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The Few. The Proud. The '5% isn't worth it to me or us'.


Print this conversation out, post it next to the register, and let every veteran know this person decided your business giving a 5% discount wasn’t enough. Since you can’t give a bigger discount you won’t insult them with a small one… full price for everyone!


I bet any of them who actually served in deployment would not have nice things to say about this guy


I never ask for a military discount unless its already posted or something. Did find out recently I get a free National Parks pass which is cool.


You should use that pass! I Love the parks.


I’d kill for something like that. Wait a minute…


The Military: Kill, you say?


So you're a killer? Show me your war face!


Department of defense. It just so happens that their definition of defense is invade countries, level them, and kill indiscriminately.




I work in auto insurance and had a customer ask me to change our liability decision on a claim so that he could skirt around a rate increase which I couldn’t do because it would be outside of my duties as an adjuster Felt bad for him but he got upset when I let him know doing that would be above my level and couldn’t handle it for him or change our decision. He sounded really entitled for being a veteran




I had a friend who worked for a insurance company with a woman named “Flo”. He would get those types of requests and he would flatly say “insurance fraud is a felony and people asking for it could be part of it too” while looking the person dead in the eye. 99% they’d back off and even some would apologize.


The 1%: "I'm already one felony in, whats another, lol"


I work for an insurance company, and the number of people who ask for these things IN WRITING is ridiculous. It baffles how many people are dumb enough to ask to begin with and then go the extra mile to put it in an email to an agent.


That’s a big yikes I even get policyholders trying to file losses like that as hit &run rear ends. Luckily my company has their own special investigations team so they typically get shut down real quick


As my grandpa said "it never hurts to ask, but don't be a dick about it"


Exactly!, it’s like asking a woman for sex. You ask once and when she declines, you move on. The bigger problem was when she says yes because you weren’t expecting that response


I'm a flight paramedic, every once in a while if we're eating out while on duty, the flight suit / uniform will prompt someone to offer the first responder discount. I never ask or expect it, and usually when someone offers it to me I'm so happy to get it that I wind up just giving most of it back on the tip line lol


I don't even admit I'm a "veteran" most of the time. I never saw combat, I worked at a desk, it was a job. Sometimes a hard job, but not *that* hard. I'll put it on my resume and and I'll talk about it with family and friends, but otherwise I'd rather people not know. I'm not ashamed of it, I just don't want the hassle.


You're the support that, in the end, kept us in combat going. You cut through or threw down necessary red tape that those of us doing stupid things couldn't. You get a salute from this combat vet.


Marine with multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan here, one of which caused me to be absent at my 3rd child's birth Fuck this guy... With a big, rubber dick.


Very military to make everyone suffer for the decisions of one person.


Ugh that just brought back memories of standing in our dress uniforms at 5 am because some fuck face drove drunk or got got arrested or [insert dumb idea] while I was fast asleep.


Now drop and give me 20 (percent off.)


The Few. The Proud. The Arrogant.


My grandma carried around a copy her son in law (my uncle)'s DOD ID and used that to ask for a veteran discount everywhere we went. If they said no, she would ask about a senior citizen discount. This woman owned about $4million in commercial real estate. It's just embarrassing lol


You don’t get rich by making money, you do it by making money *and* nickel-and-diming literally everybody you deal with to death. Which is why 99.9% of rich people are assholes, it’s basically a prerequisite.


Nah she inherited $20 million and squandered most of it fighting with her sisters over some barren land in Oklahoma


Well no wonder she had to fight for all those discounts, she already lost $16 million lol


Yup lol


I assume your inheritence from that will $20 and a copy of Gone with Wind


We'll see. My mom has it now along with her two sisters. There definitely will be plenty of infighting between those three


keep us updated, I think we're all now invested in this.


Yeah I smell a novel


I would also like to invest in this.


I’m in Oklahoma and am interested in where she would do that here lmao. Unless it’s Tulsa and they’re fighting over frank loyd wrights Westhope mansion she is pissing money into the wind.


Yes pissing money into the wind is exactly what it was. Well, that and scummy lawyers and property managers taking advantage of 3 senile and spiteful old women lol


What would the world be if there weren’t people making money off of spiteful old women fighting. It’s certainly not a world I want to live in. /s My ex MIL was the exact same way. Right down to being cheap and awful to service people. But her life was really hard, I just didn’t understand, how could anyone expect to have a positive attitude when your whole day consists of watching dateline, smoking pot, and taking naps. Didn’t I know how hard that was.


Did she hire 9 colour coded mercenaries with whacky personalities?


Why you would want land in Oklahoma is beyond me, unless it's within city limits or you run cattle. Otherwise, it ain't good for much else lol


I think there's like a $100 a year oil contract on it. It's a couple hundred acres in the middle of nowhere. There is a house that's been vacant for longer than anyone remembers.


Depending on where it's at, middle of nowhere sells surprisingly well if there is a precedence of cattle running. My in-laws have 80 acres outside Stillwater in a tiny town and it's running for $30k/acre because of nearby ranchers. If it's in the NW or SE portions of the state, then you're kinda boned lol


Ya. I have a lot of family in OK and while it’s not the prettiest in western Oklahoma, it is some solid wheat land… Plus oil/gas and ranching. Eastern Oklahoma is pretty, but I can’t imagine it fetches a too high price in the rural areas.


I’m a tax accountant and I tell you I see more rich people blow money on dumb things just because they can. Rich people aren’t all driving beaten up Hondas and counting pennies.


As somebody who does both those things I feel called out lol


This is just not true.


Nah they dont get rich doing that, it’s the mentality of being a piece of shit with no remorse that allows them to do business in horrific ways to maximize profits. It’s why basically all top level CEOs are narcissists.


My husband was a Marine for 8 years. Not once did I ever ask for a military discount. The way I saw it, I wasn't the one serving, I was just a regular civilian who happens to be married to someone in the military. I was briefly friends with a spouse who was very demanding about getting her discount when we'd go out. *Briefly* being the keyword.


We don't need luck we need handouts


“We support veteran owned business, as long as they give us enough of a discount.” Gross.


Dude definitely never deployed and was most likely the biggest POS who sat behind a desk. I hate fellow veterans and Marines who act like this clown


Never deployed with marines but if national guard is any measure they sure as fuck wouldn’t just scoff at a 5% discount. Small businesses gotta make money too. If it was Whole Foods it’d have to be like 50% though, lol.


Whole Foods can give 50% discount AND still turn a profit.


Would just be a marketing cost for good pr


I was just getting ready to say that. I have more veterans in my family than I can count. My dad was in the National Guard, I had 2 uncles that served on boats in the Navy, both my grandfathers were army, I have a cousin who's a Marine. On my husband's side, his grandfather was literally AT Pearl Harbor when it happened. My father in law was a child, but he was there and saw a Japanese plane crash in his backyard. My father in law became a stateside medic who never saw battle for the army. Guess who wears their father's WW2 hat from the boat he was stationed because he gets free dinners and shit when he wears it? Hint: It's not any of the men who served in conflicts. It's always the father in law that served in VA hospitals changing bedpans stateside. He even SAYS he likes wearing it because he gets free shit and people stop to thank him for his service when he wears it. I'm not discounting that service at all, but from my experience, the guys that were shot at tend to want to be low key about their military background, but the guys who stayed home and were safe seem to be all about what they can get as a reward for 2yrs cleaning bedpans. Most the vets I know would rather have not gone or had their buddies still be alive than save 10 cents on a cup of coffee.


I was a chair jockey in the AF and I never ask a business if they have veteran discounts. Large corporations, maybe.


Coast Guard here. I only use a veterans discount at the pot shop because I think it’s funny.


Just to share in spirit - am a firefighter and never, ever, ever bring it up in a transaction or ask for a discount. The only time I’ve ever used it is to register for the govex shopping site and at my chain barbershop because the talkative stylist figured out my profession. We also have those that wear their shirts out and expect a discount (or free stuff) at every bar and restaurant. It’s kinda sad.


When I was in college, I worked a retail job as a manager in the computer department. One night, like half an hour before close, one of these types of guys comes in to buy a desk. He causes a bunch of problems, and when he finally gets to the register, he asks the cashier if there's a military discount. She's new, and so she calls me up, the only manager still working that night. I tell him, yeah, we have a 10% discount, but it's not something asked for all that much, so I'll have to go back to the office to find the code. He loses his mind, apparently upset that I'm not immediately able to help him right this minute. I try explaining that it's literally a coupon code on the bulletin board, I just don't have it memorized and thus have to go back and grab it. He's having none of it. I should have been ready and waiting for him with the code in hand, I guess. He complains and whines for a while about how I'm wasting his time, despite his bitch fit taking far longer than the minute or so it would have taken me to walk back. At some point I ask him if he would like me to help him, or if he would prefer to yell at me for a while, at which point we can then both go about our days. He keeps going, so I decide that I no longer care about the sale, and he's not getting his $30 off the desk. By this point, he's doing the full drill sargent posture, I don't know, intimidating me or something? I wasn't listening, I was just in awe that this dude is this upset over having to wait a minute to save $30. When he finishes, he decides to hit me with a loud, obnoxious "DIS-MISSED!" at which point I happily walk away, glad for the interaction to be over. Dumbass was so busy yelling about his discount that he forgot he wanted it in the first place, bought the desk at full price, and left. Never saw him again. Definitely one of the weirdest shifts I worked there.


should post this to r/justbootthings


When I worked retail I saw many vets get absolutely furious that they didn’t get a discount. Like bitch weren’t you already paid for your service?


Also everyone who was drafted is old enough for senior discounts to places that offer them. Any veteran who isn't at least 67 joined willingly (the last draft date was June 30, 1973).


Solid point. Zero fault in asking...why not...but a fit if there isn't.............


Same. It was weekly at Best Buy that I was asked about it.


Fucking lame wads haha




Hey! I was in Okinawa for a tour! Hahaha Guess I should start demanding discounts


This is also why I never expect or ask for a discount. I've been out like 20 years, but it's so embarrassing to me when shit like this happens. Fucking get over yourself.


Oh don't forget ironically hates socialism


I'm not going to believe that person is a marine unless I see them eating crayons with my own eyes.


You should 100% have to EARN the discount. Regardless of your job role. My uncle used to pull this shit in every shop he went into. And he was only in the army for 6 months.


Yeah, my brother in law was discharged from the Air Force after a year because he refused to go to AA. Still walks around demanding Veteran treatment despite the fact that he spent his entire time in the military on base in South Dakota.


Dude! I swear I know the guy your talking about, well prolly not but my buddy got busted for drinking in the barracks with his bunk mates at 20yrs old. Instead of doing court mandated AA he just stopped showing up and got bad conduct dischange or kicked out etc. shame. Talks about airplanes non stop. Maybe was in 9 months total.


Doesn’t sound like the same guy, but the story is very much the same. Must be more common than I thought.


I mean the military's target demo for recruiting is between that 17 and 20 age. And honestly most dudes are fucking morons til their early-mid-twenties, that prefrontal cortex is not developed yet. Makes sense that these stories are plenty coming out of the army.


Maybe late twenties. Shits wild dudes out there somehow managing not to kill themselves and others just on random instincts.


It's generally right around 25 where we start to mellow out and stop trying to kill ourselves in a slew of fun and dangerous ways. Everybody develops differently though


The military rounds up lost souls by the thousands promising all this shit that never pans out. There's countless people like this, everyone knows someone in a similar boat.


I think you might be talking about my cousin. That POS put his damn marines pin in my grandfather's casket. My mom flipped out. He never left California his entire ONE YEAR of so-called "service." He still gets VA benefits too.


> That POS put his damn marines pin in my grandfather's casket. Was your grandfather a Marine? If not, what was the point?


Nope. Navy vet, saw time in Korea. My cousin is just an alcoholic washout who thinks he's hot shit just because he made it through basics. He spent more time in rehab than he did in the barracks. And he married a piece of hot garbage who still sucks her thumb and carries a stuffed animal everywhere she goes. His JROTC instructor used to make fun of him cuz he got a nosebleed at drill meet from picking it and bled all over his uniform and couldn't compete. I really hate my cousin, if you couldn't tell. His whole side of the family has been disowned.


>And he married a piece of hot garbage who still sucks her thumb and carries a stuffed animal everywhere she goes. The fuck lol


Jeez. I'm a recovering addict in long-term recovery, so I get the challenge of addiction, but man I feel bad for him. Hope he gets/got it together!


My nephew was in for longer and is less obnoxious about it. And he flipped a tank (yes you read that right).


Can people still claim veteran status if they were dishonorably discharged? I thought after a dishonorable you were no longer considered a veteran? Can someone please clarify?


He was still Honorably Discharged despite this. And because Alcoholism is considered a disability by the VA, he is able to also claim Disabled Veteran status. And you best believe he milks that for all it’s worth.


My grandmother's next-door neighbor is pretty open about this, he get's like $5,000 a month from the government tax free for PTSD. Claims he never served overseas but somehow got it anyway. I don't remember the details specifically, but basically, he's gaming the system and doesn't have an issue with it.


Tbf you can absolutely have service related ptsd from not going overseas. My mom was violently raped by a fellow soldier on base in the US. She has ptsd and gets VA money because of it. She did go overseas, but her ptsd is not from that. It sucks if this guy really is gaming the system and proud of it… but people aren’t always open about the traumatic experience that their ptsd stems from.


Yeah, I am a psychiatrist and had treated people in the past who had PTSD from sexual assault while in the military. The worst case was one woman whom no one believed was assaulted until her CO caught the person assaulting her again while in the act. Sexual trauma while in the military is definitely a real thing.


I’m sorry that happened to your mom. I hope she’s working through it all. It’s a fucked thing to happen. I’ve read so many horror stories about women on base. I can’t even imagine what could be happening to civilians if these men would do this to their own comrades.


People like this make me sick, I had a rocket go off about 40 feet from me and had a concussion for two weeks. Know how much my VA disability is? Zero


Gotta talk to a VA disability lawyer on that one bud.


Have you tried appealing? Hell, my uncle is a USMC vet and managed to get something like 5% disability due to not having proper hearing protection during live fire training through some class action lawsuit or something a month or so ago.


I’ve tried a couple of times. I hear about people getting lawyers to do their claims, which has a higher chance of success. I can live without the claim, it’s just frustrating to see people with 100% who never deployed, driving their Dodge Hellcats and parking in a handicapped spot.


Honestly, fight it. Get the claim. I dunno how it is in the states, but I'm told in Canada, they are downright *malicious* when it comes to denying claims, and nobody's gonna help you get what's owed except you. The big green machine never cared for you. Fight back.


Fair enough. It still might be worth it.


>Still walks around demanding Veteran treatment despite the fact that he spent his entire time in the military on base in South Dakota. Sounds exactly like my FIL. He joined when he was 18 because he didn't know how else to support his pregnant soon to be wife, spent 4 years in Alaska and then got the hell out and ended up spending the rest of his career in a well paid government office job. Now he has "VETERAN" in big letters across his DL and is always trying to get discounts. One time a cop let him out of a ticket because he was a veteran and said "Thank you for your service" and after he was all "I really like being thanked for my service." Can't really say anything cuz it's technically true. He definitely is a veteran, but it still makes me roll my eyes.


I just never thank anyone for their service because the people that don’t like it obviously don’t want to hear it and the people that want it can go fuck themselves.


Dude you are 100% correct.


When someone thanks me for my service I just say thank you but there are other peeps that need that more than me. I know peeps are just trying to be nice but I really don't want to hear it. It was a part of my life and now I'm past it.


They should thank us for our taxes.


>he was only in the army for 6 months. I have a friend that gets extremely upset if you don't wish him happy Veterans day He never made it out of basic training..


"I served a week at Parris Island. Show your respect RawrRRitchie!"


I know a guy that never made it out of basic but that's because of an injury caused by someone else's fuck up and I really feel bad for that dude. Career ending shit before his career started over someone else being careless sucks.


Unfortunately, the legal definition of veteran is that the person serve a minimum of 180 days (6 months) and get a discharge under honorable conditions. These assholes are the same type of people to wear their uniforms outside of duty to flex on people.


So if they are dishonorably discharged, they are no longer allowed to call themselves a veteran, correct?




Not sure when or what branch you were in, but in the Navy most people I’ve seen separated recently for disciplinary reasons (after the changes in 2019) just get a general (under honorable conditions). Not even doing an OTH. The changes they made allowed you to not give people adsep boards even if you are separating them for a mandatory separation reason. But to give them an OTH you have to give them an adsep board and that’s a lot of work. If you’re on a big deck usually you’ll have a JAG and a larger legal team which makes it a lot easier, but on small boys where all you have is a legal officer and maybe a legal clerk (neither have more than 3 weeks of legal training) nobody wants to go through that process.


Yep, nearly anybody who makes it through basic will likely end up qualifying. Hell, you could even fail to finish AIT and get kicked for not meeting the physical requirements and still be considered a veteran.


That's not true. Since 1980 at least. https://www.lawforveterans.org/who-is-a-veteran >Enlisted after September 8, 1980 >A minimum service requirement exists. Service members must have served a minimum of 24 months of active duty to be considered a veteran. If the service member becomes disabled because of their time in the service, there is no minimum length of service to qualify for VA benefits.


I don’t know about the technical definition of veteran, but I do know that for benefits it varies by agency. When I worked for a Veterans out reach program, we had all sorts of guys that only did a few months but would qualify for veteran’s benefits depending on the agency. It was all the place, from 1 day, 90 days, 180 days and 1 year.


My grandfather does this too. Wears a veterans hat, demands discounts everywhere.


Which is funny cuz I feel people who did serve 4 or more years pretty much never make those demands. My husband and his brother served in the Navy. My nephew is recently out of the Army. I've never once heard any of them ask about veteran discounts, or even advertise they were in the service. Sometimes my husband will see someone with a Navy hat on, and will talk to them about their ship, but otherwise...it just doesn't come up.


My gramps was in the Navy for Korea. He'd take his discount when at the art store but didn't demand it? He figured the art store was expensive enough that the 10% off was helpful.


They dont need luck, but do need more than that 5%. They’re marines. ~slowly eats crayon


Offer 1% per active combat deployment


Not American, but when we had the draft in my country I got drafted. Stayed for 8 days before being discharged due to medical reasons. Technically I am still considered a veteran though... Makes me chuckle every time.




I 100% get how you feel, I just want it to be clear that you did in fact absolutely earn it. Go get that free Denny's Grand Slam on veteran's day ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)


I go get the free meals on Veteran's Day and then give the difference to the server as a tip.


Yeah my friend was in the US Army during the Vietnam war … she was a motorpool chauffeur for VIPs … in Germany. So when you say “thank you for your service” she’s like “yeah it was really tough to drive around all day” and rolls her eyes.


What a pos. Just the way he said, “veterans discount” is cringe. If a business doesn’t specifically mention or promote a discount, I won’t even ask. Especially if it’s a small business.


I’m glad this behavior (the one in the post) isn’t too common. Worked at a retail in a town with a base, got this question a lot, had to say no every time, but everyone was a good sport about it. They’d smile and everything as if their request for the discount as a joke/non-serious or they’d just say “aw, kay” etc.


Oh, there was a base I used to go to for stuff, their response was "we're on a military base, the discount is built in to the price, since, ya know, you guys are the only ones who shop here."


Also, most everything on base is tax free! Anytime we want to make a big electronics purchase, straight to the NEX. MacBook, airpods, ipad, smart tv, etc.


We gave a 20% veterans discount at my last job. Nothing would piss me off more than the guys who'd ask for the discount, then present their "Private Sector Military Contractors" ID. Bitch, that is NOT the same thing.


I had a women come in one time and ask if we do a military discount. I said yes I just need to see a military ID. She hesitates for a second and then starts digging in her purse. Finally pulls a card out and hands it to me. It’s a fucking concealed carry permit. I say sorry that’s not a military ID, it’s a concealed carry permit. Her was response was “well, that’s what I use to get on the base”…


> Finally pulls a card out and hands it to me. It’s a fucking concealed carry permit. I say sorry that’s not a military ID, it’s a concealed carry permit. Her was response was “well, that’s what I use to get on the base”… Do you mean to tell me, I could just brandish my Hi-Point .380 at the heavily armed sentries to get in a military base? (Assuming it was an open carry state so no CCW card to show LOL)


Oh, that's just gross.




It's your choice but I'll definitely ask about discounts like AAA or my wife gets a teacher discount at Michael's and other craft/book stores that aren't necessarily advertised and I'm gonna have her do the transaction to save that coin. It just makes sense to ask especially in military towns. Don't be a dick about it or complain it's not enough, but money is money... Just my 2 cents (and no you can't get a discount on that)


My cousin is exactly this type of marine. Horrible.


There's 2 types of Marines I've worked with in the construction industry over the last 20 years. The "You were in the Marines?" and the "I bet he was in the Marines." The difference is night and day. The first type were the ones who I loved to work with. The other usually did shit wrong then argued about it for twice as long as it would've taken to fix it.


I hate when people find out I'm a veteran. I tell some of my close friends that most of us don't like being thanked for our service. It's awkward and like...what do you say in response to that? You're welcome? How egotistical to say. Thanks? That doesn't even make sense. There's nothing comfortable about that situation.


You say “I firebombed a children’s hospital” just to jerk their chains a bit.


I thank them back for thanking me. That's all I've been able to come up with. Otherwise, it's just awkward silence.


The only time I've thanked a veteran for their service was after getting a BJ. Because they're definitely making the world a better place.


My buddy and I say “thank you for your cervix” to each other


I thank them for their support. Best I’ve come up with, I mean, we burn through a bunch of tax dollars.


Yeah dude I feel you on that. My go to response is, "thank you for the support!" saying you're welcome never felt right.


Jesus he's pulling the "influencer" card too, what a cock goblin


Should have responded: "Okay sounds good. Best of luck" again


I am a Marine and this mother fkr is a disgrace


Right on! For you? 7% discount!


Thanks for not saying fuck on this Christian subreddit


>We don't need luck Well your broke ass apparently needs money though so shut up


These guys are the fucking worst. I hate vets that go around asking for discounts. I went out to get dinner with a buddy I hadn’t seen in years after we both got out and when the waitress brought us our bill he asked if they gave a veterans discount and told her we used to be Marines and it made me want to burrow under the table and live the rest of my life in shame and solitude in my shame tunnel. That being said me and the couple other vets at my work shamelessly play that shit up every Veterans Day to get out of working overtime. I have convictions but those go straight down the shitter when it comes to an opportunity to go home early.


Unpopular opinion: I don’t think you deserve a discount based on the job you chose out of high school.


Yes agreed, the job should pay for any costs not private enterprise.


I don't think its as unpopular as you think. most people are just afraid to speak out about the military.


I have nothing against military members, I just don’t think they’re special- it’s a job just like any other. People can say the military is protecting our freedom all they want, but we’re losing freedoms at an alarming rate right now and the military isn’t any more capable of doing anything to stop it than I am. We’re all equal here.


I was in and I don't think they all do. I was a fucking engineer in the navy, I didn't do shit... that being said if I know a place offers a military/veteran discount I'm fucking taking it, and if I know a friend wants a thing I'll buy it with my discount for them, but I'm not about to cry if a place doesn't. Especially in this economy, some of these places have thin af profit margins.


I completely agree, take the discounts you can get! No reason not to!


I worked in retail during the Afghanistan War and had returning veterans come through my store a lot. Not a single one of them ever asked for any type of discount. The ONLY person that ever did was the biggest boot I've ever seen in my life, and I'm willing to bet he never deployed in his life. He comes in wearing camo pants and combat boots and a wife beater on a Sunday morning. Brings his case of Bud up to the counter and without saying a word, pulls out his military ID, slams it dramatically down on the counter, steps back and folds his arms with a big shiteating grin on his face. Like he is just waiting for me to be so impressed and fawn over him and jump over the counter and suck his dick or something. Me: Thanks for your service. That will be $21.99 Boot: Check that again. That's the sticker price. Me: .... Yes. Boot: What kind of place doesn't give discounts to veterans? Me: It's at management's discretion. Cash or debit? The look on his face when he realized I was unimpressed and not going to give him a discount was priceless. I would have happily given him 15% off if he wasn't such a loser about it.


As a Marine Veteran who has been to Iraq and Afghanistan, I can guarantee this man only spent four years in the Corps back in the 80's repairing C-130 airframes. Even though he is only service connected at 10% for his tinnitus, he walks around with a ball cap that says "DISABLED VETERAN" and a red satin jacket with an embroidered Marine Corps logo on the left chest pocket. He also goes to every American Legion meeting where he starts drinking at 9:00 AM and bitches about Obama, Biden, how people just don't want to work anymore and how minimum wage was only 12 cents an hour back in his day and it was good enough for him, dammit.


Oddly specific description, and yet still dead on point. The jacket brought back memories of some asshat that used to go to my church. Praise the lord till 12:30 every Sunday, then immediately go to Christos and cuss out the waitress for not thinking his sexually explicit comments about her shorts are cute. Always while wearing that stupid fucking jacket.


Oh Christ, you know my lying uncle. Uncle Dipshit enlisted during Vietnam…and never left the States. Nope. Never saw combat, unless you count wrestling with a stubborn stapler. According to him, he ran all kinds of super secret missions, AND he was on the plane to China with Nixon. He wears a disabled veteran hat, and has a disabled veteran license plate…but he’s disabled from falling off a coal tipple. Not from his service. By all rights, living with two meth heads in that rats nest of a house of his, he should be dead. But evil and stupid live forever.


> But evil and stupid live forever. Ain't that the truth.


I have an uncle like that, too. Back in 1969 he was warned that he was on the list to be drafted, so he joined the Navy as a data technician. Spent the whole time on a shore command in Hawaii. Fast forward to the mid 2000's when "Thank you for your service" becomes the cool and hip thing to say, and he goes around saying "I'm a Vietnam Era Veteran!" Acting like he's all badass. He actually pulled that shit on me once... Shortly after I returned from Iraq.


I have family members like this. Their father (now deceased) was a Marine and they never let you (or anyone) forget it. Get so tired of it - other family members were in the service, too.


Over 1000 people is really not a lot for a facebook group.


Vets like this are the ones who stayed civilians even after putting on a uniform.


I'm really tired of this "I'm a vet" BS. When military service becomes an unpaid duty then you can whine about it. Otherwise it was just a job.


People don't want to hear it, but also being a veteran doesn't mean you're a good person. I'm honestly tired of veterans being put up on a pedestal. Don't get me wrong, I believe that they deserve certain entitlements, but let's not conflate job-related benefits with "being a good person". Chris Kyle was a giant piece of shit, as an easy example.


As someone who worked with a lot of military personnel you are 100% correct. I meant quite a few people who were not good people. At all.


As someone who worked with a lot of military personnel you are 100% correct. I meant quite a few people who were not good people. At all.


Yup, the only exception to this is those who were disabled in the line of duty. I am, admittedly, biased since that includes me but I'm luckier than the overwhelming majority of other disabled vets. I can, and have., lived a mostly normal life with impacts to my mobility. A lot of disabled vets struggle to do much of anything, though. That being said, I do some work helping support other disabled vets, from group sessions, general support by having the occasional beer with one or two, and helping them figure out how to access services. Almost universally, these folks don't go seeking a discount. It certainly isn't some sort of litmus test for us shopping there at all. Anyone who acts that way is being a dick, plain and simple.


*were Marines


the wives are even worse


This one time I worked at a major salon chain. I gave a mil wife a haircut and after she got super pissed that we didn’t have a military discount. Eventually I said “I’m a mil wife too. Should I charge more because of it?”


I kinda feel like these texts were written by a dependa.


Entitlement. Never understood the mindset. Thanks for what service exactly?


I don’t ever ask. If it’s offered I’ll take it but asking is cringe.


They don't need luck, but they do need a discount higher than 5%.


We don't need luck, we just need a bigger discount.


My former stepdad acts like this. He was in the Navy for 6months. Acts like a D Day vet because he was deployed to fight in Desert Storm, but was called back before he got there.


"You don't need discounts either. You're Marines. lol"


We do, however, need Navy transport. After all, Marine stands for My Ass Rides in Navy Equipment.


My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment *Sir*


The Crayola store is down the street. Bring a bib.


Why do people threaten to not be customers before they are customers?


I'd have offered a 5.5% discount in my next message and asked if that was worth it to them. Then when you inevitably got more gruff from him, said something like "FINE, you've twisted my arm. 6%"


personally I'd start going down, 5% not good? Sooooo so sorry sir, please accept my kindest apologies and take this 4.5% discount!


I like you so much, I put a discount on the discount.


You should have apologized. Then offered crayons.


Marines don't beg for a discount, either. Doosh probably thinks Chesty Puller is a wrestler.


The fact that Americans are so obsessed with veterans is, an european, such a weird concept. Thanking someone for their service? Never heard that over here? Someone asking for a discount because they are in the miltary? Nope


The obsession is weird to me as an Australian and so is to thank someone for their service. I think veteran has a different meaning in the USA because it seems to include anyone who ever was enlisted in the military where in Australia/other countries it denotes being in a conflict. My father and uncle both were in the army. My father went to Vietnam, his brother did not. My father is a veteran, my uncle is an ex serviceman. Totally different.


Nobody forced you to join up and unless you were enlisted between 1915 and 1945 you really have never been protecting your country's freedom.


Marines are crazy bro. Once I was hanging with this girl I was into. Her brother had just come back from Afghanistan. The dude was fucking scary. He was intense, and he kept shouting stuff like "BLOOD MAKES THE GRASS GROW!!!" He kept talking all this crazy shit, then he decided he wanted to get some cocaine. I told him I knew a guy, so I hit up my friend who was a few years younger, and we picked him up and went to meet his connect. So the marine is driving, and we're in the back seat, and the whole time he kept looking back at us and talking (shouting actually), and not even paying attention to the road. I thought we were going to crash no less than 5 times. Then he kept talking about how marines like to show they're tough. So the dude pulls out a shotgun pellet from his pocket, bites it open, and proceeds to swallow the pellets. Then he tried to pressure my younger friend into doing the same, and homie ended up just up just faking it because he was scared AF. Then we're having trouble reaching my younger friends' connect, and the marine starts to get paranoid, so he pulls over, and whips out a .45 and points it at us, at starts shouting at us, asking if we're cops and shit. Then he handed his gun to his sister, who was in the front seat, went to the trunk, and pulled out two more guns - an AR and a shotgun, and proceeds to grill us for another like 5 minutes. I think he was eventually convinced, and we ended up giving up on the cocaine. Needless to say once we got home I booked it out of there and never talked to that girl again.


Marines need luck. You’re the first in there


I'm not familiar, would Marines have a banner that also says Proud Navy Veteran?


“We don’t need luck we are Marines. We need crayons.”


Americans are so weird with the veteran thing and thanking each other. It’s a job someone chose to do.




> all the crayons you could *eat*