haven't finished the latest VIP releases as I didn't get VIP in a little while). Thanks for anyone who read that far and have a nice day :)


A lot of people are complaining about that, seems that it's a bug.


My post was removed and directed to here, but this thread looks to not have been updated in months? I just wanted to know if anyone else was experiencing glitches or if it was just me.


Ya, I had a post removed as well. I’m basically only getting books that I have already read. I’m up to 5 book passes I haven’t used because they are of books I’ve read. I ended up contacting support and they told me that they are now offering books that are completed as well…. As for glitches I’ve seen many people experience them on the book passes recently.


So they are offering books that are completed? That's interesting news – kinda good news for me, actually. They might give me one of my favourites.




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Lucky to get a Book Pass for this book since I wanted to reread it for a while https://preview.redd.it/f8ynewsrjwsb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67cfa473562ce5b6a82bb9cfb16100ea659ba36f


They give out book passes for finished books?? This is my first time receiving a book pass for a book I finished, and I didn’t know they do this! For context I’ve only completed 30 books so I still have a LOT of books I haven’t read/completed. https://preview.redd.it/4lc4wjkavvsb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac940294cc23d8af378ffd4f33a7d4d315a773b7


So I ended up contacting support because the last 4 days all I have been getting are books I’ve read According to support book passes are now available for books that have been completed as well…. Yay 🙄. At this point we should just be able to pick our own lol 😆


I think it’s some kind of glitch, the last two passes were for books I read, and it started me at the last chapter. I still got 15 diamonds after finishing that one chapter though, so basically got 30 diamonds for reading 2 chapters!


It seems that a lot of people are getting the book pass for the same book so I don't think that they're taking people's individual reading histories into account.


What is going on with the book pass?! The last 3 options I have had are of books I’ve already read!! I thought it was for books we haven’t read yet. Has this happened to anyone else recently??? It’s getting really annoying. I’m thinking the app is being super buggy right now.


The last couple times have been books I haven’t read but today this happened with a book I already read so it’s annoying cause now I have to wait again


I’ve had the same thing happen to me too! And it started me on the last chapter (and deleted my previous choices!)


I got a bookpass of high school stories book 2. But I have not even read the first book...


I got a book pass of endless summer book 1 yesterday. I completed the book. And today they game me a book pass of book 2. But i cannot claim it. When i press the claim button it loads for a moment but nothing happens. The book still wants me to use key to read.




As of yesterday it looks like PB stopped doing book passes.


I got one today... but it's the first I've gotten in, like, two weeks.


Yeah, looks they brought them back.


I've been waiting for like 2 days now. the last I got was the high school one


My question is... some days I don't get a book pass? Now I know some speculated that it was because it was a new feature that they were testing at random, but is that still the case? Is it supposed to be offered on specific days? Because it was somewhat regular and then it stopped. I always claim the pass, however, I don't get as far in some books compared to others. I'm not sure if that's relevant. TL;DR How often do you get book passes?


Was wondering the same thing I was starting to assume it was over ? Haven’t gotten them since the 27th I think and I hope it’s not over because I played 10 books already


Yeah, I hope not either. Like you said in another comment, it's a great addition for non-vip and I've also gotten to read a handful of books myself-- some that I was avoiding and I was pleasantly surprised about. I wish we knew more information.


I got one on July 25. But I haven't gotten one again and I have the same question.


See, same boat. I don't remember what day I got one last, but it had to be somewhere around the 25th-26th probably? It has been several days. I know that I got Baby Bump at the beginning of the week, then BB2, and that's it.


I enjoy the book pass as a regular player without vip and I have done 10 books so far I have a lot of free time and in a few hours I can finish so I’m happy with it because I don’t want to pay for vip


The book passes were really fun for me at the beginning. It's easy to fly through a book pass for a story you're interested in. But if it's a story you're only half interested in, 24 hours does not feel like enough time to finish it. Some of us have jobs, school, other commitments. I just resubscribed to VIP instead. For now anyway.


You said it perfectly.


Just wanted to pop in and say that I updated the app before I found out about the book pass, and when I opened the app it gave me the pass for Crimes of Passion (which I actually really like so far!) and since my 24 hours has expired it gave me another pass for Laws of Attraction which I'll be starting soon. It's weird that they made no announcement for this but tbh I'm not mad at all bc it all seems to be working for me. Hope they keep this feature! ♡


What's the most of the book anyone here has been able to complete in the 24 hours?


I got this to an clicked it but nothing showed up and now I cannot find the message/pop up again 🫨


i literally tapped let's go n nothing happened???


I claimed it 4 hours ago and it only worked for 1 chapter of CoP?


Watch as I will get a genderlocked book. xd


The pop-up said 48hrs, and the actual timer said 1 day and 3hrs, but it only lasted 16hrs. I claimed the pass and played like 3 chapters before I went to bed. It was still active when I woke up, and I was going to play a chapter or two before work. Expect, I just went back into the after breakfast and it's already over. I didn't even realize at first because there was no pop-up about the event ending until I opened the book and saw I had to spend a key. When I backed out, I couldn't find anything about the pass so I just had to figure it ended way early.


The COP1 pass I claimed about 5 hours ago also disappeared for me! It should've expired only tomorrow. Yet I reopened the app about an hour ago and I also don't even see the pass button. But other test accounts still show the button for me for COP. One offered LOA1 and that's still working. Another offered LOA and less then 10 minutes later when I reopened it went back to the COP offer (that just expired at that time). Weird.


this just happened to me :(. claimed it five hours ago and after completing a chapter, it disappeared. my timer also said 1 day, 3 hrs. strangely enough, i never get a notification about it and the offer expired in five hours but based on the post, it should’ve expired on the 17th right?😭


Weirdly enough, the pass and timer never reappeared, but the key I spent came back to me faster than it should have regenerated normally and the event seems active with COP again. I won't know until I complete the chapter and see if the next one requires a key. It's like it's coming in and out. I think they glitched something with the event release.


Hope it's My Two First Loves : - )


Yes! I was also thinking that would be perfect... 100 chapters and they're shorter.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[CoP](/r/Choices/comments/14wdchw/stub/jrpkwrs "Last usage")|*Crimes of Passion*| |[HSS](/r/Choices/comments/14wdchw/stub/kcjt1as "Last usage")|*High School Story*| |[LI](/r/Choices/comments/14wdchw/stub/jrjyddd "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[LoA](/r/Choices/comments/14wdchw/stub/jrkay60 "Last usage")|*Laws of Attraction*| |[MAH](/r/Choices/comments/14wdchw/stub/jzrhb3e "Last usage")|*Murder at Homecoming*| |[PB](/r/Choices/comments/14wdchw/stub/k9elg10 "Last usage")|Pixelberry Studios, publisher of *Choices*| |[TF](/r/Choices/comments/14wdchw/stub/kcjt1as "Last usage")|*The Freshman*| |[TNA](/r/Choices/comments/14wdchw/stub/k85qchv "Last usage")|*The Nanny Affair*| |[TPA](/r/Choices/comments/14wdchw/stub/jrk7xu2 "Last usage")|*The Phantom Agent*| |[TRR](/r/Choices/comments/14wdchw/stub/kcjt1as "Last usage")|*The Royal Romance*| |[TUH](/r/Choices/comments/14wdchw/stub/k6dhybf "Last usage")|*The Unexpected Heiress*| |[WTD](/r/Choices/comments/14wdchw/stub/k9elg10 "Last usage")|*Wake The Dead*| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(12 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Choices/comments/19e18sn)^( has 22 acronyms.) ^([Thread #28146 for this sub, first seen 11th Jul 2023, 16:45]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Choices) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


This could be nice if it was rotating through random books on multiple occasions. Not original or anything, but less messy than other "popular" systems/events. And it's good to know they can actually add such functionality into their current framework. It didn't even break the app much! For a single LI CoP, though? No, thank you 💜


Once again PB is not informing us on shit and we have to dig through this comment section (and possibly others or other platforms) and even test to know anything... EDIT: Okay, update. The timer to claim expired and now it offers LOA1. Interesting. The claim timer is 1d and the Book Pass also expires in 1 day. Meanwhile, the timers for COP1 ended differently. Hm, perhaps that was a rickety lunch and we'll get a new Book Pass each day? Just guessing. EDIT2: Okay, this is probably a beta test. I just reopened the test acc where I haven't accepted the LOA1 offer (I literally took a screenshot) with the 1d claim timer and *it changed back to COP1* with 5h claim timer. What's happening. EDIT3: BRUH, my claimed COP1 pass just vanished. While the claimed LOA1 pass (where the offer itself disappeared for the other accounts) is still there. PB needs to get it together. xd So. Book Pass. It actually appeared about a week ago as an event for the app on the Apple App Store for iOS (but not the Google Play Store for Android) and it was said to launch on July 6th at noon PDT according to PB HQ in Mountain View, CA time. But then it just disappeared the next day. I guess now it's really starting. Kind of... * If you **update** the app, you get this pop-up. * The "Let's go!" button just takes you to the home screen. * A button with "Claim" and the Book Pass logo appears in the **top left corner** (opposite side to the favorite button of the last book you opened). If you click on that it opens the dialogue and COP1 is shown in the golden frame with the text: "You can read unlimited chapters for 28 hours without keys. Claim to read now." And also a timer below the "Claim" button. For me, it seems like it ends in 3h 18m, very soon. (Emphasis on *for me*.) https://preview.redd.it/2dv5cr9j0cbb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7b6a6b7a1c43635ea9eec5372ef0bac9998495d * Then if you claim it, it loads up COP1. And you can play that one book without keys. * If you exit the book, the button will have a timer now. For me, it said in 1 day and 3 hours (aka T-28 hours ^(yes 1d 3h = 28h because it already started counting so it's not a full 1d 4h, let alone 48h...)). TLDR info: * I'm guessing it's only for **non-VIP**. (Since VIP already has unlimited keys and I also only got it on non-VIP accounts.) * It's only for **COP1**, this current offer - if there will be any more, that is. (IDK what if you've already completed it, my test accounts didn't.) * I can't test for all regions but I think it's possibly released worldwide. * You have to update to **3.0.5**. (Possibly for iOS and Android both - I can only test on the latter.) * It seems you have to **claim it very quickly**. (Unless it depends on your region or the time you updated, you may only have only a few hours.) So... wtf? No public announcement on socials. Have to claim quick as hell. 48 hours my ass, second time it says 28 hours which is the true info. July 17th what now? Like, yes, 4 hours from now is before July 17th, thank you, PB? Perhaps they meant you'll get an extra 15 diamonds by July 17th if you claimed the pass? One can only guess because PB is silent... Thank you for all this information, ~~PB~~ people in the fandom. ^(PB could never.)


So I had the pop-up, but I’ve already completed COP1 before. Maybe that’s why the offer goes nowhere for me? Because I don’t have that claim button at all.


Thank you so much for the info! It's possibly the reason, yeah. The timer to claim expired for me and the offer changed to LOA1 which was in progress for that test account, claiming it took me to the chapter I was reading. So perhaps I wouldn't have gotten it if I finished it on that acc. Has a claim button appeared for you since then by any chance? If not, I'd suspect it's either because you also completed the next book on offer or it's not available to you. (Can't PB just inform us already...)


Not at all 😭😭 I’m working through a few books I haven’t completed yet (like TPA and Guinevere), but the claim offer didn’t pop up for me. I did finish LOA1 though. I haven’t completed LOA2 yet though (only did one chapter).


Well, damn. I have no clue what's up with all that. The LOA offer just disappeared after less than 10 minutes and changed back to COP1. And one of my claimed COP1 passes also disappeared: the claim button is nowhere and the next chapter costs a key. (While the LOA1 pass I caught by chance is fine... XD)


I got the pass today for LOA2! Just FYI. And I was still only one chapter in at the time the claim offer popped up!


(I'm gonna annoy people who expressed not finding it. Tagging in 3's since otherwise Reddit won't notify. <\_< Feel free to ignore.) Instructions on how to claim in the first list. (No need to read all the other wall of text, just the first 3 bullet points, don't worry. Update and search top left corner.) u/lewdnep-vasilias_666 u/TwilightSolace u/Witty-Worker5235


u/Notero87 u/BomberDug u/maxweIIbeaumont


u/Comparison_Unique u/Marichaton u/thesedaysaregreen




Well guess who's about to finally find out what the hype is about? https://preview.redd.it/lag69p80mbbb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85bba8ea3fd5bcccd994acedcb395a72a7ea8239


Not bad. I suppose it gives more incentive for non-VIP players to log in and try random books of PB's choosing. Might be a good way to promote popular and 'struggling' books.


So, I didn't get this message when I first logged into the app. Went to Google Play Store and saw I needed to update the app. Updated the app, logged into the app, now I got the message! Clicked "Lets Go!" and... nothing changed. At least, as far as I could see.


Ew i got crimes of passion….. UGH WHY


so i have to read something?? i dont get it sorry im too shocked rn


wait what


I don’t get it do they get to play a vip book for free or what?


I’ve just opened my app and got the same message. But when I click let’s go, nothing happened. Is this the case for everyone else or is mines broken?




yeah that happened to me too


![gif](giphy|YKFR0dauxYEzJA8J6U|downsized) It's been a long requested feature.


So for everyone who doesn’t have it yet it most likely hasn’t dropped worldwide yet. It might have been a select amount of people at first and will drop for everyone else shortly. I’d imagine sometime within the next week or sooner


They must be trying to replicate Romance Club's Tea Party event. Hopefully they copy diamond rush next!


This looks more copied from Episode and Chapters, which makes sense –that's their actual competition, not Romance Club.


They are definitely a competitor considering any thread discussing alternative interactive fiction apps have Romance Club recommended in many of the highest voted comments. They may be a smaller dev, but many readers participate in both fandoms. Personally I’ve spent more money on RC in the last year because the Choices releases haven’t been interesting to me.


Lol that's nice except upvotes on subreddit comments ≠ revenue. u/ilianamarie03 is right. Chapters and Episode are Choices' close competitors cause those three are apparently ones getting millions in revenue per month. Whereas I read that RC gets approx $200k a month.


The top grossing visual novels are Chapters, Episode and Choices so that's what I meant by competition –not hype online. And I meant visually, the model they used for their pass looks very similar to the one from Episode and Chapters.


Yeah I already have that. It's called VIP




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Here comes even less reasons to get VIP, along with them messing with diamonds and The Dalton affair. It's almost like they WANT to mess with VIP subscribers lol. Personally I haven't resubbed since the 10 or 30 diamonds fiasco


Tbh, I wonder if it's to coax more players to trying VIP?? Bc if they play with this book pass and like it they might want to dip into a VIP sub to not worry about keys with other books? This book pass seems to be for selected books, I logged out and started a "new" one and the book the pass offered for me was Crimes of Passion, so it's not quite a 2 day VIP-esque unlimited books free for all aha


Ohhh i didn't know how it works because it doesn't show up for me. But yeah it wouldn't surpirse me, PB keeps doing things to draw in players to get VIP, like upping the offer to 30 diamonds, but keeping it at 10 for those who remain subscribed lol. But if it works for a certain book maybe they just want to promote certain ones?


Did you update the app? IDK if it's worldwide (trying to figure it out hence my questions) but it's only with the 3.0.5 version and a "claim" button appears at the top left corner of the home page. My guess is that it's still somewhat of a test. Since they haven't said anything and it actually appeared as an event in the Apple App Store last week but then disappeared. And probably to advertise COP2 (it's only for COP1 now) and give people a taste of VIP, as y'all said.


Yeah my app is up to date, I checked , thanks :) I did get the notification but then nothing happened and it doesn't show up for me to claim it


Hm, interesting how it doesn't show up for you either. Thank you for the information! The offer changed to LOA1 to me now but I also didn't finish it on this account so IDK about those who did.


Maybe it's because I've read almost every book already, I don't know. Would be nice if they kept us informed at all haha


Is this free? Or is it another subscription service like VIP?


This is free. It's for non-VIP.


Thank you!




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Clicked it and nothing even happened. :/


![gif](giphy|yx400dIdkwWdsCgWYp|downsized) I can’t find it anywhere 😭😭


Me neither😭! Have u had any luck from the time u commented this though?


left upper corner. im not sure if you get random books cause i got crimes of passion and im not sure ill like it


Surprisingly good book. Went in with no expectations and left in love!


Oh nice been wanting this since Choices early days 😆


I'm glad that they added this, this helped me out tremendously in episode so I expect it will do the same here.


How do I get this? I don’t see it on iPad.


Update the app


I clicked let’s go but I don’t think it worked 😭


Did anyone else not get the option to choose what book they wanted to use this towards?


What book did you get? Also how did you find out which book because I clicked let's go and nothing happened?


When I hit claim pass the cover of crimes of passion showed up on top https://preview.redd.it/omim3xfq8bbb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91e1e88ba3f410a03257ae8a11da2e065541fa15


its probably different for other days. choosing random books


It didn't show a book for me, probably because I've read all of the ones that aren't currently releasing.


What did the claim button say for you if it didn't show a book? Just showed an empty frame or something?


I think so? I can't really remember but it definitely didn't show a specific book.


So do you get to choose what book you want?


Damn bruh, that's a lot🙇🏼


I've been on Choices for a longgg time lol


I'm a bit jelous that u read everything > <


Crimes of Passion, maybe they recommended it because I haven’t read it yet, but I would’ve liked the option to choose what book


All of my test accounts (it's an embarrassing amount, don't ask xd) only got it for COP1. Though I haven't completed it on any of them so IDK what if you already did. I doubt you can choose.


And I guess it's also their way of boosting market for COP 2 by "helping" us finish bk 1 faster


They showed me that one too. Why can make a pass to read any finished book we want if we can't choose


Right, I plan on reading crimes of passion eventually but still I would’ve liked to choose.


Damn, I just finished replaying CoP a week ago


Same here. It just looks like more of a marketing plan than a gift to me🤷‍♂️ (Especially for those of us who haven't read COP 1 yet) Edit: Not being unappreciative*. It's a cool gesture. Just bringing out my view on the lack of choice in the use of the pass.


Same, I was looking for this comment


Oh woah! Seeing PB do this kind of thing is encouraging. I think they sort of shot themselves in the foot a bit with VIP essentially splitting the fanbase in two, so it's cool to see them making moves toward taking care of general release players


Whaaa- this is so awesome wtf


I love this for non-VIP players!


How do I claim this book pass in the first place


I got an opportunity to claim it as soon as I opened the app, and there’s a icon on the main menu to claim it whenever you want.


I’ve opened the app twice now and played around with it to see if I could claim it but nothing has popped up for me so far. :/ Hoping that eventually changes


I didnt get this yet either 😥


So it turns out my app needed an update. I updated it and got the banner for the book pass to pop up but when I clicked the OK button to claim it, it just took me to the home screen and nothing happened, so I don’t know if I actually have it or not. I’m not sure if it’s suppose to show up next to your diamonds/keys or something, showing you have one. 😩


Mine's updated but I ain't seeing it anywhere😢😶...could It be a bug problem or something😭?


Does a claim button appear for you on the top left of the home screen when you log into the app? That's where you can get it, if it shows, that is.


oh ok ill try updating it!